• Member Since 21st Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday




Sometimes, we must choose carefully what we wish to become true, for our dreams may become horrors and our fears may be what we actually wished for the entire time. This is the story of how I learned that fact.

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Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

...wow...this was a hauntingly good descriptive piece, i have to say given the length and the complete status i assumed that this would be terrible, i merely came here for shits and giggles...but wow.....i liked it.

Beautiful story. very touching.
I dislike suicide too much to give it an upvote or favorite, sorry :unsuresweetie:

1573885 She's crashing involuntarily, but sure, whatever you like to do, I guess.

OH! I'm sorry! I thought she Jumped!
i guess i should have read closer :derpytongue2:

Sould have learned "feather fall" Twilight Sparkle. Or teleported before landing...
Damn gamer in me... finding ways to solve problems...

1576351 I know, I know. I'm one of those people who have an 85 mage, yet have literally never cast Slow Fall. Why should I do that when Blink is just as effective (90% of the times) and far more awesome to use?

Though, my theory is that momentum is actually preserved through teleportations. Midnight says it is, and she should know. In her terms, speedy thing goes into Flow, speedy thing comes out of Flow. Also, this is a buckety fic to boot. Don't expect logic here, just appealing to the dumb masses.

Yes. This story was not about solving problems - it was about dealing with the last moments of life before death.
Question: Who is Midnight?

1577066 Oh, you know, just the main character of a little fic I'm writing

I'll let you in on a secret, though. You can't tell anyone, though. Promise? Okay, you ready? Great.
This is set in the same universe cluster as SatN. You may have noticed Twilight occasionally refers to 'her' without ever naming who she actually is. That's because I really mean Midnight with that, but didn't want to spell it out since everyone loathes OCs even if they're better characterised than any official characters.

(You probably won't exactly find the answer in SatN due to me being lazy. So try some of my other works that are further ahead in the timeline, like Strength, Riding the Sine, or An unknown sensation. Caroline, why exactly don't I have a non-terrible work that focuses on TwiNight? Oh yeah, because I'm lazy and didn't continue SatN as much as I would've liked, I remember.)

I didn't know who she was. I got late to the party. SatN is Splitting aMid the Night.
Anyhow: "What time is it person?"

1577102 Which would usually imply that you read that fic to catch up to everything I do. You know, like, read it? Now?

Anyway, I'm not quite sure what you mean by that quote. This fic is set a bit after SatN currently ends, when they're already in a relationship, if you mean that.



The quote is from a time traveling game. I put “person” at the end of the sentence to make it more odd sounding. If the person is a time traveler, they will repeat it back word for word. I like throwing it out to see if anyone gets the obscure reference. The most interesting response was from the arthur of "End of Ponies". The answer back was: "criminal".


Oh, by the way, I just remembered that you might want to wait a second with reading SatN. I'm currently in the process of editing the beginning to make it slightly less horrible. That's a bit of work, but methinks it'll pay off in the end. First impression and such.

I wonder what the purpose of the poetic farewell is, given the apparent accidental nature of her death:raritydespair:

To solitude and unrest,
the night falls upon this cursedly white Earth.
Dream once more of that fate;
the illusion laden with joy,
this painfully dear light.

Excellen work, dear Author!:pinkiehappy:
How delicious.

4952531 Because... reasons!

4953205 I just felt like doing this.

Reasoning for most of my stories, there.

Then you seem to be rather skilled at making it seem like there's much more to a story than you actually meant for there to be:yay:

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