• Published 25th Nov 2012
  • 1,539 Views, 19 Comments

The Deity Star - Laarsgaard

Celestia has been the omniscient ruler for millenia, but how did she become so powerful?

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The Alicorns

Equestria shifted beneath her feet. The world was still forming, slowly taking its time to put the ground into place. The Alicorns were working day and night to help the process along. Celestia was too young to help, she could barely move the slightest of pebbles and her wings weren’t strong enough for her to fly, how could she help? The moving earth didn’t stop the Allicorns from building though. They quickly put up the first city, Canterlot.

The buildings rose and the Alicorns began to develop a society. The shifting earth made it necessary to use magic to help solidify at least this part of the world. The Allicorns erected a mountain. The mountain was enormous, destined to be the largest mountain in the world. It was royal looking in its ruggedness, and its vast majestic appearance gave it a regal air.

As the Alicorns raised the mountain they raised the bricks to the city. Using the magic of the forming mountain they built the city into the very bedrock. It took three years to finish the mountain. Throughout it all Celestia watched as her mother and father helped shape the mountain. Her mother Ventia was given the job of making the flowing wind. She was small for the race, her mane the color of blue steel and her pelt a hue of pale cream. She was always gentle, everything about her from her speech and movement, all the way down to the way she blinked her eyes was graceful and smooth. She could have had any pony she wanted, she was so sought after that she had many suitors lining up at her door asking for her hoof. Instead she went and found her mate, she found Ferrus.

Ferrus was the pony in charge of the Alicorns that shaped the mountain and all of the lands throughout the planet. He was almost the exact opposite of Ventia. Where she was elegant and poised, he was rough and unforgiving. His pelt was the color of unpainted iron and his mane was jet with streaks of silver in it.

The two were some of the most important of the whole race. Together they had two daughters. The first was their beloved Celestia. She had been a problem from birth. She had always managed to get herself mixed up into some kind of trouble one way or another. The first major incident she had caused was the near collapse of the mountain itself. Ferrus had left to go oversee the magi who were moving the mountain. Celestia had followed him.

Ferrus stood in the circle of magi he oversaw. The four other stallions were the most talented that had been born into the race. Ferrus had been chosen to supervise due to his innate nature and relationship with the earth. he could feel the movements of the rock and tell when the planet was going to undulate as it still worked through its birthing stages.

The circle stood in the depths of the mountain, where they had stood every day that they had moved the living rock about them into an acceptable shape of the mountain. Ferrus looked about him at the rock. It was beautiful in its own way to him, sometimes more beautiful than his family. A growing family as it turns out. Ferrus had just found out that his wife was pregnant, do to this Ferrus was in a good mood rather than his usual dower demeanor. He did not know that his eldest child had somehow managed to duplicate his transportation spell and follow him into the heart of the mountain.

She hid in a depression in the rock a little over ten feet away. She had never seen the inside of the mountain. Her father had told her it was way too dangerous. But he hadn’t seen her work magic yet. Both of her parents thought she was far too young to be able to use magic yet or even fly. She wanted to prove them both wrong and help her father shape the mountain.

Ferrus nodded his head.

“It is time.” He stated, nothing else needed to be said. With that the magic wielding stallions closed their eyes and lowered their heads. Their horns began to glow and the stone around them began to rumble. Celestia felt fear shoot through her, but she knew now was the time.

The little filly stood up shakily as the earth was reshaped around her. She ran forward to her father’s side. She tried to use the same spell as her father and the other magi. She lowered her head and followed along with the older stallions.

Ferrus felt the earth as it was being gently shifted around them. What most ponies did not realize is that the earth was alive and it did move at its own pace. Ferrus knew how to coerce her and ask her oh so gently to hurry it up a tad. The rock had always responded well as long as Ferrus was gentle. He had been able to carry over his affection for the earth to his affection for his wife, it was his therapy.

Something shoved its way into the flow of the spell. The earth was being pushed in the wrong direction and at the wrong pace. It was as if some pony was just throwing his or her magic around. Ferrus opened his eyes. He was shocked to see his daughter standing in the middle of the ring of stallions her horn glowing as she pushed her minor power into the spell.

The mountain began to shake violently. Ferrus cut his power output his anger flaring. His anger subsided as he heard the rock begin to crack.

“Get out!” he shouted as he dashed forward and scooped up his daughter. The first boulders began to crash down as Ferrus teleported out of mountain.

Celestia sat in her bedroom, tears falling down her cheeks. Her father had carried her home in silence. She could feel the anger and frustration coming off of him.

The ruin of the mountain had been seen and felt for miles around as it caved in on itself. The dust had mushroomed high in the air and caused a cloud to cover the land for miles around blocking out the weak and struggling sun from hitting the ground.

Ferrus had walked into his home and dropped his daughter onto the ground roughly, his anger getting the best of him.

“Go to your room.” He had told her. His tone brooked no argument. Celestia had climbed the stair up into her small room. She could hear her parents talking below. Her father was on the verge of yelling and her mother was doing her best to calm him.

After some time their voices ceased and the door slammed. Celestia heard her mother climbing the stairs. It made Celestia’s sadness compound. She knew how hard it was for her mother to climb the stairs in her condition.

Celestia’s door opened and her mother walked in. Despite her heaviness she could still move as graceful as a calm stream. Her mother had a stern look that was filled with sorrow and fatigue. Celestia felt a fresh wave of tears flow down her cheeks as her mother sat down on her bed next to her. Celestia felt her mother’s embrace engulf her and Celestia let the sobbing come uncontrollably and pushed her face into her mother.

Ventia didn’t say anything, she just held her sobbing daughter. Celestia finally calmed down and looked up at her mother.

“I’m sorry momma, I’m so sorry.” She pleaded with her mother.

“I know honey,” her mother cooed softly. “But it’s not me you need to apologize to,” Ventia sighed. “It’s your father who is upset with you.”

Celestia nodded as more tears came unbidden to her face. They bother jumped when they heard the front door slam. Ferrus was home. Ventia stood as they could hear Ferrus coming up the steps. The door opened slowly and Ferrus stepped through. His face was masked in anger. He had obviously calmed some since the incident, but he was still fuming.

“Ventia,” he said as he stepped into the room, never taking his eyes from his daughter. “Leave the room.” He commanded. Celestia’s mother bent down and kissed her daughter’s forehead.

“I still love you.” She whispered and left the room, quietly closing the door behind her. Celestia was alone, alone with her enraged father. She looked up into his coal colored eyes and she felt fear.