• Published 24th Nov 2012
  • 8,230 Views, 639 Comments

Interdimensional Transfusion - The card holder

Sequel to Mission: Improbable starring the Scout.

  • ...

Get Acquainted with the Scout

As the Scout and Twilight just glared at each other some more, the Spy was still speaking into the Scout's ear.

"Since she seems to recognize you from when she took me back, it looks like you will have to come up with another story. I would do it myself, but I am needed on ze battlefield. Ciao."

While the Scout was silently cursing the Spy's name, Twilight started talking. "You're going to tell me what happened weeks ago. And you're going to tell me who that was."

"Who... who was?"

"You know exactly who I'm talking about."

He did, in fact, but he doubted that would be satisfactory to her. "And what if I don't tell ya anythin'?"

Twilight's glare intensified, and the Scout found himself floating closer to her face. Just a few inches away, he's stopped, and the unicorn speaks again. "Bad. Things."

Quite honestly, this tiny horse was actually more intimidating than an angry Heavy. This internal note slightly hurt the Scout's pride, but he pushed on. "Ooooh, you're so scary. What, you gonna 'show me the error of my ways' and become best friends with me?"

Instead of saying an answer, Twilight instead decides to start compressing her magic on the human. At first, he barely noticed, but soon...


"Ready to talk, now?"

"Hell no, I ain't gonna let some girly pony boss me arou- JEEZ THERE GOES MY SPLEEN!"


"Still no, crazy pony lady! I've taken worse than this!"

Twilight grinned somewhat sadistically. Her friends were standing nearby throughout this entire ordeal, and they were rather afraid of what Twilight was doing.

"In that case, I wonder what would happen to your body structure if I dunked you in molten rainbows..."

At the mention of the word "rainbows", the Scout cringed a bit. He also heard the word "molten", which both didn't make sense and was rather foreboding. "You wouldn't."

"Wouldn't I?" She seemed to look for any nearby rainbows, before the Scout's nerve finally broke.

"Alright! Alright! I'll talk!"

Twilight lowered him to the ground, and released her magical hold. The Scout thought about running, but realized that he would probably just be snagged by that magic again.

Freakin' magic. Wizards, unicorns, that one creepy guy down the street from his apartment... He was starting to hate anything that even vaguely resembled magic.

"So, purple, what ya wanna know?"

"Who was it who tricked me into bringing him... wherever that was?"

"Oh, him? He's just the Spy, a French bastard who thinks he's all tough, when all 'e does is hide."

"I'm here now, you know. And you're no better, running away from everything."

The Scout ignored his teammate's comment.

"So, um," Twilight started, "we seem to have gotten off on the wrong hoof." She held her hoof up, as if for a handshake. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. And you are?"

"Just call me Scout."

"Alright then, Scout, why are you here?"

He paused for a second, thinking of a reason. He couldn't just say that he was here to take some ponies back to his world so they can be experimented on.

"Don't ask me, I have no clue," the Spy helpfully chimed in.

"Well, err... Ya see..." After a bit of brainstorming, he thought of a semi-believable reason: "I was sick of it! Yep, I was just tired o' that dumb place, so I decided t' come here!" The ponies seemed to buy this; looks like those lying lessons from Lying Louie as a child payed off yet again.

"In that case, Scout, where are you going to stay?"

"Well... I... I dunno."

"Well... I remember there being a house not too far from here, that was just built. Nopony has even bought it, yet."

"Yeah, about that, I'm broke."

Twilight raised a hoof and pointed at herself. "Don't worry, I'll handle it. I am the princess's star student, after all!"

Oh, great, his "best ally" in all of this was some kind of nerd.

"Well, with all that out of the way," Rainbow Dash spoke up, "how about you show me how you did that thing?"

"What thing?"

"You know, the thing where you went the other way."

"What, you mean this?" The Scout performed a simple double jump.

"Yeah, that!"

"Can't tell you how. I don't even know why I have it, sometimes. I think it's cause I needed some other gimmick besides being fast to make me special, so Valve added it."


"Nothin'. Now, you answer me a question."

"Whatever, I can answer it!"

"Why is your hair all... that?"

"You got a problem with rainbows, bub?"

The Scout's mind flashed back to two separate instances: one time, when he tried to find the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow as a child, and ended up getting mugged by a gang of leprechauns, and later, when the Engineer made those goggles for everyone, and the Pyro suddenly shot rainbows and glitter at everyone (which still burned like real fire). "Kinda, yeah."

"Well, I was born like this. So, why do you carry a baseball bat around?"

As the Scout and Rainbow talked, Applejack and Twilight conversed.

"Where in the hay did you learn t' do interrogations like that?"

"Oh, it was just something I picked up from a detective book. It's nothing really."

"And where did ya learn t' fake injuries like that on someone?"

"...Fake?" Twilight looked to the human, who was now angrily chasing a rainbow-maned pegasus wearing his hat.

"Give that back, dammit!" he called out.

"You'll have to catch me first!" was the reply, and they went off into the distance.

Twilight sighed. "This is going to be something else, I can tell."