• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 1,654 Views, 67 Comments

Worth Less Than a Fly - nightshade745

Shadaico wants to be a good guy now after having been the scurge of society--Nash wants to get back the life that was ripped away from him. Two men with a common goal fall into Equestria and new bodies...

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Chapter 2: Life's Truths

Shadaico waited for the bars to close before he held his arms up. The Warden took out a key and used it to remove the ends of the gauntlets, releasing Shadaico’s hands. Shadaico snapped his claws wide and tense. A Heavy Guard had a massive spear an inch from his face in a fraction of a second. Shadaico didn’t flinch; he just stared at the Warden. The Warden scoffed and turned to leave. The guards followed. The Warden made a quick call and the main lights were dimmed and a shield enclosed each cell, sealing them off from each other.

Shadaico quickly cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders before turning around with his hands now free. The Punishment Gauntlets still restricted his wrists slightly, but he didn’t count his blessings. Shadaico looked at Nash. Nash was wide eyed with terror as he pressed deeper into the wall. His magic was sealed, but he could still use those screws on his arms like a good club. Shadaico’s red eyed stare penetrated the air like a hot-knife through butter. Nash almost felt life slip away just from Shadaico's glare. This had to be a fate worse than death. He’d had a lot of those experiences lately actually.

“Which bed is yours?” Shadaico asked quietly, not taking his eyes off Nash. Nash shakily pointed to the one on his left. The one on the right was lumpy, but clean. The one on the left was fluffy, but smelled. Shadaico glanced at it then looked back at Nash, “what’s your name?”

“N-N-Nash,” he trembled still.

“Sit.” Shadaico commanded.

Shadaico stepped over to the bed on the right and quickly turned around. Then he let himself fall into a sitting position on the bed. Nash just watched, still filled with terror. Shadaico looked at him and scowled. Nash quickly lunged over to his bed and sat down quickly. He shivered and rubbed his hands and feet together nervously. Shadaico was taller than him and he sat perfectly still. His eyes continued to burrow into Nash.

Shadaico huffed, “will you relax! You’re annoying.”

“B-but you’re Sh-Sh-Shadaico…” he stumbled out.

“You’re not blind or clueless, that’s a start. We each have three days, is that right?” his voice was forceful and sounded old.

“Yes,” Nash squeaked.

There was an awkward silence before Shadaico started talking again, “why are you afraid of me?”

Nash stared at him, trying to register the question. “Because…y-you’re the a-apocalypse.”

“Not anymore kid.” Shadaico lowered his head as though in shame.

“What are you talking about? You’re like royalty to these people!” Nash suddenly jumped forward. After voicing his observations he quickly shrunk back, afraid he had angered him.

“Royalty to idiots, not much of a compliment kid. The majority of these men are trash,” there was hatred in those words.

“You’re their hero--I mean their villain--their idol!” Nash stumbled to correct himself.

Shadaico actually chuckled, “Idol, yes. And I assume they spent their lives chasing my legend?”

“S-some of them. I didn’t though. I don’t belong here!” Nash pleaded with him.

Shadaico shook his head, “fools. They threw away their lives for nothing.”

“They just wanted to be like you,” Nash’s fear was being replaced by confusion.

Shadaico lowered his head to hide his eyes, “that’s what makes them fools. To be like me…to live the life I’ve lived." he growled in anger.

“You didn’t enjoy what you did?”

He snorted, “I did at the time. But that’s the problem.” Shadaico looked up. “That’s why I have such a big legend. When you first start, anything and everything is fun. But then it starts to slow down. It’s a cycle kid. As you commit more and more crimes, you need more and more to have fun.”

“You……regret it?” Nash couldn’t believe it. The Legend, the King of Evil regretted his life!

“Are you religious?” Shadaico asked suddenly.

“Uh…no. I don’t believe in God, gods, or Heaven and Hell.” Nash was a little confused.

“Why?” Shadaico turned his head at an angle so Nash could only see one of his eyes.

“Because…he’s never done anything for me.”

“Didn’t he make you,” Shadaico asked deadpanning.

“He didn’t help me during the trials, he didn’t save me from this prison…and he won’t save me from my execution!” Nash lashed out.

Shadaico nodded slowly, “well I believe.”

Nash's anger froze in his chest, “a monster like you believes?”

He nodded, “I didn’t always, obviously. A week before they caught me, I was convinced, by some old man. I was about to take his life when he started asking me the big questions.”

“Like what you thought would happen to you when you died?” Nash was almost over the fact he was talking to a living legend.

Shadaico nodded again slowly, “he made me think. For the first time in my sick evil little life, I started to wonder what would happen if I just dropped dead suddenly.”

Nash cocked an eyebrow, “you just drop dead?”

“The point isn’t how likely or unlikely it is,” he huffed. “The point is what will happen to you when your day of mortality is up!” He snapped his fingers to deepen the point. “I began to wonder, did it matter how many sins I had committed.”

“Uh…are you asking me?” Nash asked nervously when Shadaico paused for a moment.

“Tell me, is their good and evil in this world?”

“Well…yeah, you!” Nash pointed at him accusingly.

“In a world without hell, is their good and evil.” Shadaico lowered his head again.

“Of cour-“

“No, there isn’t.” He cut him off.

“But you-“

“No. Evil, good, memories, emotions, suffering, and pain do not exist in a world without heaven, hell, and god.”

“What are you talking about?” Nash thought he was crazy to claim there was no such thing as suffering or pain.

“Think about it kid.” Shadaico’s head remained lowered. “If when you die everything that is you is simply deleted, what happened?”

“I don’t know.”

“All memories of your pain are erased.” Shadaico raised his head. “Let me give you a perfect example of your own logic. If Heaven, Hell, and God don’t exist and all your memories are erased when you die, then I can end world hunger through murder!”

“You’re crazy!”

He shook his head, “no, I’m smart. Without those guiding principles and the concept of sin, I should just kill every child who is hungry. No, that’s the wrong word. I should just erase, all the starving children.”

Nash understood why Shadaico was so evil quickly, “you’re sick, that’s evil!”

“No it’s not. It’s not like those children are going to even remember their deaths. All their memories evaporate into nothing anyway. Not to mention, the only way it can be considered evil is if it’s a sin. And for that, you need a place of eternal punishment…hell.”

“So where are you going with this?”

“That’s why I believe in hell, because I believe in good and evil. I believe there’s a purpose to our lives.” Shadaico paused and lowered his head once again. “But it’s that same belief that has destroyed me.”

“You believe in heaven and hell, so what?”

“After all the things I’ve done, you really think I can enter eternal paradise?!” Shadaico looked up at him. “Kid, in three days I face execution. Then I will face judgment and be cast into the lake of eternal punishment, and there is nothing I can do about it!” A tear ran down his cheek. “I will suffer for all eternity for my sins and nothing can save me. I’m…a condemned man. Every second my fear grows; the knowledge that I’m one second closer to never ending torment, to destruction. The day is so close,” Shadaico’s hands were trembling as he interlaced them.

“You fear for your eternal soul?” Nash couldn’t believe that the most viscous demonic spawn of Satan he had ever known was so religious, or so well acquainted with fear.

“I’m suffering kid.” Shadaico held his left Punishment Gauntlet. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to have these screws…slowly…driven into your flesh and then….your very bones?” A shiver rattled his form. “Every time these…damn things spark, it vibrates…and hur-ts.” He struggled out in obvious agony.

“I…you…sorry,” Nash wasn’t sure what to say. Shadaico was totally different from the stories. At least, now he was. He was weak, vulnerable, dying, and afraid.

“If I’m suffering this much now, imagine how much I’ll have to pay for in hell. I have more reason to fear death than any other living thing on this planet. My soul cannot be cleansed. Even if it could, I don’t have the time…it’s too late.” Shadaico began to shed silent tears. “What waits for me…it’s the scariest thing a man can wonder. But actually facing it…”

“If there is a hell and a heaven, where will I go?”

Shadaico looked at him, “I don’t know what kind of life you’ve lived, Nash. But, I doubt you’ve done too much, considering you’re so, well, scared.”

“What will happen to me?” Nash found himself falling into Shadaico’s belief of an afterlife.

“Beg for forgiveness. At least you have hope that it will be granted.” Shadaico flicked his head down and squeezed his knee. The screws on his legs were all sparking at once.

“You looked so strong when they walked you around the prison,” Nash remarked.

Shadaico chuckled weakly. “An act,” he hissed as the pain subsided. “I will die leaving an image of strength. That is something I promised myself. Even though I go to hell, I will make sure the world never sees my weakness, my fears.”

There was a long silence, “if you had more time, would you seek retribution?”

“I’d do anything to atone, but my sins are just too great. There just isn’t enough time.” Fresh tears began to run. “What have I done?” he whispered to himself.

Their friendship was doomed to be short lived of course, but they were determined to get to know each other before it was over. Shadaico had a hard time sleeping due not only to the screw's pulsing pain waves, but the fact that he had to lay face down on a lumpy mattress. When morning came, Shadaico warned Nash to keep his mouth shut. He couldn’t say a word about Shadaico’s true nature. It was especially beneficial to keep all the inmates thinking he was still the monster they had heard about. Nash stayed close to the towering jackal and all the other inmates kept a 20 foot perimeter around Shadaico clear.

In Nash’s last three days, he would finally get his first bath in a year, new higher quality prison garbs, and a large meal. All courtesy of just Shadaico’s reputation! Wherever he went, the prisoners practically bowed to him. His glance alone was enough to break up gangs and send even the bravest and largest of them stepping back. None of them questioned why he kept Nash close or seemed to protect him. No one could touch Nash or even get near him for fear of the King.

Nash enjoyed the feeling of safety and good hygiene. He knew only two days remained before he would die. Shadaico knew it too. Both of them would enjoy baths and new clothes regularly. They were both trying to enjoy what little time they had. Before they ate their dinner that night, Shadaico stopped to pray. Nash was about to go ahead and dig in, but Shadaico’s earlier reasons for his faith echoed in his mind. He joined in his prayer; although, his was less forgiveness demanding. Nash didn’t need to pray for forgiveness for genocides and destruction of entire cities. When the praying was done, they ate in silence.

Nash noticed that all the nearby iron tables were devoid of occupants. The other inmates had given Shadaico and his pet Nash a quarter of the Cafeteria! Nash dared to speak, “Will asking for forgiveness really save you?”

“I can only hope. I know I am doomed, but like I keep saying, you have a chance. Only when you die will you find out if you tried hard enough though.” Shadaico didn’t look up from his meal to tell Nash what he thought.

“Only two days…”

“Two days till I see the devil eye-to-eye…” he said drearily.

“Two days till I face my eternity…” Nash too said drearily.

When they returned to their cell and the barriers that cut all the cells off from each other came on, Shadaico let out a howl of pain and fell to the floor. Nash dived to the floor to help him onto his bed. His body shook from the extreme nerve damage he had been racked with. Nash couldn’t imagine having to walk around strong faced while in such agony. Shadaico was truly dying.

“I’m so worthless!” Nash berated himself as he got Shadaico into the bed.

“No you’re not. You have value. You haven’t seeped your hands in blood and become a blight on this world!” he huffed heavily from his pain. “I’m the one that’s worth-less!” he gritted his teeth in pain. “I haven’t done a good thing in my life!” he was breathing heavy.

“Yes you have.”

“What have *huff* I done right?” he asked painfully, his throat swelling up.

“You…converted me.” Nash smiled weakly.

“Saved a sinner…” Shadaico nodded slowly with a small grin.

It was the day. Shadaico had told Nash his more gruesome and horrible stories, but his war crimes were some of the worst. Torturing children in front of their parents to get information, sick! Nash began to understand more and more why Shadaico knew he was going to hell. There was no way such a monster could ever enter heaven. Nash hadn’t told Shadaico much about himself, but he still felt like they would die as close friends together. Shadaico was to die first though and Nash knew it.

“What religion do you follow?” Nash asked as the guards prepared for the execution outside their cell.

“I don’t know actually.” Shadaico was sitting on his bed. “I just say whatever prayers I’ve heard….my numerous victims mumble before I took their…lives.” He took a second to pass the lump in his throat before he spoke again. “It’s funny, I only know two official prayers. And I don’t think they’re actually appropriate for the current situation. I always made up the others as I went, you know. I think that’s how it’s done.” Shadaico looked up at Nash with tears beginning to push forward. “I’m not going to be able to look strong for this am I?”

“Me neither,” Nash shivered as he hugged himself.

“I’m not ready for hell yet.” He swallowed hard. “There are so many sins to atone for.”

“I don’t think I’ve ask for forgiveness of every sin.” There was a pause. “Shadaico?”

“Yeah…” he mumbled.

“You spent three days here before your execution; I spent a year to the day. Why?”

“I spent my year in another prison. It was a transfer. I was some kind of royalty there too.”

The Warden appeared at the door, “it’s time.”

The ceremony began. The four Executioners were gathered around the pentagram circle where their deaths would occur. The Tower Guards lined the aisle down to Nash and Shadaico’s cell. Heavy Guards were scattered about in a regular pattern. A Heavy stood by the open cell as Nash was led out. A chain from another Heavy Guard wrapped around his wrists and bound them together. He was led out like an animal and down A-Wing to the waiting circle of his death. The prisoners were silent with respect, but not for Nash, for his roommate. If they started yelling and taunting Nash, they risked still yelling when Shadaico came out. That would be disrespectful.

As Nash approached the circle, he saw the means of his death. The Executioners each held a long pole with a green orb at the top. The poles were evenly spaced at the edges of the circle. They were placed so you could walk straight down any wing without having to walk around an Executioner to get into the circle. The Warden stood to Nash’s right, holding a large book under his arm. Nash was sweating like a cow. Death was moments away.

“Stand next to me Nash,” the Warden asked coldly. Nash was given enough slack and led to stand next to the towering lion headed Warden. “Relax Nash, your execution is in a moment. Bring him out!

Shadaico was led by two Heavies and flanked by two Towers. The chains ran into the Punishment Gauntlets on his arms; all of them wrapping wildly around the screws. Shadaico looked passive, cold, as though he had no emotion. Nash couldn’t believe he was actually doing it! Shadaico was a walk and a few moments from meeting the devil and he looked fine, what Nash thought the old King of Evil should look like when going to his death. But Shadaico couldn't keep it up.

Halfway down the corridor, his emotionless face began to streak with tears as he began his second to last prayer. “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” The tears became thicker as he choked for a moment. “Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us, our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us.” He licked his lips. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and glory for ever and ever.” Shadaico passed Nash without a glance. “Amen.”

As Shadaico’s chains were moved and connected to each pole at the edges of the circle by the Tower Guards, Shadaico began his final prayer. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. For your rod and your staff, they shalt be my comfort. Amen.” Tears of udder terror ran like waterfalls down his face. The chains were in place, the time of his death was right now…

“Shadaico Verransom Terror Field, do you have any final words?” the Warden asked harshly.

“Yes.” He almost whispered. His arms were stretched high up into the air and he looked rather pathetic. “Nash!” Nash had turned his head away to hide his sorrow, but he flicked his head up at his name. The entire prison looked at him as did the Warden.

“I give! *hic* I can’t hold the image! I’m sorry.” He nodded at Nash who nodded back. “When it’s your turn, when you go to heaven and see God, can you do me a favor?”

“Anything!” Nash stepped forward assertively.

“Can you put in a good word for me? Tell the big man…I tried. I tried to atone for my sins, I just didn’t start soon enough. I know it won’t make a difference, but can you do that for this old dog?” Nash nodded fiercely. Shadaico smiled through his crying, “Now let’s do this!!”

In a flash, the Warden had the book held high and slammed his free paw on the cover. The sound was like an explosion blasting through the room, and it signaled the death of the King of Evil. The poles erupted into angelic light and the pentagram began to glow. The jackal Shadaico and the many sealing screws still in his body were trapped within the ring. Shadaico began to make small whimpering noises as the light grew ever brighter and beams began to explode into the ceiling.

A horrible roar of pain exploded from Shadaico, even over the racket of the magic at work. Through the light, the entire prison could see Shadaico’s legs begin to break apart! The chunks were a few inches across each and they broke off and vanished rather slowly compared to the agony it clearly caused. His arms soon followed, the chains vanishing instantly rather then taking their time like the rest of him. Somehow, his chest and head floated there as he was bit-by-bit broken apart!

After what seemed like an eternity of screaming and hundreds of little pieces, his head floated there, still screaming. The entire thing suddenly blew apart and evaporated all at once. Nash was frozen to the spot. The energy died down and revealed that not even the screws remained of Shadaico. He was completely erased from existence…and Nash was next. The fate that awaited him was even worse than he had ever dared believe. He had never seen it so clearly or so close up.

The Warden smiled as Nash was dragged to the center of the circle where Shadaico died only a second prior. Nash had lost the ability to move from utter terror at what was to come. Nash silently went through the same prayers as Shadaico had moments before his death as his chains were put into place and the Tower Guards stepped out of the circle.

“Nash Adary Worms, do you have any last words?” The Warden smiled, revealing how much he enjoyed this, and his big teeth. It made Nash sick.

“Yes.” Nash was crying in fear but inhaled deeply, “I AM STILL AN INNOCENT MAN!!!

The Warden quickly slammed his paw on the book, not wanting to hear his nonsense anymore…

That was the day, Shadaico Verransom Terror Field and Nash Adary Worms......died...