• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 734 Views, 13 Comments

A Vicious Triangle - EternalShadow54

A story of me and my life, and the two mares that affected me in the worst way... with love...

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Chapter 5

Returning to my humble abode didn't seem like the better option, but sticking around town to wait on what they could think up on me wasn't ideal of a choice in itself either. I didn't want to visit the mares, since the only reason behind which would be to just ask if said rumors were true. The only safe place I could conceive that would be far enough from everything was the lake, save if Linky were to step outside from her home. It was the only location I could come up with that would be secluded other than home, and even that sanctuary had been defiled already.

I glanced at the time, which read four. The sun's gleam was already starting to slimmer away as I sluggishly traversed through town. I was in no rush. At the time, just making it to my destination was trivial enough, so a quickened advance was deemed unnecessary. It was about half past four by the time I reached the village's edge, bordering on both the city limits and the sight of the lake. Heh, strange that the morning star would be lowering at such a fast pace, but the season had been shifting even before I had arrived. Winter was near, indicated clearly by the shorter days and freezing nights. The flowers, however, had been very enduring this year, along with other plant life. Must be the little bit of warmth from the sun carried with the chilled afternoons that prolonged them.

There were a few bushes and a thin thicket of trees just before the small body of water I would have to navigate past before actually reaching my goal, but just upon entering them, I noticed another rustle off out of my sight. I suddenly crouched down, lightly treading on my hooves. Whoever it was, they wasn't trying to be quiet. From the sounds, I could tell it must have been more than one pony. The hoofsteps were numerous, rustling up leaves in an odd pattern. Slowly, I inched my way closer to the miniature forest's edge and peeked into the open field where the lake resided.

The sight of the liquid body was spectacular, for lack of a better word. The smooth ripples of the buzzing bugs touching the surface, the faint reflection of a fading scene portrayed inversely to anything around it. The mossy grass all around softened the dirt, the scent of clovers filling the air. The orange glow of a setting star set the whole place ablaze, a breeze trying hard to break through the trees that covered. It was marvelous, save one feature. Just to the side of my peripheral vision stood a blob of pink. When my sight focused, there she was, Rezzly Reed, glaring at the direction of the incoming noise.

From the threshold stepped Linky Lane, her daughter Clary close behind. If I remember correctly, I never did fix the time on my clock. School must have ended recently and they were on their way back home. They appeared just as shocked as me to have seen Rezzly standing there, peering at them with furious eyes. Then another thought hit me. Word spreads fast in small towns.

"Rezzly!" Lane greeted her with an unexpected hospitality complemented nicely with her surprised tone. "What are you doing here? It's been awhile since we last spoke." The other equine just continued her death glare at the other mare. Finally, after only a brief second, she replied, rather harsh in tone.

"Shut it Lane!" she nearly barked. Clary ducked behind her mother, who herself was taken aback at the outburst. "You know good and well why I'm here!"

"I'm sure I haven't a clue." Lane's reply was fear filled, gaze in horror, yet it came across bravely, like she was talking back to her. It was like a smart flank thief who was caught with money in hoof. Rezzly snarled, snorting at the comment.

"You better stay away from him if you know what's good for you. I heard what you did last night, trying to take him from me through your sappy sad story. Just keep your distance, for both your sakes." The lightly hued mare stepped toward them, brushing a stunned mother and child to her side upon reaching them. She only reached a few steps away before a certain filly broke the eerie silence between them.

"He doesn't like you!" Everything felt like it froze at that moment. All the bugs stopped, the ripples halted, our breaths ceased. "He likes mommy!"

One would swear they could see the fumes of anger emit from Rezzly, her temper easily above boiling. Spinning around, she growled viciously at the two, stomping towards them.

"He likes me! Understand you two! You have no chance! None! Nada! Zilch! So I suggest you get that through your thick skulls!" Even I knew when enough is enough. A few seconds after she had blared that remark, I stepped out from my hiding spot, pretending to had just arrived. As I left the bramble, they all nearly jumped and beamed at me with looks of terror.

"Oh hey there you two! What's going on?" This was much more outgoing than my usual mood, but it had to be done. All three glanced at me with sheepish smiles, Rezzly rubbing the back of her head and the other two poking a bit at the dirt.

"Oh nothing much. Just visiting an old friend," Rezzly replied. She was a terrible liar. Her averted eyes, the nervous grin, the sweat rolling down the side of her cheeks, she couldn't hide it, so I pretended not to find it. Lane and Clary shot each other a look before they stared back at me.

"Well how nice of you to do so. You two know each other then?" That's definitely one question I had wished I never asked.

"We graduated at the Mareietta Elementary School here together as fillies," Lane explained. "We were the best of friends." She glanced over to her side. "Were..."

"But the past is the past," Rezzly interjected. "There are just some things that can't be forgotten."

"Or forgiven huh?" Lane continued. The other scoffed before turning to face me.

"Come and see me sometime." She pecked my lips with hers, right in front of Lane, and trotted happily off back into town, heading home.

There I stood in my cloud of confusion, not alone in the process, but separated by reasoning. The mare gazed at me, the filly still clinging tightly to her. Not a word was spoken, and I wouldn't have had an answer to anything she might have asked anyway. It felt like a short eternity, but after the sun had totally vanished behind its hills, Lane stood up and silently walked home, Clary at her side being just as quiet.

A few moments passed after that, the air still and the lake bouncing off the moon's glow. It was, in fact, a full moon, and the wind picked up rather quickly after she had left. It didn't bother me though. I paced up to the water's edge, the small scaled earth cliff the only barrier from it and me. Staring into my reflection, I look at the pony who had caused the scene. His mane was rough, coat half decent. His glare lacked luster, his eyes were dull and void. He didn't have a perfect smile, and he certainly didn't have an eventful lifestyle. What was it about this stallion they saw? About him that could cause this all?

After a minute, I was done, tired of looking at myself and thinking. There was nothing special I had seen, just another stallion running from his problems. I wanted to just sit there, to just lie down and hope I would wake from it all. It all felt like a bad dream, just a figment of my imagination that would soon end with me in my bed, but that wasn't the case. What had happened did happen, and it was over me.

I know it wasn't my fault, but I felt downright despicable. Without taking a final look, I started back home, heart heavy with unreasonable guilt. Why did I feel this way? Why to all of this did I hold these feelings? Those two questions were all I thought on my way home.

This had seemed to become the routine for me, trotting back home with my mind whizzing around in a blank state. Routine for me was good, at least I knew what to expect. I don't like change. Contradictory to my move here, but that was a must.

The house came into view, my door open and a light illuminating from inside. I came from an odd angle, so I couldn't peer into the window without being seen anyway, or so I didn't think I could. It didn't cross over me with much thought. I was too lost in the deep corners of my mind to care. I had just thought I had left the door open and the lights on myself.

Entering in with my head down, I closed the door behind me and locked it. I was going to just stay in tomorrow, just going to pass up that opportunity with Rex and sleep in. I needed some time to think, but that wasn't going to be the case.

When I lifted my vision, there lay Rezzly, posed seductively on my bed with a lustful glare in her eyes. Out of all things that have taken place, this certainly was the most unnerving.

"Hello there Leafy." Her tone, the pose, her stare... I was literally nerve struck, so still I appeared painted on the wall. She shifted her slender body a bit, rolling around to look at me in a suggestive style. "See anything you like?"

I couldn't speak. What could I say anyway? I didn't know how to handle this situation, and the door was already locked behind me. I continued my unbroken glare, my face expressionless. With a slightly bewildered look, she stepped onto the floor, the next in my direction.

"What? Can't speak? Too much beauty to take in at once?" She started to circle around me, every pass in front waving her tail in my face. "Come now, you shouldn't be surprised. I can give you anything you want if you were to just ask." She leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Anything..."

"L... leave..." That might have been the hardest thing I had ever said in my life. Rezzly kept her seductive grin, but she looked confused.

"Heh, w... what?" A tiny hint of concern was heard. The next time saying it wasn't so hard, though I had to fight the dryness of my throat.

"Leave." That smile and that lustful sense vanished in that instant. It was replaced quickly with one of frustration.

"Fine!" I expected more of a response, but that's all she said before stomping toward my door furiously. If I didn't say anything, she might have broken the door down beating on it like she did.

"Ummm... it's locked." She snapped her fiery snare back at me, the sight itself scaring me.

"Unlock it then!" I hastefully started to look for where I had placed the key, but in my frantic search, I had forgotten where I had precisely put it.

"I... can't find the key." That didn't settle well with her at all. The bang on the door after that statement would have left me deaf if any louder. Remarkably, the door still stood. The look she gave was mean enough to kill just by the sight.

"You have another way out of this place!?" she blared. With fright, I shakily point to the window. She must of thought I was joking at first, turning and scoffing at the gesture, but I kept pointing, and it didn't take her that long to realize I was serious. "You've gotta be kidding." I shook my head.

As hilarious as it was to see her struggle and strain through that small and elevated square in my wall, I didn't laugh. That would have been a death wish if I ever wanted one. I'd say it took her a good five minutes before she was able to finally pull herself over and through, banging on the ground relentlessly as she went off into town, leaving me in my home, alone, frightened, and perplexed.

I sat there forever thinking about what had all happened that day. Eventful as it was, I still somehow wound up feeling worse than yesterday. Setting my watch to the correct time, preparing the alarm on the clock hanging from the wall, I laid my head to rest on the yellow sofa. I wasn't touching that bed, and it wasn't all that uncomfortable on the couch. Staring at the ceiling, I began to think. What just happened? For Rezzly, I feel both afraid yet... still drawn to her. Like that act of crawling through the window really showed how helpless she was, but that fire in her eyes, that inferno that cut...

And then I thought about Linky. What was her feelings on the matter? She seemed so taken by the fact I had known Rezzly, and the peck on the lips. What would that make her think?

It was all too much for me to think about then. Stretching out a bit and sprawling out as much as I could, I drifted off into my sleep, clearing my mind for reasons all too obvious to mention...