• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 1,172 Views, 31 Comments

Gestalt - The Writer's Group

The Writer's Group Collaboration

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darkironpony was given only the sixth chapter and was asked to write this seventh chapter.

Just then a menacing growl erupted from all around them. The Pink Avenger and her companion were promptly surrounded by viscous timberwolves.

"I guess telling Princess Luna about the problem will have to wait," the Pink Avenger said slightly annoyed.

"But if we don't tell them soon all of Ponyville will be in chaos!" Applejack yelled.

As Applejack yelled her companion took inventory of the enemy's numbers. Six against two. I don't like these odds, she realized.

"Exactly but we can't do that if we allow ourselves to be devoured by these beasts," the Pink Avenger said readying herself with her blade to face the timberwolves.

"Okay," Applejack replied nervously.

"Get ready because here they come!" the Pink Avenger said as two timberwolves advanced menacingly. One came from the front and the other the back.

The Pink Avenger caught the eyes of the creatures.

Their eyes gleamed with an intense love. Love to hunt. Love to stalk ones prey. Yes these creatures throughly enjoyed being the predator. They act just like all the politicians I've dealt with in the past. That means this should be easy the Pink Avenger thought.

"Applejack. It seems like they won't let us do this the easy way. So get my back and I will get yours," she ordered authoritatively. She felt herself smile at that. Sometimes I forget how much I liked the freedom to order ponies to do stuff they could do immediately. Maybe that is why I decided to become the mayor. It has been so long I can't even recall, she thought.

As Ishe thought this a wolf launched itself at her left side. She froze. Darn. My hesitance. I should have been able to.

Her thinking was interrupted as she saw Applejack buck the beast back.

"I got ya back Pink Avenger," she said smirking. "And now we're even."

"I can live with that,"the pink avenger replied with a grin of her own. Amazing! Even with the massive blood loss she can fight. The apple family members' strength never seizes to amaze me, she thought.

The other wolf pounced towards Applejack. The Pink Avenger ducked underneath the monster. Her blade tore into the bark of the enemy. With a grunt of effort she launched the timberwolf up a few feet.

"Applejack he is all yours," the pink avenger said rolling away before the monster could land.

Applejack's face turned to one of resolve as she unleashed a vicious buck to the timberwolve's jaw. It landed hard against a tree.

"Well that takes care of one. And one was injured," she thought aloud. "Applejack our next course of action is to attack that injured timberwolf."

"Ya sure 'bout that?" she asked unsure of my plan.

"If we do we can convince them they are the prey. If we do that we can get to Ponyville quicker," the pink avenger explained. "And the quicker we can get the girls. Well except Fluttershy. Ya sure you haven't seen her?" she inquired.

"I'm sorry Applejack your friend is gone. That 'thing' got her. I am sorry I couldn't save her. Listen if we don't move fast the rest of your friends will end up the same. As well as all the citizens of Ponyville and we can't let that happen!"the pink avenger yelled.

Applejack could only stare at her in shock. That probably was the incorrect way of telling her. Darn it. The time I have spent being the Pink Avenger has erased all the tact I gained in politics. I forgot how being the mayor helped me, the Pink Avenger mentally scolded herself.

In desperation the Pink Avenger spun myself around the five remaining conscious wolves. She made sure as she went around all the wolves saw her eyes."You aren't going to hurt anypony! You hear me!? I killed that beast and I can do the same to you!"

The largest wolf howled at that. The others backed away. Their eyes however refused to go anywhere. "What did ya do?" Applejack asked me.

"Well first I killed a beast that was terrorizing Ponyville. Next I challenged all the beasts in the Everfree Forest to try and take Ponyville. Then we were surrounded by timberwolves. And finally I convinced the leader of the pack to a fight," I said not quite believing it myself.

The pack leader angrily pounded at the ground.

"Fine ah can take this timberwolf like I took the others," Applejack said marching up to meet the pack leader. The leader barked at her angrily. Applejack gave me a look of skepticism,"What is he doing?"

"I issued the challenge. He must want to fight me," I said smugly.

"Well I outta," as she said that the other timberwolves were moving back up.

"Applejack. How about we give the pack leader what he wants. We don't want him angry," the costumed pony reasoned stepping up.

"Applejack hold this for me," I said hoofing her my blade.

"But shouldn't ya use it?" she asked.

"Probably but it may anger him. and like I said we don't want to make him angry," she reasoned. She began walking towards her foe.

The leader barked again and the pack returned to their previous positions farther away from them.

Her eyes and the leader's locked and they ran towards run another. She evaded a deadly bite turning towards his left side. The costumed hero bucked him once right on the left side of his face.

The leader howled in pain. Not wanting to lose momentum the pink hero jumped towards a nearby tree. She used her hooves to push away from the tree.

As she neared the leader she grabbed his head with her two front hooves. She flipped him and slammed him onto the ground.

The leader picked itself up and angrily lunged at her..

"Ahhhhh!" she yelled shocked.

The leader connected his teeth with her right hindleg. She could feel it tear through her skin. All she could do was shout in agony.

"Pink Avenger!" Applejack yelled worried.

"I can't die here," she muttered to myself. She looked towards Applejack and saw the other timberwolves were locked onto her fight. The pack had almost forgotten about Applejack. One still was staring at her.

The leader tore flesh from her hindleg. It then went for her other hindleg. With a burst of strength she jumped over the leader.

As she did that she once again grabbed its head. With a roar of pure anger and pain she twisted the leader's neck. With an enormous crunch that echoed throughout the entirety of the Everfree Forest the pack leader met his demise.

The pack in anger all rushed at her. "Applejack. Get to Ponyville! Save it and your friends! Find princess Luna and correct my mistake!" she begged as tears fell.

"Pink Avenger," Applejack said throwing something towards the timberwolves.

"Don't worry about me just go now!" the costumed mare yelled backing up to a tree. "I'll be fine. Save Ponyville! Go now!"

She nodded and took off running. "I would have really preferred a donkey immigration policy," Mayor Mare muttered to herself as she saw Ponyville's last chance for survival run towards it.

"Maybe I can die here," she mused to myself. She felt her sword near her. Applejack. Thank you, she thought grinning. "Then again I don't have to go alone."