• Published 13th Sep 2011
  • 7,860 Views, 256 Comments

Cantering Death - Scriber

A mysterious virus breaks out in Equestria. Chaos ensues. Also, zombies.

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CD Concept: Guns

Concept: what if the ponies in Cantering Death were given firearms?

Derpy cradled the double-barrel hunting shotgun in her forelegs, deftly discarding the spent shells with a flick of her hoof and chambering two fresh slugs with her mouth. Clacking the shotgun into form, she took aim.

“Invade MY town, you sons of bitches?!” she roared, her pale gray wings flaring out in anger. Her tongue lay taut on the trigger as she took aim.

She pulled.

The roar of the shotgun resonated off of the alleyway's tight walls, temporarily deafening the cacophony that had erupted in Ponyville's market. The infected stopped in its tracks, three quarters of its face missing. Blood spurted from gore-encrusted holes, a pale black ichor dribbling down the pegasus' side, drenching its coat. It finally fell to the ground with a dull thud.

Beside her, a orange-maned earth pony held a large handgun in her mouth.

“So what are we supposed to do now, Carrot Top?” Derpy asked, jerking her head to the side as she dodged the flying forehoof of yet another infected. The gray pegasus mare cradled the shotgun, moving the end of the barrel under the jaw of the former Ponyvillian. She fired, and the unicorn's head was gone.

Carrot Top spat out the gun, carefully balancing it in her forelegs. “We have to keep Dinky safe! Who knows how long the barrier will hold?”

Derpy cursed under her breath, reloading the shotgun. “You're right. We need to get back to the house, regroup, and figure out a new strategy. I'll take point.”

“Got it,” Carrot Top affirmed. The two mares moved briskly through the back alleys of Ponyville, dodging the various detritus and the like that littered the path. Eventually, they found themselves in the back yard of their house. The lights were off, and the windows were still shut.

“Do you still have the key?” Carrot Top whispered, glancing around nervously. Derpy simply nodded, wordlessly approaching the locked back door. She dug into her saddlebag for only a moment before producing a brass key, which she then worked into the lock. With a turn and a click, they were in.

The house was quiet. Dinky was nowhere in sight.

“Do you think she's still upstairs?” Derpy wondered aloud.

“Only one way to find out,” Carrot Top answered grimly. The two silently stalked through the house, making absolutely certain not to alert any passing infected of their presence. They crept up the staircase, where Dinky should still be hiding under the bed in the master bedroom.

Derpy knocked softly on the door. “Dinky? It's mommy and Carrot Top. Can you open up for us, sweetheart?” There was silence for a moment, then the soft sound of hooves stepping against padded carpet. The door clicked, then silently swung inward. Dinky, still not entirely aware of what was really going in, had been doodling in the odd colouring book or seven. Crude drawings adorned the floor near and under the mattress, a testament to three hours' boredom and an overactive imagination.

Downstairs, something roared.

Author's note: just a little something to let you all know that I'm not dead. More Cantering Death on the way!