• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 1,699 Views, 96 Comments

Hour of Twilight - Animegx43

Despite hearing the words of a wise prophet, Celestia sends Twilight Sparkle on a Dangerous mission, one that could decide the fate of equastria, or even the world.

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Twilight Vs Chronos: Part 2

Hour of Twilight: Chapter 12


Even with a broken horn and no magic left, Twilight Sparkle refused to give up. I knew I was right when I made such a mare my successor. She was not willing to quit until she had no resources what-so-ever left, and she still had the Element of Magic. Using almost no magic, which was all she had left over, she activated the Element.


Failing to predict the newest event, Chronos was actually caught off-guard when he saw a huge flash of light blasting from behind him. He thought for sure that he had finished Twilight off for good. Although he may of been more confused by the fact that he didn't see it in any of his predictions.

"What kind of foolish trick is this?" Chronos asked as he turned to her, only to become horrified by what he saw.

A few seconds prior, Twilight was lying down on the ground with no magic or strength left to move. Then after triggering the Element of Magic, she stood up proudly, was staring directly at Chronos, and was surrounded by a bright white aura. Furthermore, as she was radiating with magic, her horn quickly regenerated by the magic.

"Alright, Chronos. I don't care how grim you say the future will be. As long as I can stand on my four legs and have my friends by my side, I will create a bright future for us all!" Twilight stated.

"Idiot! Only I know whether the future will be bleak or bright, and take my word, it's bleak. Secondly, your friends are nowhere around. Not even the pink one."

"You've separate yourself too far from other ponies. If you had any value for friendship and life, you would've known that there's always a to create a bright future."

"You have no idea of the knowledge I possess. No such future will exist regardless."

"Well, watch me prove you wrong."

Raising her head up, her crown fires a white beam of light into the sky, where at its peak, became a shiny white ball of light.

Elsewhere in the forest, Pinkie Pie was getting beat up by Clockwork, the pegasus of Chrono's group, who was trying to force her into submission. In case none of you had realized it already, Clockwork was the most aggressive of the three. However, as the ball of light descended into the sky, Pinkie's necklace, the Element of Laughter, began to shine, and she knew right away that Twilight needed her. With a newly formed smile, her necklace fired a beam of pink light towards the ball, surprising the time ponies.

Way back at Ponyville, Rarity and Applejack were walking together in town, both being worried about their friend. However, as they too were stilling wearing their Elements, and upon the glowing of their gems, they realized right there that Twilight needed them. Willing to lend their strength, the Elements of Generosity and Honesty fired a white and orange beam respectively into the air.

Lastly, flying together, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were also worried about Twilight Sparkle. I had sent them off to a farmland that needed extra weather ponies, something I'm sure I've mentioned on a previous page, and Rainbow Dash brought help. Like the others, they were still wearing there necklace, and they knew Twilight needed help when they glowed up. Together, the Elements of Loyalty and Kindness fired a beams of blue and yellow lights upwards.

Piercing through the barrier around Arcane Tower, the other four beams joined together with the beam of laughter and blasted the ball of light, creating a ball of rainbow, which flew straight down, making contact with the Element of Magic, and surrounded Twilight with an aura of rainbows. Twilight Sparkle had successfully tapped into the Elements of Harmony.

"What are you doing!?" Chronos asked. "Do you realize that you'll save no one by what you're doing?"

"As Celestia's prize student, as the wielder of the Element of Magic, as future ruler of Equestria,and most importantly, a loving friend, I swear...I SWEAR I'LL KEEP THIS WORLD SAFE FROM ANYONE! EVEN THE LIKES OF YOU!"

With her horn, she slashes the air five times, drawing a star. Each section of the star matched the colors of the other elements, with the center being purple.

"For all of my friends! Take this!"

With one final swipe of her horn, she launched the star directly at Chronos, which moved at a tremendous speed. Chronos attempted to summon a time zone to stop the blast, but it was immediately dispelled by the attack. He tried a second one, one covering his staff, then attempted to blocked the attack directly, but the force of the Elements caused him to be blasted backwards, barely being able to keep his feet on the ground as he is repelled by Twilight's attack.

"I will NOT allow you to destroy the world!" Chronos said, not realizing that his staff was already starting to crack. "I am the guardian of time! Prophet of the future! I essentially AM time! You will not stop me!"

Ironically, the power of the Elements of Harmony eventually proved to be too much, as it broke through Chronos's final line of defense, and its power blasted him away into the forest, creating a large, beautiful explosion of magic at where Chronos was taken. A direct shot by the Elements of Harmony. Not even Discord, God of Chaos, was able to withstand stand its power.

Whether or not Twilight could see the end results, she knew one thing for certain. She had defeated Chronos and protected the Arcane Tower.


Catching my student off guard, Pinkie Pie had came out of nowhere, tackled down Twilight, and began hugging her as hard as she could. Much like Twilight herself, the Elements of Harmony had restored her strength and mended her wounds from before.

"OH MY GOSH! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! YOU SAVED EQUESTRIA! Well, it's not the first time you did it, it's probably been like ten times now, BUT STILL, YOU DID IT!"

"Agh. Pinkie!" Twilight said angrily, only to calm down after realizing how true her friend was. "Yeah. I guess you're right."

It was at that time that the time ponies, Nostalgia, Clockwork, and Doctor Whooves, arrived. The three were worried about their master.

"MASTER CHRONOS!" Whooves screamed. "Miss Sparkle! Where is our master?"

"Doctor! Chronos has been defeated!" Twilight stated. "With the Elements of harmony, we have protected the tower and saved all of Equestria. I know that you all had noble goals in mind, but rest assured that I will to it that Equestria will be safe."

As Twilight was talking to the Whooves, the time ponies were watching as someone was walking towards Twilight from behind. Chronos was not down, but he definitely took a hit. With his magic drained from the Elements of Harmony, the owlman's feathers lost much of its color and became mostly gray. His staff was split in two, and as time passed, each one was turning into sand. He dropped the top half, keeping the blade end, and was limping towards Twilight Sparkle. It wasn't until the horrified Pinkie saw him that anyone gave him away.

"So I advise you to go and get Derpy and Dinky back home, since none of you will have any-"

"TWILIGHT! BEHIND YOU!" Pinkie shouted.

As Chronos raised his blade to give a final, desperate stab to Twilight, she turned around blasted him in the chest with a beam of magic. The pain from the blast caused him to drop his weapon, which turned completely into sand upon hitting the ground. Chronos was already at his limit, but Twilight made the final strike needed to end it once and for all.

"You...will not...win...Miss Sparkle." Chronos said weakly. "I...am Chronos. The guardian...of time. I...WILL...protect...the world. I will...stop you."

However, that sentence alone had used up the very remainder of his remaining life force. With zero strength, zero magic, and zero life, all Chronos was able to do was fall over and land face first on the ground. While this was a great victory for Equestria, it was also a dark moment, for in the end of an epic battle for the world, a great force had been vanquished. All that was left of Chronos was his lifeless body, lying down before Twilight Sparkle.

The time ponies were shocked to see their master fall, and even Pinkie Pie couldn't of laughed after what she had seen. As bad as Twilight herself felt, she knew that she did the right thing. Without fear in her eyes, she turned to the time ponies with an intimidating glare. They were, after all, still her enemy, and she couldn't show weakness at the time after defeating their master.

"Very well, Miss Sparkle." Whooves said with regret. "I guess we have no other choice then to trust you. Nostalgia! Clockwork! We must leave."

"WHAT? After what she has done?" Clockwork asked.

"I'm afraid we will not win if we try anything further. We already established that. Trusting Miss Sparkle, I'm afraid, is all we can do for now."

Knowing that they could not win against another fight against Twilight, Doctor Whooves turned back around to make his leave. Clockwork, as angry as he was, eventually did the same. Nostalgia, being the most sad about what had happened, ultimately trusts her old friend and followed the others. Before long, all who remained at the tower was Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie.

"Alright. I better get the tower stabilized. Pinkie, you try and not cause too much trouble." Twilight said.

With that, Twilight entered the tower once more, this time, using the entrance, so she could complete her real mission. Pinkie Pie, on the otherhoof, stayed by Chronos's fallen body, still not being ready to laugh. If I recall, this is the first time somepony like her had ever even seen a dead body. Although I'm sure the same went for Twilight as well.


Now you know how Twilight Sparkle defended the Arcane Tower, protecting all of Equestria's magic and many of its inhabitents. This was all what she had done that made me feel very proud to call her my heir.

However, this is only the bright side of the moon. You have yet to know of its dark side. I have finished writing the half of my story that I am most proud of, and you will not insult me by reading no further. But if you have truly gotten interested in my tale, then by all means, continue.

As I have mentioned before, I have many stories where I had regretted my actions. This is one of those. How I nearly had Twilight Sparkle destroyed the world.

Author's Note:

Okay, now we're entering the second half of Hour of Twilight. Yeah, this story will be longer then you expected. :)