• Published 15th Nov 2012
  • 1,698 Views, 6 Comments

The sad story of King Sombra - Zachey_MIX

Somepony wise once said that friendship was magic, but this unicorn could never get that magic.

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The Sad Story of King Sombra

Long time ago, during Fausticorns rule, Fausticorn the queen of the land, took care of many children that would later take part of history. One of these children was a unicorn by the name of Sombra.

When Sombra was but a mesley child, he was in the care of Fausticorn. But he was a reject among the Fausticorns children. Everyone hated him because he couldn't speak proper english, all he could say was "Rarrr" and "Crystals". Discord, god of choas and disharmony, would conjure up crystals and throw them at Sombra. When Sombra had enough, he went straight to Discord and yelled in his face "Raaarr, Crystals!" Discord did not understand what he meant, so he continued to throw more crystals at him.

One day Fausticorn walked into the room and saw that Sombra was crying. She went up to him and saw that he had many injuries from the crystals, she then asked, "What is wrong my child? why are you crying? Why do you have so many cuts and bruises?" He then replied "Raaar, Crystals!" and pointed at Discord who was conveniently sleeping on a pile of crystals he would later throw at Sombra.

Fausticorn was short tempered and lost it. She walked to the sleeping Discord, when she was right above him she yelled "DISCORD, GET UP NOW!!" Discords woke up with terror in his eyes, he knew he was in for it now. He woke up and pleaded "It wasn't meeee" now knowing what he did wrong. Fausticorn asked angrily, "Have you been throwing these crystals at Sombra?" "No" Said Discord "Dont you lie to me, Discord, you know better!" "Ugh, fine, yes I was throwing crystals at him, but I have a good reason"

"Hes stupid, all he does is growl at people, he cant even speak proper English, mom." Discord said. "THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU THROW CRYSTALS AT HIM! *sigh* look at him Discord, does that look like someone who would cause any harm?" "Yes" "Do you want to be sent back to the academy?" "OH PLEASE, NOTHING BUT THAT!" "Then be serious for once!" "No mom, he doesn't look like he would hurt a fly." "Then stop throwing diamonds at him, Discord, do we have an agreement!?" "Yes, mom, ill be nice to him from now on." "Good."

She then picked up Sombra to go take care of his wounds, but suddenly, Sombra figured out how to speak telepathically. It seemed Sombra could only speak normally with his mind. He telepathically spoke to Discord "One of these days, I will find a kingdom of crystals, I will take all of the diamonds there, and I will throw them at YOU!"

After Faust took care of Sombras injuries, he found out that Discord ran away because he was in that rebel mood again. But this time he never came back, and he went and learned the ways of Chaos and Disharmony. Even though Discord was gone, Sombra still hated his guts, so he plotted "When I find that stupid doo doo head, I will get my revenge" then he started laughing outloud, and Fausts children looked at him funny, then they started making fun of him and laughed at him.

800 Years later

Sombra was an adult now, he left Fausticorns care when he was in his mid-teen years. He went to be a student of the dark overlord "Sauron". He learned the evil ways of the wicked west, and learned to rule over any village/city if it has no use to you. And he also learned about stairs, he REALLY liked stairs. He still had that grudge against Discord. After he graduated The Legion of Doom College, he went to go find that "Kingdom of Crystals"

When he found the kingdom, he tried searching for Discord. Sombra was saddened when he found out that Discord was trapped in stone, so he would wait until Discord broke out. While he was waiting, he thought to himself "What did you learn from Lord Sauron again? Think, think, think Sombra! Oh yeah! If you have no use for something, rule it!." So he took over the Crystal empire, and became a king.

The crystal ponies didn't really care that he was a king, they needed a ruler anyway. But the thing that made the crystal ponies into thier depresed state, is that Sombra would force the crystal ponies to watch his "Mad dancing skillz" so he said to them telepathically. After a 50 years of horrible dancing, and forcing ponies to make them watch, Celestia the princess of the sun, heard word, and banished him to the dark dark world of Gak.

This world, this world of.... Gak, it was a terrible place. There was multi-colored splodge everywhere. And not only that, but there was thousands of human children. All day, 24/7, these children would play with the gak, they would blow it, pop it, eat it, stretch it, fart it. It was torture, even for the dark king that ruled an entire kingdom. The king needed to get out of there fast. He tried thinking of a plan to get out of the world.

King Sombra did not get to wait to see Discord break out of his stone. While he was thinking he thought to himself, "I dont care about Discord anymore, but I swear on my life, I will rule those crystal ponies yet again, I will get out of this dark evil world, and I will display my mad dancing skillz, yet again. During the time period between his banishment and season 3, his magic of darkness and stairs became as powerful as ever. When Gaks commercial aired during the season 3 premier, he managed to escape, and he ruled their empire again, but he was stopped by a baby purple dragon.

He was sent back to the world of Gak, and he spent the rest of his time in their, because he knew he would not get the spotlight on "My Little Pony" ever again. He died from suffocation of gak, and became known as the greatest pony in the world of gak. Even though he was the only pony that ever went to that gak world. The End

Comments ( 5 )

awesome story there mister.

And he also learned about stairs, he REALLY liked stairs.

Oh yes, he loved the stairs. But gravity spells have conquered stairs now.:twilightsheepish:

...and there is a .5% you will get diabetes after you read this. You have been warned.

Pretentious much?

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