• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,970 Views, 51 Comments

Amnesia: The Small Horse - Ultimauser50

Twilight Fluttershy Applejack Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Amnesia the Dark Descent The Small Horse

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The Abuse - A

Okay, so here’s the story so far. You were once a member of the Straw Hat Crew and your mission was to find the Ultimate Treasure, but unfortunately during your search for the Ultimate Treasure its dark magic began to creep into your mind, causing you to see things. It’s gotten so bad, that you have to drink Sanity Potions just get through the day. After shipping the Ultimate Treasure to the mainlands you are hit with a horrible discovery, she never left your side. She was physically linked to your mind the whole time. So, in an attempt to stop your suffering you went to look for the “Hollowed Zerom Ygum” Spidre Manus’ note spoke of. During your attempt, you run into you’re old, strange, and probably confused friend, the German man! He tries to tell you something but you failed to understand what it was. Then, Pinkie Pie appears in front of you and knocks you out. So, the question on your mind now, is probably “What happens next?! Do you ever find the Zerom Ygum? When does this begin to make sense?!” The answer to those questions and many more will be answered some day! On Amnesia! The Small Horse Serise! >Input DBZ episode title music here<

You slowly wake up, holding your head as it pounds like after a bad hangover. “Ugh! M-My head. What the hell happened?” you slowly rise to your feet and quickly notice you’re not in your mansion. You’re in the middle of a forest. “Wh-What? How did I get out here? There isn’t a forest for miles from where I live. Did ‘she’ bring me out here?” you decide asking your self questions will get you nowhere fast, so you begin to move down the dirt path you were standing. Upon further inspection of the forest you hear a growling sound. ‘Oh no, please don’t let it be what I think it is, PLEASE don’t let it be what I think it is!’ you thought. But unfortunately for you, it was what you thought it was, a wolf lunges at you from out of literally nowhere just barely missing your ribs as its claws cut through your shirt, leaving a slightly bloody scratch across your chest. It’s cut where it’s bleeding, but not so badly where it's profusely bleeding. You turn to face the wolf, but it’s gone. “What the-!? What the hell is going on?! Was that wolf real? Or was it just an illusion that ‘thing’ made. And if so, then where did this cut come from?” you turn around and find to your horror the path in front of you is crawling with wolves. “Great, just great.” you decide to tempt fate as you slowly trek onward. To your surprise, the wolves weren’t tearing you apart, they would just growl at you if you got to close. Taking this as God’s blessing, you continue forth.

As you make your way deeper into the forest, you see a clearing where a strange castle resides. Yeah, like you haven’t had your fill of castles already huh? As you make your way towards the castle the loud roar of a TIE-Fighter from Star Wars Episode IV zooms over head. “Wooow.” you swoon. “Episodes III-VI were awesome. I and II were flat.” Agreed. Anyway, after you finished marveling at Gorge Lucas’ genius you move towards the castle again. But not before you looked around the perimeter of the castle grounds. Upon inspection you find a note just floating in the air. Yeah, that’s not vague or anything. Ignoring your better judgment you pick up the letter. It reads,

Hey, do you wanna know, where the faq you are?

“That’d be nice.”

Well, listen: You are standing on a field. Here you will find enemies, which aren’t invulnerable.

“Well I feel reassured.”

You just have to find a weapon. Got it? Any Objections, Lady?

“There are enemies, find a weapon, kill them all. Got it.”

I hope you are able to find “The Hollowed Zerom Ygum.”

“You and me both, I just wish the person leaving these notes would tell me just exactly where the fuck this Ygum is!!”

Best wishes. I f*kin’ love you, damn you.


Enough. I wonder whats for dinner?

“How original.”

After disregarding that last, odd, unoriginal message. You forge forth into the unknown. You get closer to the entrance of the tower only to discover…it’s blocked off by bricks. “Seriously?! What’s the next cliché? A catapult?” you look directly next to you and find two catapults. “…Nope. Not gonna say anything.” On one of the catapults you find another note. “Do I dare?” you pause for a few seconds before finally picking up the note. It reads,

To use the Catapult, you only need some crushed rocks, or stuff like that. Then press the button! Have fun and dont crush my castle, ok? *…bugger…

“Well that was informative. Let’s see what I can find.” You turn around, and you don’t know if your mind is making this up, or if it’s real. But off in the distance, you see Rainbow Dash. Not caring if it was a fake or not you run at top speed to Rainbow Dash, who was just chillin’ on a log. “Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash removes her glasses and notices you running up to her. “Huh? Oh, hey…you’re that guy…who sweeps up right? Cause if you are boy do I have a job for you.”

“Huh? No! I’m not the janitor here!”

“Really? Meh, alright.”

“Anyway, I just ran up to tell ya, I’m a really big fan of you.”


“Yeah! Everything you do is just amazing!”

“Keep talkin’” Rainbow Dash put her glasses to the side and just laid there taking in her praise.

“I even have a plushie of you at home! And a coffee mug of you! Can I have your autograph?!”

“Wait a minuet, back up…you said you have a plushie of me?”

“Yeah, why?”

“That reminds me of this problem that I’m having.”

“What’s up?”

“This pigged guy with a broom took my Blind Flag Pony Doll. Wicked huh?”

“I’ll say? Any particular reason he took it?”

“None that I can think of. Mind getting it back for me? I’ll get ya that autograph you wanted.”

“You had me at get it back for you!”

You rush off with great speed searching the area for the pigged man. Eventually you find him, holding some sort of broom.

“Halt right there criminal scum!!” you shout with a great tone of justice in your voice. “Hand over the doll you took from Rainbow Dash right now!”

“It’s a secret to everybody. My broom is the best thing eveeeeer.” his neck stretching out on ‘ever’. “Don’t even try. Bye bye.” the pigged man flies away dropping the doll in the process. Using your master reflexes you catch the doll in your hands. “Just, what the hell was tha-Nope! That’s not important! What’s important is that I got the doll back, all else is irrelevant.” with a triumphant swag in your step you walk back to Rainbow Dash to please your idol. “Oh Rainbow Dash~♪ Lookie at what I goooot. ♪”

Rainbow Dash puts down her sunglasses and looks at you with wide eyes and the cutest smile you’ve ever seen. “Oh my gosh! My Blind Flag Pony Doll!” Rainbow Dash flies up to you and takes the doll. “How’d you find him?”

“That’s the odd thing…when I found him, he was a few feet away from you talking about how awesome his broom was and flew off.”

“That’s…strange but I’m so glad my doll is back! Thank you so much!” Rainbow Dash gives you a hug. Upon said hug, we zoom into your brain to see it combust into rainbow flames and implodes on itself. “Now, lets get you that autograph.” Rainbow Dash pulls out a pen and a picture of herself out of nowhere, Why? Because she’s fucking Rainbow Dash, that’s how! She signs her name and hands it to you. “There you go. An awesome autograph for today’s awesome hero.”

You took the picture and felt like screaming until the moon shattered like glass. But for now, to keep you cool level with your hero, you decide to suppresses your fanboy/fangirl urges in check.

“Welp, now that I got my doll, I can follow that pigged man and make him pay! Thanks again for your help.” and in an instant flash Rainbow Dash took off with a rainbow trail following in her wake.

“Just…awesome.” you quickly notice an object is falling from the direction she flew off and it lands in front of you. You pick it up. “Huh? What’s this?” Oh, don’t worry, I got it. A box appears in front of you playing the Link item get music. “Nice.” you say with an annoyed tone. The box says,

You got “It’s 20% cooler”.

“A 20% percent cooler? What the heck is that?!”

Beats me dude, I didn’t make this story. Suddenly, what you were doing minuets before you met Rainbow Dash pops into your head. “Oh! I gotta find a sword and get rocks! B-But which do I do first?” Might I make a suggestion? “Sure, I’ll take any I can get.” get the sword first, trust me, it’s totally worth it. “Alright, if you say so.” taking my advice you search the are until you find Master Roshi in front of what looks like the Sword of Evil’s Bane. Link’s primary sword. “Hi Master Roshi! How goes it?”

“It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this.” Roshi said in an odd echoing voice.

“Sure. I was looking for a sword anyway.” you pull the sword from its stone prison yelling “I HAVE THE POWERRRRRR!!!” for some strange reason. “Uhh…thanks for the sword Roshi.” You walk back to the castle grounds and you notice the corpse had reanimated, knowing what you had to do, you pulled out your head band you had in your pocket for a specific reason and wrapped it around your head with

playing in your head. You get yourself in a ready stance and charged into the field sword clenched in hand. As you pass by corpse after corpse you swing at them slicing them in half until a corpse stretches its head and knocks the sword out of your hand. While dazed and confused a corpse comes up from behind you and kicks you away with the most powerful kick you’ve ever felt in your life. You see your sword and quickly go after it. But a corpse stretches its head out and grabs your arm. You stretch your hand out as far as you can stretch it, successfully grabbing your sword. You quickly cut off the neck of the corpse, killing it instantly. The last five corpses charge at you with great speed. You charge at them and as you make contact with the first corpse you instantly appear on the opposite side of them. You sheath your sword into your pocket causing the corpses to instantly split in half like a samurai movie. “Aw yeah, I’m awesome.” (btw, if your listening to the music, you can stop it here.)

After finishing the job you walk over to a large boulder. “Now, what I have here is a giant boulder, and what I have in my hand is a sword. I know there’s a minecraft joke in here somewhere, but I’d rather not go there.” you take a swing at the giant boulder cutting off three pieces, but unfortunately, the Sword of Evil’s Bane seems to have broken in half due to the impact. “Huh, well that’s inconvenient. But at least I have ammo for the slingshots now.” You’re welcome by the way. “Right.” you pick up a boulder and slowly make your way to the first slingshot. You load the boulder into the slingshot and press the button. The boulder was able to knock down one line of the wall and you shimmy past it. “Well, that wasn’t so bad, now all I need to do is-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!” you noticed a tiny cactus in a flower pot is coming right at you. Knowing that this was your greatest fear in the universe, you jump over it and past the goal gate from Sonic CD (Or Sonic The Hedgehog I if you prefer that version.). You were about to do the stage clear dance, but Eggman being the troll he is passes the gate and does the victory dance instead and flies off. You just stare at where he stood and said. “Of course.” you turn to the door and try to open it but it’s locked… You need to use your damn driller! Y U NO start thinking?! “Alright, alright. Jeez.” you use the ‘it’s 20% cooler’ item to unlock the door and you head inside.

Inside the castle you’re standing in a long and tall corridor. “Woah! This place is even bigger than my house!” you wonder down the corridor your eyes still glued to the surroundings until your foot hits something on the ground. “Ow! What the-?” you reach down and pick up a glass musical note. “Neat statue.” out of nowhere

plays in the background. “…well, I guess it’s a nice change from the usual creepy scenery I usually get.” You continue down the corridor until you freeze in fear. You see a small creature…thing…whatever and it slowly turns around to face you and it sticks its tongue. “Oh my God.” You whisper to yourself in horror. The creature walks up to you and just stares at you. Seeing this as an opportunity, you take off past the monster opening and slamming the doors at the end behind you panting. “Wh-What the fu-fuck, was that?!” Beats me, but it was creepy. You look into the room and you see knights standing in a bizarre fashion. You slowly walk forward until a giant knight helmet appears giving you the loudest most high pitched ear drum splitting “HELLOOO!!!” you’ve ever heard causing you to not jump, but fly back against the door.

You’re ears are ringing like nobodies business, so once again, mustering up all the strength you have left, you reach for a sanity potion and drank it in one gulp. “Guh!” you yell as you swallow the last of the potion. “Damn it! I knew that was gonna happen, but I was expecting a small ‘hellooo’. Agh! Damn it!” you slowly rise to your feet and pass by the knights and you gaze around the room. “Sheesh, this guy just loves rubbing it in my face huh?” as you walk down the mansion path until a voice calls out to you. “Hey!” you turned to the voices direction and it turns out to be a pony with the head of the engineer from TF2. “Uh? Hi?”

“Hello! My name is Mechanic Wrench! Please, can you bring me back my Sentry? We need to settle up against chimeras.”

“Uh, sure? Why not.”

“Thank you! I’ll wait here.”

“Okay.” You walk down the main room and you run into a boy giving you the figure. “Uh, hi?”

The kid doesn’t say anything, he just stood there.

“Uh, kid. You okay?” you touch the kid and balls in the shape of a head fall from the ceiling. “… okay. I’ll see ya around okay?” you just walk past the kid and you walk up stares and you notice an angel statue holding her eyes closed. A voice suddenly appears in your head telling you not to blink. You try your best not to blink out of fear, but your fear actually causes your eyes to dry up faster and you blink. The room blacks out for a fraction of a second and the angel statue goes from holding her eyes close to holding her hands out like saying “Boo!” and her face looked mean. The same voice appeared in your head again saying, what a horrible night to have a curse. You shudder in fear and just keep moving and you notice a stare way in the center of the walkway, as you step down the stares you hear a BOOM from the distance causing you to jump. “I am sooo tempted to take a Sanity Potion right now.” You slowly walk down the rest of the stares and try to open it, but it’s locked. “Of course. What else ISN’T locked around here!?” you run back up the stares and run down the second flight. As you continue your walk you hear a beeping sound. Upon investigation, you finally find the Sentry. “Alright, that wasn’t hard or anything.” you pick up the Sentry being extremely careful not to set it off and you place it next to the Sentry. “There you go, are we done here?”

“Nope.” replied Mechanic Wrench as he stretched his head to the ceiling and brought it back down with an apple in his mouth. He dropped it in front of you and told you. “Thank you! Now use this apple to open a door. Fatty!”

“Hey! Watch it tubs, I’m not that big!” you take the apple and gazed in amazement at how it looked almost like a crystal. “Woah, the surface, it’s almost like crystal itself. Amazing.” then it clicked in your head, the door this apple goes to, is the one in the middle of the walkway up the steps. You make your way past the creepy angel statue and head down towards the door. As you unlock the door and head in you hear what sounds like, an alien talking? I guess? Anyway, in the next room, it’s a small corridor with a door on the left wall, you run towards the door and open it. Inside, you’re met with a disturbing discovery. The German guy and Pinkie Pie are in the room…making out. Yeah, you needed to see that huh? The German guy suddenly stops and turns to you. As his gaze turns to you, your hit by a powerful drowsiness and fall into deep sleep again.