• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 3,917 Views, 93 Comments

Harmony and Courage: Running Parallel - SSJRandomMaster

A recently matured colt leaves to Ponyville for two things: quiet and readiness against an old foe.

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Chapter 30: The Aftermath of Trauma

Chapter 30: The Aftermath of Trauma
The walk back to Ponyville seemed to take the longest time, but Azure didn't really care about any of that. He'd fulfilled his promises once again, this time in a way he'd hoped to never experience from this point onward. Nearly losing two friends to two crazed ponies wasn't something that anypony should ever wish for themselves or another.

All along the way, the group had more or less talked. The surgically modified earth pony hadn't so much as stirred with the talk around him. Shining began to go into detail of how the pursuit with Shade went, with Virid and Blitz listening intently. Azure listened in too; he still owed that pony for what'd he'd attempted to do three times now. Twilight quietly rode on his back, still shaken from the whole ordeal. Occasionally her grip would tighten, and Azure would often have to raise a forehoof tenderly to where she was squeezing him to remind her that he was still very sore.

While this was going on, another conversation was taking place. Though Fluttershy had also been shaken by the ordeal, she could find it in herself to stand and walk with assistance. Silver was the one helping her along, but they were even further back than Azure and Twilight.

Fluttershy hadn't said much for most of the trip; other than an occasional "yes" or a short statement regarding the actual fight, she had kept her mouth shut.

"You alright, Fluttershy?" Silver asked, using his sense of touch to locate her, "You haven't said anything in a while."

If he had eyesight, he would have seen the doubt on her face.

"I'm okay...i-it's just..." Fluttershy paused, feeling incredibly unsure if she should say what was on her mind. But her want to know outweighed her timidity, and she had to ask, "Earlier, right before...Shining arrived....D-did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" Silver asked, a look of puzzlement on his features.

"When you said...'you protect the ponies you care for'?" Fluttershy responded, her heart suddenly racing. Not even Azure's pep talk way back then had done this much to her; he hadn't made the assertion that Silver had at that time.

"Oh, that..." Silver's face began to flush with color-red. Fluttershy returned the blush as soon as she realized he was. "Yeah...I did mean it. And it wasn't in the heat of the moment either...I meant every word..."

Fluttershy almost let out a goat bleat; had Silver not been supporting her weight she would have fallen over. "I-I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to..." Silver assured. "But if you're not busy tomorrow, I thought maybe we could hang out...get to know each other a little more."

Silver turned to Fluttershy, giving the warmest smile he could muster. Fluttershy stared into Silver's dead eyes and began to return the smile, even if he couldn't see it.

"I'd like that..." she responded, resting her head on Silver's shoulder.
The rest of the walk back had gone off well, but a lot of time had disappeared. When the foalnapping had happened, it was about noon. Though the whole affair hadn't lasted more than an hour, the walk back from the Ghastly Gorge took a lot longer with several exhausted ponies in the party. The sun was already beginning to set, and set fast as the group finally made it back to the picnic.

"Well," Shining observed. "We've gotta go take this colt away now," He motioned with his head to the still out cold Tagane.

"Will..." Twilight said, looking up from Azure's neck, but still maintaining her hold, "Will you be back?"

"Twiley..." Shining responded, turning back to her. "We will be here for a couple more days...That pony could still try again. As such, only one of us will leave to--"

"Pick me, sir!" Virid blurted out, immediately showing Shining only the utmost respect, once again. "I promise he won't get away this time!"

"If you manage to lose an unconscious pony..." Blitz began, trailing off for emphasis.

"Crimson, go with Virid until he leaves. Make sure nopony sneaks up on him," Shining commanded, heading off the potential argument that could have risen from that. Azure had a funny feeling his cousins were still prone to unprofessionally fighting each other...even with Virid's unusual amount of respect for his captain.

"As for the rest of you..." Shining continued, addressing the group. "I don't think it'd be the best idea to go home alone tonight, after what happened. He could still be out there."

Nopony objected. Rainbow Dash and Applejack left together, probably going to Sweet Apple Acres. Azure knew he would have to talk to her at some point, given all that had happened recently, but right now, he was going to focus on the present. Rarity and Pinkie left together, with Rarity giving Azure a very subtle wink as she walked past him. Silver looked to Azure, nodding.

The two didn't say anything, bumping forehooves. The blind pony then left with Fluttershy, while Virid and Blitz left with the still unconscious Tagane in tow. This left Azure alone with Twilight...and her older brother.

"Azure, right?" questioned Shining as soon as the others were out of earshot.

"Yes, sir?" Azure asked, more out of force of habit. Shining merely chuckled in response.

"C'mon, you're not one of my soldiers, just 'Shining' is fine by me..."

Azure nodded. Inside, he wondered how he could be so laid-back considering who he was and all that had happened, but he wasn't about to question it now.

"Hey, do you mind if I talk to Twilight for a bit?" Shining asked.

He wasn't immediately sure if he imagined Twilight's grip tighten just a little out of reflex or not. But he could feel her shake slightly.

"It's just for a few minutes. I'll still be here when you get back, don't worry." Azure said, touching the spot where her hooves intersected again. "Besides, he's your brother..."

Twilight relaxed, and allowed herself to be placed onto Shining's back without so much as a word spoken. Shining then began walking away, leaving Azure alone. The sun finished its course, and the moon came into full view, and Azure stared up at it.
As soon as Shining exited Azure's earshot, he allowed Twilight to lie down on the ground, and sat down next to her. They were under a tree. It was easy for Shining to read his sister's emotions, even though he hadn't seen her since she moved: she was still very shaken from her ordeal.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you, Twilight," he said, nuzzling his sister gently.

"It's not your fault..." Twilight assured, "Besides..." Her face was buried in his shoulder, and he couldn't see the smile that had formed on her face as she said the next part, "Azure was there..."

"And I've never been more grateful..." Shining chuckled suddenly, "It's funny...every time I picture a colt in your life, I always wind up hating him."

Twilight groaned in response, and that only made him laugh just a little more.

"But...now that I've actually met one, and seen how far he's willing to go for you, well...he's got my respect." He looked over to Azure, and he was looking at the moon like some kind of wolf. "So...Twiley...do you remember a few years ago, a little after you got your cutie mark?"

Twilight blinked. Of course she did; in fact, before all this had happened, she had remembered it quite clearly...all except for one detail. Her eyes widened.

"You told us about a colt you saw..." Shining continued, "You ran straight home, and for days afterward, you would talk about him all the time. He was probably the only thing on your mind. And I remember you always looking for something when we went out as a family. I think I know who it was..."

Now she looked away, blushing. Shining laughed again.

"But after a while, you realized your grades were slipping, from A-plus to A-minus. Two things happened: you gave up on the foal, and concluded that all other ponies not already in your life by that point would only get in your way."

Twilight didn't need to be reminded of how she used to avoid other ponies. She shuddered slightly at the memory. She may not have intended it, but she really did come off as a snob in those days.

"Sometimes, I wonder how it would have happened if you had ever met that colt again. And...well, I finally have my answer..." Shining said. "Tell me, does this sound familiar? A greenish, messy mane, cyan fur...I never forgot how you described him; it was kinda hard to forget, after all!"

Twilight looked back at Azure again. This time, she could see it, as clear as crystal. The greenish mane, messy style; cyan fur...even that attitude he displayed on the day matched up.

It was him...it was him all along! I didn't even know it!

Shining watched his sister's reaction, and smiled. He knew without needing to be told that she definitely remembered him now.

"C'mon...I think it's time you got home...Spike's gotta be worried sick by now..."
Azure stared blankly up at the moon, reflecting on everything he'd been through since moving to Ponyville and meeting Twilight; mostly the latter since the moon was the whole reason he came to Ponyville in the first place--followed closely by the snobby nobility. Had he never learned of Nightmare Moon, he would have moved anyway.

Twilight...you and I fought a lot... Azure thought. Looking back on it all...I...

The sound of a hoof clopping on the ground behind him caused his ear to twitch. He turned in the direction of the sound, and saw Shining with his sister still on his back.

"Well, I gotta go now, got reports to file and all..." Shining said, as casually as though he were picking up the week's groceries, "Mind watching over her?"

Azure nodded, his expression changing from distant to stern as soon as he made the request. Shining walked up next to Azure, and the instant she could reach over, Twilight immediately latched on. Almost as soon as she made contact, Azure heard her sigh very lightly.

"And...Azure?" Shining asked, "Don't do anything I wouldn't..."

If it wasn't for the fact he heard him chuckle, Azure would have assumed Shining was threatening him. Still, Azure couldn't stop himself from blushing, and was grateful for the fact nopony was around to mock him for it. Shining went off into the distance, and Azure breathed out a sigh. His aches and pains weren't getting any easier, and what he wanted to do was flop down almost anywhere and nap. However, he still had something he needed to do, and it wasn't just because Twilight's older brother asked him to do it.

Azure began to trot as quickly as he could in the direction of the library--Twilight's home.
The night was clear, almost as if the royal sisters themselves were celebrating everypony's safe return. Azure trotted along, noting that there were a few Royal Guards stationed around town. He wasn't about to question it, given what had just occurred. The way to the library was clear otherwise, but Azure remained alert. He wouldn't allow himself to collapse until he was sure Twilight was out of danger.

As for the others: if there was one thing he learned today, his friends could take care of themselves without him there as long as they were ready.

"We're at your home, Twilight," Azure said as he stepped up to the library. Twilight looked up, clearly seeing her home, but she didn't say anything. "Lights are still on...is he still awake?"

Azure raised a hoof to knock on the door. Almost as soon as he finished his first knock, he heard the sound of rapid movement inside the house. The second and third knocks weren't even necessary, but it was almost a force of habit.

Barely five seconds had passed before Spike answered the door. The first thing Azure noticed was that his eyes were run red, obviously from crying. As soon as he saw Twilight on Azure's back, he stared.

"Twilight...?" Spike asked, almost at a loss. "Y-you're okay!?" Crying, he practically lunged forward.

Before Azure could move or allow Twilight off his back, Spike was already hugging the purple pony, and she made no effort to get off to return it, instead returning it from atop Azure's back.

"I'm alright Spike..." Twilight replied, practically crying herself, "Thanks to Azure and everypony else..."

Azure just rolled his head back and let them have their moment. The day was almost over anyway.

"Alright...Spike..." Twilight apparently sensed Azure's discomfort. "No more tears..." she said. "Now...I want you to go on and go to bed..."

"B-but..." Spike started.

"Spike, you've worried yourself sick since the picnic at least..." Azure said. "I was surprised to see you were still awake right now..."

"Don't worry," Twilight piped in, "I'll still be here tomorrow...now...please, get some rest..."

Spike looked to Twilight. It was apparent he wanted to keep the reunion going for a bit longer. Azure could understand where he was coming from, at any rate.

"Fine..." Spike said. As he walked away, he wasn't quite sure if he imagined the dragon saying something about "wanting alone time".

Azure and Twilight managed to get into the main area of the library as Spike headed for his bed. Azure shut the door behind him and locked it as a precaution. Now that she was safely home, Twilight began to get off Azure's back. However, as she dismounted, she suddenly halted. Azure could feel her forelegs still around his neck.

"Azure...could you stay...?" asked Twilight. Azure looked. She was still shaken from her ordeal--there was no way he could say no to those eyes...

"I'll stay as long as I'm needed," Azure responded, and only then did Twilight let go of him. Her legs were still shaking, but she was able to at least walk under her own weight now. Not that she was going to for long anyway. Twilight made her way over to her couch, and Azure found himself following her. Earlier, he had come to terms with his feelings: not once, but twice. He was sure of it now. However, he wasn't quiet about it during either of his realizations.

"Azure..." Twilight said, just as soon as she laid down. "About what you said...when you were fighting..."

Azure straightened up; he knew she was eventually going to get back around to asking him about it, but he really didn't think she'd want to talk about it so soon.

"Did you really mean it?" She asked.

Azure felt like he had to say yes, almost as loudly as possible, but this was one of those things where he couldn't just charge in, horn blazing and hoping for the best. However, he had thought about it the whole way back.

"Twilight..." Azure started, closing his eyes. "Do you remember way back when we first met?"

"How could I forget?" Twilight questioned, "It was the day I met you all, and..."

"It was also back in the time where neither of us really thought of the other as important. Back then, I thought for sure the only thing we would ever have in common was the fact we tracked Nightmare Moon. Back then, I couldn't see me spending time with you, and honestly, back then, you thought the same, only not just me but everypony else..."

Twilight bit her lip, looking as though she were almost ashamed of the pony she was then.

"But it all changed that same night. I stood up to the chimera--I think that's when it started. I didn't think much of it back then, but now I know for sure. I couldn't allow anything to hurt you..." Azure said, opening his eyes after some time. "After that, we spent a lot of time together...mostly at each other's throats, though..."

Twilight gave a sheepish smile. Azure couldn't help but notice she looked adorable right then, and chuckled lightly before continuing.

"As time passed, I began to respect you more, and I didn't want to argue my case that much anymore. I didn't want to see you upset or mad, especially if I was the cause. I've seen you shine at your absolute best, and even at your lowest points, I watched you come out on top in the end, and I've enjoyed every moment of it."

He looked Twilight dead in the eye at that moment. He could see her purple eyes very clearly now: even though she wasn't mid-spell, he could see them twinkling, possibly from the candles. She stared back, deep into his own brown eyes; she could see the gentle side of him showing full force, and he was making no effort to conceal it now.

"So...when you ask me if I meant it, I can tell you now there's no doubt in my mind about it. I'm sure of it now," Azure closed his eyes again. In his mind's eye, the filly he met all those years ago began to grow up in a flash before his eyes. When she was done, it was the mare he'd rescued from the hooves of those evil ponies. "I love you, Twilight Sparkle. And nopony else."

There was a definite twinkle in her eyes; for just a moment, Azure could have sworn he saw her eyes flash a magenta color, just before her face flushed with that same color. Though, now that he had focused on her eyes all this time, Azure noticed something.

"...But I have to ask, Twilight..." Azure continued, "...Why haven't you been wearing your glasses recently? Don't you still need them?"

Twilight frowned, almost as though she knew this was going to come up. "...Azure...I...I don't need them...my eyes healed up fine a long time ago..."

"But..." Azure started, nearly at a loss for words, "...you wore them since last winter when you--"

"...I've worn them ever since you called me cute..." She admitted, her face flushing with the memory of it. Azure blinked; he remembered it very well. He did in fact call her that, without even pausing to think of his words. "Other than my family members, nopony has ever called me cute until then...I thought...I guess...I guess I must have thought to myself..."

Twilight paused, seemingly rubbing at a temple in frustration with herself, "I guess I kept wearing them because I still wanted to look cute to you..."

Twilight made a move as though to stand, but Azure quickly got in front of her, which seemed to confuse her greatly.

"Twilight...I did say that. I meant it, but..." Azure started. "I...I was wrong then to not see it..."

"What?!" Twilight practically shrieked, but Azure would not let her think he was retracting his statement.

"...Twilight..." Azure extended a hoof, this time to Twilight's mouth so she couldn't cut him off. "...By that, I mean that...you're beautiful without them. And I was blinder than Silver to not see it."

Twilight blinked, blushing bright red again. Her eyes followed Azure as he got onto the couch next to her, and soon the two were face-to-face, staring each other down. It was a familiar sight, and one that Azure remembered very clearly. His heart was beating fast, and he was sure he was blushing too by this point.

"A-Azure...I..." Twilight began, almost sheepishly. "...I...I-It's hard..."

"Huh?" Azure asked, blinking.

"It's so hard to believe this is actually happening...I...I feel like I'm dreaming..." she responded.

"If it is just a dream, Twilight," The colt said, the rest of him moving on its own, "Don't pinch me, I don't want to wake up..."

Twilight began to move on her own as well. This was a very nostalgic place for both of them: had Spike not walked in last time, this would have already happened. However, this time, Spike was not about to walk in. There was nothing to stop them now, and that was just the way they wanted--no, needed it to be this time.

Their muzzles came together, lips parted, eyes shut.



Their lips touching brought on a whole new sensation. It was unlike anything they'd ever felt before or after. Save for when their mouths would briefly part for air, the room was dead quiet. As they continued to demonstrate their feelings rather than talk them out, their horns slowly, gradually began to light up: Azure's cyan, Twilight's magenta. The hues moved towards where their horns lightly made contact, and seemed to mix in the center. To an average onlooker, it would appear dangerous, but the light show was benign in nature.

However, the two were on complete automatic now, well out of the reach of their rational minds. They couldn't stop just there, not with what had recently happened still fresh in their minds. Azure felt something moist pressing against his lips, and he didn't need to be a genius to figure out it was Twilight's tongue doing the pushing. Without even thinking about it, he opened his mouth to allow the foreign tongue to meet his own.

The two playfully wrapped their tongues around each other, not really sure what to do, given this was their very first actual kiss and their first open mouth kiss to boot. Both were operating on instinct right now, and neither one was sure what to do; even Azure didn't quite know what he was supposed to do here, everything was happening so fast.

The light whispers to air began to turn to moderate gasps for oxygen as they continued. Eventually, exhausted from the earlier ordeal, they finally broke apart, practically starved for air. Both panted heavily, blushing heavily, as their horns began to lose their glow.

"...That was..." Azure breathed, fumbling for words as to how to describe what he just felt.

"...I...I should have said..." Twilight started, as soon as her rational mind returned. " 'I love you' back, r-right?"

"You didn't need to say it..." Azure said. "Far as I know, you did all the talking through what you did..."

Twilight looked as though she wanted to say more, but instead of words, all Azure got was a yawn. The instant she finished, she looked like she needed to sleep right then and there.

"...I don't think I can make it to bed..." Twilight said. As soon as she said it, Azure yawned as well.

"I'm sore and tired...I don't think I can carry you to your bed..." Azure stated, already feeling his eyelids grow heavy.

"That's...okay..." Twilight said. "I don't think...my bed has the right pillow...anyway..."

She managed to crawl slightly forward before resting her head on his shoulder. Within moments, Twilight Sparkle was out cold. Azure figured out what she meant by pillow as soon as she began moving towards him, and he sighed.

The couch would be missing something comfy if you had gone to bed...anyway...

And with that, Azure nuzzled Twilight, falling asleep in that position with her on the couch before he could even think about saying anything else.
Twilight's night came and went without much intervention. At one point, she did, however, have a nightmare. However, as soon as she reminded herself Azure was still very much snuggled up with her on the couch, she was able to lull herself back to sleep and did not get disturbed for the remainder of the night. Soon, the time to change from night to day was underway, and Twilight quickly learned that her sofa was the worst possible spot to sleep for the night, particularly if it was facing a window opened to the east.

She stirred in the sofa, trying to block out the light that had so easily assaulted her face. She just wasn't ready to get up yet. However, as she moved about, she noticed something was wrong.


Twilight's eyes opened, and the light immediately assaulted her eyes, causing her to squint them shut out of reflex. After blinking several times and shaking off the initial flash, she looked around. Nopony was around her; she was totally alone in the library save for her owl.

"W-was it just a dream?" Twilight asked herself, feeling that familiar pain flare up in her chest. "No, it couldn't have been...it was too real!" She practically hopped off the couch, and no sooner did her hooves make contact with the ground did she hear something coming from the kitchen. And as soon as she began to walk toward it, she caught a deliciously sweet scent.

"Spike?" Twilight questioned, figuring it was probably him up early out of excitement that she was safe. "Did Azure leave?"

The instant she stepped into the kitchen, she noticed a sight she didn't expect to see, and froze, her reactions escaping her. The fact it was Azure in the kitchen was odd enough; the fact he was cooking pancakes was even weirder, and Twilight resisted the urge to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't still dreaming.

Azure turned around, catching sight of her. He smiled and waved. Twilight couldn't help herself.

"Morning, Twilight, did you sleep--"

Twilight practically tackled Azure to the ground before he could finish his sentence, practically smothering him again in a hug. Azure returned it, but in his position it did sort of look weird...

"...You're a lot stronger than I give you credit for..." Azure grimaced, "...still kinda sore from yesterday, though..."

"Sorry, it's just...I woke up and I didn't see you!" Twilight said, letting the colt back to his hooves. "I was starting to think it really was just a dream..."

"Oh, believe me," Azure leaned forward, planting an almost unexpected kiss on Twilight's cheek, "It was no dream..."

"What are you making?" Twilight asked, taking in another huge whiff. "It smells...delicious!"

"Blueberry pancakes..." Azure responded. "I figured you'd be hungry from what happened last night..."

Twilight's stomach growled at that instant, very audibly. Heat rose to her cheeks out of embarrassment. She hadn't eaten at all since yesterday morning, and even then she didn't eat much out of anxiety...

"I...think I can eat..." she chortled, already moving towards the table.

"...Alright then..." Azure said. He paused for just a moment, and turned back to the pan. It wasn't long before Azure had finished the pancakes he was working on. In moments, Twilight found herself served a stack of four pancakes.

"Enjoy," Azure said, just before his own stomach let off a growl, "...I didn't eat a lot either..."

The mare poured some syrup on a stack. Deep down, she didn't think Azure could cook for anything, but she had to give him the benefit of the doubt. The colt she saw yesterday was a far cry from the colt she first met. She used her magic on a fork to hack off a piece of one. As soon as the pancake entered her mouth, she immediately regretted ever doubting him.

"A-Azure," she said, just as soon as she got the first bite down, "I didn't think you could...cook..."

"I do my best..." Azure responded. A small cup thudded next to the mare's plate--apple juice. After a few more minutes, Azure served himself a similar plate, and quickly began to eat from his own stack. This time, the silence between them wasn't awkward. Well, at least Azure seemed content with the silence, but Twilight felt a little uneasy. She was picking at her pancakes with her fork.

So much I never knew about him...and yet now we're...definitely...more than 'just friends', but...

"Something on your mind?"

Twilight looked up to see Azure. He was levitating his next bite haphazardly as he looked over to her.

"I-is it that obvious?" Twilight laughed.

"A little..." Azure responded. "C'mon...what is it? You can tell me..."

Twilight tried to think it through, but the smile Azure was giving her from across the table made it a little hard for her to think properly. However, the mare knew if she didn't ask the question now, she might never know what he thought of the whole situation.

"I-I was wondering, Azure..." Twilight stated, unsure, "Where do we go from here?"

Azure looked back to her, his face showing signs of bewilderment. He ate the piece of pancake he held off on eating, and as soon as he swallowed the piece he said, "Truthfully Twilight, I wouldn't know. This is the first time I've gotten this far."

Twilight didn't know what to think. On one hoof, the fact he hadn't been in a relationship all that time either was reassuring. But it meant she would need to do a lot of reading up on relationships later on, so she could understand the benefits of something beyond friendship. On top of that, she still had a lot of work left to do on her studies of the magic of friendship.

Just thinking about what I'm gonna need to do is giving me a headache...I'm sure the Princess might help me if I asked...

"...But I do know one thing about this situation..." Azure continued, taking another bite, "I can't treat it like I would a fight. I've gotta be..." Twilight hadn't even noticed one of her hooves had found its way onto the table. At least, until Azure reminded her it was there with his gentle touch. "a bit more delicate."

Twilight felt her cheeks heat up, "You sure you've never done this?"

"Positive," Azure chortled.
Azure hadn't really cooked for other ponies before--the opportunity hadn't presented itself. The meal went on, the conversation remaining light-hearted; Azure tried to keep it away from the events of the preceding day. However, as they talked, Azure felt as though he were forgetting something. After several minutes, the two were done eating, Twilight carefully levitating the plates into the sink.

"I have to say, those tasted better than the ones Spike makes..." Twilight sighed in satisfaction.

"Thanks...I, uh...helped my mother out when I was younger...in the kitchen and all..." Azure rubbed the back of his head, feeling his own cheeks begin to heat up.

"Oh, I never pegged you as a momma's pony..." Twilight smiled.


Azure began to drink the last of his apple juice. As soon as the flavor hit him, Azure remembered what it was that was slipping his mind.

Right in front of her... Azure thought back to when he was yelling at Silver. It hadn't been entirely clear to him until after the fact, but he had definitely said too much, I yelled out my choice right in front of her...

Azure looked to Twilight, who didn't seem to notice his sudden guilt over the situation, I'm not having second thoughts, I do love her...but I wish I could have had it made clear some other way...

"T-Twilight, I need to take care of something..." Azure stood up.

"Was it something I said?" Twilight practically leapt up from her chair, looking guilty. "I didn't mean to insult you!"

"Oh, no, not that, I just remembered there's something I'd forgotten to do in all that excitement..." Azure responded, turning back to her briefly before setting off for the door. Twilight followed him the whole way.

"Oh, okay..." Twilight observed, "So will I see you again?"

Azure stopped at the door, turning around, Now the way she says it...

"I mean, later today, or tomorrow, or--"

Azure couldn't take it anymore. There was something about a fretting Twilight that never stood right with him, but it was even worse in the light of recent events. He leaned forward and kissed her very quickly on the lips. As soon as Azure finished, he noticed Twilight had calmed down and started to blush again as she smiled.

"You plan on doing that every time I get nervous?" Twilight asked.

"Probably, if it works for you," Azure responded, giving Twilight another reassuring nuzzle. "But...to answer your question..." Azure rubbed at the back of his head. All the physical contact in the world seemed to be working, but he wondered how he could definitely seal the deal. As soon as he felt his hoof pass over the loose knot at the back of his head, he had an idea.

"Here, how about this?" Azure's horn began to glow, and he undid the knot with his magic before moving it over to Twilight. "Until we meet again, why don't you wear my band?"

"W-wait," Twilight stuttered, almost lost for words, "Are you sure?"

"It means a lot to me, you know that much..." Azure smiled, tying the knot. "I can't think of anypony else I'd rather have wear it."

"I-I don’t know what to say, Azure..."

Azure tightened the knot, and after a few moments, Twilight looked up. "W-well...how do I look?"

Azure watched the mare before him look up. He didn't know what it was, but he suddenly felt himself start to blush at the sight of Twilight in his headband.

"W-whoa..." Azure said. Twilight raised a hoof to her mouth to try and stifle her giggle, but it couldn't hide her blush.

"Oh, get a room..."

Both of the ponies turned to see Spike once again interrupting a moment. He was making his way downstairs. Azure could only guess the venom that was in Twilight's glare at the moment.

"Well...I've gotta go. I'll see you soon..." Azure quickly nuzzled Twilight once again before exiting the library.

Gotta talk to Applejack...!
Twilight watched as Azure left. Unlike most of the other times where he'd left in a rush, Twilight didn't feel a pain in her chest. In fact, she felt...she couldn't describe exactly how she felt, but it wasn't painful.

"Twilight, why'd he give you his headband?" Spike asked, sounding rather interested in that development.

Twilight felt herself smile.


"And why's it smell like something good was cookin'?"

"...you can start the day by doing the dishes..."
Azure Courage didn't even care that he still hurt just a little from last night's crisis as he thundered towards his home. He had an idea of what he needed to say, and what he felt he needed to do to make it up to her. He didn't envision it being easy; he knew this day would come sooner or later, but until the day before he hadn't known how it would go. Even though he got himself wrapped up in that triangle he was in, he could definitely get himself out of it now.

Romantically, his mind was made up. However, he still had something he had to mend, and this time he knew precisely how he would do it.

However, life always insisted on throwing him a curveball. When he finally reached his house, he noticed a very familiar pony facing his door, just finishing knocking on his door.

She had orange fur, a blond mane and tail tied off at the end, and a hat that belonged to her mother...

She's already here... Azure thought to himself, guilt welling up in him. No, no, no time for guilt now...

He continued to walk forward, and picked up on a sigh coming from her.

"Must've left with Twilight..." Applejack mused aloud, apparently thinking she was alone. However, as soon as she turned away from the door, she noticed him, and looked up. "O-oh, hello, Az..."

He could tell straight away that Applejack was troubled about what happened. He couldn't fault her; he did tactlessly announce his decision right in front of her when he was pushed to his psychological limits. Applejack was shifting her hooves and she couldn't maintain eye contact.

"Here, let's get inside," Azure said, taking his key and unlocking his door. "I have a pretty good feeling of why you're here..."

Applejack hesitated, but as Azure opened his door, she finally, slowly, walked inside. He followed her in, locking the door soon afterward. Azure noticed Silver hadn't returned yet, as he had been staying here for his visit. It was the optimal conditions. Applejack walked over to a chair and sat down. Azure sat across from her. He didn't quite know how this would go down, but he had to be confident that it would all work out in the end.

"Applejack, I'm pretty sure I already know what's on your mind, like I just said," Azure started, "But I want you to know that nothing said here will leave this room." Azure thumped his hoof on the floor for emphasis. Applejack seemed to ease up just a little.

"Thank you, Az..." Applejack took a deep breath before begin, "I'll be honest, I don't feel right about this..."

"I can't blame you for it," Azure said, feeling guilty he'd hurt not just her but Twilight for leading them both on without even realizing it himself until it was too late. "Just say what's on your mind. I know what I screamed back at the picnic hurt and I won't fault you if you hate me for it..."

"Hey, hey, slow down!" Applejack barked, "Remember what I said earlier? That we'd still be friends afterward regardless of who you chose? I can't hate you after all that you've done for everypony. And...I'm happy that you and Twilight found each other, I really am..."

She sounded convinced of this, but Azure felt like there was more to it... "But...?"

Applejack's smile faded. He knew she was the one lying to herself a little now. She knew it too, so she took in another deep breath before continuing.

"But it's still been eatin' at me..." Applejack said.

"Just say it," Azure responded. "If you let it eat at you, you'll wind up slamming your head into the wall..."

"I've gotta know...even though I don't like havin' this question on my mind..." the farmer continued, "If...if it were me that'd been foalnapped, would it have been any different?"

The way Applejack flinched after she finished her question told Azure that she seriously didn't want to ask it, but it had been swimming around. It was understandable. If Azure hadn't already thought about his situation with Twilight deeply, he would have stuttered and been unable to answer. However, he already knew what his answer to that question was.

"Applejack, I'll be honest," Azure said, "Not that I couldn't be around you even if I tried. No. Things wouldn't have turned out differently."

Applejack's look of disappointment was unparalleled. "Oh..."

"But it doesn't mean I wouldn't have done everything in my power to save you anyway..." Her eyes grew wide, "Applejack, you already knew I had honest feelings for both of you, and they were strong. But it took me a long time to figure out what my feelings were. When I was with you, I felt we were alike. You appreciate hard work and you aren't afraid to get dirty if it comes to it. But we were so alike I mistook it for something else."

Applejack exhaled. She seemed more at ease with Azure's answer, probably happy to have gotten it so straight.

"Thank you, Az...I'm glad you were straight with me..." she said. Azure stood up, ready to enact the last part of his "making-up". Applejack stood up too, already thinking the conversation was over. "Guess I'd better get back to the farm. Harvest's comin' up and we gotta be ready for it..."

Applejack was already heading for the door. Azure quickly went back into his room. "Wait, Applejack!"
Applejack stopped at the door, wondering why Azure wanted her to hold on. She turned, to see him running back from his bedroom, levitating a familiar object.

That's the hat I...

"Unintentionally or not, I lead you on, and you're probably still hurting..." Azure levitated the hat over to Applejack, looking regretful it had gotten that far. "You made this with your own hooves. If you want to take it back, I'll understand..."

Applejack took the hat in her mouth, almost at a loss for words. She looked over to Azure, and thought back to all that he had done for her. Even if he had wound up hurting her, she could tell very clearly that he cared, even if it wasn't in the way she thought it was.

She removed the hat from her mouth with her hooves, and gave it back to him, putting it on his head. She noticed that he wasn't wearing his headband when she first saw him, but she paid it no mind. It was likely in good hooves if he had removed it.

"No, Az," she said as she adjusted the hat on his head. "I'll admit I had other reasons why I made that hat, but you still earned it. It's just my way of sayin' we're still friends..."

Azure smiled lightly, relieved. As Applejack left his home, he reflected on how well that went.

That went a lot better than I thought... he mused, I don't think she's completely over it yet, but time will heal this wound...I'm hoping.

"Hey, you okay?"

Azure didn't even realize he'd spaced out. He noticed Silver was walking towards him, guided by his echolocation.

"Huh? Oh, hey Silver..." Azure responded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Still sore. How'd Fluttershy sleep?"

"Oh, just fine," Azure wasn't sure if he imagined Silver gritting his teeth just a little as he smiled. "Say, why are you wearing Applejack's gift?"

"Oh..." Azure said. "She was over here, wanted to talk to me about what I said yesterday..." He smiled. "She's probably still hurt, but...I think I gave her some closure..."

"Everything's cool, then?"

"Yeah, sure is..."


Azure was immediately reminded of how beat up he actually got when Silver smacked him on the shoulder.

"I told you that it would blow up in your face! But I'm glad it worked out..."

Azure sighed.

"Oh, and Azure..." Silver said, turning away.


"I was talking to Fluttershy, and..." Now Silver was glaring at him menacingly through his dead eyes. "She kissed you?!"

Azure was yet again reminded that Applejack wasn't the only one that had shown interest in him--however, unlike with the farmer mare, Fluttershy had never come up again. Silver was usually good at seeing the truth in most situations. Now it was up to Azure to have Silver see the truth and context behind that one.

Author's Note:

And that pretty much ends the rescue arc. Now, for the rest of the aftermath. Twilight's next course of action and the fallout from that is up next.

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