• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 21st


Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, and, I, do stories..... At Random.


Based on a non appearing character to the real My little Pony TV series.
Writing Glory is another unknown Alicorn that bears no genectic or blood relation to the Celestial sisters. she was exsiled from Alicorn-Hala for an outrage she can't remember. she was then enslaved by the imfamous flying Serpent, Sting-Ra, and his personal platoon of Cy-bats (like one-eyed Bat monsters) who wants her to complete his dark evil plan. but, Writing Glory escapes, but comes to ponyville a weak mare, but saved by the Celestial Sisters from death. Will Celestia and Luna welcome this troubled Alicorn into their family, help her ajust to a new life, find love, and defeat Sting-Ra as well, or is it gonna end very bad for Writing Glory?
I released this story back when i hopelessly waited for someone to granted me a title idea (which never came) till i desided i was on my own.
image by johnjoseco. (again, i can't stop using his/her images for some reason. but i am desent enough to give what credit is due.)

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 63 )

Ohoho, I'm guessing that this is Lauren Faust's character?

110912 this is the character really that known, even though the said character made no tv appearences? to be honest, yes. i thought since this character is doomed to be used as an image for some review he did, i thought i give the character "Writing Glory" to have at least a place in FIMfiction.
now, ain't that Generious of me? :raritystarry:

... you spelled exile and generous incorrectly :trollestia: ... i haven't even read the story because i'm afraid it'll be full of typos and i'll have to give you like a 1-star rating :facehoof: ... so it's best for both of us if i just leave this story alone i guess. :moustache:

110993 i can't deni that i am a crud speller.... but the story is at least good.:ajbemused::trixieshiftleft:

First I was like :applejackconfused:
Then I was like :applecry:
After that I :fluttercry:
Followed by :pinkiegasp:
With a little bit of :moustache:

...But mostly I felt :moustache:

you certainly can't deny that, no. i'm sure your plotline is fine, but I'm somewhat picky about correct spelling and grammar. :twilightsmile:

111087 and i understand you desire for perfection. i can actselly handle critisum well, long as it isn't too harsh, but i am not afraid to explain myself if needed.

This story was painful to read. I had to stop part way through to spare myself any more torture.

Please, Please, Please use Spell check and proper grammer. Paragraghs would help too. each time someone speaks, its a new paragragh. I'm not giving you any stars for this yet. You don't seem to understand some of your words so please use a dictionary too. the spelling is horrible. Spell check, please!

your punctuation is atrocious. you don't need so many !. . works even better then !.

It looks like you took blocks of text and stacked them on top of each other.


Three stars. First off the spelling is so bad i had to stop reading when twilight got the first letter. :facehoof: Secondly the English is horrible! :facehoof: May i ask if English is your second language?

111116 don't you think i am trying? i am sorry i am not a writing god or something! i am mildly autistic so fast learning is beyond reach!:twilightangry2:
at least know i didn't intended it to be a miss-spelling mess!

111121 English is my first language?! it's just i am mildly autistic, and just suck at spelling! the reason why A private meeting with the princess wasn't so bad? it was proofed read! i am normally not harsh out by critiisum but god, you and sunstar are making it difficalt!?!:twilightangry2:
no one warned me that this site had so many grammer nazises!

111141 woah woah, brony, calm down here :pinkiegasp: . We should all be loving and tolerating :heart: . Did you use GoogleDocs to make this? because if you didn't I would suggest using it because it has a built in spell-check. Either that or use an internet browser like Firefox which also has one. As for grammar, I suggest you find somebody to proofread your stories before you publish. I consider myself very adept in writing, but even I have 3 prereaders for my fic.

Take it in stride, dude. Reading a lot of good books helps your writing improve as well.

111168 sorry, sorry, i just hate when people doubt me being amarican just because i'm a crap speller! and no, it was on Microsoft Word on the desktop. is it my fault that i haven't been writing stories for some time, focusing on different goals?
also, i had proof readers, but the one that was good, Clonetrooperkev, only proofread once for me, and states that i am on my own from here. another, who's name a forgot, couldn't break Text blocks. i am more, relucdent to find others now.

111180 use GoogleDocs, man. It's a great way to collaborate on a story because you can share it live with just a link by clicking the blue "share" button and changing the settings. You'll probably find somepony to edit your story. Sorry I can't (writing 1 fic, co-writing 1 fic, and prereading 2 fics), but some n00bs on the site are bound to offer editing services to get themselves started.

111275 actselly, i just try to consider the spelling/grammer check on Microsoft word more. again, i am just slow on these things, i haven't being writing much.

suit yourself, but I've learned you don't get far on here without prereaders.

The steps to good writing (not mine, i copied this)
1. Good plotline
2. Good action and dialogue
3. Good detail and description
3. Good spelling and grammar
4. Good diction (low repetition of words)
5. ???????

this is Storiesatrandom:
stating that i need a prereader that:
A: can break paragraths, perfect speller, proper grammar, good control on the "!" and stuff
B: won't ditch me after doing one fic cause he/she thinks i can handle myself. Sorry, i am just a crap speller
C: won't accused me of being from another contray! i am born and rised in the U.S.FREAKEN A! ok, my mother's from denmark, but she came to Amarica and gave burth to me there!
that is all, i do not wanna end up stop doing stories because i finally crack from all these nip-picks! (':twilightangry2:');

111141 I'm sorry if i offended you. It was just impossible for me to read with the lack of editing. otherwise it was good :yay:

111434 i am not usually quick to take Criticisum so negitively, i am aware i am crud when it comes to spelling, and appearnetly the same goes for grammar and Paragraths, but saying i am not amarican is crossing the line! at least know i awklowledge my issues and i do plan to get a pre-reader that won't ditch me after one time and can break Paragraths.
and again, sorry for the crud spelling. (':ajbemused:');


I am a noob, and I would like to help you edit this! :pinkiehappy:


111505 depends, can you break Paragraths, and won't ditch me after doing one fic?:rainbowhuh:


I am a noob, and I would like to help you edit this! :pinkiehappy:


Edit: I'm talking to the author of this story, not you runrun395. I clicked the wrong reply button. Like I said: noob. :derpytongue2:

111514 my responds/question is the same as the previous one.

111448 I never said you weren't American. Heck i'm not American i'm Canadian (no we don't all speak french that's mostly Quebec, a province "also a province is something like a state if your wondering") no offence if you don't know what a province is most people don't know. :flutterrage:

ALSO TIME FOR SOME SPELLING LESSONS! 1. its not "Paragraths" its "Paragraphs" 2. its not "Criticisum" or "critiisum" its "criticism" 3. its not "difficalt" its "difficult" Also i suggest Google Chrome as it tells you spelling mistakes when writing responses :pinkiehappy:

Also sorry if that makes you mad correcting your spelling and all i just think you should know :twilightblush:

111585 it's cool, not the first time someone offers assitence.

111590 *cough*.... "assistance" :fluttershyouch:... don't worry my sister sucks at spelling too. just one of those things.
111514 I L:rainbowlaugh:LLED


Sure, send me your story whenever, and I will get back as soon as I possibly can.

111116 update: thanks to Sir Duke, i think you'll find the story more, put togather now.

111116 ok, i on my own renewed it now. also, i think i finally learned Paragrath breaking.:pinkiehappy:


150887 either that, or they hung out with Pinkie too much.

150890The Fourth Wall...Its....Its gone.....Game over man!Gave over!*runs around screaming"GAME OVER MAN!" repetedly*

153930 dude, calm down, it's just a fanfic.

awsome start to an awsome fan fic an i cant wait to read more of it.

390141 don't worry, i tend to get to it after i finsihed a story that recently entered my head.

I'm sure after your editors get to this it will be awesome!

In all honesty your grammar is much better than most writers I've seen here whichs leads me to give you 4.2 stars. My major recommendation is for you to stop with the Twilight said: stuff. That I can see is your toughest area of work. However your story telling is really something to behold I must commend your imagination. So 4.2 stars of voting my good Brony! :ajsmug:

881365 thanks. although, without the "This character said:" thing, then how can one tell who's talking?:unsuresweetie::applejackunsure:

881384 what I meant was stop doing :

885134 Nothing to appologize for. The only reason i complained was your dialoge looked more like a chat room rather than a story. Now if that's your prefered style of using : in chat room format then keep using it, but stop saying just "said," spice it up a little :pinkiehappy: then you'll get alot of :yay::yay::yay:

886231 believe me, i am trying my hand at that.

so, any faverite part in particular?

886260 Just the story in total

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