• Published 22nd Nov 2012
  • 1,202 Views, 13 Comments

Finding Solace - Demichev

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Error Unknown

Chapter 4 Error Unknown

Jonathan came to in complete darkness, pain everywhere, and unbearable heat. His heart raced, fear fogging his mind making thought impossible. He looked around, seeing nothing, not even himself. He called out in a hoarse voice, “Hello, is there anyone there?”

A voice, deep, loud, and full of sneering hatred responded, “Such an interesting specimen, an anomaly yet not. Interesting, interesting indeed. Yes, it will do perfectly.” the voice laughed maliciously and continued, “Oh how I have waited so long for an opportunity, I knew would come and now it is here and I can finally be free. It will take a message to her, oh yes, and she will rue ever scorning me and imprisoning me here.

Jonathan spoke, “What? What do you want? What are you talking about?”

The voice screamed, “SILENCE! It will not speak, only obey my will!

At the words from this horrible unseen being Jonathan’s body was wracked with more pain and fear than that which he’d previously felt upon waking. He screamed out falling over onto whatever surface he was on, spasming.

The voice continued, “It will bring her a message and it will do so for me. It will say to her, Fear and utter Darkness the master of them has awoken, the time of tyranny has begun. It will deliver that message to her. My supposed siblings thought they could shun me forever, but they will learn that they made a terrible mistake in doing so, oh yes, all will come to fear and tremble before me and none shall stand before the might of Lord Nevid. Now go and do as I command it.

Upon the last words Jonathan fell from whatever realm he had been in.


Fluttershy’s walk to the cottage near the Everfree Forest was uneventful and she hummed a tune to herself thoughts of what to do about Lunch. She couldn’t think of anything, but it was making her hungry. The cottage came into view and she smiled. Everytime she came home, Jonathan was always there to greet her with a hug and a ‘Welcome back dearest’. Then she’d tell him everything while he sat there look into her eyes, listening intently.

She crossed over the little bridge over the small pond in front of her house and up the path to the door, checking the mailbox for any mail, of which there was none. She put her hoof in the door loop and pulled the door open. She was surprised to find Jonathan not waiting to greet her. She called into the house, “Jonathan, I’m home.”

No response was returned. She searched the kitchen and found it clean and no one present, she went upstairs and pushed the door to Jonathan’s room open and found it clean as well, but Jonathan was not there.

She went downstairs and to the backdoor and pushed it open. She called out, “Jonathan? Are you out here?” No response was heard. She stepped outside and looked around. She spotted a quivering mass lying on the ground near the garden. “Jonathan!” Fluttershy screamed, running up to him and placing her hoof on him. “Jonathan, what’s wrong? Oh dear you’re burning up.” She started panicking, she had no idea what to do about this. Jonathan was spasming, curled into a ball, every muscle locked up, his breathing coming in short breaths.

“Oh dear what do I do? What do I do?” She said fear in her strained voice.

She couldn’t leave him there, but she couldn’t risk moving him either. She decided she’d have to go get help and leave him, as much as she didn’t want to. She turned and flapped her wings, taking flight. Usually she didn’t fly, but as this was an emergency she knew she could get help quicker by taking to the air. She flew up and accelerated toward Ponyville. “Maybe Twilight will be able to help him,” She said to herself, “or at least know somepony who can.”

A minute later she arrived at the Library and shoved the door open, startling Twilight, who was in the midst of sorting some new books. “Hello again Fluttershy, what’s wrong?” Twilight looked at Fluttershy concerned.

“Twilight I need help, it’s Jonathan, I went home after talking to you and found him near the garden on the ground, something’s wrong.” Fluttershy said quickly taking a breath after.

Twilight got up and ran out of the library, Fluttershy right behind her.

They arrived at the cottage several minutes later and went to where Jonathan was on the ground. Twilight lit up her horn and touched him with her magic. The magic back lashed and pushed Twilight back onto her rump and gave her a headache.

“Ouch, that’s weird, it’s like as soon as I touched him with my magic, something slapped it away.” Twilight stated rubbing her head, pain evident on her face. “I don’t think whatever’s responsible for that, wants interference.”

Fluttershy started sobbing, afraid that she might lose Jonathan.

Twilight pondered for a moment, looking around, then a thought came to her. “Okay, whatever this is fights against magic, but what about something that is magic, but not. Perhaps Zecora might have something.”

Fluttershy stopped sobbing and looked at Twilight with tear filled eyes. “Do you think that Zecora might have something that can help him?”

Twilight responded, “She might, but we won’t know until she tries. I’m going to go get her, wait here and keep an eye on him.” Fluttershy nodded. Twilight got up and ran toward the path to Zecora’s hut in the Forest.


An hour passed, Jonathan continued to remain in his state writhing on the ground, he’d gotten worse and Fluttershy feared that he might die. Twilight soon returned with Zecora.

(AN: Forgive me folks, but I lack the skill to do rhymes, so the best I can do is plain English for Zecora. If someone wants to give it a try then you are more than welcome to give it a go.)

Zecora looked at the strange being in front of her. Twilight had done her best to explain to Zecora what he looked like, but it was still a strange sight to see. It wasn’t so much what she saw that was strange, but what she felt. Emanating from this “Jonathan” was an energy that felt evil, unknown, and very dark, but underneath that she could feel a warmth and a sensation that she had felt everytime one of the six ponies she was friends with came to visit. She found it rather odd.

“It is strange, I feel a sensation similar to when one of you ponies visits me, but I also feel an energy coming from him that is not his own. A very powerful one, full of malice and such evil, it nearly overwhelms the first.” Zecora said.

“I don’t feel anything and when I tried to reach out with magic, something pushed it away and gave me a headache.” Twilight said.

“Ah, Twilight you are right to seek my help in this matter. It is apparent that we are dealing with something beyond ponykind. Though my kind shares similarities with ponies, our specialties lie in that which is, but also is not.”

“How can something exist, but not exist, that doesn’t make sense.” Twilight was befuddled at this strange concept.

“Just trust me Twilight, I will help you find out what is the matter with Fluttershy’s lover.”

Fluttershy was shocked,“How, how did you know?”

Zecora only smiled and said, “That which is, but is not.”

Twilight’s response was interrupted by a stirring on the ground. Jonathan’s body relaxed and his eyes snapped open and he took in a deep breath.

Author's Note:

Have another chapter, on the house.

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