• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 1,584 Views, 79 Comments

Of Skalds and Gems - BIGBLACKINTOSH

( Skyrim/Equestria crossover ) A redguard bard gets thrown into Equestria and tells a tale

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Twilight makes a friend and Spike earns a brake

After Celestia left it was decided that we wouldn’t start training until I could get settled in and things had calmed down. Fluttershy said she had to attend to her "animal friends" and Pinkie Pie said she needed to help her friends the "Cake" family, what little damage done to their bakery. Applejack ran off with a cream colored filly to check on her family. Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Rarity, and Spike brought me back to the library to talk more on my world. When we got there, they took their seats on the couch while I sat on the floor.
"Dude what were those shouts you used? That FRO one froze half the town!” yelled Spike. Ever since I the taught him fire breath his looks to me were less worried and more to amazement.
"That my friend was frost breath, as I said there is more to being a dovah then just fire. You will learn that as we work together spike." I said. Spike was practically bouncing on the couch. His training was going to be easy. He was eager, had the affinity to learn and most importantly, he was a dragon.
"Are you sure can’t teach those words to other ponies? That WUD shout made you go bucking FAST! Well, not as fast as me." said Rainbow.
"It was WULD, and I doubt that Dash, that was only one word, the whole phrase could make me go faster than a team of pegasi."
"Oh we'll see about that."
Twilight levitated a quill and parchment. 'Well here it comes' I thought.
"So how does that work? Can whole language produce effects like that?” she asked eagerly.
"No it’s just that certain words hold power. Such as the words I’ll be teaching spike, YOL, fire, TOOR, inferno, and SHUL sun. These combine form fire breath." I explained.
As I explained she was jotting down notes.
"So can anyone use these shouts?"
"As I told you, technically anyone can learn to shout draconic, but there’s more to it. Month long meditations, focusing all your being into making the word real. Even though being dragonborn makes me enough like a dragon to learn fluidly, it took me 2 years to master the shouts I know."
"Oh well... what about magic? You told me everyone in your world can do magic. Here you have to have a horn to channel magic."
"Ah I thought on this as well, in my world it’s a matter of knowing your choices anyone can do magic, but most take the brutish route because that’s all they know. Here you are all exposed to magic and how to works, and I think I can get you all to use it."
"Yeah right man, I haven’t even seen you do magic yet." said rainbow
To prove her wrong I spotted a flower pot on the other side of the room, I reached for it and levitated it into my hand in a heartbeat. Rainbow Dash stared at me with aw.
“whoa. " she said
"What other spells do you know?" twilight asked with a new quill and parchment ready
"I know all kinds of spell healing, conjuration, destruction, defensive, illusion...” I went on about my spells naming them all from summoning a fire ball to conjuring an atronach.” The last one was what caught Twilight's attention.
"Wait you say there’s a spell to summon a little helper?" She asked.
"Of course, but it takes a lot of focus to maintain the spell, would you like me to show you how to make a storm atronach Twilight?”
"Why that would be lovely, I’ve been looking to give Spike some time off."
We both got up and I took out a pile of void salts and 3 diamonds from out of my pocket, and placed them on the floor.
"What are those stones and-oh my are those diamonds?" asked Rarity
She moved closer to the pile of stones to get a better look, she somehow materializing a magnifying glass from out of nowhere. She looked back at me surprised.
"Those are perfect cut diamonds, much better than I could manage, how did you get your hoofs on these?"
"I found plenty of gems and treasures during my days as a career thief."
"Being a thief in your world is considered a profession?" asked Twilight.
"Yes but most are just thugs looking to make coin, I on the other hand stole from pompous nobles and gave to the poor. But most of my fortune comes from the blessing of Barenziah."
"Another god?"
“No but more of a mix of luck and a spirit of a queen's favor, the one who could find and rebuild her crown would be blessed with finding gems for the rest of their life." I explained. “What is this world's currency anyway?"
"Bits, gold coins, why?” asked Twilight
"Because my world goes off of gold too and was wondering what to do with....about 500,000 gold coins."
Everybody’s jaw dropped...literally. Either the mention of gold has that effect in this world or things were going to get stranger from here.
"Well...let’s get back to the atcronarch, and then we can discuss my coin purse.” I said. Everyone recovered from their shock and focused on me. I placed my hands flat in the air and put them one over the other. Energy flowed through my hands enveloping the pile of stones below. The diamonds started to float and become one while the void salts began to hover under the diamonds in a pile. Then slowly, the salts began to envelop the diamond clump.
"You need to take the spell from here Twilight, the stone will become whatever you want, just vision it."
Twilight’s face scrunched up in concentration, there was a flash, and in the place of the stone was a filly sized unicorn, with black eyes. It was brilliant silver, but it was covered in what looked like sand.
"I made that? What can it do? Is it sentient? Can I make it sentient?" Twilight asked almost lightning quick.
"Yes, whatever you want it to do, no, and NO, it’s impossible to give something life without a soul to power it and for that you would need a soul gem, and a pony's soul.” I deadpanned.
Twilight shuddered. If all ponies were going to be this squeamish then teaching them magic is going to be even more difficult. Tamrielic magic has never been pretty, and the dragon situation isn't going to get any better.
"Other than that you can make it attack, defend, or give it other tasks." I said
"Wait you mean you can like make order shelves and other stuff like that.” asked Spike
"I guess." I replied confused.
"Aw yeah I’m totally getting a day off! Thank you Crystal!" yelled spike
Everypony in the room stared at spike.
"What i named it Crystal."
"I hope you are not this squeamish when classes begin Twilight, all of you need to be willing to do what it takes to defeat Alduin."
"Oh don’t worry about us, we'll do what we need to do to, its Rarity and Fluttershy you need to-" Rainbow Dash was cut off by an angry Fluttershy entering the room. Her mane was a wreck, her eyes looked puffy from crying but her expression was pure rage.
"Who-" twilight was cut off by Fluttershy running up to her face.
"ANGEL, THAT PILE OF SCALES THAT LE'SON PUNTED, he burned half my house and KILLED ANGEL!” she yelled.
"He must have come from the forest when he came into town. Fluttershy, lets calm down and-"
"BUCK THAT!" She looked straight at me and first time since my parent’s death, I was truly afraid. I sensed the stare she gave me was only a fraction of its true power; from that point on I would have to be weary of making that certain pony angry.
"You said that you killed dragons before right?” she said to me.
"Have you ever tracked one down?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because you and I are gonna track him down, torture him and kill him...slowly."
At this point she got in my face and stared me down.as much as I did not like dragons (and was terrorfied of her at the moment) I NEVER pick a fight...if I can help it.
"It’s never wise to pick a fight, and I’m not going to help you murder someone. Use this to steel your resolve for the fights ahead."
Fluttershy had calmed down, but still looked crestfallen. I know how she felt, I was here because of revenge, but I wouldn’t help anyone take theirs.
"Fine! but the next dragon that comes to town is mine, and he's going to love me. Oh I promise you all...he's going to LOVE me."
Right before she left, she gave us the most murderous smile and an even more wicked laugh as she left out the door.
"Well...that was BUCKING SCARY." proclaimed Twilight.