• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 919 Views, 6 Comments

Strobe - Ash_Kitsune

A self-insertion fic about what it means to find yourself, before it's too late.

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Raise Your Weapon

A Fanfic By Ash the Kitsune

A/N- You already know who all of this belongs too, original characters belong to me unless borrowed, blah blah blah.

I don't know why I'm even writing this anymore... I guess it's just the idea being in my head needing somewhere to go. Self Inserts and all of that. Writing is... cathartic, I suppose, so this is just getting all of those emotions out.

Goddess, I sound like a wimp right now... but I guess it need it.

So this also doubles as a thank you, to you, the audience, the members of the Herd and all of the great things ya'll do for me and everyone else. I dunno where I'd be without ya'lls support... not in the military, that's for sure.

Anyway, here we go. Sorry for the long Authoress Note, here's the story, enjoy.


Chapter One- Raise Your Weapon

There are, as it's been said, many moments that make up someones life.


“They're attacking from the rear! Take cover!”

“Shit, how the fuck did they Flank us?!”

“It's an Ambush!”

Moments make the person, as each moment defines who you are. It isn't the past that makes a person, it's the moments in that past. The actions that build up to the now...

“Open up! Don't let them press in on us!”

“We need to make a hole to get out of here!”

“We aren't gonna get out of here, not in one piece!”

“Fuck that! We're getting out of here, damn it, keep firing!”

And the now is that which defines us most. From the smallest of actions, such as the muscles tensing and the coiling of a finger to pull the trigger...




“We're being over-ru... oh SHIT! GRENADE!”

To the moments that define a life... and others. That moment is taking place, right now...

For most of the world, it was a normal Thursday, a normal, average 9-5 work day, or maybe another day at school. Another lecture, another day behind the desk. For the members of The III Marine Expeditionary Force's 5th Platoon, today was anything but a normal day.

When North Korea decided to go all out and launched it's singular nuclear weapon on a trajectory towards Japan, a little luck and the preparation that went into the national missile defense program was barely able to take down the missile and it's payload, a fifty-kilo nuclear warhead.

To many, it almost seemed like the end of the world as military bases around the globe went from Defcon Alpha to Delta in seconds, drilling and training either came to a complete halt or leap forwards as the world held it's collective breath, waiting in fear and awe as everything seemed to come to a grinding halt, as if the world decided to stop spinning.

World War III was the word quietly whispered from each lip, as global tensions reached an all time high, everyone and everything seemingly stretched to the breaking point as the worlds powers collected... and North Korea faded into itself, cutting off all communications.

A month passed with nothing happening, life had to continue on, but it was like everyone was walking on eggshells, watching the news nervously and carefully guarding their children's eyes and ears from the trouble.

Then, on the edge of it all... North Korea struck into South Korea, and the War begain.

It wasn't World War III... it was more like Vietnam, only without the lack of support at home. The UN moved to act and approved it, China condemned North Korea, and America struck onwards to defend it's allies and their nations.

The Marines of The III Marine Expeditionary Force had their marching orders two weeks before North Korea struck at South, and they were into the thick of it the moment Norko started going at it.

Force Recon. With emphasis on FORCE. That was their task, to be the very tip of the tip of the spear as it was driven fast, hard, and deep into the side of North Korea. The Fifth Platoon, Scout Sniper, the first Marines forward.

The mission was simple, in theory... move inwards quietly, set up a LZ, remove any traps around the area to set up a base of operations, and maintain guard while the Forwards Operation base was set up. Not usually their job, but at the moment, it was what they were needed for, and they had The First Platoon to back them up. It was going to be routine. Executed with precision, like any other mission.

Everything on paper is simple. Real life? Isn't.

The mission went to hell no more then thirty minutes in. No one was quite sure how, but the Nokon's had figured out what was going on and had a ambush set up, and set upon the prepared Marines.

Celer and Silens had failed them this day... but Mortalis would not be denied. Few things are quite as dangerous as a mildly surprised Force Recon Marine. Things such as Coral Snakes, Diamond Back Rattlers, A cornered wolf, a angry grizzly bear, and jumping off of a building comes to mind. And the FORECON Marines were dead set on reminding the North Korean's of that fact.

Even then, the battle was going poorly, and while the Nokon's were taking losses, the Marines found themselves being pushed back, flanked, and surrounded. One Marine in particular knew that today... her HOG's tooth might not save her.

For while having the bullet that's supposed to kill you will make you invincible, the bullets marked, 'for whom it may concern' are the ones you need to watch for.

Or in Sgt. Ashley 'Ash' Kitson's case, the grenade that marked the death of the Marines around her if someone didn't get rid of it.

Sgt. Kitson had been in the Marines for five years, seventy two days, fourteen hours and twenty-two minutes when she leaped upon the Grenade thrown by the Nokon's attacking her Platoon. The RDG-5 Offensive Grenade was more then enough to end that Marine's life short of where she should have gone, the first female Scout Sniper, the first to step forwards for the chance to do rough harm to those who would dare to destroy freedom and democracy around the world.

Sgt. Ashley 'Ash' Kitson died ten minutes into the ambush, and was recovered and pulled out with two other casualties as the Force Recon retreated from the ambush zone.

The war would rage on without her, and she would be remembered a hero, Metal of Honor recipient, and the first to die in the war after valiantly leading the fight against the men who wished nothing more then to end the lives of the Marines that they ambushed.

Sgt. Kitson's story had ended before it even had a chance to begin. Twenty-two years and not a month over, and she had died in action.

The Funeral took place in Arlington, where she was buried alongside heroes of old, her three-volley salute fired over the mournful wail of the bugle as she was slowly settled into her grave, the day was done.

It was the beginning of a war that would change the world. And the beginning of the story of Ashley Kitson.


I once read, many years ago, that Death was just the next big adventure in life, the next step for a life well lived or a life cut tragically short. When I was a little girl, I might have believed that once. I might have cherished that ideal, to block out the pain and loss of so many things in my life... my first dog, my grandparents, and my mother... but the ideals of a little girl are always cut to ribbons by the realities of the world.

It's a harsh lesson, but one that we all learn. One that I took to with a iron will and a steel jaw, refusing to let it break me. I guess that's why I became a Marine. To prove that my ideals were right, to prove that I was strong enough to face the world and any challenges it could possibly pose to me.

I never was proved more wrong then when I laid down upon Death's bed willingly, wrapping myself in the sheets as I blew a hole in my chest to protect my Brothers and Sisters in arms by jumping on that grenade. My life didn't flash before my eyes. Time did not slow. And I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I felt the shockwave of the explosion seconds before it killed me. And woke up to hear TAPS playing in Arlington, watching in confusion as they folded the flag and handed it to my Father, the strongest man I know, who was broken down, crying as he fell to his knees, clutching the flag as they slowly filled the grave where my body was resting.

Looking upon it all... I was wrong. I was always wrong. I pushed forwards to try to prove that I was right, that being the strongest was all that mattered. For the first time in years, I felt like crying, for all that I had just lost, all the lessons and stories that I could have learned or things I could have experienced, gone from me because I was cold to the world. Cold to my friends, cold to my family, too cold to let someone else into my life.

I wanted to cry... but now that I no longer could, I didn't know what I should have done. What I should do. It's been... I don't know how long. I can't feel, can't breath, can't eat... nothing to tell me the time but the sun's rise and fall and the precise movements of the Tomb Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Has it been days? Weeks? Months? I don't think I even care anymore. I just... sit here. Sometimes on a cloud, other times on the air itself, unmoving, unknowing, just thinking... lost. No one has come to pick me up. There hasn't been a Death or a God or a Reaper or who knows what else to collect the dead, lonely Soldier.

Maybe they don't know where to send me. I always figured that I'd end up in purgatory. Not good enough for Heaven, not bad enough for Hell, somewhere in the middle, or that it all really was a big adventure and I'd end up being reborn.

Instead, I sit. Alone, not any companion here in the lonely blue sky as the heels of the perfectly polished boots of the Tomb Guard makes the quite but firm impacts against the ground.

It feels like forever ago, but I can still remember the feeling, the last sensation I felt... almost as if a feather brushed my cheek before the wailing thud of the grenade going off against my chest and stomach. A small part of me begged for that feeling again, if only to feel something.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I started to move. Just simply stretching my legs, standing up. The fact that I was standing up in the middle of the sky didn't bother me, I was dead after all. I looked around, watching the clouds roll through the sky before I started to walk, ever so slowly, I walked.

The Sun seemed to be a nice target, but I was drawn to the Moon. I always had loved the night sky, so crisp and perfect, it's darkness feeling enveloping and save, something to protect me from harm. I sought that safety as I continues to walk, not quite sure of what I was doing or where I was going, but going anyway, away from my own demise.

Time had no meaning to me as I walked towards the moon, trying to find solace in it's light as it weighing, crescent, became new and grew full. I walked and walked, unaware of the world as I stepped in the moonlight, surrounded by the black coat that held the stars.

“Why do you walk?”

I stopped, shocked and surprised at a voice I didn't hear, but feel. I opened my mouth to answer, but not a sound was heard as I slowly turned, searching for the source.

“Young wanderer. So young and gone far too early, yet you walk, not dwindle and drift away. You step forth into the unknown, seeking the moon and the stars. Why would you do such a thing?”

I wanted to melt into the voice. It was contact, it was a warmth and presence of another, something I hadn't felt in so long as I wandered. Something I had craved in the light of the moon. I slowly turned again before I saw Her.

She was beautiful, radiant, and powerful, as if the whole of the universe had folded into Her form and was granted the ability to shine forth from Her body. I shivered and fell to my knees in sight of Her before she softly bowed her head and lifted me up, holding me close with a grand wing. “Wander no longer, child. It is time to rest.”

And the world closed in on me through her wings, and I felt peace.


Slowly, ever so slowly, I opened my eyes. I don't think I've ever felt so at peace, so loved, and so warm. I wanted to close my eyes and never let go of that feeling, but the soft nuzzling of my neck was bringing me out of the blissful state.

“Come young one, it is time to wake, I'm glad you have had your rest, but do wake.” The soft, cooing voice reminded me of... so many, many voices. I let out a quiet sob as I gripped the source of the voice, my face buried into the warmth of Her presence as I cried, so thankful for even the ability to cry as I felt all the love that my Mother and Father and all of the people who truly cared for me in my life wash over me.

She slowly unwrapped Her wing from me and carefully broke me from Her, never with force, but with a quiet, unwavering strength that awed me and made me feel content in Her presence. I could barely gaze upon Her as I stood, but She lifted my head with her wing, and I could only look on with adoration, and a little surprise.

Before me stood the most beautiful... She wasn't quite a horse, but She was definitely not a pony. She was too big to be a pony. Perfect, massive wings of the purest white spread from Her back, and the gentle fluting of Her horn speared out from Her fiery red mane.

A moments pause of awe as I gazed upon Her, before She spoke... “I am Faust, and I have found you, Wanderer... what do you seek?”

It took me long to find my voice, but eternal was Her patience, as She waited diligently for my response before my voice, weak and weary from so long alone, rung out, “I... seek my next path...” I said, surprised and scared of my voice.

“Then you have found it.” She croons, softly petting my head with a wing as She holds me as if I were a babe. “You, whom have faced so much and seen so much for such an age... I have a place for you to rest, to recover, and to behold. I wish for you to come, and to see your rest in my gardens, in my lands, with my Daughters and their subjects. Great things will come of you, I know it, and there is much in your life yet undone, which is why you are so restless in your final rest.”

I look at Her, daring to hope as I whisper, “You will give me my rest? Or a place?” I whisper, my voice still horse and dry from lack of use.

“I will. Close your eyes little one, my wanderer, and rest..” She coos, her voice luring me to peace as I slowly slip down, almost as if I'm falling out of existence as her words quietly hum past my ears.

”Hush now,

Quiet now,

It's time to lay your sleepy head,

Hush now,

Quiet now,

It's time to go to bed...”

---Lower Your Weapons: End Chapter One---

A/N: This chapter... held a lot of emotion in it for me. The starting part was written to 'Raise Your Weapon' by Deadmau5, and was inspired by it, the funeral and monolog of the death of Sgt. Kitson was done to an extended version of 'Buterfield's Lullaby/Day is Done', which is more commonly known as 'Taps'. The wandering and discovery of Ashley was written to 'My Heart is Broken' By Evanescence.

As much as I wrote this for myself, I... a lot of the emotion brought on this chapter is drawn from my own experiences, so this is also dedicated to those whom know of the lost and broken feeling of having to put a piece of your heart into the unforgiving ground.