• Published 19th Nov 2012
  • 4,098 Views, 87 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 15 "Give Unto Discord" - Jacoboby1

Murder mystery in equestria starring Detective Private Eye

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Chapter 1 "Sweet Equestria"

Equestria Noir

Case 15

“Give Unto Discord”

Written by: Jacoboby1

Edited by: ShatteredIllusions

Cover art by: Skullman846

Dedicated to: Everypony who’s supported this series

Chapter 1

“Sweet Equestria”

Perspective: Sherrie Illusion

Victim: Nightspeller, female unicorn, mid 40’s. Cause of death? Exsanguination, somepony slit her throat. Victim appears to have been sexually assaulted but no ejaculate was found. Discovered that a student named Moondancer murdered her when the teacher threatened to expose her activities in the school-


I screamed and fell out of my chair when Nightspeller’s head suddenly rose and gazed at me. Then I saw a black unicorn stallion with a grey mane looked down at me, “Ye certainly are jumpy round them stiffs.”

“Well, I don’t expect them to magically come to life, Forceps!” I snapped, glaring at the old coot.

Forceps gently levitated Nightspeller’s head back down. Dr. Forceps was one of the greatest minds when it came to studying the dead. Sadly, that mind also had a very sick sense of humor. I’ve had to put up with that sense of humor ever since I’ve been called down here to help him out.

I’m starting to wonder if it was punishment by my superiors.

I got up and dusted myself off. Forceps turned his eyes towards me. “What’cha looking at this stiff fer?”

“The victim is Nightspeller,” I said, walking to the victim. “I was trying to see if there were any connections to her death and the others that Private brought in.”

“You've been here ever since the whole Glimmer incident,” Forceps said, uncharacteristically concerned. “You think all of Private’s cases are connected somehow?”

“Maybe I’m just trying to make sense of all of this,” I said, with a sigh. “All these murders, you wouldn’t think a peaceful land like Equestria would have so much death.” I covered Nightspeller with a blanket and prepared to put her away.

Forceps spoke behind me, “Death has no prejudice, it’s the fairest judge in all the land. Only problem is, some ponies believe that death can be made into a tool. In the end, nopony can escape death, for she is a cruel mistress who cannot be denied. In the end, a stiff is a stiff; all we can do is figure out how and why it became a stiff.”

“Getting philosophical in your old age, huh?” I grinned at Forceps, raising an eyebrow.

“Something I would always tell Private whenever he brought me a body.” He walked back to his desk and began writing something on one of his clipboards.

I shook my grey head bemused; Private certainly works with strange individuals.


“Did you hear-“I was cut off when Forceps put a hoof on my lips. He put his other hoof to his lips to tell me to shut up. I nodded slowly and gestured to where I heard the crash. It sounded like it came from the cold storage area.

I walked quietly to the door and peeked through the glass. I saw a black clad unicorn trying to open one of the body drawers. I couldn’t see his coat or his face because he was clad in a black body suit and ski mask. Somepony was trying to steal a body!

I knew I should get one of the guards, but it was late at night. Most of the guards are at the front entrance. Nopony expects a morgue to get robbed, so no badass cops to save us. This guy didn’t see me yet. I could catch him off guard with a surprise attack.

I looked around for something heavy and settled on a nearby metal trash can. I held it in my magic and quietly opened the door. I charged inside, flinging the trash can. Sadly, my aim was a little off. It only grazed the intruder's head and he managed to recover from the hit. He turned and glared at me with strangely blood red eyes…

“You shouldn’t mettle where you don’t belong.” Judging by the voice, he was a stallion. He slowly advanced on me.

“I should say the same to you,” I said, returning his glare. “I won’t let you get away with stealing bodies, it's unsanitary.”

“Pathetic girl, you couldn’t comprehend the plans in store,” he said, as he got closer to the door. I noticed Forceps was on the other side of the unopened door. I had to get this guy closer…

“What does stealing corpses have to do with anything?” I asked, slowly backing up.

“I serve a higher master,” he said, as he advanced on me. “His orders are absolute.”

“So, you don't know then. You wanna know what’s really absolute?” I asked smugly, as I stepped back out into the main lab.


“The fact you’re not getting out of here without a few bruises on your face.”

“Smug little girl” he exclaimed, as he followed me out of the freezer. He was so focused on me that he didn’t notice Forceps behind him. The old stallion leaped on his back, levitating a syringe in his magic. The intruder struggled under the added weight but I delivered him a swift buck to the face, disorienting him. Thank you, Iron Will.

Forceps stabbed the syringe into the stallion’s neck and he slowly stopped struggling, collapsing onto the floor. Forceps looked at me as he hopped off the stallion's back. “Doped him, he’ll be out for several hours”

“Who would want to steal corpses?” I asked, levitating the black ski mask the stallion was wearing off. Slowly, the face of a brown stallion with a long, dark brown, mane was revealed.

“It can’t be,” Forceps said, slowly.

“Who is he?” I asked, looking up at him.

“This is Doctor Shelter,” Forceps said, staring down at the stallion in disbelief. “I knew him in medical school. He’s the one who treated Private’s mother…”

“Judging by your tone,” I said, gravely, “there’s more to the story that that.”

“I heard he died years ago…”


The next day…

Perspective: Private Eye

“You sure this is all you have to give me?” I asked, as I saw the pile of bills that Ditzy brought me today.

Ditzy looked down in guilt. “Sorry Private, I don’t have any muffins on hoof to help.”

“That’s okay,” I said, levitating the bills with my magic. “You’re just the messenger.”

Ditzy tilted her head. “Everything okay, Private?”

I just smiled at her, “I’m fine Ditzy. I just need to figure a few things out.”

“Okay,” Ditzy said, only half convinced. “If you need anything you just let me know, kay?”

“I will,” I said, as Ditzy turned to fly off…

Into a nearby wagon, pulled by Big Mac.

Luckily, she only crashed into the hay and just laughed it off , flying into the sky. I chuckled a little, and then walked back inside my house. When the door closed behind me the façade was cast to the wind. I walked to my kitchen table, and began opening the bills.

I started working the calculator like nopony’s business. The first couple of bills were simply water and heating bills. Most of them, the most expensive ones, were all about the colt sitting in the living room.

That same blue Pegasus colt was hard at work writing his Hearth’s Warming Eve wish list. He sat on his belly innocently writing on the tile floor. I just watched him write for a few minutes. Hard to believe he was ten years old now. He stopped believing in Santa Hooves after he figured out the hospital didn’t have a chimney so there was no way Santa could bring presents. I guess he got some deductive genes after all.

I turned my attention back to the bills. His wheelchair needed some parts after being left in the woods for a couple of days. Hard to believe it was only a week since the whole incident with Glimmer. That’s not the only thing though; his prescriptions were going to need to be renewed soon. Those cost quite a bit, as well as his regular visits to the doctor to make sure his body was growing right.

Being born premature can cause some funny things to the body. So far nothing serious has come up, but it didn’t hurt to be prepared. The hospital bills were stacking up as well. Larksong paid for most of the hospital bills the after my first case in Ponyville. Sadly, Tailspin’s subsequent visits for physical therapy dug into my wallet.

I started adding up numbers and I was seeing a lot of red. This wasn’t good; I’d have to increase my fee at the detective agency. If that didn’t work, I’d have to take a second job to pay for the house, Tailspin’s bills, and tuition for next year, as well as simple needs like food.

I put my hooves on my face in sheer defeat. There was no way I was going to pay for this all by myself. I didn’t want to ask Celestia to loan me money. She could do it, but it might look bad for the monarch to show favoritism to a lowly detective.

I couldn’t ask for my friends to loan money. I didn’t want to be a burden on them as well. I wonder if Potso is hiring…?

“Hey Bro,” I heard a voice come from the living room. I quickly hid all of my bills and calculations in a kitchen drawer, and smiled as Tailspin rolled in with his list on his lap. “I finished it.”

“Let’s see what Santa’s going to get you this year,” I said, levitating the list to eye level. I frowned slowly…

“Private,” Tailspin said, with guilty blue eyes, “They are only just ideas; you don’t have to get me anything this year.”

“It’s all right,” I lied. “I’ll figure out some way for you to have a good Hearth’s Warming like every year.”

Tailspin rolled right past me and opened the drawer where I hid the bills. Tailspin looked at me “Private, I know about them…I know how much you’ve been struggling! I hear you doing all those calculations at night! I’m acting like a leech!”

“Don’t say that!” I said, earnestly.

“It’s true, darn it!” Tailspin fired back. “It's because I’m in this darn chair you have to struggle so hard to take care of me. It would’ve been better if I wasn’t born…” Tailspin said, looking down.

“No! Never say that!”

“If I wasn’t around, you’d have a happy family with mom and dad.”

“Then I wouldn’t have you!” I argued.

He looked right at me with the blue eyes he shared with his father. They were trying to fight back tears. “It’s all my fault! If I was never born your life could’ve been so much better!”


“Forget it!” My brother snatched the list away from me and tossed it into the trash. He rolled off trying to fight back tears along the way, and slammed the door to his room.

“Tailspin…” I looked down at the tile floor of the kitchen. He honestly blamed himself for what happened to mom…

He hates himself for what I...

For what your father did.

If he hadn’t made that stupid mistake…

Then Tailspin would have wings and legs like everypony else.

We’d have a real family…

And you have your father to thank for the current situation.

I shook my head, what the hell? That was weird, for a second I thought I was hearing the voice again. This time though, he sounded louder, and more agreeable.

I pushed aside the thought and walked to Tailspin’s room. I could hear him sobbing on the other end of his door. I lifted a hoof to knock, but I couldn’t do it. He was crying so much over something he had no control over. I slowly pushed open his door and saw him crying into his pillow.

I sat on the bed and gently nuzzled my little brother on the back. “Tailspin, I’ll figure it out all right?”

“I’m so sorry…” Tailspin said keeping his face on the pillow

“It isn’t your fault, I already told you that” I said, firmly. “Don’t cry over something you had no control over.”

“I just wish you didn’t have to sacrifice so much,” Tailspin’s voice was muffled against his pillow.

“You’re my brother, and I’d do anything for you.”

“Why does it have to be so hard on you?” Tailspin asked, slowly pushing himself up to look at me with those blue eyes of his. “I just wish things could be like in a normal family.”

You can’t have that, not after what your father did…

“We’ll figure it out,” I said, gently nuzzling him. “We’re brothers; we’ll stick together to the end.”

“You’re right, Bro.” Tailspin hugged my neck tightly. “I just wish I could help.”

“You’re already helping by being here and living your life,” I said, hugging my brother tightly.

Suddenly a knock was heard and I let go of Tailspin. I walked to the front door and opened it. Twilight was standing there sweating and panting. She must have been running.

“Private, you have to come to the detention center quick!”

“What happened?” I asked, going into detective mode.

“You know a Doctor Shelter?” Twilight asked.

“Of course I do” I replied, with a nod. “He was our family doctor for ages, but I heard he died a few years after mom did.”

“Well, he didn’t stay dead,” Twilight explained. “Come on!”

I made a quick call to Ditzy to have Sparkler look after Tailspin. Sparkler was Ditzy’s adopted daughter, and one of Tailspin’s favorite foal sitters. Ever since I helped her mom, Sparkler has taken on the task of looking after Tailspin when Pinkie Pie wasn’t available.

She’d take good care of him while I sort all of this out


I entered the detention center and couldn’t believe my eyes. There, behind the one way mirror, was Dr. Shelter sitting in the detention room. I looked over as Officer Hoof Dunnit, a young earth pony with an orange coat and bright blue eyes walked over to me. “We brought him in this morning, Sir. Sherrie Illusions was the one who called it in.”

“Give her my thanks, and a gift basket later.” I turned my head back to Shelter. “What have you got on him?”

“Well, on paper he’s dead” Dunnit said, firmly. “Our records showed he died while serving as a field medic five years ago. He got lost in some jungle and was presumed dead by his troops when he didn’t show up anywhere near Equestria within the past few years.”

“What’s stealthier then a ghost?” I asked, with a nod. “Was he carrying anything on him?”

Hoof pulled out a plastic bag containing a medallion. “Just this.”

I looked at the medallion, it was a black and red with what looked like a long red dragon on the corner. Wait, this was familiar.

It bore a striking resemblance to a certain god of chaos…

“Give this to my assistant” I said, hoofing the medallion back to Dunnit. “Check background on Shelter too. I want to know if anypony could’ve helped him disappear in the past few years.”

He saluted and went off with the medallion. I entered the interrogation room and Shelter looked at me. His eyes were a steely blue. “Keeping yourself healthy, Private?”

“Don’t be cute Doctor,” I said, taking a seat opposite him. “You know exactly why you’re here, and I want to cut the bullshit.”

“As firm as ever,” Shelter said, as he sat back in his chair. “You always were a stubborn patient.”

“I want to know why you’re stealing bodies” I demanded.

“Well, Private,” Shelter leaned forward in his chair, “somepony had something on me and I didn’t want him to use it.”

“What did this guy have on you?”

“I’d rather not say.” His eyes were starting to shift… He was holding back.

“Nopony goes and steals bodies as a hobby!” I said, leaning forward. “Now you are going to tell me why, or I’ll make sure you won’t ever see the light of day again.”

“Fine,” he said, lifting his hooves. “I got lost in the jungle during a training exercise. When I dragged my way back home, everypony thought I was dead. I thought it would be a chance for a fresh start. Sadly, the one making sure I stayed dead threatened to expose me.”

“Expose what exactly?”

“That your mother’s death was no accident…”