• Published 27th Nov 2012
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A Changeling Named Sin: Acid's Rage - Art Inspired

The sequel of A Changeling Named Sin where Sin must fight many new foes in her quest.

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Part Nine: The Oasis

A Changeling Named Sin: Acid’s Rage

The Oasis

Her hooves moved the sands through and through with memories of summer days surfacing quickly. Sin knew within almost everypony’s heart was a place where battling mustn’t commence. A safe haven, or neutral ground where she can talk to whomever she needs to. Her powers, though, were increasing at alarming rates. She not only teleported four other individuals across the barren lands, but to a location Princess Ignition knew of.

She was just a little filly. The warmth of the sun was always perfect, just as it is now. The cool waters were so inviting, and the wildlife that grew there would’ve really helped Wilderness. However, Sin thought it best to leave him as he was already weak, and she didn’t really know where she was going. It took her a while to find the right memory, and she couldn’t risk putting Wilderness in harms way, so he was left where Sin wanted him to be. Besides, she had questions for Ignition he might not have wanted her to ask.

Ignition smelled the soothing air, smiling. “This is… Dad, remember? Mother and you, and… Inferno…”

She looked down at the ripples. Sin knew she’d figured out what was going on, and said, “I won’t fight you, especially when others are there who can be hurt. I can’t really promise their safety with my power.”

The princess looked sharply at Sin. “You think your power matches mine? I could leave this entire area a wasteland! If it wasn’t for this paradise me and my dad consider sacred ground, I’d obliterate everything around you, and you wouldn’t be able to stop me!”

Sin lowered her head and walked closer to her cautiously while saying, “That’s exactly why I brought you, the king, and your lackeys over there here, to this oasis.” She gave a wayward glance at Shift, one of her eyebrows raising. “I’m hoping to talk about this, and come to a compromise.”

The king sat in front of them, his beady eyes looking from Sin to his daughter. She remained standing where she was while Sin sat down, willing to try and negotiate what happened. Hopefully, this didn’t end with violence. Truthfully, Sin hadn’t been the same since killing Prince Inferno. The blood that stained her horn took days to wash off all the way, and every time she thought of him, she had a gut feeling he didn’t need to die that night, and with that came a peculiar sense of guilt.

The thought of Inferno in his final moments brought Sin to say, “Please, do it for your brother.”

Ignition took a deep breath, and sighed heavily before slouching to the floor, and then sitting with this irritated face that seemed to say, “I just want to destroy things.”

Sin smiled, and then said, “I suppose you should start at the beginning. What happened the night Evolvers rose up against Acid?”

The calm stir of the waters were sometimes noticed by the group as Ignition told the story, all of it. Beyond the blue skies and shady palm trees were the sounds of words that described an event so tragic, it made everything Sin had gone through seem like a normal life. The words bounced from each palm tree that surrounded the small body of water the ponies sat before, and every so often, some sand was kicked up by the winds. It didn’t disturb anyone that much, though.

“It began with an explosion,” Ignition started. “There were so many ponies up north, shadowed by the smog he lets off. Combined with the heat from his volcano which he just so happens to use for a domain, the tip top of this land was known as the center. It’s where all the top power hounds go to report in now, but before, there were too many of them. The lower class, more closer to Equestria but still controlled and kept from the borders were under constant surveillance. Guess how long we had to wait for that damn uproar.”

Sin looked at the waters in thought. “I give up.”

“Three years. It took him six to build an entire city filled with brainwashed Eolvers, him on the throne. This happened only five years ago, so our story began twelve years ago. We had no choice but to use codes to communicate with total sibling strangers when he wasn’t using us to expand his great colony like drones. This brought problems. Total opposites like water and fire were helping each other, and when everything hit the fan, so did all that friendship.”

Sin’s jaw dropped slightly before she could ask, “They hated each other because of another’s power type?!”

Ignition nodded solemnly. “I can’t say I understand why, but I’ve never had a problem with someone like Wilderness unless they hurt a family member… And, you killed Inferno, Sin. I can never forgive you for this… but, I seem to be getting side tracked… Evolvers had been around for a long time. The very grounds where Acid rules now were once our home, distorted and ruined with time.”

The king interjected, “We started showing up more frequently, and this land had plenty of nutrition without us, but when Chrysalis finally realized she needed much more in order to feed all of us, she chose to invade the neighboring world you call Equestria. She failed, returned weak and broken, and deserted everypony during the night. I was still so young when that happened, and shortly after, Acid up north snapped.”

Ignition explained further, “It was rumored that he was supposedly his mother’s favorite, and with her gone, he took on a rather dominating role. Those who he could spare that would be useful would be put to work while others that were destined to die anyway without a caretaker… did just that, unfortunately. My father was more prone to the desert, you see, and he met someone. She was a normal pony, not a changeling. Just an earth pony who’d wandered out here.”

The king cut her off from saying much more. “That story will have to wait. You see, Sin, changelings like me and you were born by Chrysalis while newer, and even more powerful changelings are brought into this world through mating with a regular pony. Not a changeling. That’s exactly what I did. She had so much love… but, she died during labor with Flame, our youngest son.”

Sin nodded. “And you two were only…?”

“Nine,” the princess said. “I was nine, and Inferno was eight when Flame came into our lives. By six years old, the uproar began, and he was killed by his own code pen pal once finding out who she was talking to… Nature, Wilderness and Wildlife’s sister. A few years later, Inferno went mad, seeking revenge, and even though he got just that after slaughtering Nature, he still wanted to see more suffering. My brother went out in search of Nature’s remaining kin… and I followed behind, stalking the hunter.”

Sin’s ears perked up. “Then, you were following us, and you were there when Inferno attacked our home. He was attacking us! I had to stop him somehow.”

Her highness looked away. “Although I admit, it’s him that shot first, you still killed him.”

“I was trying to defend my friends from what I was told to be a murderer, and according to you, his own sister, he was!” Sin shook her head in disbelief. “Here we are talking about things we’re not even involved in anymore, and Acid gains power by the minute! It’s time we put all this behind us! I don’t care if you don’t forgive me. That’s fine. Just help me defend this land from a threat more destructive than all of us here combined!”

Ignition remained seated, and so did the king, the two sand Evolvers behind him stayed perfectly still. After a moment, he said, “She’s right.”

Ignition turned her head in her father's direction. “What? Daddy, Sin mutilated my brother, your son!”

“And my son was a maniac who wished nothing for this land but blood! He got what he deserved, Sin’s decision was forced upon her, and I’m your father! Enough is enough! You two shall go together. The other lords and mistresses of this land has gone too long without communication.”

“But, daddy!”

Ignition’s father looked at her with a stern face, making her cower a little. “Listen here young lady! Sin comes to you with offerings of peace and harmony, and you deny it at the spot! This isn’t our way. She’s presented herself as a trustworthy changeling. Well, I say it just might be high time we started behaving the same way towards her. Starting now, you and Sin are friends, and you will cooperate with each other on missions I will assign.”

Princess Ignition pouted, “I hate missions! They’re just simple chores. Daddy, can’t we just ignore that? I have a grudge on Sin, and it’s burning to the core!”

Sin brushed some strands of her hair away from her eyes to say, “You couldn’t possibly hurt me even if you gave it your all.”

Ignition looked over to the boasting mare with an offended look in her eyes. “I can defeat you in combat easily,” she hissed.

Sin, however, looked at herself in the water. How long had it been since she looked at her reflection? A few weeks, perhaps? Last time, she didn’t quite understand the meaning behind her powers, but now, Sin believes she understands things in a way she simply couldn’t have a few years prior to the present day. “It’s like a wish granting power. I just think of what I want, sometimes triggering exasperation, and let the power burst freely from myself, and just like that, I have what I wanted, or sometimes needed.”

The king nodded. “Teleport me and my servants back to the city then. You two have some bonding to do. Ignition…”

She looked at him. “Yes, dad?” The expression she wore said, “Please, don’t do this to me.”

“Give Sin a chance, she’s here to try and help us after all, and if what she says is true, then you’ll most definitely be needing her help.”

He stood back with Sin rising from the ground, her hooves sinking in slowly. With a spark of her horn, and the glowing of her eyes, she cast them back to the village safely. There was a mystic aura surrounding Sin after they were gone. Even the princess noticed it. She stood up to look at Sin, who in return offered a friendly smile. Ignition held hers back, though. The two stood there for a moment, but Sin sad down once again. Ignition looked at her with a raised eyebrow, and said, “I’ve told you my story. How about you? What’s your story?”

Sin watched as her new friend sat down with her. She had nothing to hide, so she explained everything. All the important details of Sin's life was explained briefly but punctually. After the story ended, her highness found it hard not to feel sorry for Sin. “Why don’t you go back to Canterlot?” Ignition asked once Sin was done talking about her old home.

“I’m a threat to it. Somepony could get hurt if I came back. Besides, it’s a long ways away, and it takes a lot of power to teleport even one pony.”

Ignition shook her head, and debated, “No, you’re wrong. Family is more important than anything else in the world. A day won’t hurt anypony in Canterlot, and you know it. You just can’t face Celestia alone, can you?”

Sin looked away, blushing. “She’s my mother, but I don’t want to hurt her again by telling her about everything that’s happened.”

Ignition frowned. “So, that’s it then? Hurt her once, maybe leave her to tears, and then wander off into the world to have all these adventures alone? She’s family, Sin! Look at my father. He’s protective, but he let me go out into the world, to spy on my brother and make sure he’s okay… That didn’t work out so well, but he’s happier knowing about Inferno’s death than not at all.”

Sin nodded. “You think I should go back to Canterlot and talk with Princess Celestia, and maybe work something out?”

Ignition replied with, “If you don’t, then I’m not helping you. Think about this, Sin. If you can work out a compromise between me, you and my dad, then you can certainly persuade your mother into not holding you back. Not to mention, it’ll feel good to see her again. You’ll only be taking a small amount of love, and finally, I’ll be there with you, by your side… It’s odd, how I forgot you’re still family deep down.”

Sin giggled, “Just a moment ago, you were threatening to kill me.”

Her companion confessed, “I’m gonna be your friend because my dad’s making me… but, I’m not gonna forgive you killing Inferno… Not just yet.”

Sin looked up at the mare. “I thought you were never going to forgive me.”

“Maybe I won’t, but chilling with you might be fun.”

“You think Wilderness will mind having you along?”

Ignition chuckled, “He took you in, didn’t he?” She looked at Sin in the eyes. “And you’re the most different of us all. Don’t think I’m not gonna hold you to that match, though.”

Sin blinked. “Why would we fight if we’re friends?”

Ignition smirked, and said, “Because, I wanna see that wish making business put to practice real soon here. Mind you, I've got some tricks, too.” As she stood up, she nodded, and then helped Sin stand as well. “We’d better get back to the city. Dad’s probably calmed everypony down enough by now, and has your friend either in bed asleep or in the dining hall eating.”

Sin said, “It feels good to hear that.” With a quick flick of her horn, the two were brought back to the stadium. Once inside the royal domains located in the very back of many winding alleyways, Sin and Wilderness followed the king to their rooms and began packing for the trip back to Canterlot. Sin, the most nervous of the three was having second thoughts, but those would go away once she and Ignition met again. The only way to get followers at this point, it’d seemed, was to do as her new friend suggests, and visit some old friends.