• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 1,679 Views, 240 Comments

No Longer an Enigma - enigmaMystere

How Enigma, from 'Epic Rap Battles of MLP', met his current friends.

  • ...

Meet the New Day

Enigma woke up slowly, squinting at the bright light peeking through the window. “It always hits my eyes...” He groaned, shaking his head. He looked to his left, finally noticing the earth pony sitting by the bed he was in, inspecting the cello bow she’d sliced that apple with. He felt the need to ask two questions.

“...why am I in a bed? And just whose bed is this?”

Octavia looked at him, apparently surprised that he was awake. She placed the weapon on the bedside table, standing up to stare down at him. “You’re in my roommate’s bed. There’s no way I’m letting you in mine, and she hardly uses it. As for the why, I wasn’t very well going to leave you in the middle of the hallway, was I?”

The red pegasus was about to respond, but an itch on his nose distracted him. He lifted a hoof up to take care of it. At least, he tried to lift a hoof. He blinked in confusion, trying to lift any of his hooves, only to meet with resistance.

Seeing his attempt to get up, she smirked, pulling back the covers to reveal the satin bands tying him to the bed. “I wasn’t very well going to leave a potential assassin laying around without taking the proper measures.” She put a hoof on his chest, glaring into his eyes. “Who. Sent. You?”

He groaned, writhing in the agony caused by being unable to scratch the itch on his nose. “Not an assassin. Please untie me!”

She pressed hard on him, frowning deeply. “You think I’m going to take that chance? I have a bounty on my head for who knows what reason. I’m not going to let you go until I’m absolutely certain you’re not a threat.”

Itch itch itch itch itch itch ITCH! Enigma couldn’t stand it anymore. He carefully pulled on the bindings with one hoof, realizing that it was attached to his other forehoof when it started drifting to the edge of the bed. He thought for a few moments, realizing that a knot made with satin would eventually come untied if a force acted on it long enough. Using as much strength as he could muster, he pulled with both hooves, creating enough force to tear it along an imperfection in the cloth, which was more luck than skill, if one was honest. Both forehooves free, he did what seemed logical to him.

He rubbed the outside of his nose like it would disappear without constant physical contact. “Ahhhh!” He sighed, laying his hooves at his sides, looking up at the stunned cellist. “...what?”

“You’re a strange one, no doubt.” She sighed, shaking her head condescendingly. “There’s no way you’d be an assassin. You lack discipline.”

He threw his hooves up in the air, smiling brightly at her, completely missing the subtle insult she’d made. “That’s what I’ve been saying, Octavia!” He glanced down at his hindlegs, realizing they were still tied up. He pulled on one side, then the other, childishly chuckling at the odd amusement it gave him. Eventually, after two minutes or so of this, he turned to the gray mare, a silly smile on his face. “Could you please let me out? I need my meds.”

She stared incredulously at him, probably wondering if he was insane. Sighing, she sliced the silk holding him down.

Enigma immediately leaped up, glided over to his bag and shook a couple pills out. After he took them, he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to her once more, rubbing the back of his head. “Sorry about that. I tend to get a little wonky if I don’t have my meds.” He coughed awkwardly, sitting on the ground. “...yeah, I don’t know exactly how long it takes to kick in...”

Octavia sighed, shaking her head. “I swear, you are almost exactly like her.” She shrugged, a small smirk growing on her lips. “Still, at least you aren’t WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?”

The red pegasus had suddenly hugged her, grinning rather foolishly. “Hugs are nice.” He patted her back gently, resting his head on her shoulder. “Thank you for taking care of me. Even though you did tie me down.”

She had no idea how to respond to this strange assortment of words and actions. She slowly wrapped her forelegs around his barrel, awkwardly returning the embrace. After about a minute of this, she pat him on the back, beginning to grow tired of the random display of affection. “You have three seconds to let go of me before I tie you back up. This time with steel chains and in a full-body cast.”

He immediately released her, sheepishly chuckling. “S-sorry.” Dear Luna, this pony is scary!

Octavia rolled her eyes, turning to leave the room. “I have a guest coming over later. You can stay here and help by serving us, or you can leave to go someplace else. I hear the Art Gallery is a nice place to visit, but the Royal Gardens are relaxing, as well.” She glanced over her shoulder at him, eyes narrowed. “Do not assume that I trust you. I trust you as far as I can throw you.” She paused, contemplating that sentence. “Make that ‘as far as you can throw me’. I can throw a pony fairly far.” She smacked his face with her tail before she left, the door closing behind her.

Enigma shivered from the very memory of her icy glare, turning his attention to his saddlebag. He pulled out his pocketwatch, noting that it was early morning. He realized this meant the gray mare was likely keeping an eye on him the whole night...or that she had slept as well and just woke up before he did.

He shrugged, deciding that it was rather touching either way. He began to rifle through his bags for anything he could use to pass the time.

He pulled out a small white plush toy. Blushing softly, he cuddled it to his chest. He took painstaking care of the stuffed toy, a memento from a family member he’d gotten for his birthday a couple years ago. He sighed, remembering the concert he’d gone to with his grandfather. He wondered what he should do, now.

Thanks to Lazypoisonfl for giving me ideas for this chapter!

This chapter was written without any editing from others, so I apologize if the syntax or flow is a little messed up. Also, yes, Enigma is a hugger. Without his medicine, he tends to cling onto other ponies.

The choices for this chapter are actions. Should Enigma:

1) Stay to meet the guest,

2) Go to the Art Gallery,

3) Visit the Royal Gardens, or

4) Wander the streets?

Have a nice day!

Enigma out.~