• Member Since 13th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday



Comments ( 111 )

You did a great job of making me think she wasn't doing what it was implied she was doing.


This was such a beautiful story.


1613971 At first glance, that second cat looked like poo.

i can't really read this now, just not in mood.

My mind said, "This wont be a clopfic, I mean, she's porbably doing some task and Reg is trolling us!"

I was wrong.

Terribly wrong.


Ya, I'm assuming you regret nothing considering how many times you've said it :ajbemused:

do I make you read previews of my stories? I don't right? :facehoof: then why you :facehoof: just...

I've got four things to comment to you Mr. 1618873.

#1 I've seen you before on this website.

#2 You've complimented me on my little "Spike on the Swag Wagon" poem thingy.

#3 I haven't even read this yet and already I've seen so many commentors talking about how they've regretted reading this.

#4 I will read this.

1618873 So let me get this straight...

You regret this?

Oh God.


1618873 Okay wow, that story cracked me up. Here's a picture that describes my reaction.

One day, Regidar, you will be considered a standard pop culture figure:heart:

1624517 Ah, so you DO regret it. That clears things up.

1624563 Okay, man. I get that you regret it. Just gotta let go of things sometimes.

Honestly I was expecting this.

1624590 BAM


Please don't sue me.

Well then.


I did upvote.

Well then.

1624601 And I thank you.

:rainbowhuh: Well... all I can say is...


Nevertheless, good job by me (though I never read this kinda stuff. A warning in the description would be nice. :fluttershysad:

That was a hoot and a holler...THUMBS DOWN!!!!!!!!

just kidding.

1624667 There's the reason for the "mature" tag, silly.


1624667 It's rated mature you raging Charlie horse.

1624672 :facehoof: Yup, probably should've noticed that first. :twilightoops:

1624677 Sorry bud, plus I never said I disliked it. Actually, I gave it a thumbs up. It's just the mature tag doesn't apply to just sex. It also applies to gore which I'm perfectly fine with. No sex tag, I'm gonna assume it's fine. :fluttershysad:

1624688 Never accused you of disliking, I'm just giving you a hard time.

1624706 Ah I see, no harm done bud. :twilightsmile: Sometimes jokes are a bit hard to grasp for me. Sorry. :fluttershysad:

I think you wrote this story just so we could see how many of those 'I regret nothing" gifs you have. Lol. Good show sir. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm concerned about a few things.

First, why was Twilight not building towards the tired twist of NOT masturbating, only to end up doing so? You pretty much GAVE the reader EXACTLY what they wanted AND EXPECTED.

Second, you blatantly tagged it right AND apparently regret nothing!

Your complete lack of subtlety and misleading innuendo is simply APPALLING and CONDEMNABLE.

So I suppose you should have my accolades and favoritism.

DIDN'T FOOL ME THOUGH. No sir, not at all.


I love you.

1624813 Silly filly, that's the idea. This was a parody of all those "We're gonna make you think Twilight's mastrbating but really just doing something else" fics.

I love you.

Me on the outside:

On the inside:


I was aware of the parody, thus the criticism. Obviously you're not trying to show off and misdirect your audience. Well, excepting that we all anticipated being mislead, so... in a way, your pandering has actually parodied the endless parodies, making this work an actual worthwhile endeavor.

That really pisses me off.


You made good on your threat, I see. (Much as poor Spike wishes he could unsee..)

1624953 It needed to be done.


Your regret smells like victory.

Do a lap, already.

Didn't see that coming.

I expected to have my expectations reversed, but then what I expected I should expect happened instead of what I expected I shouldn't be expecting, which is what I was expecting because I knew I should not expect it, and now I have no more expectations for anything ever.
Things fall up, 2+2=5, all that jazz.

1627911 Mission accomplished.

*starts reading*
Oh goodie. Another one of those misdirection fics where they make you think something dirty is going on, but isn't.:facehoof:
*continues reading*
:rainbowderp:Oh, um... guess I was wrong.:rainbowhuh:
*finishes reading*

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