• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 934 Views, 5 Comments

When She Cries - Armalite

The last moments of a mare's life

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Inspired to write by my friend Sir Fubbles, because he told me to: “Stop whining and write something for FIM.”

She loved the wind under her wings. She loved the way it blew through her mane, and the way it slid over her coat.

The soft, liquid air was her escape from the hard, unforgiving ground. The air wrapped you tight, and the air flows with your every movement. Air soothes the soul, and eases the mid.

Her red mane was blown back as she flew without direction. She had to take her mind off things. The air caught her tears and carried them downward in its grasp. The air parted for the heartbroken pegasus, allowing her passage with no interruption. The sky was filled with a dark over cast, blotting out the vibrant sun from allowing its rays to reach the forest under the mare.

Being above the forest always made her calm, and always soothed her. It was her escape from reality, the sky above that forest. The forest where nature had its own free will. The forest that ignored the princesses of night and day. The forest that sheltered creatures of all kinds, and that accepts others with no qualms. She came here often.

The air above the forest knew her sadness, and smoothed her mane back with its breath. It whispered and cooed in her ears.

She breathed heavily as more tears were carried to the ground, where they soaked in between the cool blades of grass. Mountains loomed in her view, steadily watching her pass.

“You don't know! You weren’t there! You don't know what it's like to feel them watching!”

The voice, her voice, screamed and echoed in her mind. The words rang in her ears, blinding her with their sound.

Over the sounds of the air's gasps and breaths, she could hear herself screaming one last time.

“You always said you would be there for me! Well then why aren't you here now!?”

The air carried her sobs and hiccups away from her and into the past. Her eyes, the color of an aged red wine, were cracked by lighter red lines and refracted by the tears that were carried away by the wind. Those eyes haunted her in her dreams and in the mirrors of her home. They followed her and judged her, watching her every move with intent.

She squeezed her eyes closed and shook her head, rocking several teardrops from her eyes.

“Why!? Why? Oh. Oh gods, I'm so scared. I'm so scared Webs. Please, please don't go! Don't go!”

She sobbed and dipped downward through the air's loving grasp. She flew over the forest that watched her go. The forest caught her tears and quickly allowed them to sink into its form. The trees and plants soaked the tears into their bodies, preserving them for eternity in their veins. The air around her grew dark with sorrow, and it too started to cry, releasing large, clear tears that fell onto the mare's coat.

“Webs, I don't know what happened!

The air cried and roared with great bellows of sorrow. The sky grew black over the thirsty forest as the mare's tears mixed with those of the sky's.

The sound of the sky's bellows surrounded the mare, so loud and so forceful, the mountains so far away quaked with fear at the sound.

Flashes of the sky's rage cracked the skyline. It dashed and it bolted across her vision like the violent cracks of a whip upon the backs of car pulling ponies. It raced and arched downward to the ground, setting large patches of the forest in flames as the sky and the ground fought.

The mare angled herself to the hard ground. The sky's tears ran down her coat and were carried off into the air as she plummeted to the forest earth.

“It killed her! Oh gods Webs, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It wasn't me, please! Please don't go!”

She sliced through the darkness of the Sky's anger like a bolt from a crossbow. She could feel herself gaining speed, felt the wet mournful air tighten around her in anticipation. Her eyes squinted closed as the pressure built. She watched through tight eyes as the forest grew larger and larger, awaiting her arrival.

“Webs, it wasn't me! Please, it wasn't me! I didn't do this! Webs!”

The air carried her downward in it's grasp. Holding her close, and wrapping her tight. She cried with sorrow as she reached the pinnacle of the dive.

“Webster please! Don't leave me! Webster! I love you!"

There was an explosion of green and red color as the mare snapped free of the air's grasp, and rocketed towards the waiting ground. The rainboom left behind her was her last scream. Her last cry. Her last punch in the un-winnable fight against life.

When she hit, it was felt across the nation. The ground shook and the mountains quaked. The air trembled and the oceans wavered. The creatures ceased their singing and their talking, and time faulted. The air fell silent as one more tear fell from its form, and onto the form of the mare.

The princess of love felt a dagger of grief and rage pierce her heart, leaving her on the marble floor miles away in pain.

Ponies gasped in shock at the spectacle above the forest, with its ebony black thunderheads, and the bolts and cracks of lightning. And above it all, there was a flash of red and green as the mare poured her heart into the sky for it to carry it away.

On the forest floor, the mare's crimson mane was covered in the earth's filth. Her emerald green coat was dull and wet from the air's tears.

Several days later, a group of hikers would find her body. They would take it back to the town where her ex-coltfriend would identify her. She would be cremated and taken to Hollymare Cemetery.

Her medical reports would read: Prone to hallucinations, extreme schizophrenia, SEEK HELP.

Her police record would say: Storm Shade, single murder-suicide. History of breakdowns.

And her tombstone would scream:

Here Lies:
Storm Shade
When She Smiles, The Everfree shines
When She Frowns, The Everfree storms
When She Cries, The Everfree rains

Comments ( 5 )

It's a spiral from sad to tragic with some insanity thrown in. I don't even know why, Fubbles told me to, so I just pulled up Open Office and started writing. Meh, tell me what you all think.:twilightsmile:

"in-winnable fight" should be "un-winnable fight"
"One the forest floor," should be "On the forest floor,"

Pretty well written, has some nice punch. The tomb stone might be a bit wordy though.

1625147 Thanks for the reply!:twilightsmile: Yeah, I asked a couple of my friends to proof read, I guess this is what I get.:applejackunsure:

1625363 You're face is beautiful Armalite, may it never change.

1628108 My swiss army knees only serve to shine my eyes.

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