• Published 6th Jan 2012
  • 2,320 Views, 40 Comments

Failure Isn't In Store For You - Kiernan

A human needs to get back home from Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 9: Clarity of Mind

Chapter 9: Clarity of Mind

"So explain to me what shipping is?" asked Fluttershy. She and Nick were in the caboose, having put up a sheet so the conductor wouldn't see if he had a message to deliver, having a conversation about something in Nick's world called fan-fictions.

"Well, it's a bit difficult to explain," said Nick, scratching the back of his neck. "It's kinda like... A relationship, of sorts... between two ponies that were shown canonically. Usually the writers of shipping stories will combine the two's names into one, to make their point a bit stronger, or to help sort them out for readers who like certain couples."

"Like what?" asked Fluttershy. "Can you give me some examples?"

"Well, a relationship between Rainbow and Applejack is usually either referred to as Appledash, or if you're liberal, Rainbow Jack. Then Twilight and Trixie would be called Twixie most commonly."

This caused Fluttershy to blush a little. "But they're all mares. I mean, how would that even work?"

It was Nick's turn to blush now. He didn't want to answer that question. He knew how, having read a massive number of fan-fics, but to explain it to Fluttershy, that was just a step or two too far for him to go. "I can't really explain it," he said, which was a lie. "At least, not right now. Maybe later, when we have a moment where it would be appropriate."

Both were silent for a few minutes, letting the blood depart from their cheeks before continuing. Unfortunately, Nick's returned at Fluttershy's next question. "What's your favorite shipping couple?"

This was a bit much to say, seeing as his favorite shipping couple involved the mare he was talking to. How was he going to tell her about the story segments that involved a raunchy relationship between herself and another pony, even if it was a traditional relationship? He decided to throw a few fail safes in, to make sure he didn't embarrass himself.

"Are you sure you want to know? Promise me that you will acknowledge that you asked, and I'll tell you," he said, so the blame couldn't fall to him. If she didn't then he would drop the entire sub--

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. I wont tell anypony, I swear. And after all, I was the one who asked. Why ask if you don't want to know the answer?"

"True," said Nick, not expecting her to jump straight to Pinkie Pie Promising. "Alright. My favorite shipping couple..." he paused for dramatic effect, "Is you and Big Macintosh." and his face turned almost completely red. He waited for Fluttershy to be shocked, or disgusted, that he would actually consider her in such a position to be in. But that moment never came. Nick decided to look back up at Fluttershy, who seemed to be considering the idea.

"That would make a bit more sense. I mean, compared to what you could have said, this is probably better than what I've heard, when you explained what it was. May I ask why?"

Nick calmed down a bit, glad that she wasn't mad at him for it. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he had hurt her feelings in any way. "Well, I considered a number of factors when I chose that match-up. You're one of my favorite characters, and I want to know that you'll have someone who would take care of you no matter what. Big Mac seems to fit that description nicely. I also prefer the traditional relationships, between a stallion and a mare. It's the most productive variation, being the only productive one. Then I think of the children. I always imagined that they would grow strong, under your loving and nurturing wings, and yet, incredibly respectful, with a strong sense of duty and a powerful work ethic from Big Macintosh."

"They sound like lovely children. And now that I have that image in my head, I can't imagine them turning out any other way," she said with a smile.

"Next stop: Ponyville" said the conductor over the loudspeaker. A shudder ran down Nick's spine as he remembered a fan-fiction that he had read some time ago.

"I guess we should wrap this up. To the uncomfortable wooden cart!" Nick joked, warranting a giggle from Fluttershy. He very much enjoyed seeing her smile. That alone brought a smile to his face to equal hers.

They were now off the train, and at the edge of the Everfree forest. Nick slowly climbed out of his designated wooden cart. "Sorry you have to stay in there when we're moving through town. If there's another way, I guarantee that the pony we're going to go see knows it," said Twilight.

"Ah, sehr sehr gut!" said Nick. "Very good indeed. I can't wait."

"Oh, ummm..." started Fluttershy, backing away from the forest. "I'll catch up with you in a bit. I have to go do something really quick. You four go ahead and find out what room it's in." and she ran off, back toward Ponyville.

"Let's waste no time then," said Pinkie. "Time is candy apples!" and she charged off into the forest. Nick and Twilight simply walked, Braeburn following close behind, and after a few minutes, caught up with Pinkie Pie, who had doubled back. "Yeah, ummm, I have no idea where we're headed, so... Why don't you lead, Twilight?"

Half an hour later, Nick, Twilight, Pinkie and Braeburn arrived at the old, decrepit castle. It was still sturdy, no doubt about that. It was the oldest building in Equestria, and most of it was protected by magic from the ancients that had built it, to withstand anything that tried to assault it. It had originally housed the princesses, but after Luna's banishment, Celestia hadn't wanted to keep living there, among the constant reminders of what she had done. So a new castle was built, atop the cliff face of Canterlot.

Twilight only knew the one area of the castle, having only spent time there, and only once in that case. "Therefore, I strongly suggest that we wait here for Fluttershy before continuing on, as she knows the place best," she reasoned. So they waited. They didn't wait long, though, as Fluttershy showed up mere minutes later, wearing a collar in addition to her pendant of magic.

"Sorry, I left the key to the barrier at my house. I didn't mean to take so long..."

"Nonsense, Fluttershy," said Nick. "We only just arrived ourselves."

"So where is this guy we're s'posed ta meet?" asked Braeburn, looking around, as if expecting him to show up at the mention of his role.

"Oh, he's not here," said Twilight. "We came here so we could get the tools to find him. After we collect them, I expect that we'll have to track him down or something like that."

"More Walking!?" complained Pinkie. "I was expecting some sort of magical device! After your description, I expected nothing short of a GPS!"

"What's a GPS?" asked Braeburn, eyeing Pinkie Pie curiously.

"Uhhh..." she started, before quickly changing the subject. "How about we get to that thing we came here to get, Shy?"

"We're not done here," said Braeburn to Pinkie, following Fluttershy into the castle's underground. It extended three floors down, and Fluttershy was sure to check in every single room. All of them were completely empty, though in pristine condition. Akaitora had done a wonderful job of cleaning up all trackable evidence of his stay in the castle. He hadn't lied when he sent Fluttershy that note two years ago.

"We've checked everywhere, and still no sign of it. Are you sure it's in here?" asked Twilight, getting a bit annoyed.

"One room left. If it's not in there, I'll go back home, reread the message, and check there instead." said Fluttershy, approaching the last set of double doors. "I wonder if he left it here?" she thought aloud, taking a final deep breath, and swinging the door open. A flood of light suddenly illuminated the hallway they stood in. All but Fluttershy shielded their eyes, sensitive to the bright light emanating from the ceiling, Braeburn even stumbling backward into the kitchen. "He did," breathed Fluttershy.

Nick, Braeburn, Twilight and Pinkie all stared in awe at the sight in front of them. Apple trees, wheat fields, and even a small patch of carrots, way in the back, all crammed inside of a single room, fresh water flowing freely from the back wall around the entire area. All grass was trimmed to a very short length, and the soil that held the carrots was free of all grass and weeds, leaving only the carrots themselves. There were already apples on the tree branches, even though the trees at Sweet Apple Acres were only just beginning to bloom in the early spring.

"The carrot patch is new," commented Fluttershy, walking confidently down the stone path in front of her, stopping when she reached the grassy area. Right in the middle of the path was a small barrier, surrounding what resembled a torch, but had wires running about it, instead of the usual cloth wrap that fed them. "Let's hope this works," said Fluttershy, reaching a hoof toward the barrier. At her touch, it faded, dissolving around her foreleg, allowing her access. When she finally touched the torch, it let out a flash, and a pale blue uicorn, wearing a dark blue cape, appeared suddenly before them. He wore a jovial smile, and seemed to be quite pleased with something.

"Ah, Fluttershy," he said, trotting up to her and embracing her in a tight hug, to which she reciprocated. "I was beginning to wonder when you were going to come see me for a chat." Nick recognized the voice from somewhere, but couldn't remember where. "And Twilight, you're looking well," he said, embracing her in his forehooves like he had Fluttershy. Twilight didn't hug back, but she smiled anyway. "Did you get my notebooks?"

"Yes, I did," she said, backing away to look him in the eye. "They were incredibly useful, in numerous situations that I wouldn't think to use any spell."

"And then we have Braeburn, and of course Pinkie Pie," he said to both of them in turn, giving a short bow. "And Nick, if you still want to hide under a table, there are several across the hall," he joked. Nick realized right then, when and where he had heard the voice of the stallion in front of him. He had been in Fluttershy's kitchen two nights ago.

"No thank you, Akaitora, I'm quite tired of being curled into a ball," he snapped right back. This only brought a smile to Akaitora's face as he knew that they were on equal ground, at least knowing a bit about each other, having had a brief conversation, if it could even be called that.

"Well, I'll just have to help you get over your fear of the fetal position."

"And in return, I'll realign your morals of entering someone elses place of residence."

"Wonderful. I'd wondered what you'd be like since the moment I saw you open that window. Glad you're one of those humans that doesn't take advantage of others. I like you already."


"And you speak German! This is going to be all kinds of fun. Ich kann Deutch mit dir sprechen!"

"Enough with the strange talk!" shouted Braeburn. "Who are you, and can you help us?"

"I can do much more than that, Braeburn. I happen to know the locations of all of the mystic symbols yo're looking for," retorted Akaitora. "If you come to my current workshop, I can provide a vast amount of information that will surely prove useful for getting you out of tis predicament."

"Alright, where's your lab?" asked Pinkie, looking around, as if expecting it to suddenly appear out of thin air.

"I'll teleport us all there soon enough," said Akaitora, smiling. "But first, before we go, let's have dinner. I'm sure you're all very hungry." As if in response, Twilight, Pinkie, and Nick's stomachs all growled simultaneously, signaling that it was a decent time to eat. "I thought so. Help yourself to anything in my garden, save for the dirt. You can eat it if you want, but I wouldn't recommend it. It tastes like dirt."