• Published 5th Jan 2012
  • 2,630 Views, 29 Comments

Ditzy Doo the Superhero - Snapple Jack

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Chapter 4: A Friend or Foe?

"That should have been me... That should have been me!" Rainbow Dash screamed outloud, knocking over a table at the thought of last night.

"I should have been the one to save them! Not that joke of a hero! I'm the hero! Me!"

"Oh um... Rainbow Dash... if I could um... just say something... I um..."

"I'm the one who saved a baby from falling down a hill!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed smashing her hoof on a Fluttershy's favorite coffee table.

"I umm... I know your mad and everything but maybe if we-"

"Quite for a second Fluttershy! I'm thinking." Rainbow shouted drawing plans on a dry erase board.

"Where did you get that board anyw-"

"I got it!" Rainbow Dash shouted from the air with a light bulb over her head.

"If I can't be a superhero... I'll be a supervillan!"

"But maybe if we-"

"And you can be my side kick!" Rainbow Dash said to the shaking pegasus, hiding under her couch from all the yelling.

"S-s-s-s- sidekick? That sounds-"

"Awesome? Radical? Super extreme awesome amazing?!"

"Scary... like... dragon scary." Fluttershy said, jumping up from fear at the word 'dragon'.

"Oh for Pete sake Fluttershy! Don't be such a scaredy pony!" Rainbow Dash said, snatching up the frightened pony from her couch chamber.

"But... but..." Fluttershy tried to speak up but it was too late. Rainbow Dash had already flown out the door with her in hoof.

Fluttershy squealed in fear, having no idea where the hay they were going. The blue pegasus looked from side to side as she and her frightened friend flew past ponies, trying to find what everit was she was trying to find.





"Extra ink."


"Extra extra ink."

"Uh... check."

"Perfect! We have everything we need to write a letter to Princess Celestia!" Twilight Sparkle shouted with joy to her assitenet, Spike.

"Ready to write?"

"Ready!" Spike said determinded.

"Dear Princess Celes-"

"Look out!" A blur of blue and yellow shouted heading toward Twilight's opended window.


The bookself filled with books and important doucments fell to the floor all at once. Twilight poped her head out of the pile with a book on her head.

"Ugggh... Huh? Rainbow Dash! Look what you did! I just arranged those books from oldest to newest! Now I have to do it all over again!" Twilight shouted with fire in her eyes.

The dazed pegasus poped her head from the pile of books.

"It's not my fault! You should keep these things in a box or something so they won't fall out!" Rainbow shouted pushing the books off her body.

Fluttershy didn't want to be part of the arugment, so she just kept quiet under the cluster of books.

Spike was already out of the pile, trying to put the books back up to where the belonged.

"Well... it doesn't matter. So, what are you doing here anyway?" Twilight asked using her magic to pull her struggling pegasus friend out of the cluster of books.

"I need super powers!"

Twilight was surprised at what her friend just asked. Why on earth would she need something as silly as super powers?

"Rainbow, I can't give you super powers. In fact, why would you even need them?" Twilight asked, trying to constrate on reselfing the fallen books.

"I need to out shine the Derp!"

"The who?" Twilight asked in confusion

"The Derp! Didn't you see her last night?" Rainbow asked, not helping Twilight clean up the mess.

"No. I was asleep."

"You were asleep at 6:30? That's a little early even for you."

"I know, but Pinkie Pie came over and offered me a cupcake. I ate it and everything else kinda went black."

Rainbow looked confused at Twilight.

"Anyway, I can't give you any powers. It's not possible. Super powers aren't real." Twilight told her friend, still reselfing the books.

"C'mooooooooooooooooooooon!" Rainbow Dash whined as if she were Rarity.

"Sorry. It just can't be done. Besides, your already the fastest and strongest pony I know." Twilight told her friend still using her magic to pick up the books.

"Yeah... I am... I am! Come on Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said heading out the door. The rainbow pegasus waited.

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow waited for a reply.

Fluttershy didn't answer. Rainbow Dash dove back into the book pile to find Fluttershy. Rainbow grabbed the yellow pegasus from her book fortress she had made. Fluttershy didn't even notice. She was too caught up in this book titled, 100 Different Ways to Control Your Friends. Rainbow saw the book and gave her friend a stern stare. Fluttershy looked up from her book and squealed in fear at Rainbow's mad face. She dropped the book and blushed. Rainbow rolled her eyes back in her head and flew out the door with Fluttershy on her back.

The door slammed which made Twilight lose her foucus. Her lavender colored magic instanlty died down, causing the books to once again, fall down all at once.

Twilight grunted before angrily picking up the books once again and placing them back where the belonged.

"So Twilight, is it really impossible to use your magic to give somepony powers?" Spike asked, helping Twilight with the books.

"Of course not Spike. I just said that because I know Rainbow Dash would abuse them if I actually gave her super powers. Although... having powers does sound like... fun..."

"No. Twilight, your joking!"

"I am kidding Spike! You didn't think I would actually give myself powers did you?" Twilight asked jokingly as she rubbed Spike's head.

"Heh heh no. I guess not. Hey Twi, is it ok if I go by Rarity's for a bit?"

"Sure Spike. Have fun!" Twilight waved as Spike ran out the door with hearts for eyes.

She watched her dragon friend run straight to Carousel Boutique to make sure the coast was clear. She then closed the blinds, locked the door, and ran toward her beloved bookself to make sure her spellbook had a spell for super powers.

AUTHOR'S NOTE I know this chapter was way too short! But I'll make it up to you guys. I promise. Sorry again

Comments ( 2 )

its all cool, im just glad your back :D

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