• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 8,216 Views, 452 Comments

Top Gear: The Worst Diplomats in the World - Blue Tunes

When a portal to Equestria opens up, The Producers decide that a new Top Gear Special is in order...

  • ...

Barter (Part 3)

"Clarkson, what the bloody hell are you thinking?" James yelled across to the tall man, who was finally content to let his engine die down to a purr. "This is an alien population center, not a Top Gear live show!"

James unbuckled his seatbelt, opened the door and stepped from the cab, his fellow television hosts doing the same. Now that they were finally here, it seemed like a scene from medieval England. Thatched cottages seemed to be the primary form of housing, but in the distance James could clearly make out a larger building in the centre of town with what appeared to be a tiled roof. And then there was the marvel of a building that stood only metres from them, one that seemed through some great feat of engineering or biology to be carved out of a live tree.

James was just beginning to ponder how such a tree could possibly live without the structural support necessary to stand under its own weight when he was interrupted rather abruptly by the appearance of yet another biological marvel. Moments after his attention had been called to the tree in question, a small door had swung open, and the three men were treated to their first glimpse of sapient non-human life.

"Oh my word" James whispered, gazing at the small, purple quadruped.

"It looks like something from one of my daughter's television shows" Richard murmured back.

"Why does it have a cock on its face?" Jeremy asked. All three men were silent for a moment before bursting into laughter.


Twilight Sparkle was confused. Here she was, about to begin the subtle art of diplomacy between races so far unknown to each other, and these three humans were acting more like foals than grown stallions. She didn't know what a 'cock' was, but whatever joke the taller one had made was obviously not suitable for a first-contact situation. Still, she swallowed her indignation and strode forward.

"Greetings humans. I bid you welcome to our town of Ponyville, and hope that..."


Richard, James and Jeremy stood stock still, their laughter dying on their lips.

"Maybe now isn't really the time for jokes" Richard said softly, as the purple unicorn made her long winded speech.

"Oh relax" Jeremy replied. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm just glad they're not the face-hugging type of alien."

"Hang on, I think it's almost done" Richard said, directing their attention back towards the pony, which had finished its greeting, and was looking expectantly back at the three humans.

"Hello" May replied, panicking. The sounds of two hands and a hoof meeting their respective faces echoed through the silent streets.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle" the pony tried again. "What is your name?"

"Well" Clarkson began before Hammond and May simultaneously shushed him.

"My name is James May, and these are my friends Richard Hammond and Jeremy Clarkson" James took the lead, grateful that he could at least begin to salvage the situation.

"And just what is your intention in Equestria?" Twilight's eyes narrowed slightly. As great as her intellectual drive was, her friends and their safety came first.

"We're filming a..." Jeremy began before being rudely interrupted yet again.

"What my friend is trying to say, is that we bring you items and knowledge to trade, so that we may further explore your world" James replied carefully. At the mention of knowledge exchange, Twilight's pupils dilated, and the three men took a step back as one of her eyes began to twitch.

"I must know EVERYTHING" she whispered.

"Well actually, I happen to have highly accurate and comprehensive documentation of most of humanity's greatest scientific, social and historical achievements" Clarkson said, homing in like a shark on its prey. Now she had only to take the bait.

"The princess has offered me the funding to acquire any available information on your species" Twilight replied, barely keeping herself together. "Name your price."


While the most irresponsible member of their party sold hundreds of years of scientific knowledge to an alien race for personal gain, Richard and May were busy setting up shop. Stacked up on their two fold-out tables were most of their wares, though some were stowed out of sight.

"I still can't believe I have to sell a porno mag and condoms to ponies." Richard fumed, sitting behind his meager offerings. "At best, I can sell the newest in writing implements and get an alien addicted to Tim Tams, but I'm hardly going to get across the country on the profits."

James shrugged as he watched the streets for potential customers. As the men had conversed with the pony who had introduced herself as Twilight, others had become more bold. Several had approached out of curiosity, but none had been brave enough to stop and talk.

"Humans, how quaint" came a voice from James' right. A brown stallion strode forwards, the hour glass on his side clearly visible "And what is it you're selling... oh my."

"Advanced human technology from..." James started, before being cut off.

"Solar cells, how delightful. I happen to be in need of some solar-grade silicon, and I'm afraid to say that I've simply had no luck here in Equestria. I will give you twenty-five bits for two cells."

Rather taken aback, James glanced to Richard, who shrugged.

"Alright then, I suppose it's a deal" he replied, and the brown stallion smiled.

"Excellent. At last, I can begin repairs on the perception filter. You have no idea how hard it is to hide a telephone box in this world." Tucking the cells into what appeared to be thin-air, the brown stallion departed, whistling merrily.

"Ookay" James said shakily. "One sale down, one hundred and thirty six to go."

"Excuse me mister" a high pitched voice attracted James' attention, and he felt a slight tugging on his jeans. Looking down, he met the eyes of a small orange pony, accompanied by her friends, who stood back a little.

Recognising the children for what they were, James knelt, a smile on his face.

"And just what can I do for you?" he said, carefully controlling his voice to sound as non-threatening as he could.

"Um, we were wondering" the filly gestured to her friends as she spoke "well, if you sold anything fun?"

Looking over at Richard, who had a thoughtful look on his face, James shrugged.

"Well, I'm afraid that..."

"I have just the thing" Richard interrupted hastily, drawing the young pony's attention.

"What is it mister?" the young pony asked eagerly.

"This" Richard said, pulling out one of the condoms, and ignoring James' shocked look. "Is a human balloon."

"Whoa" all three fillies gasped in unison.

"Why is it all wrapped up?" the orange one asked.

"Because" Richard checked the packet, blanching. "It's strawberry flavored, and otherwise the taste wouldn't be as nice."

"Wow!" one of the other two ponies, a yellow filly with a red bow exclaimed. "I love strawberry!"

"And this one..." Richard hurriedly checked the second packet. "Is chocolate"

"Awesome!" the young orange pony chimed in. "But there's three of us, do you have any other flavors?"

Richard was just about to shake his head when James chimed in.

"Erm... yes actually" May opened his wallet and pulled out another packet, dropping it on the table.

"Cool!" the orange filly exclaimed. "But why do you have a balloon in your wallet?"

"In case of balloon emergencies" James said, straight-faced.

"I'll take all three!" the young pony said, scrambling for her bits. "I'll give you 5 bits for them."

"Done" Hammond agreed, just wanting this train wreck of a sale to be over.

As the three young ponies rushed off giggling, Hammond turned to May.

"So what flavor was that?" he asked, smirking.

James glared at him before looking away sharply. "Blueberry" he finally answered, his lip twitching upwards.

"We are so going to hell for that" Richard sighed.