• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 14,671 Views, 259 Comments

Winter's Warmth - NeonEclipse

Even in the coldest of winter days, warmth can be found. TwiDash shipping.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Dash watched as Twilight paced back and forth, walking from one side of the library to the other. Her mane and tail were a mess and stray hairs were sticking out in various areas. Twilight had gotten herself worked up into a worried frenzy after Rarity stopped in and asked Twilight and her to come to the boutique this afternoon so she could give them along with Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack, an early Hearth's warming eve gift.

Normally that wouldn't have been a problem, and Dash still thought that it wasn't. But as soon as Rarity left, Twilight began to panic about how they were suppose to tell their friends about their newfound relationship with each other.

Over the past few days, Dash had been staying at the library more often than ever. Twilight would insist that she stay over whenever the temperature dropped below freezing and they usually ended up sleeping together in the same bed to keep warm. She eventually grew accustomed to spending most of her day with Twilight.

It hadn't actually occurred to her to what their friends might think of them dating, she just figured it would come to light eventually and she would cross that bridge when she came to it. She wasn't really worried about it though, they were their closest friends right?

“It'll be fine Twilight. Its not like they'll be mad at us because we're special someponies with each other now.”

The purple unicorn abruptly halted and turned to her. “But that’s just it! What if they are mad at us? We've been together for days now and we never told them!” She sat down, looking at the floor as her ears fell. “What if they're mad at us for not telling them. Or... or they don't like that we're together?”

Dash tapped a hoof against her chin before saying dismissively, “Nah. That'll never happen.”

“How do you know?” Twilight asked helplessly.

Dash looked over at the purple unicorn. She could clearly see the look of doubt and worry on her face as she stared into the ground. She could never understand how Twilight would always work herself into seeing the worst possible outcomes in things. If she always feared what was to come, then nothing would ever get done.

Luckily though, she was there.

She stood up and walked over to the crestfallen unicorn, sitting down in front of her on the wood floor. She tried to get a look at her face but Twilight wouldn't lift her head to meet hers. She thought for a second, and said, “Twilight. Are you happy...? Being marefriends with me?”

Twilight’s head jerked up at this, she actually looked a little hurt from the question. “Of course I'm happy Rainbow. I... I'm more than happy...”

Dash smiled and nuzzled under Twilight's chin, catching her before she could lower her head again. “Well, that’s great. Because I'm really happy too.”

Twilight drew away to look at the light blue pegasus, who nodded and grinned at her. “They won't be upset. Trust me.”

Twilight frowned again. “But how do you know for sure? How do you know they won't be mad at us?”

“Intuition.” Dash said confidently, bringing a deadpan expression from the unicorn.

Honestly, she didn't know how their friends would react. But she knew them well enough to know that they wouldn't hate them because Twilight and her found their special somepony in each other.

Dash felt the purple unicorn bury her face into her neck. She kept a small smile as she looked down at the unicorn and nuzzled against her ear. She never thought herself to be one for all that mushy stuff special someponies do, but with Twilight, she found that she actually enjoyed doing them.

“Because they’re our friends.” She said softly. “Don't you think that they will be happy, if we’re both happy?”

The unicorn looked away and nodded. “But-” she started, but was cut off as Dash placed a hoof over her mouth.

“Uh uh. No more buts. We'll tell them, they'll be happy for us, Pinkie Pie will wanna throw a party, and everything will turn out awesome. Worrying about it isn't going to solve anything, so our only choice is to just go out there and face it head on.”

Twilight looked at her for a few seconds, then sighed and leaned her head forward into her neck in a half defeated, half comforting embrace. Dash smiled and wrapped both her hooves around the unicorn. She didn't show it often, but she could be comforting and kind when she wanted to be. Maybe it was from all her time growing up with Fluttershy as her closest friend? She would have to thank her for that sometime.

“I know you’re scared, but we'll be going through it together, right?” Twilight nodded into her, not taking her face away from the pegasus' neck. Dash smiled. “You know that I would never leave a friend hanging. That goes double for my marefriend.”

Dash held Twilight for a moment longer before the unicorn pulled away from her, but as she look at her face, the frown that was there was replaced with a small smile. She gave back a confident grin of her own, but inside, she was just as unsure as Twilight was. She felt like she was sitting at the edge of a cloud, waiting to perform her next aerial trick. Only this time, she wouldn't be doing it alone.

Now all they had to do was jump.

Dash landed on the street, now lightly coated in a layer of white snow, and blew out a breath of air as she folded her wings away at her sides. It instantly turned to white mist as it floated by, showing how cold it still was outside. It wasn't as cold as it had been a few days ago, but it still nipped at her ears and nose as the winter wind blew over them. Twilight followed behind her, using her magic to lock the library door after she exited. She could see the same white breaths coming from her muzzle as the unicorn turned to face her.

“Ready?” She asked as the purple unicorn walked next to her. Twilight nodded but the look on her face was less than convincing. Dash pawed a hoof against one of the unicorn's legs. “Hey. It'll be fine, I promise.”

Twilight nodded again, smiling a little this time as they started off down the street to Rarity's shop, keeping close to one another but not quite touching as they walked. The boutique was on the other end of the town and, since Twilight didn't have wings, they were going to have to walk through the snow to get there. Though Dash didn't mind.

A cold breeze blew past them as they walked, making a shiver run through Twilight. Dash caught this and, on reflex, immediately wrapped a wing over the unicorn's back to bring them closer together for warmth. She felt Twilight grow stiff next to her but didn't think much of it as they continued walking.

After a couple of blocks, Rainbow caught on to the unicorn's unease and she looked over at the unicorn questioningly. “What’s wrong?”

Twilight had her eyes fixed on her hoofs. “They're... staring at us...”

Dash lifted her head to look around and, as Twilight said, a few ponies that were nearby were giving them strange looks. She then looked back over at Twilight and her wing that was resting along the unicorn's back, not something that typical friends do. It's something that pegasi do with ponies that are special to them, sometimes with family but mostly with their special someones.

Twilight and her never really did much in public for the past few days. Most of the time they stayed indoors and read together in the library where it was warmer rather than embracing the cold outside. So their new relationship had stayed mostly a secret from everypony else.

And then there was the fact that they were both mares. A mare liking other mares isn't the type of thing that you see too often. Dash wasn't afraid to admit her preferences if asked, but then again, she didn't go broadcasting it either. But in Ponyville, ponies were quick to pick up on gossip and nothing was ever hidden for too long. And the fact that they were next to national heroes in the public's eye, didn't help matters either.

A few ponies in town knew about her interest in mares, sure, but as for Twilight, not even Dash knew until just recently. She looked back over at Twilight, expecting her to be bothered or upset by the attention but found that the unicorn was only blushing heavily while staring at the ground.

Dash grinned and tightened her wing around her marefriend. “Let them know.”

Twilight looked over at her, wide-eyed. “B-but-”

“We're going to tell the girls anyway. We might as well get the rest out of the way while we're at it.” She said, shrugging. “I doubt it will stay a secret for long once Pinkie Pie and Rarity know anyway.”

Twilight looked like she wanted to protest more, but knew she was right. They were going to have to deal with it at some point. Besides, Dash wasn't afraid of letting others know that Twilight was her marefriend. In fact, she was proud of it. She wanted them to know that Twilight was her special somepony.

They continued down the street while Dash held Twilight closely tucked under her wing and away from the cold wind. The gesture gaining some attention from a few ponies that happened to be passing by at the time, though Dash thought they were missing out, not having somepony close by. The gentle warmth coming from the unicorn's body only made her tighten her hold around her, keeping her as close as possible and sharing their body heat.

Twilight tried to hide her face but Dash caught her, nuzzling against her cheek and making the unicorn's eye close as she blushed even more. When they finally got to Rarity's Boutique, Twilight's entire face looked like a tomato, and Dash didn't think it was because of the cold. She retracted her wing from around the unicorn's back, fixing it at her side again and doing some quick preening of her feathers before they went in.

Twilight looked over at her, unsure whether to be embarrassed, furious, or happy about being seen like that with her so openly, but she managed to fit all three into an expression. Dash looked up at her with a guilty grin until the unicorn sighed and took a few moments to compose herself before lifting a hoof to knock on the door.

They heard a familiar whimsical voice call, “Just a moment!” from inside and no more than a moment later, the door opened and warm air, along with Rarity greeted them. The white unicorn's eyes widened at seeing them. “Oh! Twilight, Rainbow, you didn't have to wait outside in the cold.”

“Well we didn't want to just barge in.” Twilight offered but Rarity waved a hoof dismissively.

“Nonsense. You are two of my closest friends and are more than welcome to come inside when you are invited, especially with it being so cold out.” She said, shivering as she turned and walked back into her shop. “Now, come inside and close the door. You're both the last to show and I wanted to wait for everyone to be here before the big reveal.”

“E-everyone else is here already?” Twilight said, a little nervously.

“They're all waiting in my inspiration room. Now come along. I know you both must be excited to see what I've been working on and I can't wait to show you all.” She said, walking over to the stairway. Twilight looked down at her hooves and fidgeted for a second before Dash bumped her nose into the unicorn's side, gently nudging her forward.

They both followed behind Rarity up to the second floor. Dash couldn't help but notice Twilight trembling a little, even as she walked next to her. Was she really that afraid?

While Rarity wasn't looking, Dash brushed up against Twilight, getting her attention, and gave her the most reassuring smile she could muster. Even if everything went bad and Twilight's fears came true, even if their friends hated them after they found out, that wouldn't change the fact that she liked Twilight. She may have cared about what others thought of her, but she cared a whole lot more about what Twilight thought of her.

A smile slowly returned to Twilight, but it faded as they entered Rarity's design room. As Rarity had said, the rest of their friends were already there waiting when they followed her in.

“What took y'all so long? We were beginning to think that something might have happened to ya.” Came a familiar voice as they entered. She looked over and found the owner, Applejack, along with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, who were sitting around a small table placed in the room.

Dash sensed Twilight tense up next to her. She started to reply back, but stopped as she couldn't really tell her that it was because Twilight was worried about what they would think of their relationship. Luckily, Rarity saved them the trouble.

“Honesty, I really don't blame them. The weather outside has simply been horrid lately.” The white unicorn said, moving past them and over to the others. “Though I suppose I wouldn't have ever finished these if not for the need to stay indoors, so it hasn't all been for naught.”

“If you say so.” Applejack said grumpily.

It didn't surprise Dash, as she knew Applejack wasn't a fan of the winter. Not much applebucking you can do when there's nothing on the trees. Though her friend's sour mood didn't help make telling them about their new relationship any easier.

“Well, now that you're all here, I can finally reveal my latest work to you all.” Rarity said excitedly. Dash looked over to her, curiosity about what she wanted to give them getting the better of her for the moment. Twilight also turned her focus to the fashionista.

“I’ve told you all already, so the surprise has already been spoiled somewhat...” She said, moving over to the far side of the room where a working desk was placed. “But I think you will all find them to be quite special.”

She stepped around her desk and her horn lit up light blue with magic.

“So, without further ado, I give you all my first designs for my new winter showcase!”

Using her magic, Rarity pulled six differently designed and colored cloths from behind her working desk which turned out to be scarves. She slowly floated one to each of them while keeping one for herself. Dash noticed that each of the scarves closely resembled each of them.

“I made each of them specially suited to each of you. I’m hoping that I can open up a new line of scarves particularly to compliment their owners. I wanted you girls to be the first to have them.”

Twilight took hers in her own magic, slack-jawed as she spread it out before her. Dash saw it was striped purple and pink all the way down the length with the design of her cutie mark at either end. It was a simple design, but it suited her perfectly.

Dash's own was a mixture of the six different colors of the rainbow that resembled the colors of her mane. Like Twilight's, it was striped all the way down, repeating the pattern from one end to the other in a bright rainbow. It was actually even more simple in design than Twilight's, but it stood out much more.

“I'm really liking the color choice on mine.” She said, wrapping it around her neck and posing in one of the nearby mirrors. She had to admit, it suited her perfectly.

“I went for something a little more prismatic and flashy for your scarf Rainbow, and I think the color represents you quite well if I do say so myself.” Rarity said, quickly moving over to her with a measure in her magic and checking to see how well her work turned out on the pony it was based for.

Rarity's own scarf was actually the most plain of all. The entire length was a pure white, save for a elegant arrangement of three light blue gems at one end. Though it also held a more elegant and refined look.

After jotting down some measurements, Rarity turned to Applejack who was still inspecting her scarf. Hers was a pale orange color with bright orange stripe running down the length. Hers also had a picture of a red apple that appeared when the tassels at the ends aligned.

“Its a little fancy for my tastes, but I like it.” Applejack said.

Rarity smiled at her. “I'm glad you do. I made yours out of a more sturdy and less stainable material since I know you like to do more... er... 'hooves-on' activities than others.”

Applejack gave her a flat stare, but it was halfhearted. “Well thank you all the same Rares. This is really a mighty generous gift.”

“Yeah! These are super duper amazing!” Came the voice of Pinkie Pie who was spinning hers around her head, making her look like a mummy. Her scarf had two different shades of pink and contained random shapes and patterns in the fabric. “And so warm too!”

“Oh, it must have taken a long time to make all of these. You didn't have to do all of this Rarity.” Came a soft spoken voice from Fluttershy. Her scarf was a rich cream color that had pink butterflies scattered into the stitching.

Rarity turned smiled kindly at the shy pegasus. “Oh think nothing of it darling. You all mean the world me and I loved designing each piece to match their new owners perfectly.”

Maybe it was just her. But Dash couldn't help but notice the way Rarity looked at Fluttershy when she said that. It somehow reminded her of the way Twilight looked at her sometimes when they read together. The sort of look that held a warmth of its own.

They all took the time to look over each others new winter wear as Rarity looked over them to make sure she they all came out correct and matched well with their new owners. Dash made sure to stay close to Twilight, not only for moral support, but also so they could be together when they told their friends their news. She promised they would tell them together and she kept her promises.

Things had begun to calm down now after they had finished looking over each other’s new wear and they were now sitting around the table and chatting with one another. Twilight seemed to be doing okay for most of the get together, though Dash could see the slight nervousness in how she acted. Knowing Twilight, she probably would have panicked by now if facing this alone.

“So Dash, how have you been holding up the past few days?” Came the voice of Applejack, breaking her out of her thoughts. “Its been colder than usual this year and usually I can't get rid of you during the winter months.” She said, grinning and shaking her head. “You haven't been toughin’ it out in those flimsy clouds again have you? You know you can always come over to our farm anytime Rainbow, you're always welcome at the Apple family.”

One of Twilight's ear flicked at hearing Applejack's words, drawing her attention to the conversation.

“Hey, my clouds are the best around, even if they don't keep warm.” Dash said defensively, but gave a small smile. “Thanks a lot for the offer AJ, but I kinda already have a place to stay.”

Applejack seemed a little taken aback by that. “Oh?”

Dash smiled and turned to Twilight, bringing Applejack to look at her as well. The lavender unicorn shrunk into herself as their gazes turned to her.

“She’s... been staying with me at the library for the past few days.” Twilight said quietly, avoiding eye contact. The others in the room turned their attention to their conversation as well, making Twilight look even more hesitant.

“Well that’s mighty kind of ya Twi. I figure she's been given you a lot of hassle, knowing how hard it is for her to keep still for five seconds and all.”


While Dash glared at Applejack, Rarity lifted a hoof to tap at her chin while she made a thoughtful face. “Come to think of it, you two have been very close ever since that snowstorm a few days ago...”

“Yeah! You two are like totally best best friends now.” Pinkie Pie said, bouncing twice.

“Well... you see...” Twilight looked over at Dash, who nodded back encouragingly. Now was as good of a time as any to tell them.

Twilight opened her mouth to talk but couldn't seem to get the words out. Rarity looked over at Twilight, cocking her head to the side at the hesitance she was showing. Then her gaze turned to Dash, and she seemed to take in just how close they were sitting to one another for the first time. For most of the time they were there, Dash hadn't left the unicorn's side for more than a few seconds. A smile started to touch Rarity's expression as her eyes lit up with realization.

“Oh... I see...” She said, the small smile slowly turning into a larger grin. “That snowstorm must have brought you two closer together than I thought...”

Applejack and Fluttershy looked over at Rarity, still not getting it, and then they looked back over towards her. Dash smiled and gently put a wing around Twilight's back again, making the unicorn blush as it surrounded her.

“Twilight and I are marefriends now.” She said, grinning at the others in the room. She pulled them tight together to further emphasize her point, making Twilight's face light up in further embarrassment. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack's jaw's dropped while Rarity just smiled. Dash tried to catch a look at the purple unicorn's face next to her, but she was distracted as Fluttershy suddenly rushed towards her and pulled her into a tight hug.

“Oh I'm so happy for you Rainbow.” The canary colored pegasus said, losing her shyness for a moment while she was caught up in the news. “Oh! I'm happy for you too Twilight. I'm happy for both of you. But Rainbow, you finally some a special somepony for yourself, that's wonderful!”

“Heh... yeah. Thanks Fluttershy.” Dash said, her own blush showing.

“I didn't even know you liked mares Twilight.” Applejack said, looking at the unicorn incredulously. Twilight smiled sheepishly back, rubbing one of her hooves against the other.

“Well, when I was little, Cadence would always tell me that love isn't something to be disregarded just because of gender. Besides, I don't like Rainbow because she’s a mare, I like her because she’s Rainbow.”

Dash blushed at her words, not knowing what to say back. Twilight just looked at her and smiled warmly, even though deeply embarrassed.

“Though who would have thought, the bookworm and the athlete.” Rarity commented, her gaze switching between them. “I guess it is true when they say that opposites attract.”

Twilight turned her head away in embarrassment.

Rarity beamed at the lavender unicorn. “So how long has this been going on between you two?”

Twilight frowned now, fear showing in her face again. “About two weeks now...”

Pinkie Pie gasped loudly. “Two weeks and you haven't been thrown a party yet?!”

“And you didn't tell us until just now?” Applejack added, frowning.

Dash was about to tell her that they didn't have to say anything at all, but thought better of it at the last second. She wasn't about to start an argument over this, not after she had promised Twilight that everything would be okay between them and their friends.

Twilight looked down at her hooves. “We didn't mean to wait so long before telling you all. It just sort of happened...”

“It’s okay. We can still throw you a super fantastic party for you both right away!” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. Judging from the look on Twilight's face, Dash figured that she wasn't too thrilled at the idea, but they could work that out later.

Applejack look at them both and her frown melted into a small smile. “Well... I guess it's not so bad. I kinda wish you would have told us sooner, but then again, it’s your relationship.”

Twilight looked up at her, worry heavy in her features. “You mean... you're all not mad at us?”

Applejack looked at her strangely, as did the others in the room besides Dash. “Mad? Why would we be mad?”

Twilight's gaze shifted from her to the rest of their friends before she looked down and away from her. “Well... I mean... we waited so long to tell you all. And we didn't consider what you girls might think about us being together.”

Applejack gave a soft smile, looking over at Dash and the others before turning back to Twilight. “Twi, as long as you're both happy, I don't see any reason to be upset with you both being marefriends.”

Twilight looked back up, and was met with smiles from all her friends, including Dash, who was grinning like she knew it would turn out like this all along, but was also secretly glad for getting a positive reaction from their friends.

“I'm not mad that y'all found somepony special in each other, I just hate not knowing what’s going on is all.” Applejack continued, now to the both of them. “We're mighty happy for the both of ya, right girls?”

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all nodded in agreement.

Twilight looked at each of them but found nothing but smiles from her friends. She grinned apologetically at them. “I'm really sorry it took us this long to tell you girls. I mean, I guess we've just been subconsciously putting it off.”

Applejack waved a hoof. “Don't worry ‘bout it none. The important thing is you did let us know, even though you didn't have ‘ta.” She grinned and shook her head. “Besides, its not like y'all are sleeping together or anything yet.”

Dash felt her face heat up as Rarity gasped. “Applejack! That was completely rude of you say! What Twilight and Rainbow do together is their own business.”

While Rarity berated Applejack, Dash glanced over at Twilight, expecting her to be embarrassed or angry at the comment, but instead she only looked sad. Didn't she realize what Applejack was insinuating? She couldn't be that oblivious, could she?

Oh Celestia please Twilight, don't tell her-

“We've have actually slept together a few times already...” Twilight said quietly, pawing her hooves together.

Everyone in the room went completely silent. Dash could hear her heart beating in her ears and her cheeks lit up bright red. Applejack gaped at Twilight while Rarity and Fluttershy's faces also went crimson.

“T-Twilight.” Dash whispered, finally finding her voice after a few stunned seconds. “She uh... she didn't mean it like that...”

“Huh? What else could she...” Twilight just sorta stopped talking as she looked over at the pegasus. She could probably see her blushing, even if they weren't right next to each other. Then she looked over at the others. Fluttershy was covering her face with her hooves while Rarity was still openly blushing, Applejack just sat there, her mouth still slightly open, and Pinkie Pie looked like she was holding in a fit of laughter.

Twilight's cheeks turned a deep crimson. “Oh no-no-no-no-no! I meant that we literally slept in the same bed while it was cold out! We haven't done anything like that!”

She seemed to realize what she said, only after she had already said it, and back-pedaled, looking back over at Dash. “I-I-I mean I'm just not r-ready for anything like that now. N-not that I won't ever be ready for s-stuff like that, I-I'm just not prepared! I mean I-I c-could get prepared, but I need more time!”

Instead of absolving any embarrassment from herself, she only succeeded in making herself blush even harder along with the rainbow pegasus. Fortunately, Applejack was quick to recover.

“Woah woah woah, easy there Twi. Ah get it. Best way to keep warm is to keep company.” She said, calming the unicorn down before she could get anymore worked up. Twilight looked over at her helplessly, then back at Dash before lowering her head fell in defeat.

“Anyway. So ah guess this explains why we haven't seen you around much.” Applejack said to Dash who was still blushing.

Dash looked over at Twilight and then back to Applejack, rubbing one of her fore hooves in front of the other. “Yeah...”

“I will admit, I really didn't expect to the two of you, out of all ponies, to get together. Though I guess life is funny that way sometimes.” Applejack said. “Are you positive ‘bout this? I mean, I would hate for things to go sour between the both of you, bein’ that you’re both my friends.”

Twilight frowned at that, looking over at Dash fearfully. Dash looked back at Twilight, meeting her worried gaze for a moment, then turned back to Applejack.

“One hundred and twenty percent positive.”

Twilight's cheeks turned red at that, but she stayed silent. Applejack stared at Dash for a second and then laughed lightly, shaking her head.

“Then I guess there's nothing to worry about.”

Rarity huffed exasperatedly. “Of course there’s nothing to worry about. They're lovely together. Just look at them.”

Twilight and Dash both looked at Rarity, then at one another and blushed, looking away in perfect sync but in opposite directions. Rarity smirked and Applejack stifled more laughter.

Their friends took turns each asking them questions for the rest of the evening. About their feelings for one another and other embarrassing things. They also took turns looking at each other's new winter wear and Rarity fussing over small details in her work. Dash had the chance to talk with Fluttershy about Tank as Twilight chatted with the others.

Dash noticed that Twilight opened up much more once they had told their friends. It would seem that what she really feared was disappointing of the ponies who meant the most to her. It was a fear that Dash could relate to as she also feared to let others down, to be a failure. It was why she worked so hard to join the Wonderbolts and become somepony worth being proud to be called a friend of. Or in Twilight's case, a marefriend.

Eventually the rest of their friends left, one by one, as they had other things to get back to, until eventually there was only Twilight, Rarity, and her left. As the time rolled by, Dash could feel the unicorn begin to lean on her a bit.

“I guess we'll be leaving too then. Its getting dark, and it'll probably get a lot colder once the sun sets.” Dash said looking out of the nearby window which was glowing with orange light from the sunset, then looking over at Twilight who nodded back tiredly. They both got up to their hooves, stretching their legs.

“I understand. Do take care. It gets rather cold at night.” Rarity said and then added with a wink, “Though I suppose you two will have little trouble keeping warm.”

Twilight flushed and quickly made her way out of the room. Dash moved to follow, but Rarity caught her before she could go, her eyes sparkling with interest.

“So tell me. What are you going to get Twilight?” Rarity gushed out when Twilight was out of ear.

Dash turned her head to the side. “Huh?”

Rarity frowned. “Hearth's Warming Eve is coming up, surely you have something in mind to get her as a gift. She is your marefriend after all.”

Dash awkwardly smiled at her. “Well... I guess I haven't really thought about it yet...”

“What?!” Rarity gasped loudly, holding a hoof up to her mouth.

“Well... I just figured I could get her a book or something. I mean, she likes books right?” Dash said, wearing a sheepish grin.

Rarity looked like she was about to maul her. “Oh no no no! You have to get her something special. Something that shows her how much she means to you!”

“Aw come on Rarity. You know I'm not good with stuff like that...” Dash said awkwardly, rubbing a hoof behind her head.

“Rainbow?” Twilight called back from downstairs after she must have realized that the pegasus was not following behind her. Dash looked back towards the door before turning back to Rarity.

“I'm sure you'll think of something.” Rarity said quickly and smiled. “After all, it’s pretty obvious you care a lot about her. Just remember, the most special gifts come from the heart.”

Dash took that in for a moment before she felt herself being pushed along with magic as Rarity shoved her out the door.

As she exited the front door she was still mulling over what Rarity had said. She was right, Hearth's Warming Eve was approaching quickly and she should probably have something special for Twilight when it came around.

But what would she get? She had no idea what Twilight would like as a gift from her. Twilight was already student to a princess, sister to the one that married Princess Cadence. That practically made her royalty! Even if she knew what she liked, Twilight could probably get whatever it was without much trouble. How was she supposed to compete with that?

She looked down at the new scarf Rarity made her, now wrapped around her neck. It was special because it was one of a kind, made specifically for her. Maybe she could make something special for Twilight too?

She was brought back from her thoughts as she looked over at the mare in question, who was facing her, but staring at the snow on the ground silently. She also had Rarity's new scarf wrapped around her neck. The sun had started to set in the sky, casting a glow over the snow covering the town.

“A-about earlier...” Twilight started, scuffing a hoof along the snow on the ground. “About... what I said...”

Dash tilted her head. “Huh?”

Twilight's cheeks reddened. “About us sleeping together...”

“Oh.” The pegasus' cheeks also lit up at the embarrassing reminder. She shook her head. “Don't worry about it.”

Twilight looked up at her. “B-but-”

Dash lifted a hoof to cover the unicorn's mouth before she could talk again. It was becoming a common occurrence after being around Twilight for so long. She removed her hoof as soon as she was sure that Twilight would let her talk first.

“I don't want you to rush to do things because you think I want you to.” She said, frowning a little. It was actually something that had been bothering her lately. Dash liked to do things fast, she prided herself in doing things fast when she wanted to. But not everything she did was done at top speed. Sometimes she liked to just relax on a cloud and let the world catch up to her. She didn't want Twilight to feel she had to race too keep up with her. It was with Twilight that she felt most relaxed. “I'm already happy just being with you like this.”

Twilight blushed even brighter but didn't say anything more on the subject, growing quiet. They both started their walk back to the library together in the silence that followed, keeping a small space between them as they went. The new scarf helped to keep the cold off, but it wasn't the same warmth that she had with Twilight next to her. Dash looked over at the unicorn but couldn't get a solid look at her expression.

Had she said something wrong? She silently wished she could explain herself better. In her adventure books, Daring Doo always seemed to say the right things at the right times. Why couldn't she be that cool? The pegasus was so preoccupied with her brooding that she didn't notice when the unicorn next to her stopped walking.


Dash looked over at Twilight who had stopped a few paces behind her, her scarf was off and floating in her magic. She felt her own scarf slowly unravel as it was lifted away from her neck, floating over to Twilight in another aura of purple magic, and replaced with Twilight's own purple and pink scarf. It snaked its way carefully around her neck as Twilight wrapped Dash's rainbow patterned scarf around her own neck, swapping them.

Twilight was blushing furiously but wearing a smile as she walked up to her. Dash looked at her questioningly as the unicorn moved back next to her, this time without leaving a gap, pressing against her side and wing.

Dash blushed, finding herself suddenly more aware of the ponies around them. A few had stopped what they had been doing to look at the pair standing in the snow-covered street. She looked at the scarf around her neck and then back at Twilight.

“I'm happy being with you too Rainbow...” Twilight said quietly, smiling up at her. “Now everypony else will know why I'm so happy.”

Dash felt her chest swell up at that. It wasn't the boldest thing she had ever seen, but coming from Twilight, it spoke volumes. Dash nuzzled against the unicorn's cheek warmly. Twilight started at the gesture but happily returned it.

They once again started their walk back to the library, this time, wearing each other's scarves. They attracted attention from most of the ponies that passed by, not only because of how good Rarity's designs looked, but also because of how they looked on the pony next to the ones they represented.

“You know...” Twilight said quietly as they walked together. “These scarves Rarity made are great, but I still feel a little cold even with it on...”

Twilight gave her a meaningful look out of the corner of her eye and Dash stared back blankly for a few seconds until her own eyes widened in understanding. She carefully extended one of her wings out and over the unicorn's back, bringing them against each other as they walked through the snowed streets.

The familiar sense of warmth coming from the connection made them keep as close as possible to each other in the cold. But more than that, strangely, she actually felt better with Twilight under her wing. Like it belonged there over the unicorn.

Twilight leaned in and brushed her muzzle against Dash's neck affectionately. Dash looked away and up into the sky, hiding the blush on her face. A few ponies stared at them as they passed by but she didn't notice. Right now her thoughts were preoccupied with a certain purple unicorn and the fast approaching holiday.

Something special...

Author's Note:

Okay. College has been keeping me busy but I did manage to get this chapter done for you all. Hope you enjoy.

Comments ( 71 )


I loved it. It was heart warming, and fashionable!

I am referring to the switching of the scarves, of course.

And the chapter as well. :twilightsmile:

Yes its still alive!

Very, very adorable. :twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

One comment, though. It seemed strange that everyone considered two weeks a long time for them to have kept the relationship to themselves. I mean, sure, there's a sense of commitment right away, as opposed to them just dating and seeing where a relationship went. Were in the latter it wouldn't make sense at all, but even with the former two weeks is hardly a long time. It's not like they were involved for several months and eloped without telling their friends. Two weeks is hardly any time at all, really.

That was sheer adorable-ness...if I didn't have diabetes before I do now. Oh and don't fret about uni keeping you busy, believe you me I know that feeling all too well :ajbemused:

Adorable:heart:. So glad that this updated. Also, I know how time consuming that college is, don't feel too rushed.

I guess the gift will be one of her feathers as that is a special gift and in fanon terms it shows that a Pegasus is giving a part of themselves to the one they love also great story keep up the good work and I know that feel with college taking up most of your time and effort

OMG! YAY! HAHAHAHA. I was waiting for this update for sooooooo long! Thank you! haha. :twilightsmile:

This chapter was amazing! You kept the sweetness of the previous chapters, and worked off of that to make it even more so. :twilightsmile: I definately love how you take the story and how well you display everything.

I only noticed one or two errors, either an added word or wrong meaning. to be specific you used a too when it should be to.

That is all I have to say ^.^ (This story is beautiful) Continue writing! :twilightsmile: please.

2386164 I say Rainbow Dash should give her a flower fertilized by her own feces.

Truly romantic.:raritywink:


A wonderful chapter as always. I'll do a reading of it as soon as I can! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

I was slowly fading away waiting for this update.

Oh, thank you sweet Luna! I was so afraid that you were going to travel the extremely over used and often poorly done path of having one or more of their friends not like them being together. So nice to see a fic not following the norms. Brilliant chapter, as always.

2386284 Oh, so very romantic. Thanks for the birthday present idea for my girlfriend! Actually, I think I like my jugular vein intact, maybe I shouldn't do that

2386284:derpyderp1: ...ow my brain

This was another fantastic chapter filled with great emotions and interactions. Twilight is just too adorkable for words and it's nice to see Rainbow written with a softer side, but still retaining her confidence. I must also say I'm very happy the story has remained nice and fluffy, no need for pointless drama (beyond the worst case scenarios Twilight cooks up in her noggin).

I look forward to future chapters because these two are just too freaken adorable together. :twilightsmile::heart::rainbowkiss:

An update!?! :pinkiegasp: Huzzah!!! :pinkiehappy:
Let the adorkableness resume!



Ethical and its wona approved this scares me to the batcave

so much dawwww... its cute

You know rarely do I see a shipping fic with the sheer amount of adorableness and just the sincerity the characters feel for each other, and you did this in three chapters, hell you did it in the first chapter! I will gladly wait as long as it takes for updates like these.


What the actual fuck?

Update :yay:, Althougth each chapter takes a bit long, each one worn the wait, you have been featured in the three, and all have been really eally really marvelous and touching.


What the unmitigated fuck?!


Why on the Celestias name would I do that :rainbowhuh:


Well, it's just pacing, I guess. Author wouldn't keep us hanging with suspenseful yet boring misadventures around the library, so the friends had to be involved.

Nah I got it. She should give Twilight a cell culture of neuronal cells taken from her nervous system. That way, she'll know that her thoughts always belong to her.

Don't worry about the making us wait. I enjoy twi dash enough to wait a good log time a d not get upset. And this...is...BUCKING...CUTE...and therefore good. I approve. Twidash is otp.
Little heart,

I swear to god there's been so much blushing in this chapter Im surprised Dash can't last the winter from the heat generated from it.

Anyway, a very sweet chapter! I hope to see the next one soon!

The D'Awww is over 9000... :pinkiesad2:

More please!

Just a few mistakes I noticed and wanted to briefly bring to your attention:

The unicorn looked away and nodded. “But-” She started
"She" should be completely lowercase.

Dash pawed a hoof against one the unicorn's legs. “Hey. It'll be fine, I promise.”
Should be "one of the unicorn's legs".

Twilight and her never really did much in public for the past few days.
A bit of a mishap with cases here and a teensy bit of ackward phrasing. Should be something like "She and Twilight hadn't really done much in public the past few days", although you can certainly revise it as you wish to keep the phrase in line with your original vision. Also, I think "Twilight and her" should be "She and Twilight", but I cannot recall the rule behind it :facehoof:. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Thanks for the spots. Though I do believe when referring to yourself along with others, you say their names first.
EX: "Twilight and I went to the park."
So I think it is appropriate to say "Twilight and her" here, since its from Dash's point of view.

This chapter was totally worth the wait. I loved it, so much, and I don't think you could have made it better. No matter how long it will take for a new chapter to be out, I know I will not be disappointed. Keep up the awesome work, you are great. :twilightsheepish:

The moment I read about themed scarves I thought: "Oh, they are sooo going to swap! And it's gonna be D'awwww!"
Keep up the good work!:twilightsmile:

Cliche syrupy tripe...

But cliche syrupy tripe that I couldn't help but adore. Good characterizations, adorable, and enjoyable to read.

Because sometimes you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Trixie does not need another... :trixieshiftleft:

Eh, not a big fan of this chapter. Honestly enough, it felt terribly cliché. It was almost like you had a list of events you had to go through, and followed them slavishly. Even the dialogue felt cookie cutter, just the standard, "expected", responses.

I'd also say that it's a bit too purple at times. You're something using excessive descriptions, and more than once I thought a scene or sentence felt padded with unnecessary bits.

Oh well, we'll see what happens in later chapters :).

Oh dear god this story is adorable i cant wait for the next chapter keep up the good work :D

2386164 Yep, it's practically an engagement ring.

dang it! now I want MOAR!

A sweater made of eyelashes!

Those two are more fluffy and adorable then a wear house full of kittens.

I often read stories that can get really dark and all, but sometimes you just need a little fluffy romance like this. No big adventures, no relationship struggling to survive against everything life throws at it. Just. Cute. Adorable. Fluff.

This made my day, thanks. :twilightsmile:

I know that college busyness feel.

Still excellently written. What are you majoring in?

D'awww, now i wanna know what Dash'll give Twilight! Maybe a cloud in a bottle? Or maybe a set of magic operated wings? In any case, give us MOAR! Please..?

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