• Published 19th Nov 2012
  • 3,179 Views, 70 Comments

A New Beginning - Mr101

Ratchet was an earth pony on his way to a new beginning far from his home to a town called Ponyville

  • ...


It had been nearly two months since the Ursa attack on Ponyville, the town had settled since the event and life carried on as normal. Ratchet was on a roof inspecting part of it that was newer then the other sections of the roof, satisfied that the repairs were still intact he climbed down the ladder and propped his goggles up smiling at the blue mare that was waiting for him at the base of the ladder.

“So how does it look Ratchet?”

“No problems at all Colgate the repairs are holding together nicely”

“Thanks Ratchet, still can’t believe that Ursa took a bite out of my home”

“Yeah, can’t believe that Snips and Snails actually found one in the first place”

“I know right?”

The two laughed and Colgate thanked Ratchet who nodded and said his goodbyes, waving to Colgate who grinned back showing off her unusually bright white teeth. APAU picked Ratchet’s tool box up and placed it on his back before retreating into the saddlebags, Ratchet began to trot back to his shop humming a little tune. His mind raced back to that night’s events remembering how he had awoken with a start in the middle of the night to witness the Ursa take a chunk out of Colgate’s house as well as damaging other ponies’ homes, he also remembered how Twilight had used her magic to stop the Ursa.
Ratchet couldn’t help feeling impressed and finding a new found respect for her after that night. He turned a corner and was greeted by a little filly who screeched to a halt in front of him narrowly avoiding a collision, Ratchet blinked and looked down at her as she looked up at him.

“Hello Mister Ratchet!” the filly grinned bouncing in place.

“Hello Dinky” Ratchet replied with a smile.

“You gunna see my mummy today?” she asked tilting her head.

“I might do, where is she anyway?”

Before the filly could answer Ratchet heard a familiar voice from behind her, looking up he saw Ditzy coming up looking mad.
“Dinky Hooves there you are! What have I told you about running off like that?”

“Sorry mummy…” Dinky’s face dropped and shuffled her front leg in the ground, Ditzy couldn’t help but smile and pull her into a cuddle.

“It’s ok muffin” she looked up to Ratchet and smiled “How are you Ratchet?”

“I’m fine Ditzy, and yourself?”

“Same here just picked my little muffin up from school” she ruffled Dinky’s mane who giggled and began bouncing on the spot again.

“I see she’s in a good mood” Ratchet chuckled watching Dinky bounce around her mother; it reminded him a lot of Pinkie.

“Yeah, she was selected to play a big part in the school’s end of term play” Ditzy said proudly.

“Well done Dinky” Ratchet grinned giving her mane a playful ruffle, Dinky giggled and batted at his hoof with her own.

Ratchet and Ditzy talked for a while about their days with Dinky interrupting now and again to make sure Ratchet knew about her day to, Ratchet had met Dinky the day after the attack when Ditzy had asked him to come round and repair her front door. At first the little filly had been nervous around Ratchet but soon calmed down when she was introduced to APAU, since that day Ratchet had been round Ditzy’s home a few times for lunches and dinners and vice versa they had visited Ratchet’s home, he had become a firm friend to the filly even babysitting for Ditzy when she had to go out of town. But recently he had been feeling different, every time he had met up with Ditzy or greeted her in the street his heart seemed to beat faster and his mood would instantly perk up.

“Well it was nice seeing you Ratchet but I need to get this one home for dinner” Ditzy indicated the bouncing Dinky who was chasing after a butterfly, Ratchet chuckled and nodded.

“Ok Ditzy I’ll see you later, see you later to Dinky”

“Bye Mister Ratchet, can we have muffins for desert mummy?”

“Of course my little muffin”


Ratchet smiled watching the two walk of before heading off down the road humming to himself, as he approached his shop; he stopped to greet Twilight Rarity and Spike who were walking towards him.

“Hello Ratchet, you’ve been busy today then I take it?” Twilight said.

“Mhm, just been checking in on the repairs I made after the attack, everything seems to be in order” Ratchet replied with a grin.

“Still cannot believe that Trixie!” Rarity sniffed “Tricking those two young colts into believing her ridiculous stories”

“The way you used your magic to deal with the Ursa is still just incredible!” Ratchet said as Twilight blushed a little rubbing her leg with her hoof.

“I know right? She’s the best magic user in Equestria!” Spike pointed upwards in a dramatic pose with his declaration, the three ponies snickered and Spike blushed when he noticed Rarity giggling.

“Oh Spike, it seems your Twilight’s number one fan as well as her assistant, best watch out though” Rarity brought her head close to the side of his face causing him to blush more “I have good information saying Pinkie is after that position so watch yourself”

“Yeah Spike, you can never tell when she will appear she might just…” Ratchet smirked before looking around, Spike looking where he did “GET CHA!” He suddenly loomed his face close to Spike who jumped off Twilight startled and landed on his backside panting as the three chuckled.

“Did the mean engineer give you a fright my dear Spike” Rarity cooed as she picked him up with her magic and gave him a hug, Spike blushed harder than before. “Well my dears I must be off, I have a new dress I am dying to start, good day” and with that Rarity walked away, Spike sighed contently as he watched her walk away.

“Hey earth to Romeo” Twilight giggled as Spike snapped out of his trance. “We should be going home too”

“I need to perform some maintenance on APAU anyway, have a little tinker with his circuitry” Ratchet held back a snicker as both Twilight and Spike stared at him confused.

“I wish I could come watch Ratchet but I have some studying to do for the Princes...” she frowned slightly as Spike jumped up suddenly.

“Can I go Twilight pleeeeeease? I’ll write down what I see for you so you can put it in your next report” Spike’s eyes became soppy as he looked up at Twilight who giggled at him.

“Do you mind Ratchet?”

“Course not I wouldn’t mind the company” he grinned as Spike clambered onto his back. “I’ll have him back before bedtime”
“Ok then, see you to later, be good Spike” she waved them both off as Ratchet walked back to his shop Spike waving back to her.

The two sat at Ratchet’s work bench as Ratchet placed the saddle bags on the bench carefully removing APAU with the help of Spike, Spike gasped as he saw what the base of APAU was. APAU was a twin pair of metal boxes that had ‘APAU’ etched onto one side on both the boxes, at the tops they both had a small square on the top with a line going down the middle.

“What’s that for Ratchet?” Spike asked pointing to the small square

“Watch” he replied with a grin “APAU can you come out right side so I can check your hand”

The square slid open as APAU’s tendril slowly came out the hand stretching as it waved to Spike, Spike waved back with a grin.


Spike watched as Ratchet opened each of the boxes with Spike asking questions regarding the insides, he helped Ratchet now and again handing him tools. After an hour or so Ratchet was satisfied with his inspection, Spike had jotted down on a scroll what they had done and Ratchet set APAU to go into standby mode before placing the boxes back in their bags and placing the saddle bags near the door on a table then turned to Spike.



Ratchet went into the kitchen followed by Spike and handed him a ruby, Spike took the gem and looked at him confused.

“How’d you know I eat gems?”

Ratchet thought back to his first night where Pinkie had thrown him a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party at Sugarcube corner, he chuckled slightly at the memory of a drunken Twilight trying to chat up a hat stand.

“I saw you eating some at the party at Pinkie’s party, so figured I’d get some in case you and Twilight ever came round”

Spike smiled as he began to eat the gem, Ratchet helped himself to an apple as they sat at the kitchen table.

“So Spike, how long have you liked Rarity?”

Spike nearly choked on his ruby as he coughed looking startled.

“W-who told you that I mean why would y-you think that?”

“Well it’s a bit obvious the way you stare at her” Ratchet snickered.

“Ok fine, I have a crush on her but” Spike looked down sadly “I don’t think she likes me back that way”

Ratchet frowned then an idea popped into his head

“Spike, you want me to be your wingcolt?”

“What’s a wingcolt?”

“A wingcolt is a friend who helps his friend hook up with a mare” Spikes eyes lit up as he started to grin excitedly.

“You mean it? You’ll help me win Rarity over”

“Sure, what are friends for” Ratchet grinned extending his hoof to Spike who bumped it with a closed fist.

The two talked a bit more and discussed ‘strategies’ on how to woo over Rarity both sharing a chuckle and a cup of coco, they had settled on calling it ‘Operation Dragonlove’ a name Spike had insisted on. They began to finalize the details of the plan which was to have Spike be Rarity’s assistant for the day, helping her out and showing Rarity how good Spike was and impress her thus getting the girl. They just needed to get co-operation from Twilight.

“Say Ratchet…do you have a special some pony?” Spike suddenly asked him.

Ratchet blinked, he hadn’t really given the idea of a marefriend much thought. But every time did he couldn’t think of anyone but Ditzy, then it hit him. The strange feelings he had been felling around her recently ‘Do I have a thing for Ditzy?’ he thought to himself. As his mind trailed back to his earlier thoughts on Ditzy smiling to himself, he saw Spikes mouth twist into a grin as he shook his head quickly coughing.

“Uh…no not at the uh moment…” Ratchet lied; Spike cocked his brow with a smirk.


Spike was about to press him for further answers when he noticed it had gotten dark outside.

“It’s getting late, I should head back home before Twilight gets mad”

“Alright, I’ll walk with you”

The two got up and left the shop, Ratchet let Spike ride on his back as he walked through the streets to the library. There were still a few ponies out and about the majority of them heading back home after a long day of work, Ratchet’s mind trailed away into his thoughts about Ditzy again.

‘So…you do like Ditzy then?’

‘I’m not sure…I mean yeah I like her but that’s just as a friend…however’

‘However you’re now questioning that after giving it a bit of thought’

‘Yeah…how’d you know?’

‘I am you…idiot’

‘Shut it’

“You like Ditzy don’t you?” Spike suddenly said brining Ratchet back into reality, he was caught off guard as he realised what Spike had said and stumbled to find an answer.

“N-no whatever g-gave you that idea I don’t like her uhm I-I mean well yes I like her but I mean oh never mind…” he sighed as Spike grinned at his answer.

“Hah I knew it you do have a special some pony”

“Well…I suppose so yes, it’s something about her I don’t know, I just feel comfortable around her I guess. Every time I see her and talk to her my heart beats quicker and I feel warmer inside and happier, you know what I mean?”

“Same way I feel when I'm around Rarity” Spike nodded.

Ratchet nodded as the two carried on down the road.

“Hey maybe I can be your wingcolt and we can go on a double date” Spike grinned.

The two laughed as they approached the library, as they came closer to it Ratchet turned his head to Spike.

“Spike…can you keep my feelings secret, I need to figure things out about them first before I do anything”

“But why not just ask her now?” the dragon tilted his head “Seems the best thing to do”

“Oh like you telling Rarity your feelings?” Ratchet retorted with a smirk as Spike shot him a glare. “It’s complicated Spike…just…promise me ok?”

“Ok I promise but can I still be your wingcolt though?”

“Of course, and tomorrow we will start ‘Operation Dragonlove’” he said with a chuckle, Spike grinned nodding and slid off his back opening the door to the library.

“Night Ratchet”

“Goodnight Spike”

Spike closed the door as Ratchet headed back to his home his mind racing with his thoughts about Ditzy; he arrived at his home and let out a sigh shaking his head of his thoughts before heading to his bed.


Ratchet woke up slowly the next day, groaning as he slowly got out of bed. He had spent half the night awake thinking about his conversation with Spike on his feelings for Ditzy before falling asleep; he headed downstairs to make himself some tea before helping himself to some oats when he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door to see Spike grinning away with Twilight next to him who was smiling at him.

“Good morning Ratchet”

“Morning Twilight, Spike, what brings you round here so early?”

“Well” Twilight began “Romeo here told me this morning all about your ‘Operation Dragonlove’” she giggled as Ratchet rubbed the back of his head sheepishly “So I have allowed him the day off to see this ‘plan’ through, just…make sure he doesn’t get himself hurt. I care deeply for Spike and would hate to see him crushed”

“Don’t worry Twilight; the plan is fool proof “Ratchet replied with a reassuring smile.

“Also…” Twilight grinned as she looked to Spike who went wide eyed and hid behind her “You didn’t know that Spike talks in his sleep…”

Ratchet gulped and looked down to Spike who shrugged biting his bottom lip.

“Sorry Ratchet…”

“It’s ok” Ratchet sighed “Some pony would have figured it out sooner or later”

“Well I think it’s nice you feel that way about Ditzy, are you going to tell her?”

“I’m not sure how to really Twilight…”

“Hmm…well you could always take her to the Canterlot fair tomorrow, that’s always a good place to have fun at and you never know you may be able to open up to her more”

Ratchet thought for a moment rubbing his chin with a hoof.

“You know…that might just be a good idea”

Twilight smiled and nodded giving Spike a hug

“Good luck Spike” and with that Twilight left leaving the two standing there, Ratchet quickly picked APAU up and closed his door.

“Ready to go?”

“You bet!” Spike replied enthusiastically and clambered onto his back, the two headed off down the pathway to Rarity’s shop talking to each other about the plan soon coming across a group of ponies and fillies walking towards the school. They spotted Rarity in the crowd with Sweetie Belle, Ratchet’s eyes lit up when he spotted Ditzy and began to quickly approach the crowd.

“Morning girls” he called out to them with a grin

“Oh hello Ratchet and Spike how are you my dears?” Rarity replied with a smile.

“Hey Ratchet” Ditzy waved with her wing as Dinky bounced up to Ratchet and began to circle him giggling.

“I’m fine thank you” he chuckled as he watched Dinky “And hello to you Dinky”

Dinky giggled as she bounded to her mum as Spike hid behind Ratchet’s head blushing slightly.

“Psst…Spike ask her” Ratchet whispered looking back at him.

“Ask who what?” Rarity asked walking side by side to Ratchet, Spike blushed and stumbled with his reply.

“W-well Twilight g-gave me the day off and I was wondering…” he twiddled his claws nervously “If you needed any help today? I wouldn’t mind at all!”

Rarity stroked her chin thinking for a moment when Ratchet chipped in.

“You shouldn’t pass up the opportunity Rarity; you know how much of a good worker he is”

“Yeah, Twilight keeps saying how she doesn’t know what she’d do without him” Ditzy suddenly added giving Ratchet a knowingly wink.

“You do have a point…ok then, Spike can help me today I’m sure we’ll enjoy our day together” Rarity smiled giving Spikes head a playful rub as she headed up the school path with Sweetie Belle and Dinky who was racing Sweetie to see who would win.

Ratchet smiled and nodded as Spike silently fist pumped the air whispering a victorious ‘yes’, Ratchet turned to Ditzy biting his lip nervously, he felt Spike nudge the back of his head and he turned hisd head to Spike who mouthed at him.

“Ask her to the fair” Spike whispered, Ratchet gulped softly as he turned his head back to Ditzy.

“Ditzy…would you like to come with me to the Canterlot fair tomorrow? That is if you haven’t got any other plans…” he gritted his teeth waiting for her answer for what seemed like an eternity.

“S-sure that sounds awesome” Ditzy replied with a smile and a slight blush. “I need to a-ask someone a favour, I’ll see you tomorrow”

“O-ok Ditzy”

Ratchet waited for Ditzy to walk up the school path and let a sigh of relief, he then waited for Rarity to come back, he turned to Spike when he saw Rarity approaching them.

“You ready?”

Spike nervously nodded his head.

“Remember, stay calm and cool, remember what we talked about and you’ll do fine. Mind your manners and show her your worth” Ratchet whispered to him

Spike nodded again smiling more confidently as Rarity approached. Spike blushed again, raised his hand up then lowered it exhaling then regaining his composure.

“Ready to go Spike?” she asked with a sweet smile, Spike looked up with a smile.

“I sure am Rarity” Spike jumped of Ratchet’s back and bowed to Rarity “Mare’s first”

“Such a fine gentlecolt” Rarity giggled and started to walk off Spike happily walking beside her, he turned to Ratchet and waved. Ratchet waved back and smiled

‘Good luck Spike....’ he thought to himself.


Spike stood inside of Rarity’s shop holding several rolls of fabric for her, he had been there a good few hours assisting her in fetching her materials and making her drinks and light snacks. Rarity was in the middle of making a new outfit for a client in Canterlot and was levitating several different fabrics in the air as well as a bunch of sapphire’s, moving them in front of each other fabrics trying to decide on what to use. Frustrated she let out a sigh and rubbed her head with a hoof.

“What’s wrong Rarity?” Spike asked her placing the fabrics on the ground.

“It’s hopeless Spike, I can’t decide on what fabric works best with the sapphires I purchased specifically for this outfit, none of the fabrics really bring out the natural blueness of the gems”

Spike looked at the fabrics in the air and tapped his chin; he glanced to Rarity’s cutie mark before an idea popped into his head. He jumped up and grabbed a sapphire and picked up a white fabric, Rarity watched him curiously as Spike picked up a purple fabric and laid them out on the ground with the purple on top of the white. He stood up after placing the sapphires on the white fabric and turned to Rarity with a smile.

“How’s that look Rarity?”

“Why…it’s so simple, but it looks perfect!” Rarity smiled happily as she levitated the three items and placed them over the mannequin, the white fabric forming into a makeshift dress with the purple fabric acting as a highlight around the edges, she placed the sapphires around the neck and back near where the flank was and giggled to herself. “Oh thank you Spike, I never knew you had a good eye for fashion, what gave you the idea?”

“Well…I just thought of beautiful pony and it came to me...” he said blushing slightly poking his claws together.

Rarity thought for a moment then blushed as she figured out who he was talking about; she shot a glance to her mirror then the makeshift dress and noticed it was based off her appearance; she looked at Spike who was looking away rubbing his arm. She smiled and gently leant down and gave him a kiss on his cheek and giggled as Spike blushed his eyes widening.

“Thank you Spike…sincerely” she smiled softly as she levitated the materials over to her sowing machine, Spike stood there mouth agape as he softly stroked his cheek ‘She…kissed me…’ Spike was brought out of his thoughts by Rarity’s voice.

“Spike would you like to come over here a second?”


Spike walked over to Rarity who had begun to sew the fabrics together, Rarity was humming to herself as she paused for a moment to turn to Spike.

“I have an order to make some clothing for young colts I need to start after this dress, would you like to model the materials for me?”

“But…I’m not the same size as a colt” he replied hoping he hadn’t upset her, she simply giggled at him.

“I’m well aware Spike; I just need to wrap the materials around you like a mannequin to see which material works with what.”

Spike was enjoying himself, he had spent the rest of that afternoon wearing several makeshift bits of clothing doing his best to pose like a professional model making Rarity giggle as she worked on the orders, he was saddened when he looked at the clock seeing it was time to head home for dinner.

“Rarity…do you need me anymore? Only it’s nearly dinnertime and Twilight will-“he was cut off by Rarity.

“I was going to ask you if you wanted to have dinner here Spike, Twilight won’t mind if I keep you for it besides, you have earned a meal for your excellent work today” she smiled as she pulled him into a hug; Spike blushed hugging her back and smiled.

“O-ok then”


Ratchet had spent the majority of the day doing odd jobs around Ponyville, around midday he started to head back to his shop to have some lunch, his mind drifted to his plans with Ditzy at the fair.

‘What in Celestia’s name am I doing…this is going to go badly I just know it…’

He sighed and tried to focus on his next job after lunch, his mind however raced with thoughts as he trotted down the road not really paying attention to where he was going. Before he knew it he had walked straight into Applejack who was pulling a cart off apples and fell onto his flank.

“Oh sorry I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going” he apologised to her rubbing his head.

“Not to worry sugar cube” she helped him onto his hooves noticing a worried look in his eyes, she tilted her head at him “bit for your thoughts?”

Ratchet looked up at her about to speak but let out a long sigh.

“It’s a long story…”

“I got time” she smiled as unclipped herself from the cart after pulling it to one side, Ratchet followed her sitting down by the cart as he told her about his conflicting feelings for Ditzy and what Twilight suggested. Applejack sat there in silence taking in his words nodding now and then a serious expression etched on her face, Ratchet talked for what seemed like hours before he let out another sigh.

“I just don’t know what’s going on…I really feel great being around her and I feel this warmth inside of me whenever we hang out but…I don’t know if she feels the same way and I don’t want to ruin our friendship with stupid feelings…” He sighed closing his eyes “Am I just kidding myself or what?”

“Well, from what I can tell hun you genuinely seem to really care for her, sometimes ponies can develop feelings for other ponies either at first sight or after a while of knowing em. Ah can tell you’re not lying about the way you feel and if you ask me, you shouldn’t question your feelings. Just go with them but don’t rush it, just take your time and have fun at the fair tomorrow, you never know” she smiled at him placing a reassuring hoof on his shoulder.

“Thanks Applejack…” Ratchet smiled back at her.

“No problem Ratchet, now what in the hay is this ‘Operation Dragonlove’ Twilights been telling me all about”

Ratchet let out a snicker as he explained the plan to her, Applejack couldn’t help but laugh.

Author's Note:

[As it’s taken me a while to get this chapter out, have a little extract of the next chapter on what’s to come]

“Sorry boss…we lost him at the train station”

The stallion leant back in his chair and growled placing an ice pack to his cheek.

“Your both complete bucking idiots…” he swivelled the char to face the window “Now I can’t pay that little bucker back for injuring me!”

A mare’s giggle made the three in the room turn to face the doorway, standing there was a cloaked figure that started to approach.

“Hold it there you, don’t come any closer to the boss!”

The figure stopped and lowered the hood of the cloak.

“I know where he lives…” she said with an evil smirk on her face.