• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 2,090 Views, 104 Comments

Journey of Saiyans (Raze Version) - Roarin Thunder

Raze returns in a crossover with Saiyans of Equestria. This is after Raze's Journey Chapter 12

  • ...

A Dark Side to Every Light

Crossover Saga

Chapter 8: A Locked Darkness

Ever get a feeling of being hopelessly divided between saying yes or no to a small child, who ask to play with you? This happened to be what Raze probably had to go through as the full-blooded saiyan warrior found himself between, ignoring everything around him, and playing ridiculous non-saiyan-like games with a pair of half-breed twins.

'This is the definition of boring... I could be training or meeting people, but I just can't say no to these Twins... What's wrong with me?' Raze thought as he watched them prepare something possibly deadly to his emotions.

Kira pouted, and decided to pull out the big guns. Her small saiyan tail began wiggling behind her adorably, and her eyes googled upward in the fashion of PDE, Puppy Dog Eyes. Then to finish it off, she said her next work with her most childish voice to date.

"Pwease." Kira finished in a cute matter.

Ken, sitting down next to the toys, looked toward Raze to find their sensei's eyes twitching. Ken let out a small giggle as no doubt Raze was going through a massive internal battle of trying to say no. So, Ken, being the mischievous yet very kind brother that he is. Decided to aid his twin sibling by helping her persuade Raze to play with them.

So here the two twins were, staring at Raze with a double Puppy Dog Eyes.

"I'll play with you! Just please, stop with that... That thing that you’re both doing!" Raze pleaded.

'I meant to say no! Stop talking mouth!' Raze thought to himself in desperation.

But it had already been said, now he would have no choice, but to continue on this mission. He had to play...

"Alright!" The two twins yelled in victory, giving each other a high-five.

Ken and Kira then proceeded to drag Raze upstairs to their room, where Ken dived into the toy chest and brought out a bucket full of what looked like, Legos. Placing the bucket on the carpet, the three saiyans, two of which are hybrids, sat down and began to build things.

Ken and Kira's human halfs seemed to be easily intrigued by the possibilities of what they could build with the legos. Problem was, they wanted to build something grand and big! Only, they didn't know where to start.

"Let's build a town!" Kira said.

"No, a castle is cooler!" Ken suggested as his twin sister nodded in agreement that a castle would be 'cooler'.

They dumped the legos onto the trimmed carpet flooring, then scratched their heads at where to start.

'So they want a castle? I'll give them a castle!' Raze thought to himself.

Discord floated next to him and was laughing about the whole situation, "Maybe you should play, "Pony Princess" with them while you're at it!"

Raze rolled his eyes just a bit before grabbing a green lego platform and placing it in front of the two eight year olds. The twins watched as Raze built the general outline of a castle with legos. Ken and Kira then caught up quickly as they proceeded to start building onto the outline.

What seemed to be minutes...

Turned into hours...

And the sun fallen, and a crescent moon appeared high in the sky.

By the time the twins and Raze were done, a grand two foot tall medieval castle stood in the center of the room. Raze glanced toward his legs to find Ken sleeping on one, and Kira sleeping on the other. Using his legs as pillows when they had drifted to sleep half an hour ago.

'That cuteness is really overwhelming... But at least it's over, now I can go to sleep, or train. I should at least put them to bed first.' Raze thought as he began his last job as Lego master.

Raze placed them into the twin bunker beds, shut the lights off, and left the room.

Raze walked downstairs to find the entire group of ponies conversing while playing a nice game of poker.

Derpy was currently all over the place and her moves were unpredictable as a result. Lyra was looking as shifty as ever and she had sweat pouring down her face. The Doctor had the look of cool confidence as he held his cards, while Bon-Bon was of a monotone approach.

Raze looked at them all in confusion, “Really?! You have me be dragged up stairs and you’re playing poker?! I’m great at poker, I beat lots of people and by people, I mean aliens!”

“Well, somepony had to watch them.” Bon-Bon said.

“Besides, we never took you for a poker player, you seem more like one of those excessive body builders.” The Doctor said as took a look around the table.

“Are you all in?” The doctor asked the ponies.

“I’m not an excessive body builder! I eat muffins... Sometimes! But, apples….” Raze’s thoughts turned toward the red greatness that came from Sweet Apple Acres.

‘Yeah, that’s the stuff…’ He thought to himself.

“When he said apples, I thought he was Kira and how she loves frost-tarts,” Bon-Bon said to Lyra, who giggled in agreement.

Derpy looked at them all, somehow, “Are we going to throw down or not?! Let’s do it! I’m ready for you all! Give all of your bits to me!”

The Doctor frowned, “Sorry, she kinda took to the game a bit more than me.”

Discord floated beside Raze, ‘You know, I never thought of it that way. Saiyans are a little obsessive, but I still enjoy the chaos you bring me each day! Never a dull moment!’

‘I think you need to watch yourself.’ Raze thought at the spirit.

‘What are you going to do about it? Dislike me? That’s hardly intimidating and much less scary. Besides, you can’t touch this! I’m the ghost inside this house!” Discord said to his Saiyan friend.

Raze tried to grab the spirit and found his hand went right through the body, ‘Oh well, I should probably just watch the game...’

Bits were thrown on to the center of the table, counting as high as two hundred. The tension was high, each pony expecting to win over the other. The ponies had fires in their eyes and the whole night had finally come down to this last moment.

“Alright everypony, lay’em on the table.” Derpy said to the others as she put her cards down.

Everypony else followed suit and Lyra seemed to be in a state of shock. The Doctor was looking over at Derpy’s hand.

“You only had two pairs, that wouldn’t have done much at all.” The Doctor said to her.

“But you have three of a kind!” Derpy pouted at her luck.

Bon-Bon shook her head, “I had three of a kind too, so what did Lyra have?”

Raze and Discord had leaned into look at the table, “I wanna see!” Raze said with a small amount of excitement.

“R-r-r… “ Lyra sputtered.

“What, can you speak louder Lyra?” Bon-Bon asked.

“R- royal flush! Ha! I win! I won!” Lyra yelled in excitement, jumping from her chair and around the table. “I won! I won! I can’t believe I actually won for the first time ever!”

Discord shook his head, ‘I could beat all of you at poker.’

Raze arched an eye, ‘Without cheating?’

Discord nodded, “Maybe… I never said how.”

The Doctor smiled, “Nice job there, Lyra! I didn’t expect it!”

“I know right!?” Then Lyra’s eyes widened and she brought her hoof to her mouth. “Oops… The twins are asleep, I shouldn’t yell,” she said.

Derpy looked around while frowning, “I guess there’s always next time…”

The Doctor smiled and nuzzled her, “Don’t be too down about it, I’m sure we’ll be playing sometime soon.”

“Okay!” Derpy said to the Doctor as everypony began to get up from the table.

“I’ll be going back to work on fixing the TARDIS, it’s 9:45, so I should have a while to work on it. Though I could use some help, if anypony would like to join me.” The Doctor said as Derpy began to smiled before Raze jumped up.

“I want to help!” Raze said quickly.

The Doctor looked at him weirdly, “Uhhh… You can’t help.”

“Why not?!” Raze asked him.

“Ummm… It’s special help! You are not apart of the equation on this one.” The Doctor said quickly as Raze frowned.

Derpy smiled, “It’s definitely special alright. So special…”

Raze was confused even more by that one, “What does that have to do with it?”

Lyra jumped into the conversation, “He probably means that you don’t have the… Necessary knowledge to be of help,” she said.

Bon-Bon also got in on this one, “Don’t worry Raze, I have something you can help me with.” Bon-Bon’s grin seemed almost malicious.

“I need an adult?” Raze said as the Doctor looked at him weirdly for a second time.

“You’re an adult.” He finished with a small grin.

Derpy then opened her wings and grabbed the Doctor, “And you’re going with me to the TARDIS.”

The Doctor had no disagreement with this and they were gone leaving Lyra, Bon-Bon, and Raze alone, but not quite alone as a Spirit of Chaos was still floating invisibly.

Discord laughed, “Either he’s going to discover something new, or I’m just chaotic”

Raze was looking glum as he cleaned up after the ponies who had played the card game without him. Bon-Bon was at least washing the dishes, but that did little to comfort him.

“I thought that I would learn something new, instead I’m cleaning up after a game that I never played… This kind of sucks…” Raze said to the floor as he mopped the floor.

Bon-Bon shook her head, “If you’re going to stay here, you’re going to have to pay your rent.”

“She’s touchy!” Discord said to Raze who shook his head.

Raze nodded in agreement, ‘You’re absolutely right this time, Discord.’

“I’m right?! By the Super Saiyan Gods! I’ll have to celebrate, where is an automated Pinkie Pie when you need one?!” Discord asked while phasing through different walls of the house.

Bon-Bon saw Raze slacking off and looking at walls, this slightly miffed her, grabbing the nearest frying pan it soon came crashing down Raze’s skull.


Raze hit the floor and grabbed his head, the pain sunk into his very mind as he began to roll around, “What did you do that for?! OWWW!”

Bon-Bon smiled evilly, “What you talking about Raze? The only thing I saw was a lazy worker.”

“You’re lucky that the Twins look up to you, or that worker would be the last thing you saw!” Raze yelled as the pain had begun to subside slightly.

Like magic, multiple frying pans seemed to suddenly appear before Raze’s vision. “Is that a threat?”

Raze immediately shook his head, “No Ma'am!” Raze quickly jumped up and mopped faster.

Bon-Bon smiled, “And when you’re done, be a dear and place those frost-tarts on the counter in a good hiding place.”

Raze smiled, “I’ll put them in the TARDIS and they’ll be lost in time! Never to be found again! How’s that?”

“That’s fine,” Bon-Bon replied absently.

After the exchange, Raze finished mopping the entire floor of the kitchen. He put up the materials used to mop and then grabbed the Frost-Tarts.

Raze quickly got outside the house and closed the door. He breathed a sigh of relief, ‘Thank goodness it’s all over...’ Raze turned to the left and a party cannon sent spiritual streamers all over the area.

Raze fell over and a spiritual version of Pinkie Pie appeared before him, “HEY! Did we surprise you because you totally look surprised! I don’t even know how I’m here, but it’s gotta be Discord! OH! Raze, everyone is missing you! We’d really like it if you came home! An-”

Discord silenced her with an arm, ‘That’s enough of that, you’ve served your purpose, Pinkie.’

Discord snapped his fingers and she disappeared from view, ‘You should have seen the look on your face, Raze! It was hilarious! Now we should probably hide those Frost-Tarts away from the TARDIS.’

“But why? It’s like right there!” Raze said while pointing to the obvious blue box.

Discord smiled and snapped his fingers that disappeared and reappeared on Raze’s shoulders, ‘Because they’re using the front room.’

Raze was confused as he was dragged away by floating non attached limbs, “What does that have to do with anything? I know they’re in the front room, that’s where all his gadgets and wires are! They said that’s where they’d be fixing it!”

Discord shook his head, ‘They’re fixing it alright.’

Raze had been dragged all the way back to the door and had phased straight through it thanks to Discord, ‘Now figure out a better place!’

Discord disappeared to wherever he disappears to leaving Raze confused and with a box of Frost-Tarts in his hand.

Raze looked around, spotting the Gravity Chamber he had placed the day before, “That’ll do I guess.”

Raze entered the Gravity Chamber, flicking the light switch on as he stepped onto the tile flooring. Glancing around, Raze spotted the main control system and immediately went for that.

‘This oughta keep her out, I’ll just unscrew one of the panels and put it inside. Of course I’ll keep it away from the more important panels to keep the place from exploding.’ Raze thought to himself as he realized that he had no screwdriver.

‘Huh… Guess that wouldn’t work either… OH! Right, the fridge!’ Raze thought quickly as he pulled his capsule case out.

He quickly picked out the right one and clicked it. Raze threw it onto the floor and an instant mini fridge appeared out of a large cloud of smoke. He quickly opened the fridge door and put the frost tart box inside.

Raze closed the door and turned it back into it’s capsule form. He then put it all up again and smiled, ‘That’s the end of that… Guess since I’m here, training is on the schedule!’

With that, he began to train for the next hour at three hundred ten times normal gravity while using Kaioken only.

Raze stood panting as he tapped the last button that was on the flying droid, “Wow… That was pretty intense, but it’s all over for now…”

He went for the console. He tapped the keys on the main keyboard and turned off the gravity simulation.

Raze sighed as he untied some of the weights he had strapped to his back. They hit the ground with a loud slam, but the floor remained uncracked.

“All right! I’m feeling better already!” Raze said as he jumped around and twisted through the air.

Raze landed on his feet and turned toward the door. He quickly went up the stairs and hit the showers. Raze finished the shower in record time and was walking down the stairs within the next minute or so after brushing his teeth. His hair remained unbrushed so he could keep his bed head look.

Raze wore a pair of white boxers and white tank together as he found himself inside the living room. He saw a blanket and pillow that appeared to be freshly cleaned with a small note on top of the mini pile.

Raze took the note and read it.

Thanks for helping clean up after
the poker game. I’ve taken the
liberty of cleaning your sheets
to return the favor. Don’t think
that this means you get special

Bon Bon

‘That was nice of her!’ Raze thought with a smile as he unfolded the blankets and put the pillow on a nice spot where laying his head felt just right.

He proceeded to lay down and stayed awake for the next thirty minutes or so before succumbing to his training tiredness.

He snored soon enough.


Raze flew through the air while being followed by several energy attacks. No matter where he went, they continued to follow him with precise movement.

He turned quickly, firing ki blasts at the energy attacks which caused them explode harmlessly in midair. Raze looked around for the enemy who had fired them, but found that the land was changing around him already.

‘Here we go again… I swear I didn’t eat anything bad this time!’ Raze thought as the world stopped terraforming.

He found himself standing on branches far higher than any normal tree he’d ever seen before, ‘This is different from the chocolate stuff, maybe Discord has a new taste? I’ll have to ask him.”

Raze flew off in search of the Draconequus that was likely the one behind all of this terraforming going on his mind. The trees seemed to be changing shape as he flew past them. Once they were full of life, but now, as he went further on, they shifted into gray husk forms of dead trees.

‘This is getting kinda strange, I’ve gotta a bad feeling about this...’ Raze thought . He continued his way, the amount of trees thinning out as he approached an unknown destination.

An open area greeted his sight, two black dots over in the distance of his vision. As Raze got closer he recognized Discord and another familiar sight.

‘It can’t be! He’s gone!’ Raze sped up toward the two.

Discord was floating with what appeared to be translucent shield surrounding his body while the other stood undefended, but certainly more prepare for a physical altercation.

‘No mistaking it! That’s Fhaze!’ Raze thought while he landed onto the ground.

Fhaze turned to him with a smile, or it could have been a sociopathic grin. Raze didn’t know the difference at that exact moment.

“Well, look who decided to show up! Guess you’re just going to give me your body rather than have me chase you down. I don’t blame you in the least, but I don’t happen to be interested in you at the moment.” Fhaze said while turning away from Raze.

Raze was confused again for the second (or third) time that night, “What?! Then what are you looking for?”

Fhaze grinned, “I’m more interested in the little brat you met beforehand. I’ve been watching from the back of your mind and I’ve also felt the energy coming off you when Discord returned you to this body. There’s a power inside him that he can’t even fathom.”

Raze tilted his head, “Now that you mention it, there was something strange about that door….” Raze shook his head quickly.

“Not that I’m going to let you get anywhere near it!” Raze exclaimed to Fhaze who smirked with indifference.

“Who’s to say that you can stop me? After all, Discord hasn’t been sitting in a barrier made by himself.” Fhaze said as Raze’s eyes widened.

Fhaze nodded, “This is my energy and I’ve been going through his mental barriers quite easily, soon he’ll teleport me to that tyke’s mind and I can gain his power. Too bad you won’t be able to do anything to stop me, since you’re going to be stuck over here!”

Fhaze flew at Raze and his fist connected with Raze’s stomach causing Raze grab his stomach. Then Fhaze kicked Raze in the side of his face causing him to fly a few feet away.

Fhaze grinned as he watched his hated enemy stop on the ground, “It feels good to win for once or the second time. No more lucky breaks I suppose.”

Fhaze walked back over Discord, “You seem more than ready to listen to my commands, so let’s get on with it. Take me into the brat’s mind, or you will suffer.”

Discord began to charge his magic into his hand and just when all seemed to right for this very evil moment in time. Fhaze felt two arms lock him in a full nelson.

“What?!” Fhaze yelled as they all three disappeared in a flash.

~Ken’s Mind Before the Door~

A bright flash of magic shined out among the white and black doors as three invaders appeared before it. Raze was still holding Fhaze who had begun to struggle against the lock Raze had on him.

“Dammit! Let go of me! You insolent bastard!” Fhaze yelled while continuing his rampant movements.

Discord shook his head as he touched the doors, “Hmmmm? What in the world just happened? I feel like I got hit by ten Celestias…”

Discord looked around while rubbing his left eye, “Hmmm… Nothing out of the ordinary seems to be happening. We’ve got some sunshine and rainbows, Raze and Fhaze are kicking the tartarus out of each other, and I’m standing next to black and white doors…”

Discord played with his moustache, “Something about that doesn’t seem right…”

He went over his normalities once again, “OH! It’s the Raze and Fhaze part! I’m getting senile if I think that’s normal!”

While Discord contemplated his insane thoughts, Raze was finally kicked off his evil counterpart. Fhaze stood up completely and seemed to have veins coming out of his forehead in rage.

“There’ll be a special place for you when you die, Raze!” He yelled, but Raze only smiled.

“You’d think so, but I’m not going to let that happen!” Raze said as Fhaze began to calm down a bit.

‘I’d best not let my rage takeover, best to stay calm in this situation.’ Fhaze thought to himself.

Raze stood there as Discord joined him to have them stand side by side, “Yeah, we won’t let you take over this munchkin’s mind!”

Fhaze smirked, “Discord, you couldn’t even match me before. You got lucky with those clouds, but now we’re somewhere completely different! Out of your element since neither of us controls this battleground!”

Raze raised a clenched fist in front of himself, “We’re always going to be strong enough to take you down, I won’t let you harm anyone!”

Fhaze stood his ground with confident smirk and then charged at them. Discord and Raze split up as Discord summoned several floating clouds of cement. They all attempted to catch Fhaze who move around them with a lot more precision than he had last time.

“Raze, he got better?! How is he dodging my clouds?!” Discord asked Raze who was analyzing Fhaze at the moment.

“He appears to be at the same battle strength as me!” Raze said as Fhaze struck Discord down into the ground.

The ground broke apart beneath him as Fhaze came in for a landing that would send both of his monstrous boots straight into Discords ribs. Fhaze was stopped when a kamehameha wave intercept him and sent him into the door causing a large explosion to rock the door.

Fhaze appeared from the smoke with revenge on his mind. He pulled back his right fist and charged at Raze who also charged while pulling his left fist back. They collided causing a massive shockwave to tear up the ground and throw them both back at high speeds.

Raze hit the ground and it crumbled as he slid back. Fhaze hit the door so hard that it broke the seal upon it and it began to open. A dark feeling swept over the three fighters as it spread out from the door’s entrance.

Fhaze hit the ground, but got up immediately to see that the door had opened, ‘Perfect! Now to leave these fools behind!’ Fhaze disappeared into the doorway leaving Raze and Discord to their own devices.

Discord was the first to get up and immediately went over to Raze, “Come on! You gotta get up! He’s going further inside!”

Raze turned over and pushed himself up, “Okay… Got it.”

Once they were both up, they charged in to stop the evil fiend.

Raze made it to the next door, uh... Gate, to see Fhaze standing directly in front of it. He stopped directly in front of Fhaze who turned to them.

“I suppose it wouldn’t have been that easy to be rid of you. Well? Let’s finish this!” Fhaze said as the room became silent.

Raze hadn’t even heard Discord as he joined them within the dark confines of the room. The room was silent as they stared each other down when the silence was broken as a person appeared before them all.

”Raze! Discord! Why are you here!” Chris yelled in anger, revealing himself to the three.

”How could you! I told you repeatedly not to go into Ken’s mind, and you do it anyway! You think I had no good reason to say it?” He finished, his Ki levels rising quickly.

Fhaze looked over in surprise at the newcomer, ‘Another one?! His energy never came up! I thought it was the kid’s based on what I felt when Raze had walked out of the TARDIS! Damn, How am I going to handle this one?!’

Raze looked over for a second at Chris before deciding to try and explain everything later. He had to stay focused for right now. Discord however was a bit more worried about the situation now more than he had been before.

Discord shook his claw and paw in front of himself, “No Chris, you don’t understand, you see-”

“Shove it Discord! It’s you who has the power to enter minds in the first place!” The Z-fighter snapped at Discord.

“Chris, Fhaze was going to open these gates within Ken! He kept blabbing about a great power within that he was going to steal for himself!” Raze explained quickly while not turning his back on the real enemy.

Discord noticed that Chris was analyzing Fhaze at the moment and decided that he would also worry about the situation later.

Fhaze laughed with arrogance, “Like I give a fuck about a little snot-nosed brat!”

Raze gritted his teeth in anger “Ken is a hundred times better than you could ever be!”

Fhaze frowned in annoyance, “You should’ve been training, not babysitting a bunch of weakling brats!” Fhaze retorted as Raze clenched both of his fists.

‘Damn! The Twins didn’t do anything to deserve having to deal with this! I’ll have to finish off Fhaze quickly!’ Raze’s foot dug into the ground beneath them.

‘That’s right! Get angry! Lose some control, Raze! While he’s being angered, he’ll attack me and I can knock him out quickly!’ Fhaze thought to himself in victory.

Raze heard Chris begin to talk from behind him, ”Ken and Kira are not weak, the rate they progress is faster than both Goku and I’s combined. In a year they’ve went from average human, to a power level greater than Frieza’s first form! Faster than even Gohan could! Without the benefit of advanced training equipment such as gravity training either.”

“I could easily do the same thing after I take control of Raze’s body. Those dumbass tykes are nothing special.” Fhaze replied with a smirk.

“You’re wrong Fhaze, and you’ll never win! Take this!” Raze yelled.

Raze summoned a low powered red sphere of Ki energy into his hands, before he pushed them forward to form a technique that seem to draw in the air around it.

“Flash Cannon!” Raze yelled the name of the technique before the ball burst outward into a wave of energy that came rushing toward Fhaze’s direction.

Fhaze dodged the wave easily, letting it pass and hit the first mind lock gate that shook and blew open, before the wave continued and dissipated down the hallway deeper within. Darkness spread into the very souls of the heroic fighters as the gate opened completely.

Raze shivered a bit as he felt his mind weigh down under failures that tried to bring themselves to the forefront of his own mind, ‘No! Gotta focus!’ Raze broke out of the spell by powering himself up a little bit.

Fhaze looked at the broken gate with a huge grin on his face, ‘Well, that works too!’

“Haha! You fool Raze! Thanks for the gate break, Idiot!” Fhaze mocked as he flew down into the hallway.

”Don’t just stand there! We have to stop him!” Chris yelled, as he himself flew down the hallway toward Fhaze.

“I know that!” Raze replied, clenching his fist in anger at what Fhaze planned to do.

‘I can’t believe… Actually, I can totally believe that he would use me to open this.’ Raze thought as he looked over at Discord who had been sitting there the entire time with stars glowing in his eyes.

“That was amazing! So much power! The emotions! If only I had a camera capable of recording this action!” Discord exclaimed as Raze shook his head smacked his forehead.

“Can you just focus?! We need to go!” Raze yelled at Discord who nodded his head quickly.

“Of course, Raze! Let’s get going!” Discord said while flying off in the right direction for once.

Raze and Discord had finally found their ways into the room and stood next to Chris within seconds. They heard loud banging sounds and then saw Fhaze openly bashing the gate repeatedly with his fists.

Raze felt the air accelerate in speed as he realized that Chris had left them both.

Raze looked at Fhaze only to see Chris appearing beside him and then kicking him away from the mind lock gate. Fhaze replied by engaging Chris in one on one combat, attempting to rid of the Z-fighter so that he could continue his plans.

‘He seems a bit stronger than Raze which means that I may not have the strength to keep up with him. At least until I reach that power source ahead of me! I’ll knock him out of the way quickly!’ Fhaze thought with a quick nod.

Fhaze shot his fist forward, aiming to crack the ribs; Chris replied quickly and guided Fhaze’s punch away before countering with an elbow to his left cheek. The evil spirit winced in pain, but shrugged it off and tried to make an explosive Ki blast around him. The Z-fighter’s eyes widened in surprise before he flew back just in time to avoid the blast.

Right after the blast ended, Raze finally made his move, striking the spirit’s right cheek with his left fist just at the moment he turned around. Annoyed and agitated, Fhaze kicked Raze’s side but the saiyan warrior grabbed his leg and spun Fhaze around then let loose, sending Fhaze plummeting toward Chris.

‘Alright! Combo time!’ Raze thought with smile.

Raze watched as Chris pulled his fist downward and then smashed it upwards into Fhaze’s jaw. This action caused the villain to be sent flying into the ceiling, which in turn made him crash face first onto the ground once the force that him him upwards had worn off.

The ground split open under the force of the now lying body of Fhaze.

‘That should have knocked some sense into him.’ Raze thought while waiting for any movement to be made from below.

Discord laughed while wiping a tear from his eye, “This is so deliciously chaotic! I may need some popcorn.” He snapped his claws and popcorn appeared in midair.

Discord grabbed the popcorn and watched the fight with amusement.

Fhaze brought himself from the ceiling hole, suspending himself in mid air as he screamed in complete outrage.

“ARGH! Dammit! Why do I have to deal with such idiocy?! You’re both getting on my nerves!” Fhaze exclaimed at the two heroes.

Raze smirked as he was assured that victory would be his this day, “Guess you just weren’t ready for us!”

Fhaze growled, turning his attention away from our heroes and toward the second mind lock gate. His face turned into one of a malicious smile, before his charged a huge amount of Ki with quick channeling and blasted at the gates with all his might and power. The mind lock gate shook, looking worn down as the blast hit it, but it remained unyielding to Fhaze’s attempt to open it.

“Damn!” Raze landed behind Fhaze a few feet away.

Raze took on a serious expression, “Just give up already, you can’t break the locks by yourself!”

”Face it, the moment you arrived in my son’s mind, you were doomed from the start.” Raze heard Chris say as Fhaze seemed to stop showing off his angry face.

“Then I’ll just add more power to the blast! Enough power to be rid of you both and that cursed door!” Fhaze exclaimed. The spirit’s Ki levels suddenly spiked, his figure becoming more buff than he was beforehand, black sparks surrounding a greenish aura that had burst into existence around him, and finally a shift of hair color to a more silver colored hue.

“It’s his Nocturne Super Saiyan form! But he’s not the only one with a transformation!” Raze proclaimed, his own self flashing with a gold light before revealing a now Super Saiyan form, hair spiked golden, muscles refined, and a flaming aura around him.

Chris transformed within a split instant, his power spiking higher than Raze’s own. Fhaze appeared only slightly doubtful facing two powerful super saiyans, but like every villain before him, his own pride and ego erased his doubt in order to retain his own ‘superiority’ complex.

‘I won’t turn away from this! No matter what power that other Saiyan might have!’ Fhaze smiled insanely as he thought up a devilish idea.

Fhaze opened up his palm and a greenish hue charged into it. The hue began to shrink until a small green energy ball appeared in his hand.

Raze watched as he summoned energy into the compact green ball, ‘Damn, we have to stop it!’

“Hahahaha!” Fhaze laughed maniacally, firing the intense energy ball toward the epicenter of all three heroes and Spirit of Chaos. The energy ball imploded outward, sending all three crashing against wall, ground, and ceiling.

Smoke filled the room and obstructed Raze’s vision. He could still sense Chris and Fhaze despite that small annoyance. He also heard a loud screech as he felt the ground shake beneath them all. Raze knew what that sound could entail, but he didn’t want to think it happened.

All three of them quickly recovered, the smoke clearing only for them to see no Fhaze, yet an open mind lock gate.
Chris cursed, ”That’s it, no more mister nice guy,”

Raze looked at the open gate and his eyes widened, ‘Damn! He did manage to open it!’

Raze raised an eyebrows after hearing what Chris had said, “Mister Nice Guy? You call kicking him around being nice? I’d hate to see what you do to guests!”

Raze didn’t hear a response and instead felt a massive power increase. He turned to Chris and saw that he was the one gathering the strength.

‘Woah! What in the world is that transformation suppose to be?!’ Raze questioned as the energy grew even further.

Discord’s eyes twinkled while he threw more popcorn into his gaping maw, ‘This is getting good!’

Chris’ golden aura spiked outward, his muscles buffing and his form growing bigger as Chris’ Ki energy output increased drastically. The Z-fighter raised his head, gritting his teeth as Raze felt Chris’ power increase by another multiple of ten. It appeared Chris had finished when the Z-fighter let loose a breath of air that seemed to calm his muscle tension.

”Ascended form, if your wondering about it, Raze.” Chris explained, before he flew toward where Fhaze had left off too.

Raze had nothing to say to that while he stood in one area still being in shock, ‘I- I- I didn’t win that fight at alllllllll…’

Discord was amazed as well if it wasn’t obvious before, “Are you just going to stand there, Raze? Or are you just going to keep gaping in confusion?”

Raze punched himself in the forehead and got the old brain juice flowing again, “Thanks, Discord!”

He flew off quickly in search of Chris while Discord himself chose to teleport further inside.

Raze got inside the room just in time to see Chris hit Fhaze with a highly concentrated ki blast. The attack sent Fhaze flying backward toward Raze. Fhaze recovered from the blast, his aura spiking outward as he screamed a battle cry at Chris and engaged him in battle.

Fhaze struck first, sending his right fist toward Chris’ abdomen only to be parried by the Z-fighter’s left arm, which Chris proceeded to strike Fhaze’s own abdomen as payment for attempting to strike his own by hitting it with his right knee. Fhaze shrugged it off only just barely, unused to being hit by just a muscular form as himself; Fhaze’s left leg found contact with Chris’ right wrist before following up with a twist of his body which allowed him to strike the Z-fighter’s head with his free leg.

Chris staggered a bit back, but rushed forward and delivered a critical blow to Fhaze’s stomach which winded him out. He then kicked Fhaze back, and quickly did motions of cupping his hands together up front and bringing to the sides.

”Kamehameha!” He yelled quickly, a blue light forming in his palms before he released it with utmost speed upon Fhaze’s winded form. The blue wave of energy crashing on the evil spirit and sending him down the hallway, which was further away from the third mind lock gate.

Raze had just watched the whole exchange and if he had a tail, it would be wagging by this point, ‘I really wanna to do this kind of stuff… So amazing!’ Raze felt his saiyan instincts begin to heat up and he prepared to join the battle himself.

Raze flew forward only to see Fhaze’s body land before him and make a indent into the floor, ‘Well, maybe I don’t have to go so far...’

Fhaze shakily rolled over and pushed himself back onto his feet.

Raze backed up as Fhaze focused a glare of pure venomous rage at himself, “I swear that I’ll kill you and this fool before the end of this day!”

When Raze didn’t respond, Fhaze powered himself up again, “RAAGGGH! I will take your mind! I will kill your friends, your family, and your loved ones!”

“If you think that I’m going to let that happen, then you must have never been a piece of me at all!” Raze replied with a glare of his own.

Gathering destructive Ki energy Fhaze launched multiple Ki blast toward Raze’s direction. Raze quickly moved out of the way as several large explosions went off in a chain. Smoke blasted through the hallway as Fhaze charged up several more energy attacks and sent them toward the lock.

Raze looked over to see that Chris was already moving to stop the attacks.

Chris jumped into the air only for Fhaze to appear from the smoke, “Fool!” He put both of his hands to gather and clenched them together.

Fhaze brought them into the air and then brought them down smashing Chris in the side of his shoulder. Chris flew out of the air as the blasts both it their mark. The explosion rang back towards the fighters and dust spread outward in dark clouds.

Chris and Raze looked at the gate at nearly the same moment and promptly breathed sighs of relief.

Raze smiled, ‘It didn’t open! Great!’

Raze looked up to see that Chris was already moving in for another attack.

Chris powered up and went to attack Fhaze, “Hey!”

Fhaze looked down in surprise as Chris’ fist connected with Fhaze’s jaw. Fhaze’s body flew up into the air as Chris appeared above where his body was flying into the ceiling and promptly smashed him into the ground with a heavy kick. He then proceeded to send ki blasts down at Fhaze.

Fhaze quickly rolled to avoid the exploding ki blasts. Fhaze continued rolling until he hit his left side and pushed up into the air quickly. The last one hit and the explosion threw more smoke into the air around them.

Chris’ hands and arms did a series of fast and complicated movements, before he stopped with a strange seal marking floating upon his right hand. He charged into the smoke toward Fhaze’s Ki signature, appearing out of it and charging at Fhaze.

Fhaze saw this and ran to try and buy himself more time to dodge.

“Shit!” Fhaze cursed as he narrowly dodged a seal being placed on him, he kicked Chris’ stomach which caused the Z-fighter to fly back from him.

‘This is getting ridiculous! He’s too strong and I’m losing too much strength! Not to menti-’ Fhaze felt another energy near the side of his body.

Raze appeared on Fhaze’s other side, “Hey! You’re not done yet!”

Raze sent his own ki blast at Fhaze who took the attack and sent it towards the floor below. The sounds of the resulting detonation echoed through the hallway before a countering barrage of green Ki blasts shot forth from the smoke toward Raze.
‘Gotta go fast!’ Raze thought to himself while moving his legs as quick as possible to try and dodge the hits.

Raze managed to move out of the way of the first and second ki blasts, but was hit by two others causing a loud *BOOM* to happen and for him to hit the floor really hard.

‘Ouch! That hurts!’ Raze thought to himself while lying upon the floor.

Fhaze sent several more attacks at the lock upon the door; fortunately Chris managed to appear in front of the mind lock gate, screaming in power as the blast were slowed down and forced to detonate prematurely.

Chris landed next to where Raze had fallen while Fhaze planned his next strike.

‘Raze is slightly more weakened now, so I should go ahead and kill him off while I have the chance! But if the other Saiyan steps in, then I’m not sure what to do! Dammit, I was only going to have to deal with Raze! Why can’t this be easier?!’ Fhaze thought angrily to himself while Raze moved himself up.

“Raze, I need to distract him,” Chris said.

“For how long?” Raze replied.

“For five minutes, possibly shorter. And considering how much we were beating him, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”


Chris planted his feet firmly on the ground, his elbows bent back as his hands took a claw-like shape. Within his palms began to form two distinctly Ki balls, one being red, the other being yellow the amount of concentrated energy being suppressed within the two small orbs were staggering and enormous. Chris had his eyes closed as he focused on his technique.

Raze leaped toward Fhaze, shooting a Ki blast ahead of himself to create a diversion. Fhaze threw his own ki wave and the attacks erupted in a large explosion of yellow energy. The entire room lit up as Fhaze flew through the light and kneed Raze in the gut.

‘I couldn’t have asked for a better solution to my problems! The other Saiyan just sends their weakest link in like it was the easiest decision in the book! Thank you mysterious other!’ Fhaze thought while continuing his attack.

Raze lost all of the air in his lungs from the attack and Fhaze smashed him in his back with both of his fists. Raze was thrown toward the ground by the attack and Fhaze followed him for another attack.

Raze began to spin which slowed down his impact to where he could touch down softly. Raze looked around quickly and then blocked Fhaze’s kick from where he stood.

They stood there for a few seconds while Raze felt himself grow weaker, ‘I’m starting to feel a little heavy. Tch… I don’t know if I can keep this up.’

‘How is he still managing to block me? He should be nearly out of energy by now!’ Fhaze pushed more ki into his leg as he felt Raze’s grip loosen.

Discord watched with anticipation as Chris prepared his attack, ‘This speaks True Kamehameha to me in so many ways! Or is it Final Flash?’

Chris slowly brought his hands holding the two Ki energy balls closer together, the two concentrated Ki balls seemingly increasing in intensity as they drew ever closer before they fused into one medium sized orange Ki ball that had flames circling around it. The flames of the technique were wild, and begin to form a miniature eastern dragon within it’s confined space.

Chris gritted his teeth, sweat dripping down his face as he focused to maintain the technique within his palms, and withstand the heat it generated. He opened his eyes, looking toward the direction of Raze and Fhaze’s on going battle.

”Raze, toward my direction!” Chris yelled.

Raze heard Chris yell and quickly turned to him, “Huh?!”

Fhaze took the opportunity to punch him in the face which sent the confused saiyan into the wall opposite of them.

”Ugh, I meant hit him toward my direction!” Chris exclaimed at Raze.

Fhaze looked over at Chris, “You wanted something to be hit in your direction?! Well, how about you!?”

Fhaze flew over at Chris and readied his own attack. He cupped his hands together.

“Ka! Me! Ha! Me!” Black light began to pulse into a sphere between his palms.

Chris grinned, and thrusts forward his arms causing the condensed concentrated energy within his palms to release in a bright flaming beam of Ki.

”Draconic Beam!”

“Ha!” Fhaze yelled, releasing his dark Kamehameha wave toward the Z-fighter.

But for all of Fhaze’s power, his ego, his proclamations, the evil spirit could not hope to outmatch a seasoned and powerful martial artist with years more experience than himself or Raze.

The orange Draconic Beam of flaming Ki energy came flying at Fhaze with the mouth of a dragon, it smashed into the black Kamehameha wave with great force, only a few seconds transpired before Fhaze’s technique was completely engulfed and the spirit found himself facing the full blunt force of an eastern dragon shape energy wave.

The entirety of the hallway lit up brightly, before an explosive shockwave racked everything around as the Draconic Beam collided with Fhaze.

He didn’t have time to even scream in pain.

When the light died down, the beam having dissipated and the smoke had vanished into the air. Discord floated in his chair with a big smile upon his face.

‘Best Dragon Ball Movie ever and it was never made proper, very saddening.’ Discord thought as the urge to clap began to take over his spirit.

Discord smiled gleefully, “Well, that was an amazing fight! Great job, you’ve entertained me well!” Discord clapped his hands and the food he’s been eating disappeared along with the chair.

“Though it seems like I was forgotten in all the fighting and Raze seems to be in pain…” Discord said while pulling his goatee.

Black smoke seemed to enshroud the area where Raze was as he started to roll around while clenching his head.

‘You didn’t think it would be over so easily, did you Raze?!’ Fhaze questioned Raze as his began to tighten his hold on the weakened mind of the Saiyan warrior.
‘Y- Y- You’re gone! He defeated you!’ Raze thought as he tried to resist the spirit’s hold on his body.

Raze stopped rolling as his body began to be covered in black bioelectricity, “Get out of my head!” Raze yelled as he began to power up.

Discord watched as Chris brought his right hand up, a symbol forming in front of it, ‘He’s using a seal? I do remember something about him learning that, but it’s been a while since I last looked at the multiverse...’

Chris walked up to Raze’s form, standing right above him. He bent down, holding the pained saiyan still as he aimed for his forehead. ”This might hurt, but only for a bit. Split Mental Lock Kai Seal!”

Chris slammed his right palm onto Raze’s forehead, the strange symbol burning on the saiyan’s forehead.

Fhaze suddenly felt his power begin to fade fast, ‘What?! What is happening to me?!’

His grip on Raze’s mind was being forced away, ‘No! I won’t give in in! Raze is mine to use as I see fit! ARRRRGGGGHHHH!’ His spiritual form was being taken away as he was sucked inside of a powerful lock.

‘DAMN YO-” He was cut off as black energy followed him inside.

Discord watched as Raze jerked around violently, hitting Chris a few times in the stomach as the Z-fighter tried to hold Raze down and continue the technique. Before long, the black smoke that enshrouded Raze before dissipated into nothingness as the seal was completed.

Suddenly, Raze’s body went limp; Chris stood up, looking down upon the young saiyan warrior beneath him and the completed the seal working that glowed slightly before disappearing into his skin.

Raze stayed unconscious while Discord had watched the process, “Did you kill him?”

”No, as you might’ve realized, I’ve learned the Kai Sealing arts from King Kai in Other World when I died against Freeza. The seal I placed upon him has suppressed and locked Fhaze into the deepest recesses of his mind until Raze is ready to face him.”

With a boring explanation out of the way, Discord felt like being his usual chaotic self.

Discord smiled, “Well, then alls well that ends well! But this place could use some touching up! Maybe some mind altering magic to get rid of these old memories! What would you think of that?” He finished with an honest smile.

Chris shook his head, ”That would be unwise, even if Ken dislikes these memories, they have shaped him to be as he is now.”

Chris sighed, ”Now, as I recall… I said for you not to enter Ken’s mind.” He said to the floating spirit of chaos.

“Ah… Well, you never said not to go in the dark space, I think so anyway… You were vague and…” Discord snapped his fingers and Raze appeared on his back.

“We have another appointment with actually being able to exist in the real world, so if you’ll excuse us merciful Chris, we’ll be going now!” Discord snapped his finger and nothing happened.

“What…” He snapped several more times, still nothing.

“But…” Discord started to sweat a little more as he snapped his finger multiple times.

The sound of cracking fingers could be heard from Chris, “My, my, what do we have? A spirit of chaos having lost his teleportation ability? I wonder who exactly could have been responsible for such a tragedy?”

Discord looked around, “Well, I’m still going to fly!” Discord began to fly towards the exit and sped away as fast as possible.

Discord looked behind him, seeing no trace of Chris, only to look in front to find the Z-fighter flying backward. ”Going somewhere, friend? I’m sure this dark space is within Ken’s mind.

“NOPE.AVI!” Discord flew the sideways direction and Raze fell off his back.

This time however, Chris put a stop to him getting away by grabbing the end of Discord’s tail. Discord now was now in a pinch, literally.

”I’m sure this would give you a big reminder next time you think of doing this!”

“WAIT!” Discord exclaims as Chris halts his attack for a few seconds. Discord snaps his fingers and a pair of glasses appear on his face.

“You wouldn’t hit a spirit with glasses on, would you?” Discord asks Chris.

Chris looks at him with a smile, “Yes, I would.”

Discord looks at the readers, “Can’t blame me for trying.”


A punch from one Ascended Super Saiyan Z-fighter sent the spirit of chaos, Discord, into seeing stars.

”And now you can go.”

Discord didn't need to be told twice, as he snapped his fingers and disappeared from Ken’s mind.

Raze felt a large amount of weight hit him all at once and he awoke with a start. The first thing he heard was one thing, “FROST TARTS! WHERE ARE THEY?!”

~End of Chapter~

Author's Note:

Well, the story is now officially off hiatus. Thank goodness me and Boyzilla managed to pull it together! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!