• Published 8th Jan 2012
  • 2,327 Views, 28 Comments

Heart of the storm - Sebbaa

The Crusaders get saved by a pegasus. He is hurt and recoveres in ponyville. Will he find friends?

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They were greeted by everypony in town. They all cheered for the returning heroes. The townsponies thought the six mares to have saved them again. Stormheart was glad the attention was not focused on him. He had asked the others to keep his role in all of this to themselves. He did not want to antagonize anypony or get any more hero worship. The six mares agreed and kept the secret to themselves.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders knew better though. From the way he and the mares were acting, they gathered, that Stormheart had indeed swooped in and saved the Lady of the Forest. They rushed too him when he left the others to be lead to the town center and celebrated as heroes of Ponyville. The Crusaders greeted him as brother in arms and he was glad to play along. The four of them continued to fool around, pretending to be knights of the roundtable for a bit. But the blue pegasus was way too tired and exhausted. He fell asleep in front of the fireplace in the library when the others had just begun to build a book fort.

He stayed in Ponyville for two more days and helped cleaning and repairing the storms leftovers. Rainbow Dash had gotten a few potions from Zecora and was spreading azure feathers everywhere. Storm made a point of personally bringing her large bowls of oatmeal several times a day. She was back dashing all over the place in no time.

Dear Princess Celestia
Two days ago a swarm of thunderbirds was on its way to Ponyville. And with it came the biggest storm in recorded weather history. Me and my best friends managed to hold it at the last moment. But we couldn't have done it without our newest friend. He is a brave young Pegasus with incredible abilities. His name is Stormheart.
“Twilight don't tell the princess stupid things about me. I am not incredible at all!” the blue colt complained and Spike hold on writing the letter.
Twilight shook her head and rolled her eyes. They had been over this before.
“Yes you are, and you know it. Now stop complaining and let me finish dictating my part of the letter.” the lavender unicorn said sternly. “Alright.” Storm replied stroppy.
He managed the impossible and bound the birds into his own wings. We still can't figure out, how he was able to it. But we know that they came looking for him and that it has something to do with ancient pegasus weather magic. I'd like to speak to you in length on the subject when you can find the time.
Your faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.
P.S. Stormheart has learned a valuable lessen about friendship and I talked him into writing it to you personal.

Dear Princess Celestia.
“Are you sure I should address her this way? It sounds a bit too informal.” Stormheart complained and spike stopped writing again. It was his turn to roll his eyes.
“Oh, it's OK.” Twilight Sparkle answered and waved it off. “The princess loves and cares for all of her subjects. She wouldn't want it any other way.
“Oh... alright.” the pegasus gave in and went on.
Two days ago I have learned an important lesson about friendship.
Your friends will never abandon you. Even if you think you are lost and on your own, your friends will always be with your. Their thoughts and wishes will accompany you on all of your trails. Just knowing that your friends care will give you the strength to struggle on and overcome all obstacles.
Yours truly, Stormheart

Before he departed, Pinkie Pie got to throw him the goodbye party she wanted to do before. This time only ponies he knew were invited. They celebrated in small circle, eating, dancing, making fun an games. It was a great party, but it made Stormheart all the more sad that he had to go. He promised everypony to come and visit, whenever he would find time.

The departing itself was a very tear inducing affair. He had promised himself not to cry, but it was futile. The friends traded hugs and well wishes. And of course he had to blush hard when Fluttershy hugged him. Dash had even gotten him a farewell gift.
“Recruit. ATTANTION!” she shouted. The colt stood tall and saluted at once. Rainbow Dash tried to put on her serious face. But it was impossible. Her eyes shined with tears, she could not help but smile proudly.
“Take this here specs and wear them proud.” she said as she put a pair of aviator goggles over his head. “They have been handed down in Rainbow Dash Academy of Flight for generations, always passing from master to pupil. And now it is your turn to have them. Congratulations on passing your final exam Recruit!”
She had made that up, but it made for a much better story then telling him she had bought them just yesterday. If Stormheart knew, he gave no sign.
“I will. THANK YOU MA'AM!” the colt answered. But he could not keep up the though act for long. His eyes watered again, he embraced her in long hug.
“Thank you Rainbow. Honor to be your friend.” he managed to say at last.

Two month later he was back in flight school, holding a presentation on ancient pegasus weather magic. Rainbow Dash had given him notes on how to continue his flight training. They had contained literature references for him to read up on his own. With that help he had managed to come up with a training routine that suited him just fine. Thanks to Rainbows training, flying had become fun and that was all the motivation he needed to keep practicing. By now he was amongst the best fliers in his class.
He held the presentation with calm confidence and was not set off by the occasional paper plane at all. When he ended his presentation with a painting of commander Hurricane and turned around to face the class, the inevitably volley of paper balls was flung at his face. He was not taken by surprise. This time he did not duck, but with one powerful stroke from his wings he create a gust of wind that send the projectiles back to their creators. With a splash they hit target and made their rainbow colored mess. Quick Ball, Skychaser and Batalot stared at him, stunned in shock, their faces covered in rainbow. The other pupils broke out in laughter. Stormheart could not help but chuckle a bit himself.

In the months after his departure from Ponyville, he had done a lot of research on ancient pegasi weather magic. He had searched the libraries in Cloudsdale, Ponyville and Canterlot, but there was almost nothing to be found on the subject. The sources he found only claimed what he already knew. That commander Hurricane had been able to command storms at will. But there was nothing to be found about how he did it. Much less was known about thunderbirds.
He could still feel their presence. They were dormant, sleeping amongst the feathers of his wings. But he knew that they would not stay this way forever. He had to find out more about them, commander Hurricane and weather magic.
Eventually he came to the conclusion that there were no more information to be found in Equestria. All his sources pointed to only one place he could look: The ancient pegasus empire that fell before the founding of Equestria. There had never been any expedition to these fabled lands, at least none that came back. So he planned one himself.
He took his time to prepare, studying the ancient pegasus language, reading up on wilderness survival. He even found a book called: Expedition 101, all you ever wanted to know about expeditions but were too afraid to ask, in Ponyville library.
His endeavors did not go unnoticed though. During his frequent visits in Ponyville he could not help but drop one or two lines about his future plans. That and his choice of books from the library had led Twilight to know what he was up too. Unknown to him she was planning the expedition too, telling her best friends, even pulling a few strings in Canterlot to get things into motion. Soon enough they would all be ready to embark on another great adventure.

Special thanks to StewartSpicer for proofreading.

Comments ( 6 )

Good job on a story complete!

I sense a sequel

I tried to read the first chapter, but just couldn't get myself to do it. I guess I just wasn't in the right mood, because a few days later, I gave it a second go and had to force myself to stop reading every now and then.

I eagerly await the sequel.

Thanks glad you liked it.
I actually rewrote the synopsis, altered the cover and stamped out a few errors in the first chapter just yesterday, to make it more appealing for new readers.

As for the sequel: It will propably be more of a sequel in spirit, because I want it to stand on its own so no new reader has to wonder where my OCs come from.
It's in the works, so stay tuned!

683428 You are right. I must have mixed that up.

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