• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 6,226 Views, 299 Comments

Snowblind - CrowMagnon

A freak blizzard interrupts Winter Wrap-Up and the Mane6 are on the case, but not as you know them.

  • ...


by crowmagnon


"Miss Zecora? Can we ask you something?"

Zecora turned to see a trio of fillies looking up at her. She quickly identified two of them as sisters of her apprentice's friends, and the one with the hat and cape had to be...

"Oh, good morning, young Scootaloo. What can Zecora do for you?"

To the zebra's surprise, the fillies suddenly looked frightened, and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle let out little shrieks before hiding behind a nearly equally terrified Scootaloo. The reason for it became apparent when Zecora heard the hissing of the snakes which had coiled around her shoulders and legs. "Ah, the sight of serpents makes you quake. Their blood runs cold, so sharing my own warmth helps them wake. This breed is quite docile, so there is nothing to fear. In any case, what brings you here?"

Scootaloo looked warily at the snakes, which seemed to be staring back and flicking their tongues at her. "Uh... y-yeah... After what happened yesterday, my mom said you knew all about Windigoes... thought maybe we should ask about them in case you-know-who has a relapse and turns into a supervillain again."

Scootaloo pointed over her shoulder at Gertrude as the albino griffon cheerfully pulled her snowplow. Zecora assured her, "A supervillain? Your concern is fair, but it is unlikely she will turn to evil again."

"Yeah, that's what the docs said about Sweet & Sour in Mysteries of Mare-Do-Well #79..." Scootaloo muttered doubtfully.

Zecora arched her eyebrow at the comic book reference, but decided to push on. "As for the nature of Windigoes, I will gladly share with you what I know." Taking a seat on a patch of ground that had been recently cleared of snow, and took a deep breath before she began to speak, her voice taking on even more of a chanting tone than she usually had as she took on the cadence of a storyteller.

In the home of my youth, the Zebrican plains

The lands know very little rain

Without the magic of your pegasi

The ground grows cracked and throats run dry

Each zebra tribe considered water theirs by right

And over that precious liquid, they would fight

"Fightin' over water? Ya mean like... a war?" Apple Bloom asked, interrupting Zecora for a moment. The trio looked relieved when the zebra shook her head.

That relief was short-lived as Zecora elaborated, "Not one war, but many, my little foal. Conflict and strife were how we paid the toll."

Sweetie Belle cocked her head slightly. "Toll? You mean like on a bridge?"

Zecora shrugged. "In a sense. Our water came from the streams created by melting mountain snow. Without pegasi or griffons, it was created by feeding the Windigoes. Our battles were a necessary sacrifice to make them cover Mount Kiliponijaro with snow and ice. These glaciers would melt and bring water to the land, allowing life to flourish in the earth and sand."

The trio's ears flattened at the thought of having to live in such a way. Even Scootaloo, who lived on tales of adventure and battles against evil, couldn't really imagine what it would be like to live in such constant danger without the comfortably peaceful day-to-day of Equestrian life to return to.

"Is... is that why you left?" Sweetie Belle asked with a faint whimper.

Zecora gave the filly a warm laugh as she reached out to pat the little unicorn on the head. "Fret not, my unicorn friend. Those dark days are long-since at an end. The one who ended our constant strife was Shangwe ya Maisha, whose name means 'Joy of Life'. In those times of war, such joy was quite rare, but she was a spirit of mirth who sought to save us from despair. Unlike you Equestrians, we could not afford to drive the Windigoes away with friendship's flame. Instead..."

The shaman paused for dramatic effect, then grinned widely. "... She replaced our constant battles with a game."

The three fillies stared at Zecora until Scootaloo said, "I'm doubting the validity of this story."

Zecora laughed again. "Feel free to doubt me if you must, but that very spirit is the source of my loa dust. In her madness, Gertrude's connection to Winter gave her fearsome powers, but such magics are weak to the energy of that which grows and flowers. Just as the griffon holds dominion over frozen things, Shangwe was known as the Warden of Spring, and since times far back in antiquity, she has been right here in the Forest of the Ever Free."

As one, the fillies looked toward the thick woods off in the distance. "So how come we ain't ever heard of her before?" Apple Bloom asked.

Zecora's smile took on a sad edge. "Long ago, your rulers and my ancestors all thought it best that Shangwe ya Maisha remain in a state of eternal rest. Since then, one shaman in every generation is sent to dwell here in your nation. We live in there among the thickest trees, and keep the honored spirit company."

Before the fillies could ask anything else, Rarity called out, "Sweetie Belle, I'm done talking with Gertrude! Do you and your friends still want to help me with the bird nests?"

"Oops! Coming, Rarity!" Turning back to Zecora for a moment, she said, "Thanks for the story, Ms. Zecora!" The other two also said their own goodbyes to the shaman before following Rarity and Spike.

After getting out of earshot, Scootaloo asked the other two, "So, you actually believe any of that?"

"Why not?" Sweetie Belle replied. "You think she wasn't telling the truth?"

"Well come on, if this Shamwow--"

"Shangwe," Sweetie Belle corrected.

"Whatever," Scootaloo replied, rolling her eyes. "If she's so great, what was the deal with keeping her asleep in the Everfree? Like Apple Bloom said, none of us ever heard of her. It sounds like something Zecora just made up on the spot, to me. What do you think, Apple Bloom?"

The earth pony thought about it for a moment before replying, "Honestly, Ah don't care much whether it's real or not. It was a good story. 'Sides, even if Zecora was tellin' the honest truth, it ain't lahk we're ever gonna meet this Shangwe. Ah mean, after Eclipse an' Gertrude, what're the odds of somepony else lahk that comin' ta Ponyville?"


As the ponies of Ponyville worked to clear away the last of the snow, and the clouds were pushed aside to let the sun shine down upon their town, many of them broke out into song to celebrate the slightly belated beginning of Spring. Most were a reprise of the song they had sung to kick off the previous day's efforts, though at Gertrude's request, Vinyl and Octavia did an a capella rendition of the music they had used to bring down her walls.

These songs carried on the refreshing Spring winds, which blew warm breezes through the town, over the hills, and between the intimidating trees of the Everfree Forest.

The sound of four black hooves stepping through the dark wood did not. Nopony but Rainbow Dash or Zecora ventured into the EVerfree without cause, and both of them were in Ponyville. In point of fact, nopony was in the forest at all.

Then again, it was no pony who moved as silently as a shadow, making his way through a circle of immense trees surrounding the entrance to a very special cave. The Spring breeze blew around him, carrying the songs of Ponyville into his ears.

Behind his neatly trimmed beard, Mr. Trick's mouth quirked up at the corner. "Catchy," he admitted as he began humming the tune while walking toward the wide mouth of the cavern. The closer that he got, the more clearly he heard the song echo back to him.

By the time he stepped inside, it was more than his own voice reflecting back toward him. From out of the darkness, a faint whistling sound called out to him along with the music.

"Ah, I knew you would like that," Mr. Trick whispered as he stopped at the cave's mouth. "I don't suppose you've ever heard that song before. It's a cheerful little melody, celebrating the turning of the seasons. The weather will warm, the sun will shine, the flowers will bloom, and all the little fillies and colts will be out playing. I'm sure that you're looking forward to it, but... oh, that's right. Poor, sleepy little Shangwe. You're so very tired, but don't worry. Your nanny will be here shortly to put you down for your nap."

As fast as lightning, a flurry of green vines lashed out of the cave and wrapped themselves around the centaur's arms and legs. Mr. Trick looked into the darkness with an amused smirk, even as the verdant tendrils lifted him up off the ground and tightened their grip.

Over the sound of his wrists and leg bones creaking under the pressure of the impossibly strong vines, he felt a sweet, flowery breeze waft out of the cave. On that breeze, a youthful voice whispered, "No... more... naps..."

"Well, if that's really what you want, then you know you I'm willing to help... and you know what I'll need in order to do it."

"... Trick... liar..."

Mr. Trick winced as the vines twisted extra hard around his arms, then let out a sigh. "Oh, you wound me, Shangwe. I am nothing if not honest. But this is just what Celestia and Luna want. For us to be at each other's throats so your nanny can put you back to sleep."

"... No naps..." came the whisper, and the vines loosened their grip and set him back down on the ground. A new vine emerged from the darkness, this one with a luminous yellow bulb at the end. Mr. Trick held out his hands, and the bulb opened up into a gorgeous yellow flower. Even in the dim light, it seemed to shine like a small sun as it tipped toward Mr. Trick and delivered several large seeds into his waiting hands. "...I want... to play..."

The centaur grinned, then slipped the seeds into a cloth pouch around his waist. "Not to worry, Shangwe. I will see to it that these find... fertile ground. Then you'll be able to find all sorts of little friends to play with to your heart's content." He looked around and smirked at the ancient trees surrounding the cave. "Just like the good old days."

As he turned to walk away, the centaur heard Shangwe whisper, "... Friends... come... play with me... ever young... ever free..."

"Oh yes," Mr. Trick mused, reaching out to touch a knot in one of the massive trees that looked very much like the face of a unicorn filly, her face frozen in a blank smile. "Ever free, indeed."

* * * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * * *

Waking Night, four months before Winter Wrap-Up

* On a sunny Autumn evening, a crowd of ponies in a wide variety of costumes are gathered in front of Canterlot Castle while a frail, elderly Celestia is helped to a balcony from which she looks out upon the crowd.


My little ponies, I thank you all for coming this Waking Night to honor my beloved sister.

* A purple shadow, seen from above, slips between the other ponies. Their identity is hidden by a wide-brimmed hat and cape.


One thousand years ago, Princess Luna was taken from us by the fiend, Eclipse. Though she is lost to us, trapped in an eternal dream, tonight we celebrate the banishment of Eclipse.

* The purple-clad mare reaches a less crowded section, revealing that she is completely covered from head to hooves in a bodysuit that hides her features completely except for her general body type.


We clothe ourselves in the image of dreams and nightmares. We raise our voices in revelry in the hopes that she will hear us, and be drawn back into the waking realm.

* The crowd cheers, but sounds of jubilation quickly fade as the sun's light begins to dim. Everypony turns to look at the sky, and confused, frightened murmurs fill the streets, rapidly growing in panic as they see the moon slowly moving across the face of the sun. Some turn to Celestia for guidance, but she is as shocked as they are.


No... No! Everypony, leave the streets! Evacuate immediately!

* While the citizens of Canterlot start to run around in a panic, Celestia's horn glows with a bright, golden glow as she struggles to pry the sun and moon apart. Her aged face is strained, and she begins to sweat heavily from the effort, but the moon very slowly starts to move away from the sun.

* A number of costumed ponies run away down one of the streets, but they skid to a stop and gape in horror at something ahead of them. Some immediately turn tail and flee the other way while others are frozen in place.

* Celestia fights hard to maintain control over the sun and moon, and is slowly but surely making progress. When she hears ponies screaming, however, her concentration slips. She sees a thick, black cloud spilling out through the streets, snatching up terrified ponies into itself, but none escape. The glow fades from her horn as she watches her subjects get pulled into the encroaching cloud, and the moon finishes interposing itself between Equestria and the sun.

* A shadow passes over Canterlot as the eclipse is complete. A loud cracking sound like thunder can be heard, followed by insane laughter.


No... Guards, to arms! Eclipse is coming! You must be prepared to--

* Celestia is interrupted as the pony dressed as Mare-Do-Well leaps up to the level of the balcony, balancing on the railing. With a golden dagger held in her mouth, she launches herself straight for Celestia.

* There is a sound of the dagger sinking into flesh.


Princess Celestia! The Princess has been stabbed! Get her to the royal physician immediately! You... how could you? HOW COULD YOU?!


* A green pegasus mare in a slinky black dress saunters out of the cloud. Seeing a shadowy entity begin to take form in front of her, she grins and reveals a mouth full of sharp fangs as she bows to it.


* The pony dressed as Mare-Do-Well holds the golden dagger close as she lurks in the shadows, watching the Guards fend off a swarm of vamponies while carrying Celestia's wounded body deeper into the castle.


* Quick flashes of each of the Mane 6 exploring a dark labyrinth, facing perilous traps, or fighting a deadly foe.



Coming... eventually.

Comments ( 51 )

I usually read stories when they're complete. I saw this story in the featured box, and it says incomplete, but the chapter titles make it sound like it's resolved, complete with epilogue. Is this story complete?

Great:pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::moustache: Please hurry with Waking Night.

The earth pony thought about it for a moment before replying, "Honestly, Ah don't care much whether it's real or not. It was a good story. 'Sides, even if Zecora was tellin' the honest truth, it ain't lahk we're ever gonna meet this Shangwe. Ah mean, after Eclipse an' Gertrude, what're the odds of somepony else lahk that comin' ta Ponyville?"


Huh. That Waking Night tease, I can't help but already have theories.

Also, I'm still seeing this story tagged Incomplete.

Calling it now: "Mr. Trick" is actually none other than Tirek himself, who betrayed his fellow Elements via a deal with Eclipse. Also, what everyone else said about the story being tagged Incomplete.

Yeah, my bad. I posted the epilogue late at night and just completely forgot about the "Incomplete" tag. Fixed now.

On that note, this is the FIRST multi-chapter piece of fiction I have ever finished. I've tried my hand at various forms of writing for... more years than I'm comfortable admitting to, but I would start second-guessing myself so much along the way that I would just lose the motivation to continue. I want to thank this community and the people who sat through this whole thing, and especially defender2222 for letting me play in his sandbox. It's thanks in large part to all of you that I've gotten this far, and I intend to keep going and hopefully continue to improve.

:pinkiehappy: *DING DING DING* :pinkiehappy:

Yep, you got Mr. Trick's identity right. As for the rest of your guess, it's slightly more complicated than that. Because that's what I do. Make things complicated. :pinkiecrazy:

I want you to know that I love your universe. Please continue it! Please!!!

3765343 Thank you very much! :twilightsmile: I fully intend to.

3765536 I still remember when you PM'd me over on writing.com about this. Keep it up, I'm getting antsy! :rainbowkiss:

3765740 One of Rainbow Dash's wings was mangled in a childhood accident. I'll be going into more detail in the upcoming story about how the Mane 6 got their cutie marks.

And Gertrude was considered a mutant because she's a natural albino.


So, uh... yeah. :twilightblush:

"I'm doubting the validity of this story."

I should not laugh at that line as hard as I did.

What is with this Mr. Trick? He loves to start trouble. I swear, he's an alternate version of Discord. As for the coming of "," I will wait until it is actually started before I start trying to figure out what the hay happened. I also look forward to when we find out how this version of the Mane Six got their cutie marks.

3772350 Well thank you for wanting to continue seeing more, even after the confusion I put you through. :twilightsheepish:

I finally got around into reading this (I blame my backlog of stories, having them que in order lol). Awesome alternate universe! A bit unique to have a story started in the middle chronologically rather than at the beginning, making me wonder about some important events because I have not read it yet (e.g. Waking Night references, RD's broken(?) wing, Sun Dog's disappearance, etc.). Can't wait for Waking Night and the chronological sequel of Snowblind which is about this Shangwe character. These won't come anytime soon, will they? :rainbowlaugh:

Also why is Lieutenant Sparkle here called Captain Sparkle in Crisis, though? Ranked up somewhere in the future? :rainbowwild:

Edit: Forgot to congratulate you on the best rendition of Pinkamena ever. So um... grats!!!

4069881 Well thank you very much! It always makes me extremely happy to hear somebody enjoying my work. :pinkiehappy:

Regarding your questions, what I can tell you is that I have a few shorter stories in mind to finish first (including Lunar Eclipse: The Rock Opera) before I start Waking Night. After Waking Night, then I'll get to the Spring, Summer and Autumn arc-stories, each featuring the warden of that season. Gertrude is the warden of Winter, Shangwe of Spring, etc.

As for Twilight's rank, yeah, the idea is that she gets promoted at some point between this story and Crisis, which I would say is set about two or three years after Waking Night, which is this universe's equivalent of Nightmare Moon's return.


Oooh, excellent. Can't wait :pinkiehappy:

1736660 And Maud Pie had me coming back to this. :rainbowlaugh: She's pretty much exactly like what Pinkamena was in this, except, well, more centered on Rocks. :pinkiegasp:

4088764 Oh yeah? I still have to see that episode. (I tend to watch all my TV online.)

4089749 (Me, too.) Yeah, really! She even writes poetry. About rocks.

Well, yeah, okay. Not EXACTLY exactly, but she instantly made me think of this.

Hold on a tic and I'll try and get you the link I watched.

4323240 Well thank you! :pinkiehappy:

If you enjoyed that, Lunar Eclipse: The Rock Opera goes into more detail about the history of that world, and there will be more Eclipseverse stories down the line.

First off, I have to say this is probably my favorite AU setting. It feels very real and natural in and of itself while still being connected back to the core'verse. It don't seem just to be a shadow or a reflection but an anchor all it's own. Very well done!

Personally, I kind of hope you don't tell the Waking Night story, I like the idea that we are getting gimps of it as past events and maybe a flashback or two. It's one of those stories that's been retold often enough that leaving it out might be the best way of going about it.

I like the fact that Mare-Do-Well is a comic book hero here. I always kind of had the vibe that that episode (as well as a couple others) were more fiction in the core'verse then things that really happened.

It would be funny if Maud shows up and is more like core'Pinkie, would be amusing.

Lastly, I do like the tie in with G1 and who Mr. Trick really is. I wonder if we'll be seeing more classic events leaking in.

4327966 Ahh, thanks again! I'll let you know that I will be getting to the Waking Night story after Lunar Eclipse and the story of how this version of the Mane 6 got their cutie marks is finished, but I think that when it happens, you may find it different enough from the Nightmare Moon story that it won't feel too much like it's just re-treading old ground.

And Maud and PInkamena is definitely something that I'd like to get into at some point.


I'm looking forward to it, and if you need an extra pair of eyes for a pre-read or someone to brainstorm with I would be happy to help.

4620956 No editing. It was posted on New Year's Eve, so it was after Season 4 had started.

I think you may like the big finale, then.

No, Celestia is alive and well. But Lt. Sparkle carries a huge amount of guilt for what happened to her in Canterlot several months ago, and by the time of Crisis, after she's been promoted to Captain, is when she's just starting to get over it enough to go back into the city.

Yep, but you still have a little further down the rabbit hole to go. :pinkiecrazy:

4798690 I did like the finale. and a bunch of other things too.

Also, I'd like to point out that Mr Trick is also the name of a minor villain from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm sure you're use of it is a coincidence.

oh and in my mind, if I had to pick who would voice a modern rendition of Tirek (I thought of this before season 4 finale btw) I would pick either Ron Perlman or Steve Blum, to reflect how the original tirek didn't have a 'big, brutish villain' type voice, and more of a schemer's voice. I feel those two are the closest examples of how Tirek should sound like to the modern ear.


First off, I just want to say thank you for the kind comments. I hope you'll enjoy the others works in this series just as much. :derpytongue2:

As for your vocal choices for Tirek, either of those would be awesome. I especially like Ron Perlman for the larger, burlier Tirek. I think he would be able bring a touch of dark humor to the character while still being able to remain very intimidating. For the Mr. Trick version of him, though, I still stand by Robert Carlyle as what I hear in my head when he speaks. Mr. Trick is a leaner, sneakier, purely manipulative aspect of Tirek, and the voice of Mr. Gold from Once Upon A Time fits that to a T in my mind.

Plus, I'm going to make a confession here. This was my first real, serious attempt at a multi-chapter fanfic that I've ever succeeded in finishing, and the length of time it took to get from beginning to end reflects that, taking over a year to do. As a result, it underwent a considerable amount of evolution from my earliest ideas to how it ended up playing out. One of those points of evolution was the Mr. Trick/Tirek connection, as Mr. Trick started out as an original villain. I didn't even know what he was supposed to be aside from cunning and sneaky, but then had a flash of inspiration based on the similarity of the names, as well as the fact that this would give me an excuse to use the Rainbow of Darkness from his G1 incarnation later on.

4799531 it helps that if you add an E and rearrange the letters, you get 'tireck', which at least sounds the same as his name

also, thank you for favoruitng my work :3 looking forward to eharing your comments on them...:fluttershbad:

also ugh, typos but too lazy to fix them

5264236 Well thank you. I hope you enjoy it. :pinkiesmile:

Definitely an accident, since I started this before Maud was introduced, but a happy one.

5266286 Nicely done. :pinkiehappy: Is that from something, or did you make it up?

If it's from Frozen or something, please don't do the "how could you not recognize it?" thing. I've just never gotten around to seeing it! ;)

5266652 It is, in fact, from Frozen. More specifically, it's from the opening song, Frozen Heart, and is Apparently a homage to the song that starts The Little Mermaid, in that, while it's sung by a bunch of workmen unrelated to the plot, it heavily foreshadows the themes and events of the movie.

"I'm doubting the validity of this story."
No matter the verse, this makes me laugh.

"Ah mean, after Eclipse an' Gertrude, what're the odds of somepony else lahk that comin' ta Ponyville?"

"... Friends... come... play with me... ever young... ever free..."

Well, thank you for all your comments while you were reading this piece. I'm glad that you seem to have enjoyed it, and hope you'll like my other works as well. :twilightsmile:

5486054 It's coming, ah... eventually. :twilightsheepish: I just have a bad habit of rambling and taking longer with my stories than intended. But once I finish with The Cutie-Marky Tales, I'll get started on Waking Night, which is when the Mane 6 first meet.

Speaking privileges are REVOKED, you have doomed us all, DOOMED US ALL!

And also... WAKING NIGHT LOOKS EPIC DAMMIT! I want to see that epic fic, if this story is any indication of how cool (:pinkiehappy:) this series can be, then I want to see more!

Thanks for the nice read, love it to pieces!

5488337 Thank you very much! :twilightsmile: In the meanwhile, you can go over to Lunar Eclipse: The Rock Opera and get the backstory on what happened to Luna a thousand years ago, at least.

>> CrowMagnon

Thank ye kindly, I like a nice musical number to tell a story rather than flashback sequences... the Pinkie rap number an exception of course (:pinkiesad2:) NONONO, don't cry!

And the last comment, hope you do, both the Cutie Mark back-stories and the original, seeing any of these unique ponies history and reaction to each other is a great thing to hear, hope to see Rainbow's soon, that fractured wing got me curious...
I mean, I know how it happened, details you know?

But it had Gertrude's. And in the wake of the memory, at its very center, there was a very very very very small beat.

So... Gungnir is still alive? Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.

5774080 Briefly, but I've heard about how tough it is to get in there, and honestly, aside from not feeling inclined to try jumping through those hoops, I doubt this story would pass muster. I'm flattered that you think it's something that would make it there, though.

6460612 Thanks, glad you're enjoying it so far. As for the double-team, it's not about giving her a "fair" fight, it's just about keeping anyone else from getting hurt.

That... Was... AWESOME!

I really like this universe you created, especially that there are demigods of other races than just ponies. Characters are also very nicely developed, this version of Pinkie is really cool. And Gertrude is just awesome, can't wait to see more of her (yeah, Hong to read the sequel now).

Random question. In this universe Rainbow still went to flight camp but apparently had an accident that malformed her wing. Did she still meet Gilda at the flight camp and were they still friends? Or died she even exist on this universe? Just curious.

Derp, just saw the character tags for the sequel. :B

Still, that was awesome. You're good, real good.


6460644 Oh, I know, I was just being snarky. They did what they had to. I dislike when they are portrayed as tyrants or whatever, my favourite portrayal is like yours - good, but not infallible, but they do anything they can to help others, no matter the species.

And I always like it when gryphons are portrayed as just normal beings, not some ultra militaristic permanently angry mass. Fics that feature good or very good relations between Equestria and griffons always make me feel really good. I get a vibe that the relations are quite good in this universe.

Again, huge props.


6461932 Well I hope you enjoy the sequel, too. It does go into more depth about the differences between ponies and griffons (griffons are more abrasive and competitive by nature, compared to ponies' more community-based herd instincts) but the two races are still strong allies.

Interesting, I'd like to see what you pick out.

As for Pinkie and Maud, after seeing the episode where Maud was introduced, I had a few ideas about her. Aside from being recruited to be the 'muscle' of Trixie's Mare-Do-Well team at some point, I imagine that how she presents herself would be very different from show canon. That when Pinkamena got her cutie mark and left home soon after, it was far from the joyous occasion that it was in the show, so Maud took it upon herself to try to cheer her parents up, taking on a persona that's more energetic and inserts rock puns into everything. And she's happy to bring joy to her family, but because this is a role that she feels was pushed on her, it comes across as weird and awkward (as opposed to weird and delightful like most of Pinkie Pie's schtick) to other ponies.

Hey, thanks for reading! I have a lot of ideas for this timeline, so I hope you'll stay interested, though I'll admit that my writing has slowed down considerably compared to when I started. Still, it's comments and interest like this that give me a reason to keep going.

And yeah, sometimes the songs can be a bit hit-or-miss, but it didn't stop me from making an entire rock opera, so go ahead and check that one out. :rainbowlaugh:

This was fun. I was reminded a little of the "Hijacked by Gannondorf" trope at the end there, but for the most part it was a great look into a rather unique and interesting AU. I like Gertrude a lot for some reason.

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