• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 3,036 Views, 55 Comments

The Candy Cane-Coated Conundrum - SpiralWriter

Princess Luna isn't an Ebenezer Scrooves, is she?

  • ...

Luna's Hearth's Warming Eve

Black Friday, 32 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

Her divine eyes of blue roamed over the various nick-knacks and decorations aligned perfectly on the shelves, her face belaying that of utmost concentration and confusion at the sight before her. Ribbons, streamers, gaudily decorated socks, little snowponies made out of marshmallows. One particular item caught her attention. An aura of blue enveloped a small snowglobe, lifting up the item to Princess Luna's scrutinizing gaze. She gave the small item a telekinetic shake, sending a spray of white particles flying inside the tiny globe and around an odd looking reindeer dressed in a bright red overcoat and matching hat with a cotton puff at the end of the pointed tip. The reindeer looked rather happy, no, jolly in fact, toting a large bag of presents over his back.

Luna turned and walked over to the checkout counter, the ponies in line shying away from her, allowing the princess of the night to be right at the front. She only rolled her eyes at the cowering subjects on their knees, but she let out a sigh. She would have gladly waited in line.

"Hello and welcome to Jiffy Mart, the jiffiest mart in all of Equestria. I'll be right with you."The cashier, a yellow unicorn with an employee's apron and hat on him, had his back turned, performing some last minute inspection on the cash register. He seemed to be having a problem with the receipt paper jammed in the slot that produced it.

Luna coughed once to get his attention.

"Ma'm, I'll be right with you."

She coughed once more, this time a bit more forced and much louder.

"Ma'm, I said I will be right with you!"The cashier raised his voice into an annoyed tone, pointing a hoof at her while he still tinkered with the register. Many around them let out a gasp, slowly inching away, lest they as well were blasted into dust or banished to the sun by the dark alicorn.

"Sir, we ask that thou turn around and answer thy princess's inquiries."

With the Royal Canterlot Voice activated and threatening to blow his eardrums out, the employee had but no choice to turn around, only for his eyes to grow wide with fear at the sight of one who ruled over him, letting out a little 'meep' of fear before ducking underneath the counter. Luna only rolled her eyes once more. She had come to use the Royal Voice less and less, considering it made ponies around her too deaf to hear her words, but he did force her hoof.

"M-may I help you, y-y-your majesty?"He stuttered out, slightly peeking his head over the top to look up at her. She coughed, her voice a normal tone once more, but still holding a smidge of her ancient dialect and accent.

"Yes, we are curious. Who is this within the globe of snow?"She hovered the snowglobe over him, and he eyed it with enough fear that he was certain the item would explode in his face.

"That's...that's Santa Hooves, P-princess. F-for the h-h-holidays?"

"Holidays? But it was just Harvestgiving yesterday! Surely we are not preparing for another day of festivities already!"

"I-it's Hearth's Warming, your highness..."

Luna blinked several times in confusion before realizing that the name had a familiar ring to it."Ah, yes, Hearth's Warming Eve and the Day of Hearth's Warming...we had forgotten. But how does this,"She shook the snowglobe right in front of his face."Relate to the day Equestria was founded?"

"W-well..."He peered from her curious glance to those of the other customers behind her, shivering as much as he was. It was the day following Harvestgiving, Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year all over Equestria. Every store, every little innlet that sold something would be packed with ponies ready to jump on the sales they had going for the winter season. Princess Luna's arrival had damped the mood in the store. Out of all of Canterlot's markets, she chose Jiffy Mart. Before the cashier could answer he, he caught the eye of one the guards standing ready by the entrance, pleading for help.

"Your highness,"The guard that had glanced at him interrupted."Perhaps your sister, her most gracious Celestia, would be willing to tell you about what's happened while you were away?"

She looked between the cashier and the guard for a moment before nodding, setting the snowglobe back in it's rightful place on the shelf."We bid thee farewell, Jiffy Mart!"Luna exclaimed, marching out with her entourage of bodyguards.

A small moment of silence reigned before a a filly trotted over and picked the snowglobe from the shelf, placing it inside a shopping cart alongside other groceries her mother had procured."Nopony was going to buy this, right?"

"Sister, pray tell, who is this...Santa Hooves?"

Princess Celestia looked up from the recent letter of friendship she had received from Twilight Sparkle, peeking over the edge of the paper to see her younger sibling standing in the doorway to her personal study, a most curious expression upon her blue face.

"And why would you want to know that?"The sun alicorn chuckled slightly at her sister's question.

"We were out amongst the commonfolk today...and they all seemed in the most joyous of moods. It was rather infectious."

"Well, Hearth's Warming Eve is just around the corner."Celestia settled the letter down, neatly folding it with her own aura of gold.

"While we were out in the Canterlot marketplace, we spotted some small children galloping about, chanting 'Santa Hooves, Santa Hooves is coming this weekend'! What does this mean?"

Celestia chuckled once more, only infuriating her sister further."It means that he'll be sitting in the market square, asking all the little foals and fillies what they want for Hearth's Warming Day."

A blink of confusion from the Night Mare."...Why?"

"Do you really want to know, sister?"

"Indeed."Luna shook her head vigorously, her curiosity waiting on bated breath for the answer to the conundrum that was 'Santa Hooves'.

The white alicorn stood up to her full height, stretching her elegant frame briefly, and walked over to a bookcase on the far wall, her eyes perusing the contents within it. After a few moments of looking, Celestia pulled a small, thin book from between several other thick volumes, blowing the dust off of the cover. Celestia held it out proudly for her younger sister to view the cover. It was a tattered old thing, but it still held together. It was a green and red book, the image of a reindeer flying through the night sky, pulling a sleigh behind him chock full of presents. The reindeer himself appeared ever jolly, sporting a fluffy white beard, cloaked in a big red coat with white trimmings, a matching hat, and some jingle bells tied to his antlers.

"Tia...that is a children's storybook."Luna stated flatly after gazing at the cover for a few seconds.

"No, it's the Legend of Santa Hooves!"

"...A children's story."

"Do you want me to tell you or not?"

The moon alicorn silenced herself immediately.

Celestia sat down, in one of the comfortable cushions of her study, Luna taking one as well. Celestia gave a little cough before beginning the story, opening the book to the first page, hovering it in front of her for Luna to see.

"Once Upon a Time..."Celestia began, the first page revealing a scene of the frozen north, the aurora borealis gently drifting through the sky in it's gentle, multicolored hue."There lived a young reindeer who loved making toys. He would spend days in his workshop, creating the perfect toys. Sometimes an airplane, or a choo-choo train, or a teddy bear!"

She turned the page, showing the reindeer sitting at his workbench, surrounded by completed toys, but a saddened expression on his face."But, the reindeer was sad because he never had anypony to share the toys with. So, one day, Celestia decided to visit the reindeer-"

"Be still, Tia. You're in this story?"Luna questioned with a befuddled tone. Celestia only silenced her with a "Ssh! The story isn't over yet!"

"As I was saying...Celestia decided to visit the reindeer, having heard that one of her subjects was unhappy. She saw the wonders that he could make, and she had an idea."Why not share the toys with the children of Equestria? That would make them most happy!"

Another turn of the page, this time showing the reindeer and Celestia happily conversing.

"That's a wonderful idea, Princess Celestia!"The reindeer said happily."But how can I do it? I can't fly like you, and all I have is this tiny sleigh to get around in."

The next page showed a picture of Celestia blasting the sleigh with a beam of golden energy from her horn."Do not worry!"Celestia said merrily."I can make your sleigh magic, so that you may fly over Equestria, bringing joy every Hearth's Warming Day to the good foals and fillies!"

A crinkling sound, and the page turned. The following picture showed the reindeer gliding over the night sky, the twinkling lights of towns below."With the power given him by Celestia, the reindeer that was known as Santa Hooves spends all year making toys, only to give them to little ponies who have been good all year round. If you're on his nice list, Santa Hooves will be sure to get you what you wanted most. But, if you've been naughty, a big lump of coal will be waiting for you in your stocking!"

Celestia closed the book."I hoped that answered your question, Luna."She grinned.

All Luna had was more questions."Did you actually give a reindeer a magic sleigh?"She sounded unbelieving, crossing her forelegs.

"Maybe."She giggled in reply, putting the book up with a brief flick of her horn."And how does this 'Santa Hooves' know if children have been 'naughty' or 'nice'?"

"With the magic I gave him, of course!"

"We highly doubt that a reindeer has been flying around for centuries, doting out presents to those who meet the criteria of 'nice'."Luna rolled her eyes.

"Oh Luna, don't be such a Ebenezer Scrooves!"

She titled her head in confusion at her sister's words.

"It's a character from a television show, a Hearth's Warming Carol?"Celestia answered, which was only met with a more puzzled expression.

"Don't get so grouchy around the holiday season!"

"Forgive us for not believing in your little...children's tale."Luna rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I'd change that attitude if I were you! Santa Hooves will leave a nasty old piece of coal for you!"

"Even if he did exist, he will do no such thing. We are royalty."

"It doesn't matter!"Celestia giggled in a singsong voice."He'll still bring you coal if you've been bad! Even I received coal one year for eating everypony else's cake!"

Luna seemed taken aback at her words."How did he do such a thing?! It's treasonous to leave such a horrid gift for their princess!"

"Magic."Celestia leaned in close to her younger sister, playfully singing out the reply.

30 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

For the past two days, Luna had continuously perplexed herself over the mystery revolving around Santa Hooves, locking herself in her private quarters and going over the many legends that revolve around the old fellow. He had just about as much mythology about him as she and her sister did. Her room had a chalkboard sequestered beside her bed, extensive notes and research scribbled over nearly every inch of the blackboard, varying on the topics of the holiday season. Books on topics ranging from Hearth's Warming Day treats to the same children's story she had read earlier littered the floor. The Castle Staff pleaded her to be let in and clean the mess, the the princess of the night would not have it, she had a case to crack:

Who is this Santa Hooves, and why was she so drawn to the idea of him?

It confounded her to no end. She had been there since the beginning of Equestria's creation, knew fathomless depths of knowledge that every scholar envied, could answer any question that might pertain to history's past, but this simply eluded her, frustrating her more than the funny little box with moving creatures inside it did.

"Blast thee, Santa Hooves!"She finally shouted, her Royal Voice carrying her rage nearly across the entire castle and shaking it to its foundation.

With a defeated sigh, Luna trotted across her room, opening the door, surprising the guards that had not expected her to leave at all. She moped down the hall into the dining area, her older sister seated at the head of the long table, a cup of tea levitating in front of her.

"Something the matter, Lulu?"Celestia asked, setting down her cup in front of her onto the table, making a light chink of sound.

Luna seated herself next to the white alicorn and simply let her face drop down, her head splayed across the table in a defeated fashion.

"We give up, dearest sister. Santa Hooves has defeated us."

Celestia raised a questioning eye, taking another sip of tea, but only found that it was empty. When she set it back down, the cup already had been refilled, a servant appearing and disappearing in a flash.

"How has...Santa Hooves 'defeated' you?"

"We...we do not know. At first, we did not believe in him, but now, the allure of the holiday...the entire scenario...it leaves a strange feeling within us."

"It's just the holiday spirit."

Luna's head jerked up at Celestia's words, her eyes bulging."Thou say a spirit is possessing us?!"

Celestia quickly shook her head, knowing how touchy Luna was on the topic of 'possession'."No, Lulu, no! A spirit in a metaphorical sense! That feeling that you get from...well, how can I explain this...?"Celestia mused to herself, trying to find the correct words to convey the meaning of the holiday spirit."Well...it's the feeling that you get from feeling the first bite of winter's chill on your nose...it's the lightheartedness of all the school children being let out for winter break...it's the feeling of love spent with friends and family."

"But...we spend every day with you, and even visits on occasion from Twilight Sparkle and the other elements of harmony. Why have we not felt this strange feeling before?"

"It only comes once a year."Celestia giggled, standing up, her several cups of tea now finished."Now, if you'll excuse me Lulu, I have a busy day of court ahead of me...the house nobles are arguing over who's 'more related to me' again."She rolled her eyes before trotting off, leaving her sister as confused as ever.

"Holiday spirit..."Luna whispered to herself, alone save for the odd spirit that had decided to dwell within her now. She would be wary of it until it proved to either be helpful or hurtful.

25 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

All across Equestria, the sound of boxes being pulled out of attics and the muttered grumbles of dads only meant one thing: It was time to put up the decorations.

It was no different for Canterlot Castle, the staff and servants scurrying about this and way that through the hallowed halls, narrowly avoiding one another as streamers were strung and stockings were hung. The guards were in just as much a frenzy, their training bound to be doubly hard with the harsh cold and snow that would be coming soon from pegasi weather teams.

As for Luna, she cautiously eyed the fir tree before her, its green spruce and jutting branches daring her to come near and be stung by them, maybe even get a little sap on her. Oh, trees were cruel and unforgiving indeed.

"What...do we do?"She asked the servant present beside her.

"Well, your majesty,"The cheery pink made reached into a box on the ground and pulled out a shiny red orb, a string attached to it."We decorate it!"She chuckled, hanging the ornament from one of the branches.

"...What is the point of this, again?"

"It's fun, princess!"

"We have had fun before...we did not enjoy it."Luna narrowed her eyes at the insulting tree of only one ornament, the rest of it bare.

"Just try it, your highness. Once we're done, it will look beautiful!"

Luna's gaze briefly shifted to the box, her magic lifting up several objects to float before her. One was snowflake, another a smaller tree(much more decorated than hers), and another...a small, pointy-eared creature clad in green. She casually flicked that one back into the box. Moving the ornaments over to the tree and hanging them neatly from the branches, she repeated this until every last one in the box(save for the odd green thing) was decorating the tree.

"Wasn't that fun, your majesty!"The maid clapped her hooves happily.


"Well, it's still not done yet. The lights have to be put on and plugged it."


The maid kicked out another box, this one filled with wire, thousands of tiny bulbs lining up upon it. Luna wrapped her magic around it, finding this one a bit heavier. She lifted it out of the box, only to find that every last inch was tangled up in some way or another, forming large knots all across the mess of Hearth's Warming lights.

She allowed her magic to flow across the bundle, her telekinetic grip moving over every inch. She gave a slight mental tug, but no knot would budge from its hold. She pulled again, and it seemed to only tighten them even further. With a growl, the blue alicorn marched over to the floating mass of tangled lights, lifting up her forelegs to try and dissect it physically.


"We shall untangle this in one swift motion, servant, do not worry."

"Maybe if you..."

"We can do it...how did this wrap around the royal hoof?"


"Oh dear..."

"Do you want me to get help, Princess?"

Luna's entire frame was wrapped in the string of lights, constraining her in various knots thought impossible. She only nodded to the maid with the most annoyed expression ever. When the maid returned with several guards to aid in assistance, they would find their ruler wildly flailing about on the floor, madly gnawing on the lights to free herself and shouting:


21 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

"So Luna, have you considered what you want for Hearth's Warming?"


Luna looked up from her bowl of porridge, her sister looking at her cheerfully. She swallowed some of her breakfast before answering."Not particularly."

"Well...there must be something you want."

"Sister, we have nearly unlimited funds from the Royal Treasury, I doubt there is very little that we could not purchase."

"Not purchase ourselves, but receive from somepony else!"

"...What is the point of that?"Another questioned followed by the smack of porridge on her chops.

"That's the whole point of Hearth's Warming, giving! I personally am sending several holiday cards to friends and family, along with presents."

"We believed Santa Hooves to be the harbinger of gifts?"

"He is, but it's still nice to give as well."Celestia smiled."That feeling of warmth when you hand them a present...the suspense as they tear the wrapping paper off, and just the smile on their face when they see what's inside..."Her smile grew larger."It's just something wonderful."


The Night Mare contemplated this, finishing her bowl of porridge, setting it aside, and in an instant, a servant had done their duty, whisking it away to be cleaned and placed in the cupboards for another meal another time.

20 Days Until Hearth's Warming

As she trotted through the streets of Canterlot followed by a regiment of guards, Luna's gaze fell upon her destination, the marketplace. As she casually walked past them, ponies would stare agape, then bow, and stand up nervously, a tad starstruck that one of their rulers would be out of the castle like this. Some of them were shaking from either the sight of the one previously known as 'Nightmare Moon' or her posse of intimidating guards, or possibly a combination of both. Despite this, Luna tried to give everypony a warm smile, and she was greeted back with one just the same. She spotted bakers, window shoppers, school children just released from their classes, and even some high-class nobles trotting about.

Turning the corner, she almost bumped directly into a pony sitting on the sidewalk. He immediately recoiled as she came into close contact, his face hitting the dirt."I'm sorry, your majesty!"

"It is not thine fault, good sir, we should have been more attentive."Luna replied, looking down at the pony, examining him. He was extremely scrawny and frail, a dirty grey overcoat hanging heavily upon his thin frame. His fur was dark green, but very scraggly and even a few stains here and there. His face was lean and gaunt, and full of fear when he looked up.

"What...happened to thou?"

He looked around, slightly curious to see who the princess was speaking to, only to his shock that it was he. He gulped briefly before answering"Oh, ya mean my shabby garb? I'm sorry princess...I've been down on my luck lately. My business went out, I was a cider-making pony."Under his breath, she could almost hear him whisper "Blasted Flim Flam Brothers..."

"We are terribly sorry..."

"Don't be, yer majesty."His mood perked up considerably."The fact that you, a princess, would give a stallion like me the time of day, well, it just went and inspired me. Maybe I'll go dumpster-diving twice today?"

"Thou...do that."

"Thank you, yer majesty!"He gave a slight chuckle and bowed before trotting off.

Luna shook of the somewhat guilty feeling that was clinging to the inside of her chest, resuming her march towards the Canterlot marketplace.

As always, it was bustling and busy, but the air had a certain quality to it. Ponies smiled much more than usual, they greeted one another with a "Hello!" and a "How do you do?" Even when they accidentally bumped into one another, the mood did not dampen, for they nodded at one another with an "Excuse me!" and a "Have a happy Hearth's Warming!"

The cheery atmosphere even infected the night princess, for she found herself smiling at the small skip in her step as she made her way towards the center of it all.

After clearing a path through the crowd, there, she could make him out. Sitting upon a large red chair, with an even larger(and fully decorated) tree behind him, Santa Hooves clad in his ensemble of bright red and jolly laughter happily greeted child after child, a line of them and their parents waiting for their turn.

"Do you want us to disperse the civilians, your highness?"One guard asked. Luna shook her head."No, it must be fair. We...shall wait for our turn."

Luna trotted up behind to the back of the line, two small fillies looking up at her towering form with wide eyes. There was no fear as she expected, but curiosity and wonder.

"Yes, children?"She questioned.

"What are you doing out here?"One piped up, her two front teeth missing, giving her words a little whistle at the end of her sentences.

"We are here to seek an audience Santa Hooves."

"What are you gonna ask him for?"The other said.

"Hopefully, an answer to our questions."

"I'm gonna ask for a Daring-Do action figure."The one with no front teeth grinned.

"I want a doll of you, princess."The other giggled.

"Really?"Luna's eyebrow shot up, a playful smirk on her face."There are toys of us?"

"Oh yeah,"The little filly nodded."There's tons. But the one I want has lights and sounds and even recordings of you talking."

So THAT'S why that one fellow wanted me to speak into that strange 'microphone' device...

"Hello little girl, what do you want for Hearth's Warming Day?"

Luna looked up, her thoughts interrupted by a deep, bellowing voice. The small filly with no front teeth eagerly leapt onto Santa Hooves' lap, grinning up at him with genuine happiness. The reindeer chuckled as her light weight landed on his lap, patting her gently on the head with his hoof.

"I want a Daring-Do action figure...the one with the whip!"

Santa "Ho-ho-ho'd" heartily."Now, have you been good this year? You know I only bring presents to ponies who have been good!"

She nodded furiously to convince him of her purity.

"Well, we'll see what old Santa Hooves can do for you."He gave her a little wink, and the filly bounded off laughing.

The dark princess soon found herself feeling...anxious. She was only one pony away from meeting the very one that perplexed her to no end earlier. Why was she feeling such? She did not know, but the feeling left a warm bulb inside her and a slight smile to play upon her lips.

"Who's next to see ol' Santa Hooves?"

The young filly who wanted a Luna doll scurried away, leaving the princess to be the next in line. His eyes widened at the sight of the all-powerful and royal ruler, but he maintained his guise well, still a big smile underneath the white beard. Luna awkwardly approached him, climbing into his lap. She had seen the others do it, why not her? Santa Hooves grunted and nearly buckled underneath the alicorn's greater size and weight, but he did not falter in his duty.

"My, you're a big one!"He chuckled, only for Luna to gaze at him annoyed."And what do you want for Hearth's Warming, princess?"

"We desire to know the true meaning of Hearth's Warming Eve and the following day."

"Oh princess, I can tell you that right now! It's when the three pony tribes united to find Equestria!"

"We know that."She deadpanned."We were there. But this feeling...our fair sister explained that there was a 'spirit' during this time of the year like no other, and we are infinitely confused by it. What does it mean?"

"That? Now that's a bit harder to explain..."The reindeer laughed, but now much closer, Luna could see that he was looking less and less like a reindeer. The beard looked taped on, as did the antlers. And did she smell...paint? She narrowed her eyes, and under he vicious glare that had been tempered by countless centuries, the supposed Santa Hooves gulped nervously."Is there...something wrong, your highness?"

"Thou art not the real Santa Hooves."She whispered fiercely.

"O-of course I am!"He laughed, waving at the line of impatient children in front of them, each one of them expectedly hopping up and down for the big greedy pony who looks a lot like Princess Luna and who's taking too long to finish her turn.

"Thy are a false prophet."She leaned in close."We can see the paint dye in your fur...you are not naturally brown, neither are you a reindeer."

He began to sweat now, a bit of the dye washing off in his perspiration."C'mon, your majesty,"He whispered back."It's for the kids."

"Thou sit upon a throne of liesssssss."Her voice echoed in his ear.

In a flash, Luna hopped to her hooves, violently jerking 'Santa Hooves' out of his chair with her magic, hovering in high in the air for all to see.

"Citizens of Canterlot! A fraud stands amongst you all! This Santa Hooves is an imposter!!"With but a thought, she tore off his beard and antlers, tossing them to the ground. A stunned silence, only for it to projected into screams of fear as the children all began to cry openly at the sight of the fake Santa Hooves before them.

Luna looked upon them with a confused and worried expression. Why were they crying? Shouldn't they be happy that she caught this pony in the act of his crimes, promises of fake gifts and lies no more to be told to them?

"Uhh...your majesty?"A guard motioned for her to him follow back to the castle before the cry's deafened their eyes. She nodded and began her way back to her home, but the fake reindeer in tow by her magic, a look of despair upon his face. As she passed, however, glares from parents followed her, burning into the back of her neck.

"Sister!"Luna cried out, barging into the throne room with a small platoon of her personal guard and the terrified Santa Hooves-imposter floating beside her, still wrapped in her aura of blue.

Celestia was sitting on her throne, not even a look of shock on her face. The ancient alicorn had seen just about everything, and her younger sister charging into the room with guards and a hostage in tow was no surprise.

"What is it, Luna?"She asked, her sympathetic gaze falling upon the earth pony who looked up at her pleadingly, most of the brown dye now sweated out of his fur coat.

"We found this stallion under the guise of Santa Hooves!"She jerked him in front of her, splaying him proudly before Equestria's ruler."He must be put under trial for impersonation! Justice must be done, the citizens will cry out for it!"

"I think you're taking this a little...far."

"Far?"Luna twitched slightly. She was one to overreact whenever it came to certain situations, but having her own sister question her did not make things better."But he lied to the children! They will not be receiving what they desired most!"She flustered.

"Umm...your majesty?"The fake Santa Hooves interceded meekly, Luna's cold gaze that could turn a cockatrice to stone boring down upon him.

"I-I'm just a....a worker for Santa Hooves. He can't be in every marketplace at once, so he sends up to gather up the children's wishes, and we report back to him."He said barely above a whisper. He was afraid that if he spoke any louder, Luna might send him rocketing into the atmosphere.

She blinked as realization dawned upon her. She released him from her telekinetic grip, his body roughly falling to the ground in a quick thud. Luna briefly regarded him as she walked by."You are dismissed, your crimes forgiven. Return to Santa Hooves with the message that Princess Luna waits for him."

He nodded slowly, the guards escorting the poor soul out. He would be shaking and muttering of her eyes for days.

12 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

Celestia quickly hid a small, unassuming box wrapped in plain paper and topped with a bow inside a closet that was filled with jackets and scarves and such, a place where nopony would look.

"What is that, Tia?"Luna questioned at the fleeting visage of the disappearing box.

"Oh, nothing."The day alicorn stifled a giggle.

8 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

"I've been thinking, Luna..."


"Maybe you should apologize to those ponies in the marketplace, especially that poor stallion you jerked right out of his Santa Hooves costume."

"We have already released a royal decree of forgiveness for him."

"No, Lulu. You need to tell everypony you're sorry."

"Apologize for what? We did no such thing befitting of such."

Celestia lowered her gaze into a smoldering, piercing set of two eyes that could direct the intensity of the sun. Being the younger of the two, Luna always shuffled nervously underneath her older sister's glare.


7 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

"Hear ye, hear ye!"

Luna's voice cut through the everyday chatter that normally rang through the various stalls and shops, all heads turning to see their nightly ruler once again. More than a few eyes were angry. Luna stood upon a pedestal, conveniently placed by a castle servant who stood at the ready nearby.

Looking over the crowd, Luna could spot out a few familiar faces from the day before, and in the far back, she saw the costumed pony as Santa Hooves slowly slink away from her.

"We have something to announce!"She said in her own haughty Canterlot tone.

"Are you going to tell us the Easter Bunny isn't real either?!"A brave but unknown voice dare to call out from the crowd. Luna only shook her head."No! We wish to...apologize."

A roaring murmur spread through every pony present.

"We seemed to have...ruined the 'spirit' of Hearth's Warming with our previous actions. We seek to make retribution for antics."

A small foal stepped forward, looking up at her with large eyes."Does this mean Santa Hooves is real?"He questioned timidly.

She smiled down as gently as possible to him."Yes, dear child. Santa Hooves is real...the pony that we revealed earlier...was simply a worker of the fair and jolly reindeer."

5 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

"Sister...we feel all...tingly."Luna said, munching down on a candy cane.

"You're finally getting into the spirit of things."

3 Days Until Hearth's Warming Day

"...How much longer?"

"Three days, Lulu."

"We have never felt so...anxious before. Yes, anxious...and happy."

Hearth's Warming Eve

As usual, many had gathered in the large theatre to witness the annual renactment of the founding of Equestria, a necessary tradition in any winter day of everypony. Celestia and Luna had a fine view of the stage from a reserved balcony, the lights dimming just the first act began.

Luna found herself tuning it out, considering she had been alive during the time period. She could remember the tribes uniting under their name, establishing the royal family and taking the first step in making Equestria one of the most powerful countries in the world. She had to commend them, the actor and costumes were correct down to the finest detail, each one resembled the pony they were playing.


Princess Luna sat directly in front of the decorated tree in her room, the bright light from the electric strands casting an illuminated glow across her indigo body, her ethereal mane and tail lazily drifting alongside her. Luna shifted her head slightly at her sister's words."Yes, Tia?"

"What...are you doing?"Celestia asked, standing in the doorway. All was dark and quiet save for light breeze blowing outside.



"Santa Hooves will come tonight, and we shall be ready for him."

"...I'm going to act like that didn't sound ominous."

"Rest well, sister."Luna called out as Celestia's clopping hooves took her down the hall and to bed, echoing ever so slightly in the sleeping castle, save for Luna. She would for Santa Hooves to deliver the presents, and when he did come down one of Canterlot Castle's many chimney's, oh, she would be ready.

"The night is mine, Santa Hooves, and we shall have our answers..."