• Published 28th Nov 2012
  • 1,148 Views, 8 Comments

The Power Rangers: Virtue - darkironpony

An ancient evil has returned. Three chosen warriors are the only chance Equestria has.

  • ...

The Awakening

Deep dark forest. Howling winds echoed throughout it. The smell of evil permeated the air.

A cloaked stallion entered the forest. He trotted slowly and silently as he approached a stone structure.

As soon as he made it in he headed straight to the throne room.

"The ancient castle of the royal pony sisters, “the figure mused,” Excellent." The figure dropped a pouch filled with various materials.

The figure grinned. He withdrew a black book and quickly eyed its contents. Then grabbed a small bowl from its pouch. He sprinkled many diverse materials into the bowl and pounded them into a thick paste.

The stallion next grabbed a piece of chalk. He drew an intricate symbol in the center of the throne room.

Then he covered the symbol with the thick paste. "Almost there," he muttered to himself excitedly.

He removed the last material he required from the pouch. A curved blood red unicorn horn. He grabbed it with his own hooves and plunged the paste with it. The paste burst into black flames.

A wave of magic blew back his hood to reveal a black horn. And a white coat. His eyes were a dull gray.

"Arise my lord! Arise and reclaim this world! Arise and reap vengeance on those who denied you what is rightfully yours!" the stallion yelled excitedly.

Smoke traveled from the paste into the air. It gathered there until it began to darken from a gray into black.

"Hello Master!" the stallion said bowing before the pillar of smoke. The smoke began to form emerald orbs. Inside them were smaller blood red circles. A purple trail poured out of the eyes.

"I am freed!" the smoke creature yelled happily. "Now I will show those imbeciles the wrath of King Sombra!"

[Meanwhile in Ponyville.]

Three ponies faced one another. One was a blue stallion with an ebony mane. There was a white stallion with a red mane. The last pony was a yellow unicorn mare with an unkempt short black mane.

They formed a triangle. Each was ten feet from the others.

Each of their muscles tensed preparing themselves for the inevitable conflict.

[Play this!]

"Begin!" a voice roared.

The earth pony was the first to move. He headed straight with a buck to the pegasus's left side.

The pegasus blocked the attack with his left wing. Using the distance he gained he used his other wing to swipe at the unicorn.

The unicorn jumped onto the earth pony. She then jumped off the stallion to punch the pegasus.

The pegasus blocked the assault with his wings. The pegasus thinking the worst was over lowered its wings.

The earth pony decided to return the favor of the unicorn. He jumped onto the unicorn and used the momentum to punch the pegasus.

The pegasus tried to raise his wings. The attack landed hard on its snout before it could block it.

The stallion ran to continue his attack when the unicorn appeared before him.

"Stop! Goldie!" she said sternly.

"Wily," the earth pony said suddenly noticing a snapping noise, “Wait a minute." Suddenly Goldie felt his world turn upside down.

"It worked! I can't believe you fell for it!" Wily said bursting out laughing.

"Yeah well. You forgot one thing," Goldie retorted smirking.

"And what would that be?" Wily said raising a brow.

"Me," the pegasus said as he encased the mare into an embrace with his hooves.

[Can stop music now.]

"Stop. I have seen enough," the voice said sternly. A figure appeared. A dark brown earth pony stallion entered with a walking stick. His mane was a dark gray.

"Yes master," Wily and the pegasus said bowing.

"Yohoo! Is anypony gonna get me down or what?!" Goldie asked impatiently.

The other earth pony threw a ninja star that cut through the rope prison Goldie found himself in.

"Ouch! Couldn't you have found a less painful way to get me down? It isn't like this is the first time this thing has happened," Goldie complained sourly.

"Sit," the master said steely.

Goldie gulped and bowed next to the others.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves," the master scolded them.

"But master," Goldie began only to be hit by the walking stick.

"You held back Goldie that was your mistake."

"Ya, smooth move Goldie," the unicorn said smiling.

"The name is Golden. You know I hate being called Goldie." The master's stick connected in a flash to Golden and the unicorn's heads.

"Hey! What did I do?!"

"You," he said pointing his walking stick at her, “forgot the number of your enemies."

The master then stared at the pegasus. "Do you understand what you did, Tranquil?"

"I'm sorry master. I depended too much on my wings. That made it easy for Golden to land a punch when I withdrew my wings. I also should've helped these two focus on their training more. I'm sorry," he replied awaiting his own hit.

The master refused to oblige him though.

"Good. Now I'm going into town to get supplies. While I'm gone I expect you three to work on your training," he said heading to the exit of the dojo. "And this time ensure they focus Tranquil."

He turned back to his students. "Oh and one more thing remember rule one."

Golden sighed, “That we aren't allowed to enter your room while you’re gone."

The master eyed the students and nodded, then moved to leave.

[Back with Sombra.]

Five creatures stood before the former crystal empire king. Each one was draped in a black coat.

"Who are these ponies?"Sombra demanded eyeing the stallion responsible for bringing him back.

"These ponies are your new servants my lord. They will follow your orders without question," the stallion explained as he nodded to the figures.

The figure to the far right threw the cloak to reveal a pegasus mare. Its coat was a light green. Its eyes were round sapphires. Its mane followed suit. "I am known as High Current my lord," the mare said bowing.

The figure to the far left went next. Its form was that of a white coat and gray eyes. Its mane was long, flowing and black. "I go by the name of Tempest," the mare shared smiling.

The middle figure stepped back as the ones on either side of it drew closer.

One was a light blue earth stallion with brown eyes. Its mane was a light gray. The other was a dark brown unicorn stallion. Its eyes were a dark red. "We are known as Pillar and Drought your majesty," the earth pony said continuing the trend of bowing.

"And why are you here?"

"We are here to serve you," Current said bluntly.

"For what purpose?"

"To see you claim what is rightfully yours," Pillar answered unflinchingly.

"And what do you hope to gain by doing this?" Sombra inquired warily.

"We're allowed to help bring an era of prosperity to the land," Tempest said licking her lips.

"What are you willing to do?"

"Offer all the assistance we can to you," Drought answered smiling.

"And why should I accept your assistance?" Sombra said angrily.

"Because," the last figure said approaching Sombra," You haven't seen what I can do yet. Once you do I guarantee you'll want our help."

Sombra glared skeptically.

"Pick any city and I'll prove it to you," the cloaked one said confidently.

"Any city? Hmmm," Sombra said as he began to think of all the cities he could remember. Try as he might only one city came to mind. "Ponyville."

"As you wish," the figure bowed.


"Ten more! Come on!" Tranquil instructed as he bucked wildly into the air.

"Sheesh. Can he get any more boring?" Golden asked the mare as he followed.

"You should see what he eats," she replied smirking as she mimicked Tranquil.

"Help!" a shrill voice yelled.

The three ponies’ muscles tensed. "Was that a?" Golden thought aloud

"Help!" the voice called again desperately.

"That is all I need!" Golden said as he ran straight to the exit.

"Golden!" Tranquil called out. Golden ignored him and ran through the exit.

Tranquil followed after. He looked outside to find the town overrun with bizarre creatures.

They resembled ponies. They had brown coats and brown manes. Then there were their faces. Their faces appeared to have been melted. Their eyes were a dull gray.

Three approached a defenseless light pink unicorn filly. She shut her eyes as tears ran down her face.

"Hey uglies! Leave her alone!" Golden said as he tackled one to the ground. Before the others could react he quickly bucked them away.

Tranquil turned back to face Wily, his face turning pale.

"Now what?" she inquired raising a brow.

"We're going to need some weapons."

"Wha? Why?"

Tranquil ran to the nearest room. She looked out the exit. "Oh. That's why."

She followed after Tranquil.

Tranquil sighed before he opened a door into a certain area.

"Hey! I thought master said NOT to go into his room."

"True but he didn't know Ponyville would be attacked," Tranquil reasoned as he opened a large chest in the room. He reached into the chest and pulled out something.

"A stick really?" Wily teased grinning.

"It isn't a stick. It's a weapon," he replied dryly.

"No. That is a stick. This," she said as she grabbed a crossbow from the chest, “is a weapon."

"Come on! Let’s go!" he said ignoring her. He flapped his wings and left her there.

The wind from his exercise however caused a small box to fall from a desk in the room. Wily caught the box with her magic.

"Whew. That could've been really bad," breathing a sigh of relief. She then opened the box to get a quiver to hold the arrows.

Her eyes wandered back to the fallen box. "Surely he wouldn't know if I peeked inside," she reasoned.

She opened it and found three leg straps. Each leg strap held an orb in its halfway point. The orbs were dull gold, ruby, and green.

The green one. That one she liked. She grasped the straps with her magic as she examined it closer.

"Wily, hurry up!" Tranquil yelled.

"Coming!" she shouted back. She took the arrows out of the crossbow and stuffed the leg straps on the bottom of the quiver. And then put the arrows in to cover them.

She ran outside to find Golden valiantly guarding the little filly. The creatures had grown into a mob.

Tranquil whispered into Wily's ear.


"Just do it."

"Fine," Wily sighed.

They teleported beside their friend and the filly, and the monsters paused in surprise at the sight of the new ponies. Then they bared their teeth and growled. They slowly approached them.

Wily picked up her crossbow. And backed up until she felt herself pressed up against somepony else.

"Nice to see you two have some sense," Golden said laughing nervously.

"Now what do we do?"

"We use the weapons," Tranquil said charging at the crowd of monsters.

He hit one sending it flying into two more. He twirled his staff and hit beasts from either side of him.

Wily had teleported blinding her enemies. Then shot each of them with her crossbow.

This went on for a few minutes.

The mob moved towards him. Golden rose his hooves in a ready stance. "Come on. I'll take you all on!"

He hit one sending it flying. He quickly jabbed three back. A wide grin crossed his face.

"So. What's the plan?" he asked expectantly.

"Plan?" Tranquil asked taken aback.

"We kinda don't have a plan," Wily admitted chuckling.

Golden's face went pale. "What?! Why would you bother coming to fight a mob of these things if you didn't have a plan?!"

"You seemed to be doing fine without a plan," Wily shot back.

Golden's face sweated profusely. Before he could respond the creatures approached the three.

"I've been hitting them down but they just get right back up!" Golden panted tiredly.

"You can't be serious," Tranquil responded disbelievingly.

As if in answer to Tranquil the beasts that they knocked down picked themselves up. The scars remained where Tranquil's staff hit. And the beasts seemed to ignore the arrows that protruded out of their bodies. The little filly whimpered.

"Golden, Wily." The two ponies looked at Tranquil.

"No matter what happens we have to keep this filly safe," he whispered to them his eyes gaining an edge. Wily nodded.

"That is why I jumped in first," Golden muttered rolling his eyes.

Suddenly the three leg straps floated out of Wily's quiver. Each one was glowing in magic that matched their spheres. Then affixed themselves respectively to one leg of the three.

The three's eyes glowed. Their bodies took over as they placed one hoof on their orbs. They all felt themselves say, “Awake Elements!" The orbs burst forth with new life.

[Play this!]

Each of the ponies bodies were surrounded by miniature tornados that matched their orbs. Helmets formed to cover their heads. The energy over their body morphed into a solid suit. Their hooves were covered with black boots.

"Power Ranger Wisdom Ranger!" Tranquil said instinctively.

"Power Ranger Creativity Ranger!" Wily followed.

"Power Rangers Courage Ranger!" Golden continued.

"Why did we just?" Tranquil asked as he looked at the others and himself.

The filly opened her eyes. Her jaw dropped.

"Don't know. And don't care!" Golden said running to engage the horde. He felt an overabundance of energy well up inside his whole being.

He bucked two of the creatures. He moved forward evading blows from three other of them.

He countered their attacks with quick jabs to their heads. The creatures screeched as they all exploded into smoke.

Another one ran only to be head butted to join its friend’s journey into gas.

"Wohoo!" Wily yelled jumping wildly into a group of the creatures.

She hit two creatures one with a back hooves and the other with her front hooves.

She bucked her way off those two. And teleported in front of three more. She used her horn to shoot a blast at two of them.

The last one looked at its ally’s new form. And then glanced back at the creature responsible for it.

The green suited unicorn grinned under her mask and blasted the beast back into two others. It turned into shadows in front of the two.

Tranquil jumped from the smoke. Either of his wings grabbing their heads and smacking them against one another.

The last few ran at the red suited pegasus. He quickly flapped his wings. And landed on the floor with a gust of wind that sent the rest of the creatures on their backsides.

His eyes glowed and his wings and hooves became a blur. Each of his hooves hit a creature. And his wings followed quickly behind lashing out at two others.

Once again he took to the air and bucked two more of them.

The last two tried to hit him with their front hooves. Their hooves collided with Tranquil's own.

The wings sliced the remaining creatures into nothingness.

"Well that was easy," Golden said grinning.

"Too easy," Tranquil muttered suspiciously.

[You can stop the music now.]

Their bodies glowed in their respective colors again. The orbs returned to the straps and the clothes with them.

"Now what do we?"

Golden sighed, “Now we go home and have master yell at us again."

"You can't say we don't deserve it," Tranquil replied. Golden groaned, frustrated.

"You two go ahead. I'll catch up. Somepony has to make sure the filly is okay."

"Okay Wily."

Wily looked back to find the filly was gone. She shrugged and quickly grabbed the weapons with her magic. She then ran to catch up with the others.

They arrived home to find their master awaiting them.

"Where have you three been?" he demanded.

"Well," Golden began.

"We kinda," Wily tried.

"We saved ponies from those things terrorizing the town. Well at least one filly."

The master raised his brows in surprise. The master eyes wandered to the straps.

"Why are you three wearing those?" he inquired.

"We may have gone into your room. And took weapons from a chest. And when Tranquil flew out of it a box may have fallen if I didn't catch it with my magic. And curiosity might have caused me to peek and take the straps. Possibly,"Wily explained nervously rubbing her neck.

"And why do they seem more vibrant than before?"

The three shrugged. "We don't know. They kinda glowed and next thing we knew we were in suits. And we called ourselves these weird names," Wily continued.

"Oh really?" the master asked curiously, "What names exactly?"

"Power Rangers," they replied in unison.

"Whoa. That's kinda creepy," Wily said trembling.

"Agreed," the other two added.

"Interesting," the master said grabbing his beard with his right front hoof.

The three shared a nervous look. "So?" Golden asked.

"So what?"

"Are we punished?"

"Do you want to be?"


"Then yes. You are."

The three moaned. They headed to their respective rooms.

"Where are you three going?"

"We're going to drop off the stuff so it doesn't get all sweaty," Wily yelled back.

"And Golden?"

"I want to help them," he answered trying to avoid the master's stare.

"Oh. The punishment is you three have to spar," the master called after the three.

"We can do that," Wily saud shrugging.

"You two are going down!" Golden yelled confidently.

"As you wish master," Tranquil said bowing.

The master burst out laughing. "You all misunderstand. Your punishment is to spar with ME."

"He's going to kill us!" Wily shrieked.

"We're so dead," Golden muttered.

Tranquil shivered and a single tear streamed down his face.

"Now. Begin!" the master said as the light in the dojo suddenly went out.

Screams of agony could be heard throughout Equestria.


"How dare you fail me!" Sombra growled furiously.

The cloaked pony smiled. "How so?"

"Not only did your soldiers not destroy the town your foalishness caused the elements to be reawakened!"

The cloaked pony chuckled, “The elements of harmony? I assure you they won't be a problem. You see my master the target was never the town."

Sombra looked unconvinced.

"Let me explain. I know only of one thing that could hinder your return. The Elements of Harmony. I sent three of the most skilled creatures I could conjure up to steal. And they have returned," he said teleporting the three. Each held two large stones on their backs. "So the creatures attacking Ponyville were only a distraction."

"But the elements," Sombra insisted.

"Are right here. And they're in their stone form. They're useless against us."

"You ignorant foal! I wasn't talking about the elements of harmony!"


"However you have proven to be useful," he said ignoring the question. "So I will allow you and your friends to accompany me on my quest to reclaim what is mine."

"Thank you sire. So what will be our next target?"

"I thought that would be obvious. Ponyville must be destroyed."

"Why Ponyville again?"

"As I said the elements have reawakened. We must ensure they're eliminated. The elements of virtue will die under my hoof," Sombra cackled wildly. His subjects joined in.

Comments ( 7 )

not bad, first non paroty crossover of PR i i've seen

I was a little confused by who was who, but otherwise I really liked it. Definitely continue, this story has my blessing.

1918767 Well to address your problem Sombra is pretty old right? Some would say he could have been alive when Star Swirl the bearded lived. And if he was one could also assume Sombra had seen Star Swirl's notes on time magic. So one could make the argument Sombra used a spell to see into the future and that is why he set up the curse.

But I don't know. :derpytongue2:

Thanks for the comment blood.

Well than this was actually pretty enjoyable I approve. I actually learned of this story from Snap Art and gotta admit I see potential in this story I can actually see where this story can go to so I hope you continue this and ill definetlly look at your other story as well.
~ Techsol

Why was this cancelled?

5761129 A few reasons.

1. At the time I was still writing on my other story LOB. I didn't really have the time I felt this story deserved. (Currently LOB is on a hiatus while I work to start another story. And plan it out this time.)

2. The way the story was originally suppose to be done was me discussing it with a friend. That friend and I would plot out the story (though I'd still be the one actually writing it). However due to us being in different places and having inconsistent times to discuss it the story was never planned past the beginning.

3. I said this in one of my latest blogs. I wanted this story to "be my good story" as compared to LOB. I think that pressure I put on myself took a lot of the fun out of writing it. Whereas with LOB I'm very relaxed.

That is why this story was cancelled.

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