• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 1,026 Views, 4 Comments

Words That We Couldn't Say - fic Write Off

23 Nov 2012 MLPchan /fic/ Write-off Entries

  • ...

We'll Keep In Touch

Twilight stood opposite Rainbow Dash on the train platform, a pink wool scarf wrapped tightly around her neck and a pair of saddlebags strung over her back. Dash had her own scarf, the navy blue one Twilight had given her for Hearth’s Warming Eve. Rainbow Dash’s lips trembled as she looked at her friend’s face.

“Well...” Twilight said, kicking at the thin layer of snow on the ground. “I guess this is goodbye again. At least for a little while.”

“Yeah...” Dash tried not to be too choked up. She didn’t want her sniffling to be Twilight’s last memory of her before leaving. “It’s, uh, going to be a while until you get another chance to visit, huh?”

Twilight cast her eyes towards the station floor, her smile fading slightly with a mirthless chuckle. “Yeah. It was nice spending time with you girls again. It sort of reminded me of the good-ol’-days.”

“Yeah, me too. The group’s not the same without you.” Dash scratched the back of her head and tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to mind. “Um, st-study hard, you hear? Canterlot’s a big town, and it isn’t going to be easy proving you’re the best unicorn around.”

“Yeah,” Twilight said, giggling, her smile returning. “I’ll do my best.”

“And, uh... And, uh...” Dash bit her lip, staring down at her hooves and the snow and the red brick platform where she’d scraped the snow away. “I, uh...”

“And?” Twilight tilted her head, her smile just as bright as usual.

Dash looked up and her eyes met Twilight’s. At that moment, Dash choked. She wished she didn’t, but she did. “Oh, nothing.” She waved a hoof dismissively, chuckling nervously. “Lost my train of thought!”

Twilight looked to their side, where the train was pulled into the station and waiting, its seats and quarters empty on such a late run on a cold night. “Speaking of trains, I should probably...” she trailed off, giving a meaningful glance between Dash and the train.

“Oh, right.” Dash’s ears drooped, pressing flat against her head as a cold breeze passed through the station.

“Hey,” Twilight said, reaching out and rubbing Dash’s shoulder. “It’s not like we’re never going to see each other again. I’m sure I’ll be able to visit when I get some time off in the summer.”

Summer. It sounded like an eternity away for Dash. “Yeah...”

Twilight chewed her lip. She reached back into one of her saddlebags, pulling out a long, thin rectangular case, its silver cover filled with small, detailed etchings. “I got you a second present. I saw it in a shop in Canterlot and thought you might like it.”

Twilight gave it to Dash. Dash looked down at the casing, struggling to read the cursive etched onto it under the dim platform lights—though she recognized the patterns around it to be feathers. She opened the case. Inside was a gold-painted quill sitting on a red velvet bed along with a few small cartridges of ink sitting in the top-left corner.

A small piece of parchment fell from the lid of the case. Dash picked it up, a puzzled look crossing her face as she read it. “What’s this?”

“It’s where I’m staying in Canterlot. This way we can write to each other until I come back. I thought it might help to bridge the gap between visits.”

Dash stood, silently staring at the small silver case she’d been handed. Sitting down, she ran a hoof along the quill; it felt even softer than her own feathers.

Across from her, Twilight’s smile faded. “Don’t you like it?”

Her voice snapped Dash out of her thoughts, she glanced between Twilight and the quill. “No, no, I absolutely love it.”

Twilight let out a small sigh of relief, reaching back and closing the cover of her saddlebag. “Good,” she said, giving Dash a nod and a smile. She turned and walked on the train, stopping at the top of the metal steps to face Dash. “We’ll keep in touch.”

Dash smiled weakly and gave her a nod. “Yeah.”

The train’s whistle blew, signalling a minute until departure. For a while neither of them spoke, neither quite knowing what to say. Dash shivered from the frigid air. She bit her scarf and wrapped it tighter around her neck, refusing to let the cold get to her. She saw Twilight catch the action and smile.

“It’s a lot colder up in Canterlot,” Twilight said, glancing into the window of the passenger car on her side.

Dash grinned and shook her head. “Yeah, I don’t know how you stand it up there. Just be careful you don’t freeze your tail off while you’re there.” Her smile disappeared, her eyes lowering to the wheels and chassis of the cars. “And I’ll be sure to write often, so you make sure you reply, okay?”

“Promise,” Twilight said, crossing her heart.

The train’s engine slowly began to chug, a billow of smoke pouring out the chimney of the front car as it started to move. Twilight gave Rainbow Dash one last wave goodbye and stepped into the passenger car. And long after the train peeled away from the station, its cars and lights just a distant line in the night, Dash stood on the platform, staring after it.

She tore her gaze away from the distant darkness, glaring down at the snow with a frown upon her face, kicking it angrily and mumbling to herself. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She stared at the snow she kicked and sighed, a light snowfall beginning to dance to the ground around her.

A week passed. Rainbow Dash couldn’t bring herself to write anything after Twilight left. But after the first week, her desire to talk to Twilight again began to outweigh her anxiety. The golden quill Twilight gave her was amazing—at least as far as Dash knew—and she almost felt bad using it to scrawl her messy writing down on parchment. She botched the first three letters. The first two because her words kept coming out wrong, and the third because she spilled a cartridge of ink across the paper. After two weeks, and on the fourth letter, she mailed her, writing the address Twilight gave her on the small piece of paper in her quill case, which she had committed to memory. The letter she wrote read:

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

It’s been forever since I’ve written a letter. My writing’s probably messier than you’re used to, so sorry about that. Maybe I’ll see if Rarity can give me some writing lessons. Her writing’s always impeccably neat.

The girls are doing fine. We all had lunch over at Fluttershy’s the other day. Would you believe it? She accidentally put out six placemats and chairs instead of five. It’s like she thought you were still here or something. She blushed like mad at first, but then everyone sort of grew quiet. We already miss you again, Twilight.

Sometimes I even forget you’re gone. I went by the library the other day to return a Daring Do book, and when I opened the door, I half expected to see you there sorting books or reading through something yourself. I can’t tell you how disappointing it was to see Ms. Featherduster’s old wrinkled face there instead of yours.

And I’m really sorry about taking this long to write. I wanted to send something sooner, but every time I sat down and put pen to paper my mind would just suddenly draw a blank, even if I knew what I was going to write before.

Anyways, everyone here’s doing fine. I hope you are too.

- Rainbow Dash

It was only five days before Rainbow Dash recieved a reply in the mail.

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow,

I’ve been doing well in Canterlot. Winter’s in full swing here now, so I’m mostly just staying indoors and reading things by the fire. Your letter was the best thing I’ve read since getting here (even if the writing was a little bit messy).

It’s actually nice in a way to hear that the other girls miss me. I miss them a lot, too, and I was slightly afraid that I’d leave and no one would even be able to tell the difference. I guess it’s nice to know that I had a place in Ponyville. I’m still trying to figure out what my place is in Canterlot.

I wish I had more to talk about, but I haven’t gotten much studying done. The library isn’t all that close to where I’m staying, and we’re buried in knee-high snow over here.

I’ve missed each of you every bit as much as you’ve missed me.

- Twilight Sparkle

The day Rainbow Dash received the letter she read it exactly a dozen times, once right after bringing it inside, three times over breakfast, six times by dinner, and twice more when she lay in bed, right before drifting off to sleep. Reading the letter had filled her with a sort of energy, one she had been severely lacking since Twilight left.

The next morning, Dash visited Rarity. She knocked on her door and asked politely if she could come in.

They talked over brunch: a combination of danishes, croissants, and warm butter, during which, Rainbow Dash showed her the letter Twilight wrote. Rarity stayed quiet as she read, a smile slowly spreading across as she read each sentence, and when she was done, she read it once more.

Then Dash showed Rarity her letter, and explained that she wanted writing lessons. Rarity explained how busy her schedule was, and how little time she had, but still, she agreed to teach her. Because no matter how busy she was, she couldn’t bring herself to say no.

So Rainbow Dash spent a couple hours each morning at Rarity’s, learning not only proper calligraphy, but also how to write a good letter.

It was a week from receiving Twilight’s letter that Rainbow Dash replied:

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

A week’s passed since I got your letter. I must have read it a hundred times by now, and I can picture every word, and every sentence being said by you.

I also started training and flying again. I’ll be honest, I was sort of down in the dumps for a while after you left. Who would’ve thought I’d miss having someone who I can talk to books about, right? I actually haven’t even touched the next Daring Do book. Between writing practice with Rarity, working at the weather center, and training, the book’s managed to slip my mind. And, I mean, it’s just not the same reading it without you to talk to. A lot of the fun I had with those books was dropping by the library and hanging out with you after reading a chapter or two.

Fluttershy has been pretty busy spending this week checking on all the hibernating animals, making sure their dens and burrows haven’t caved in or anything. Pinkie Pie has been mercilessly throwing herself into baking. She’s gotten it in her head that she’s going to cook an entire batch of cookies for everypony in Ponyville. She says she feels bad that only her friends got to try her Hearth’s Warming Eve cookies, so she’s baking them for everyone. Applejack’s... well, I don’t know actually. I haven’t heard from her in a while. I should probably go check up on her. Make sure the snow didn’t collapse her barn or something.

Rarity’s the only one who I get to see. And it’s not because she isn’t busy—it’s the complete opposite, actually, she’s probably the busiest out of all of us here in Ponyville. She’s been teaching me how to write cursive, and how to write letters, despite being really busy.

It feels like we’re slowly slipping apart. You’re the one who brought us all together in the first place, and without you we’re slowly drifting back to where we were.

I forgot how boring Ponyville was before you showed up.

- Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash passed the letter off at the postal office. And then, she waited.

It was two and a half weeks before she received a reply, and when she did she tore a rip halfway through Twilight’s letter in her haste to open it. She’d had a small panic attack after tearing it, scrambling to her kitchen and trying to look for some glue or tape to hold it back together. Eventually, she calmed down and set the damaged letter on her kitchen table, holding the two halves together, and read it. It was short, only two sentences long.

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I’ve read your letter at least five times. I’m confused, who exactly is drifting apart?

- Twilight Sparkle

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Me, Applejack, Rarity, everyone. It’s just like none of us can find time to be with each other anymore. I just don’t know what to do about it.

- Rainbow Dash

Less than a week later, Rainbow Dash received a reply.

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow,

I’m... really sorry to hear that. I had no idea.

I’ve been really busy lately, and I feel awful knowing that my leaving left this kind of void in our group friendship. The time I spent with you girls in Ponyville will always be the best time of my life, and nothing will ever manage to change that.

Listen, Rainbow Dash, I know you, and everyone else is busy, but please do me a favor. Don’t let them drift away. I need you to keep the group together in my absence. I know that what we had wasn’t all because of me, and I know you girls will be able to find that same magic again without me. You just need to try.

Please, Rainbow.

- Twilight Sparkle

After reading the letter, Rainbow Dash sat down for a while and stared blankly at the paper. She didn’t read it a dozen times like the last letter, she just stared blankly at it, thinking about the brief message it held.

When Dash showed up at Rarity’s that morning, they sat down and talked instead of having practice as usual. Rainbow Dash shared a plan to get the girls back together, how they would all visit each other once a week on the same day of the week, and each time the pony whose house they met at would change.

It took an hour to convince Rarity, and another three to visit all the others and convince them, too. All of them had the same gripe of having a packed calendar. Eventually they settled on Wednesdays, which happened to be tomorrow, in fact. And after Rainbow Dash had taken them all out for lunch, not having much of a home for her wingless friends to go to, she went home and wrote another letter.

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

I did it! I did it! I did what you said and got everyone to meet once a week! I’m writing this right after having lunch with the girls. It was great, everyone just sorta fell right into talking. It was just like old times when you were in Ponyville!

We all felt pretty silly after lunch. I think almost all of us left wondering why we hadn’t done something like that sooner. I think this is the happiest I’ve been since Hearth’s Warming Eve.

But it still wasn’t the same without you. Don’t get me wrong, it was great and it’s awesome getting to spend time with each other again, but I still miss you.

I want to know how you’re doing.

- Rainbow Dash

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow,

I miss you a lot, too. More than the other girls, if I had to admit it. I miss your excitement and enthusiasm—they’re rare commodities in my life right now, and the only times I really feel them is when I read your letters.

I don’t want to bore you with the details. I don’t even know what there is to tell; most of my day is just spent reading or attending boring political functions at the castle. Even Spike’s been bored to tears since we got back.

- Twilight Sparkle

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Then don’t tell me about the details, just tell me about you.

- Rainbow Dash

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow,


I feel as though I’ve hit a wall. I’m spending all my day studying history, relics of the past, and long theses of magic written by modern unicorns who I don’t even know to impress their colleagues whom I’ve never met. I feel like I’m running on the spot, and ever since leaving Ponyville again I’ve fallen into a slump. I just don’t know why I’m even doing this anymore. I’m butting heads with an iron wall, hoping it’ll budge an inch, and all the while my skull is cracked and I’m missing the steadily growing light-headedness I get for trying.

Your letters and my duty to the Princess are the only things keeping me going. But I don’t know how long that will last.

- Twilight Sparkle

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

I’ll write more often.

- Rainbow Dash

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

Your letter about being stuck in place made me remember my dream about being in the Wonderbolts—I can hardly believe I forgot it.

I’ve started scheduling my training more and taking less hours at work. I guess I’ll have to learn how to cook cheap food. Er, cheaper food, that is.

The others are doing good. We made a point of always putting out friendship above work, and so far no one’s missed a meetup yet. Although there was that one that Rarity was an hour late to—but nevermind that.

I’ve stopped taking writing lessons, it’s mostly self improvement from here on out. Can you tell I’ve gotten better?

- Rainbow Dash

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow,

If I hadn’t seen the steady progress in each letter, I would never believe someone if they told me that last letter had been written by you. It looks even neater than Fluttershy’s writing. (But don’t tell her I said that!)

It makes me really happy to hear you’re pursuing your dream eagerly again. Having personally seen your flying save Equestria more than once, I just know you’ll get into the Wonderbolts; I’ve never seen a better flier than you.

In fact, what’s stopping you from applying right now?

- Twilight Sparkle

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Uh, right now?

- Rainbow Dash

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

Sure, why not?

- Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Dash sat at her kitchen table staring at the last letter for over an hour, its three simple words, Sure, why not? staring back at her.

But after a while, Twilight’s earlier letter caught her eye.

I’m butting heads with an iron wall, hoping it’ll budge an inch, and all the while my skull is cracked and I’m missing the steadily growing light-headedness I get for trying.

When she looked at all the letters together, it begged the question that she had been failing to ask herself all this time: what was she doing?

Rainbow Dash got out a fresh piece of paper and her quill.

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Spitfire

Dear Spitfire,

It’s been a while since we last met. I hope you still remember me.

I’ve been practicing and I think I’m ready to give it a shot. I was wondering if you guys could hold a tryout for me sometime.

- Rainbow Dash

She fiddled with the edge of the paper for a while, thinking about everything that had happened in the past few months. Before going to practice, she mailed the envelope off, struggling to keep the thought of Spitfire’s reply out of her head all the while as she did her maneuvers.

A few days after sending it off, she wrote another letter to Twilight.

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

I did it. I sent a tryout request to Spitfire a few days ago.

This week has sucked. I couldn’t even enjoy the meetup with Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack because I’ve been to busy biting my hooves over the response I’ll get.

What if they reject me? What if they accept and I fail the tryout? What if they accept and I do well in the tryout? The last one shouldn’t frighten me, but it does for some reason and I don’t know why.

I need something to distract me. Could you tell me what it’s like living in Canterlot?

- Rainbow Dash

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow,

The sun rises early and sets late from the slope of the mountain, and the sunrises and sunsets here are beautiful. The cold air actually causes the clouds and sky to bounce light from the sun off differently, but I won’t get into the science of it, just know that the hues of pink and purple that spread across the sky blend together in a way that you always hear about, but never really see.

The city itself is a center for scholars, magical and otherwise. They have three libraries, none of them near where I live, but still, three libraries. And each of them holds books found no place else. The bookworm in me couldn’t be happier.

The rest of me is another story. I miss having friends—and I miss you. I never had any friends when I lived in Canterlot before, and now it’s practically impossible to make any with how I’ve been thrown into my studies. The only pony I really have to confide in here is the Princess, but there’s some things you just don’t waste a Princess’ time talking about.

I miss Ponyville’s community. That to me is the biggest difference moving back here.

- Twilight Sparkle

Whenever Rainbow was tempted to bite her hoof, whenever she began feeling anxious about her letter to Spitfire again, she read Twilight’s letter about Canterlot. She carried it with her for a week, and halfway through that week she could recite the letter from memory. Each time she read it she could close her eyes and almost picture the sunsets, the stiff and regal ponies at the castle, and libraries as big as gymnasiums filled with stories of bookshelves so high a ladder was needed to reach anything but the bottom shelves. She could picture Twilight sitting there, reading them all, and that thought made her smile.

One night, while smiling, she sat down and wrote a reply:

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

You’ve never stopped being a part of the community here, we still talk about you all the time. Applejack told us a funny story about you at the last meetup. I don’t even remember what it was about, but it was the best story I’ve heard in years.

I’ve been reading your letter constantly. For some reason I’m not all that worried about the reply from Spitfire anymore. I’ve sort of entered a zen (is that what you call it?) state about the whole matter, figuring that whatever happens, happens, and that there’s absolutely no use thinking about it.

I helped Applejack repaint a barn a couple days ago. It was cool getting a chance to hang out with her again. I should see what Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are doing and see if I can do something with them, too.

Oh, speaking of the other girls, we started to call our weekly dates “Sparkle Meetups”. Totally lame, right? Well you’d probably be surprised to find out that I came up with the idea, then. It sounds horribly cheesy every time I say it, but I can’t help the smile I get every time I say it, too.

- Rainbow Dash

It was only a few days later that Dash recieved a reply from Spitfire. Like ritual, she had sat down at her kitchen table and read it, all the other letters she received in a small pile on the table next to her. And as she read the reply, her heart leapt with joy.

From: Spitfire
To: Rainbow Dash

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I’m glad you contacted me. It’s been a while since we last met, and while we haven’t met often, you’ve managed to really impress me every single time. I’ve seen you fly, and I can say with the utmost confidence that you are one of the best and most talented fliers Equestria has to offer.

Unfortunately, the Wonderbolts roster is locked in contract for a year and a half. Our main roster, and substitute roster will remain full until that time, or until a breach of contract (which isn’t very likely).

I’m sorry. This must be difficult to hear, but you’re going to have to wait at least a year before we can try you out for the team. Know that if you do decide to try out in a year, you’ll have my vote of confidence.

-Wonderbolts Captain, Spitfire

It was the strangest thing. By the end of the letter Rainbow Dash had a full blown smile upon her face. She felt bad for feeling such joy at hearing the bad news, but it was overwhelmed by the immense relief she felt at not having to worry about the Wonderbolts for an entire year.

But this troubled Dash. And she spent the next three days with a furrowed brow and a frown on her face, thinking about why she’d been so happy whilst reading the letter. Some of her friends even tried to figure out what was wrong with her; the Rainbow Dash they knew wasn’t one to be lost in deep thought for so long. And indeed, somewhere in her puzzling, she puzzled about why she was spending so much time puzzling over this.

It was on that third night, while lying in bed, that she had a realization.

Forgoing sleep, she hopped out of bed and grabbed the letter Twilight had written her about Canterlot out from her writing desk drawer.

The paper in front of her was just a formality with how many times she’d read it. Instead of looking at the paper, she closed her eyes and listened to the letter in Twilight’s voice, taking what she knew of Canterlot and picturing it with what Twilight described in her letter.

She saw Twilight standing by a railing overlooking the plains surrounding Canterlot with the sunrise in the background, her hair blowing softly in the breeze and a peaceful smile upon her face. Dash could still picture her smile. Even after all the months that had passed, she still remembered their parting in vivid detail, from Twilight’s eyes to the chill of the winter breeze and the snow beneath her hooves.

With all that in mind, Dash wrote a letter.

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

I got a reply from Spitfire a few days ago. She told me I wouldn’t be able to tryout for the Wonderbolts for at least another year. Something about contracts.

But here’s the thing: I’m not at all sad or discouraged about it. I’m actually kind of relieved. I grew up dreaming about becoming a Wonderbolt, and now that I’m there, I don’t really want to be one anymore. I hope you’re not disappointed, or that you think my dream has died, I actually feel a lot better now than I have these past few weeks. And just now, lying in bed, I realized I have a new dream.

I need to see you. That day when we said goodbye on the train platform, there was something I desperately wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know what it was.

Well, I’ve remembered.

- Rainbow Dash

From: Twilight Sparkle
To: Rainbow Dash

I don’t think I’ll be able to get away from the work I have to do here. My calendar is filled until summer.

Can it wait?

- Twilight Sparkle

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle


- Rainbow Dash

A few days later, without telling anypony, Rainbow Dash caught a train to Canterlot.

Dash sat on one a seat in one of the passenger cars, her eyes fixed on the small silver case in her hooves, tracing its etchings. She only brought two items: that, and the scarf Twilight had also given her during her visit on Hearth’s Warming Eve.

She popped open the quill case and stared at the golden quill inside. It looked so different now, having seen use. But in a way its nicks and damages made it more beautiful to Rainbow Dash than when she first saw it. It had character and personality, and it was hers. Picking it up, she traced the vane of the feather with her hoof, the feel of its ridges and barbs a familiar comfort.

The train’s whistle blew. Dash’s head snapped up and looked around. The train was riding on a hill, steadily climbing higher, and all around it were mountains and open plains. Rainbow Dash leaned her head against the window and looked ahead, seeing that the train station was in sight. The chugging of the trains wheels began to slow down, and Dash snapped her quill case shut, tucking it back in a saddlebag she’d brought along and making her way to the front of the passenger car.

The sound of the train became deafening when she stepped outside. Even with it slowing down, the rattling of the wheels on the track and a steady metal banging hurt her ears. The train continued to slow down and enter the station. Dash hopped off it while it was still moving, landing at a trot on the platform.

She looked above the sea of ponies surrounding her, spotting a map posted to the side of a pillar just a short distance away. She walked up to it and stared at it, her eyes lost in all the small addresses written on it.

A passerby bumped into her, and Dash turned around to see a stallion walking past. “Hey! Excuse me!”

The stallion turned to her, raising an eyebrow.

Dash quickly took the quill case out of her bag and popped it open, showing him the small piece of paper inside. “Can you show me where this is on the map?”

The stallion looked down at the address, before pointing to a spot on the map. “It’s here, right outside the castle grounds.”

Dash stared at the spot for a few seconds, committing it to memory, and then turned back to the stallion. “Okay, thanks!”

He gave her a stiff nod and walked off.

Rainbow Dash walked to the exit of the station, a nervous excitement filling up her chest as she took off and flew towards the place on the map.

“She’s not here.”

“Huh? What do you mean she’s not here?” Rainbow Dash asked, staring down at Spike. “When’s she going to be back?”

Spike shrugged. “Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow?”


“She pulls all nighters studying at the castle library all the time. I pretty much just look after the place so that when she gets back she can go right to bed.”

Rainbow Dash fidgeted, glancing back over her shoulder at the view of the castle. “Do you know how I can get to see her?”

Spike motioned for her to come inside, walking over to a desk up against the wall. He opened a drawer and took out a piece of paper, then opened the two drawers below it, a frown marring his face. “Hey, do you have a pen or a quill?”

Dash smirked, reaching back into her saddlebag and taking out her case. “Mind if I write it?”

“Yeah, sure, go ahead.” Spike walked over to a bookshelf on the opposite side of the room, returning to a pile of books he’d been sorting. “Just remember to address it to the Princess.”

Dash sat down at the desk, popping open the case, and began to write.

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Princess Celestia

Dear Princess Celestia,

I need to talk to Twilight. It’s important. Please give her my letter and tell her to meet me in the castle garden.

- Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash set her quill down, staring at the brief message for a moment in thought. Suddenly, an idea struck her. Reaching into the drawer, she pulled out another piece of paper and placed it on the desk, moving her original letter to the side. Spike stopped sorting his books to look at her, watching her quickly jot down a few lines. She put her quill back in its case and snapped the case shut, rolling up the two letters and handing them to Spike.

Spike took them, no questions asked, and sent them both off in a puff of green flame. “What was the second one for?”

Rainbow Dash left her saddlebag by the desk and stood to leave, stopping in front of the doorway. “For Twilight,” she said, and walked out the door.

Rainbow Dash sat on a bench in the middle of Canterlot gardens, inside the visitor’s grounds of the castle. Short, wiry trees, just getting their first buds of the season, lay scattered around her. White lights dangled from the trees’ branches and lined the cement walkways through the garden. It was getting late. The sky had changed to a golden yellow, the sun floating just off the horizon.

Dash sighed, her heart sinking. She’d been waiting for hours. She gladly would have waited longer if it meant she got to see her. But the reality that Twilight wasn’t coming was beginning to sink in, and her nose and ears were quickly reddening as it grew colder.

Standing, Dash was ready to leave. But then the sound of hoofsteps came from behind her. She froze, slowly turning around.

Standing on the walkway just a short distance away was Twilight. For a while, both of them simply stared, a thick silence caught between them.

Twilight broke it first. “I got your letter,” she said, a red hue creeping up onto her cheeks. “I got here as soon as I could.”

“Oh...” Rainbow Dash said lamely, staring down at her hooves. “Did you read it?”

Twilight swallowed and slowly nodded. “Why tell me that through a letter, though?”

Dash looked away, pawing the ground with her hooves and flattening her ears against her head. “Last time I wanted to say it was when I last saw you, at the station.” She took a shaky breath, the cold air filling her lungs. “I was afraid I might not be able to say it again, so I wrote it down.”

Twilight covered her mouth and shook her head. She paced back and forth across the narrow walkway, blinking constantly and giving Rainbow Dash a nervous glance every few seconds. Eventually she stopped and she hung her head, her mane falling over her eyes.

“Did... did you mean it?” she asked, the words escaping her like a last breath.

Wordlessly, Dash walked over to her. She stopped in front of her, lifting a hoof and tilting her chin up.

Their eyes met. Twilight’s eyes were the same shade of violet Rainbow Dash remembered. And they stared up at her with uncertainty, searching her own eyes for reassurance. Dash’s heart began to pound, and she imagined her own eyes to hold just as much uncertainty as Twilight’s.

Before either of them knew what they were doing, their lips met in a kiss.

The cold vanished instantly, replaced by a warmth that spread from Rainbow’s lips throughout the rest of her body. Twilight’s hooves wrapped around her neck and pulled her closer, pulled her down into the kiss, and she felt Twilight’s warm, soft chest press up against hers, the fine hairs on the unicorn’s coat sliding against her own. All her pent up feelings, all her frustrations, all her need for Twilight was channeled into her lips, and she could feel the same from Twilight.

They broke the kiss and looked at each other, their noses just barely touching. Twilight’s eyes seemed different than before. They seemed happy. And Rainbow Dash let out a small laugh as she couldn’t help the gigantic smile that spread across her face.

“What will we do now?” Twilight asked, still searching Dash’s eyes.

“Ponyville, Canterlot,” Rainbow Dash said, “it doesn’t matter. I’ll go wherever you are.”

A warm smile spread across Twilight’s face. Suddenly, she looked up.

Dash followed her eyes and saw the sky had become painted bright pink, spotted with clouds of a deeper purple. “It’s just like your letter,” Dash said, staring up at it.

Twilight nodded, quietly staring up at it.

Rainbow Dash wrapped a wing around Twilight. And the two of them lingered in the garden until dark, watching the sky, caught between winter and spring, as it changed with the setting sun.

From: Rainbow Dash
To: Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

I’ve fallen in love with you.

- Rainbow Dash