• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 5,180 Views, 593 Comments

PonyFall: Mile High Apple Pie - Flint Easthoof

SHTF Applejack along with the rest of the mane 6 and then some end up on earth.

  • ...

Half Past a Kick in the Ass

April 13th, 2012

It’s been said that pigs are smart creatures. While that may be true in some ways, it’s clearly evident that this particular swine was anything but intelligent. After all, what kinda hog lets you kill it, butcher it, and consume its delicious flesh? Certainly not one of superior intellect. The same could be said for cows and chickens and everything in between. Not to mention the sheep that make up eighty percent of the oh-so-wonderful concoction known as Haggis.

That being said, our ever-present vegans and their not-so-friendly cohorts will be the first to tell you that ‘meat is murder’ and other such filthy accusations. I, for one, like my food just the way it is, and I’ll be damned if I let some smelly hippie tell me otherwise. Thus, it came as a bit of a surprise when I was verbally assaulted for my carnivorous ways.

“Ya’ll are monsters! How could ya go around eatin’ them piggies an’ such?”

“Same way you eat those innocent defenseless daisies,” I replied through a mouthful of a bacon cheeseburger. “So if you don’t want none, I’ll get you a leaf or something to munch on.”

“That’s terrible! Ya’ll are sick in the head! Ah don’t know what ever possessed y’all to go around killin’ them critters an eatin’ them all willy nilly. It ain’t right, it’s murder an ya’ll know it!” she shouted at me.

I looked at her blankly for a moment, gave Dozer a piece of bacon, then swallowed. “Because for a human, being an omnivore is natural. Ain’t there things where you’re from that eat meat?”

“Well yeah, Winona does, an’ griffins too. But they’re predators by nature!”

“Then there ya go. It’s natural for some things to eat other animals, so get off my ass about it cause you ain’t gonna change my mind one way or another.” I set my burger down and took a drink of water. “Listen. Around here, most humans eat meat and plants. Not all mind you, just most. There’s a lot of things here on Earth that are way different than what you’re used to, so you’ll just have to live with it ‘till we get you back home. So, you hungry or what?”

She sat down and crossed her arms with a frown “...Yeah, Ah am a tad hungry. But what do y’all got that ain’t meat?” she asked as if I forgot that she refused to consume animal parts.

“Uh... Bread, milk, peanut butter, jelly, apples,” I began listing off some basic things we had. “Oranges, nanners, taters, salad... eggs? I dunno, but you can scrounge around the pantry or somethin’ if you want to.”

“Ah suppose Ah could go with some apples.” She still looked pissed and honestly, I didn’t really care too much about her little bitch fit. What? I like to eat animals and she doesn’t. Simple as that.

“That’s it? Fruit for dinner?” She shrugged as if it didn’t make much difference to her. “Suit yourself.” I stood up and walked over to the refrigerator where we kept all the fruit stored. I opened the fridge and reached into the door, producing two apples, then took them back to the table and handed them to her.

I sat back down and went to pick up my burger and noticed one of the apples had already been completely devoured save for the core and stem. “Damn... You really were hungry.”

Applejack did nothing more than glare at me and slowly chew the mouthful of apple she had.

“Would you pull that stick out of your ass already? It’s food. The natural cycle of ‘if I can eat you, I bloody well will.’ Besides, animals can’t give a damn if they’re dead now can they?”

“That still don’t justify it.”

“An’ my eating habits don’t justify you being a bitch, so get over it. If it’s really that terrible, I’ll go to the store and we can get you some ‘pony friendly food.’ That sound like a deal?” I try to stay calm through a lot of things, but I do have some buttons that, when pushed, will throw me so far over the edge that not even a surface-to-air missile could compete with my range.


“Then it’s settled. Tomorrow we’ll go hit up Wally World.” With that, I grabbed my burger and took an intentionally violent bite just to irk her.


I had set up the guest bed for Applejack to sleep on, which provoked Dozer to join her for the night. He seemed content laying right by the door just in case somebody came in uninvited. With the sleeping arrangement settled, I set off to my lair in order to crash myself.

Unfortunately, sleep didn’t come, even after all the effort I went through to get stripped and comfortable. I got out of bed about three hours into my attempt at dozing off and finally gave up. I got dressed and shuffled back up the stairs, making sure to check on Applejack and Dozer. As I expected, they were contentedly snoring up a storm.

“Cute,” I muttered to myself and left them to their snoozing. I went to sit outside on the porch, grabbing my pack on the way. Once I had lit my cigarette and gotten comfortable, I let my mind wander.

It began with a bunch of self-doubt and moral questioning. Why had I gone snooping around in that field in the first place? What had possessed me to harbor a once-naked assumed-to-be crazy girl? These were just a couple of the questions I berated myself with. Yet something told me that I needed to do this, not for my sake but hers. She didn’t belong here and it was my duty to safely return her home, no matter the cost.

Once I was finished with my cigarette, I put it out and flicked it out into the grass before lying back, watching the sky. I sat like that for the rest of the night, a slur of fuzzy thoughts blowing in and out of my mind like a western prairie wind.

April 14th, 2012

Once the sun’s first rays of light peeked over the horizon, I got up and went inside to start breakfast and put some coffee on. AJ, with her living on a farm her whole life, had also gotten up rather early. I watched as she took a seat at the table.

“Sleep well?” I asked.

“Mmmhmm...” was her reply. “How ‘bout ya’ll?” Her tone was groggy and a bit slow.

“Didn’t,” I replied as I grabbed the bacon and eggs from the refrigerator, then retrieved the hash browns from the freezer.


“Don’t know. It’s all good though, I ain’t tired anyway.” I turned the stove on and set a frying pan down on it, allowing it to warm up a bit.


“So Dozer seems to like you,” came my attempt at small talk.

“Hmm? Oh, yeah, don’t rightly know why.” AJ looked up from the table where her head had been resting previously. “Ain’t he yer dog?”

“Apparently he’s yours now,” I chuckled. I tossed some browns into the pan and let them sizzle for a bit. “Milk? Coffee?”

“What?” Obviously not a morning person... Pony. Whatever.

“You want some milk or coffee?”

“Oh!” There’s a keyword in there somewhere. “Coffee sounds nice. Black.”

“You got it, Hoss,” I said and reached up to the cupboard and grabbed two mugs, the larger one being mine, which was actually a soup mug. I poured the black liquid into each cup and brought AJ hers. “Careful, it’s hot,” I said and went back to fix mine up with the creamer and sugar I felt it needed.


I could hear the hash browns start to quiet down so I stirred them a bit to ensure they cooked evenly. Once they were done, I grabbed two plates from the cabinet and scooped an equal share onto both and began preparing the eggs. “How do you like your eggs?”


“Heh, me too,” I laughed, first joke I’d really gotten from her so far. So I did my usual and chopped them up into a yellow goop with the spatula as they fried. When they finished, I scooped half onto Applejack’s plate and set it down in front of her with a fork then went back to get my bacon going.

With my bacon done, I threw it onto my plate, grabbed a fork and turned around to find Applejack face down in her plate totally conked out. “Yo, Applejack... You alright?” I asked as I grabbed her shoulder and shook her a bit.

She must not be a very heavy sleeper as she jumped up abruptly and shouted, “Get them pears outta here!”

“You gonna eat your food?” I managed through a suppressed laugh.

“Huh? Oh! Yeah, sorry ‘bout that.” I watched her reach for a piece of egg with her hand and stopped her.

“You know how to use a fork?” I asked and showed her the pronged utensil in my hands.

“Can’t say Ah do,” she said through an intense yawn.

“Let me show you then.” I grabbed her hand and her fork then placed the food stabber in her hands. “Like this.” I showed her how I was holding mine and coerced her to mimic my method.

It took her a little while before she got it figured out and started eating properly.

We ate quietly; she hadn’t said a word about the bacon on my plate, to which I was grateful. It seemed we had conquered that hurdle after all. I took our plates into the kitchen, put them in the sink to soak for a bit, and allowed her some time to wake up.

She still seemed a bit groggy as I showed her outside to the truck and got her buckled in safely.

Applejack hadn’t said much since she had finished breakfast, nor did she say much as we got rolling to head off to Wal-Mart, so I turned on the radio and made sure it was set to 106.7 KBPI. The very second the radio came alive, I was graced by one of my favorite songs: ‘What it’s Likeby Everlast. Although she did react to the sudden music in a somewhat surprised fashion, she soon settled down. I guess good music is a universal language.


The song had just reached its end as I turned off the highway into Greeley and transitioned to another favorite of mine: ‘No One Gets Left Behind’ from Five Finger Death Punch.

“Oh, hell yeah. This is some good shit right here.”

I looked over at Applejack who sat staring out the window. Just then, a terrible idea came into my mind and I grinned mischievously. I turned the radio as loud as it would go.

Her reaction was immediate. She shot straight up and caught herself on the seat belt. This forced an audible laugh from me despite the malicious scowl on her mug. “Calm down,” I shouted over the radio. “It’s just music!”

“How in the hay is this music?!” she screamed.

“The same way B.B. King and Chris LeDoux are musicians,” I said and flipped the blinker, signalling my upcoming righthand turn.

“Sounds like a bunch of noise an’ yellin’!”

“Well it ain’t, so sit back an’ enjoy it, honey,” I said and turned it down a little bit.

She sat back and covered her ears for the duration of the ride, which was fine by me as I navigated through the streets to our destination.

Upon reaching the store and finding a good parking spot, I turned the radio down and put the beast in park. I got out of the cab and walked around to the other side to let her out. As soon as she set foot on the pavement and the door closed behind her, I made the official 23rd St. Wal-Mart introduction. “Welcome to ‘Wal-Martinez’!”

“Charmed,” she sarcastically intoned and rolled her eyes. “What exactly is this place?”

“Super store. You can find damn near anything you need here, although most of it is high-priced junk,” I stated in mock pride as I led her inside. “First things first, what’s your favorite food?”

She remained silent for a moment then said, “Uh... Apples?”

“Besides that.”

“Uhh...” She obviously never put much thought into this kind of stuff. “Celery or broccoli Ah s’pose.”

“Fair enough,” I said and headed over to the produce aisle, snagging a cart on the way.

Note: Applejack does not like peas. No matter what form they come in. Same goes for brussels sprouts, or as I like to call them: ‘little alien heads.’ We got most of our shopping done pretty quickly. Save for the produce she needed, we also got some other things like different apple-flavored products including pop-tarts, along with some ‘vegan products’ like soy bacon and some tofu stuff. I figured if she wouldn’t get her protein the right way, she’d get it the weird way. It took quite a bit of hassle to assure her that tofu was indeed NOT meat, but rather ‘wannabe meat’ made from beans.

As soon as she accepted this, I went and grabbed a couple gallons of milk along with some cereal for breakfast. With the grocery bit done, we headed over to the other side of the store where they sold hygiene products. This process lasted about an hour as I had to explain to her what everything was for and allowed her to choose what she wanted from the ‘basic necessities’ like shampoo and body wash. I also managed to get a camouflage ‘Dodge’ hat for her because after all, it’s Mopar or No Car.

Our grand total peaked at about $167 after I convinced her that she should try out two of the very best unhealthy products known to man: Twix and Coke. I must say, she looked like your average country gal with her brand spankin’ new Dodge cap and blue jeans on. Which was good, as people rarely asked questions about such a thing.

On our way out however, we hit a bit of a snag. Okay, so it wasn’t really a snag, it was more like a pissed off cracker who doesn’t like strange Mexican kids (or any kids for that matter) leaning on his truck and chatting away while smoking a joint.

“Alright you little shits!” I shouted at them after I made Applejack stay by the cart. “First things first. Put out that goddamn J. Second, get the hell away from my truck before I start crackin’ skulls!”

“¡Vete al carajo! Maricón,” one of the delinquents shouted back before he took another hit from his stogie.

“Listen here, punk. Ya’ll got about five seconds before I beat the brown off your dumb asses.”

“Whachu say cabron?” The second one, who happened to be dressed in all black, said.

“I said ya need to get your asses up on outta here before I send you back home to Mexico in a bodybag!” Suffice it to say, I can get pretty irritable when Spanish is used against me.

“You best get steppin’ white boy,” the third said as he got up and took a step toward me. “Unless you want us to have some fun with your little señora over there after we beat your ass.”

Thus the proverbial straw broke the camel’s back. I reached my hand into my vest pocket and laced my fingers into the pair of knuckle dusters I always carried with me. I had never used them before, but I figured it was high time they felt flesh and cracking bones. May God have mercy on my enemies, because I sure as hell won’t.

I walked forward and feinted a left hook at the one farthest to the right, instead opting for a right cross at the one in the middle, which subsequently broke his nose. His two compadres however, wasted no time at all and quickly grabbed my arms in an attempt to put me down on the pavement. So I did the first thing that came to mind: I brought my right leg up and kicked at the knee of the onyx-clad cholo.

It seems I missed, however, as his leg remained intact. It worked though, since it got him off of me for a bit so I could focus on the one to my left. Before I had any time to get a hit on him, he brought his fist around, making solid contact with my jaw. It was then that I remembered a quote I try to live by: ‘the more one sweats in training, the less one bleeds in battle’. I took this as my cue to go berserk. I grabbed his arm, twisted it around his back and took a firm hold of the nape of his neck.

“Pain is merely weakness leaving the body,” I said to him through gritted teeth before I mustered all the strength I could and brought him face down to kiss the concrete.

Of course, my short monologue of badassery was rudely interrupted by the first hoodrat I hit tackling me from the side with the force of a slightly irritated chihuahua. They say ‘the bigger they are, the harder they fall.’ Well, I didn’t fall all that hard, so that must’ve been proof that I wasn’t all that big.

The black-clothed hoodlum came to his aid and made it his personal mission to try and disfigure my face as he threw a series of quick punches at me. When you’re in a blind rage, you don’t really feel pain, but that adrenaline rush doesn’t last very long because soon I was reduced to an immobile bloody mess.

One by one, they stopped kicking at me and punching me. I guess they had decided they’d had enough fun for the day and went on their merry way, but not before driving the last nail into the coffin and spitting on my face. It took a couple minutes but Applejack finally worked up the courage to run over and check to see if I was alright. She started by speaking complete gibberish at about a hundred miles per hour, so I waited for her to slow down her speech to a more coherent level.

“Oh my sweet merciful Celestia. Are ya alright?”

“Just peachy,” I managed to say. I groaned a bit as I struggled to sit up and then proceeded to hack up a good bit of blood and mucus on the ground. “Y’know, history wasn’t written by pacifists.”

“Ya’ll just got beat up and yer suddenly a philosophomiser?”

“It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.”

“What in the hay is that supposed to mean?” Applejack asked as she offered her hand to help me up. I brushed her hand away gently and managed to get up on one knee.

“Violence may not be the best option, but it’s still an option.”

“Would ya quit talkin’ in fancy riddles?!”

I couldn’t help but grin as I looked at her, the concern evident in her eyes. “You can’t break me, no matter how hard you try.”

“Have ya’ll gone nutty? Ya just got broken!”

“Beaten, yes. Broken, no. I can still move can’t I?” I replied nonchalantly and finally stood up. I stretched myself out, cracked my knuckles and rolled my neck a bit. I hurt pretty bad, but I could deal with it. After all, chicks dig scars.

I dug the can out of my back pocket and threw a bit of tobacco in my lip. It stung pretty bad where my lip had been cut, and I could distinctly taste the blood. Rub some dirt in it, you’ll be fine, I thought. Stuffing the can back in, I limped over to the shopping cart and pushed it over to the truck and opened up the back door.

“Now jus’ hold on there a second sugarcube.”


“So ya’ll are gonna stand there, after gettin’ beat up somethin’ fierce an’ walk it off like it never happened?” she asked, sounding surprised.

“What else am I gonna do? Call the cops or somethin’?” I laughed. “That’ll be the day.”

“The day what?”

“That I become society’s bitch and start doing things the ‘right way’.” She stood there, silently gawking at me as I loaded the bags into the truck. “You just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna help me with these bags?” She took the hint and grabbed a few herself and began tossing them inside.

“Why would you do that? Go an’ pick a fight?”

“Because respect is a ‘hands on’ kinda lesson, that’s why.”


We made it back to the house in one piece and took all the groceries inside. I excused myself for a moment and headed into the bathroom to wash up. Despite recent events, I looked alright. My face was a bit scratched up and was starting to swell, and my left eye was half-lidded, signifying it’d be black and swollen for a while. All in all, not that bad... If looking like you just got hit by a truck could be considered ‘not that bad.’

I walked back into the kitchen and began putting the groceries and such away while Applejack stood, leaning against the counter. “Ya sure yer alright? You got whooped somethin’ fierce back there.”

“Meh. You win some you lose some. First fight I’ve lost, actually.”

“You ain’t even gonna patch yourself up?”

“Nah, that’d be a waste of first aid stuff. Unless I’ve got major lacerations or somethin’, I just suck it up an’ deal with it,” I said as I opened the refrigerator and began placing some of the foodstuffs in their respectful spots. “By the way, I’ve got some good news for you.”

“An’ what might that be?”

“I know where Rainbow Dash is.”

“WHAT?!” Applejack cried. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”

“I dunno, your escapade from earlier made me forget all about it.” I finished putting the rest away and sat atop the counter.

“But still! Ya could’ve told me on the way to the store!”

“You were sleepy, an’ I didn’t wanna mess with you all that much... I was also kinda pissed, mostly at myself though.” I sighed and looked at Applejack. My mind seemed to grow fuzzy for a bit as I remembered all that had happened in just a day. It was then that a thought struck me, why had I been being so mean to her? She hadn't done anything to deserve it, and I had no real reason to be so distrusting and foul. She was in a bind in a place that she wouldn't last a week in. Maybe if I made an effort to make up for my attitude, she might forgive me. It's definitely worth a shot. I told myself and looked back to the blonde girl across from me.

“Listen, AJ. I’m really sorry about how I’ve been acting. You don’t deserve my being a complete dick to you. You’ll come to realize that humans are a damn stupid species, no matter what anybody says.” I sighed and scratched my head for a second. “Do you think maybe we could start over? Make ammends?”

“Ah’d like that.” She flashed me a genuine smile and opened her arms for a hug. Being the big softie I am, I quickly obliged. Although I did have to quit as she started gasping for air. I always seemed to nearly kill people with hugs.