• Published 28th Nov 2012
  • 2,882 Views, 57 Comments

Pip's new home - Delitor

Pip recieves a mysterious letter inviting him to a dinner in the royal caslte

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Chapter 3. Pip's New Family

Pipsqueak was in a forest, but he did not feel all that lost. He was on a beaten road slowly trotting through the forest filled with beautiful red, orange, and yellow leaves the smell of spices whifting through the air. The moon was already out even though the sun had not set yet. The feeling and essence of autumn was alive and well that afternoon.

The sun finished setting and the animals very slowly went to bed. All the while Pip was still walking into the road he knew was leading to the center of ponyvile; his new home. Pip was dressed as a pirate, one of his favorite characters from one of his favorite books actually. Pip was happy enough; this was his first Nightmare Night after all. He had been much too young before but this was a new year and a new town, much smaller and harder to get lost in. And Pip knew that he would remember this night for the rest of his life.

He gazed upon the moon; it was beautiful and glowing as always. Pure white, pip was almost too young to remember when the moon was still marred by the face of nightmare moon. And as his own opinion, he didn't care if he remembered that moon again; for this pure moon he was looking upon was the most beautiful thing he believed he would ever see in his life.

Just as Pip was done gazing at the moon he was startled awake. A palace guard was over his head with a kind face.

"Princess Luna has gone to bed for the day. Before she left she asked that I awoke you before lunch." said the guard.

"Thanks" Pip awoke, raising slowly and remembering last night.

He thought of the beautiful moon last night, large and bright with all the stars almost bowing down to it in all of its glory. Then he blushed as he remembered that it was the second night in a row that he had spent with Princess Luna.

He turned and left the garden to go and get some lunch, still feeling halfway asleep, with the nagging feeling that something important was still slipping his mind. His parents were already in the dining hall with princess Celestia chatting about the affairs of his father’s architecture. Pip still didn't understand all of his father’s drawings accept that he built homes for other ponies, and his mother being upset at his father sometimes charging less for those homes than the building materials cost.

Pip immediately woke up once he saw what was for lunch, his own personal favorite from the train ride up: daffodil soufflé.

"Thank you ever so much princess!" pip exclaimed with a smile.

"It’s the least I could do for you young pip, you have already done a great deed for my own family" said princess Celestia.

That's when pip remembered the rest of last night, about the decision and Princess Luna holding him the entire night as they gazed at the stars. Pip couldn't help from blushing at the memory.

Princes Celestia chuckled merrily under her breath. "So pip I would say that you are a member of our own family now"

The princess then got up and walked toward the door "I still have matters to attend to, pleas eat all you would like, oh and Princess Luna will be getting up earlier today to help us wish your parents a safe trip"

After princess Celestia left pip couldn't help but ask, "Wish you a safe trip? Did I miss something?"

"Your father is away from a big project that will be bringing in a lot of business I'm sorry darling," replied his mother almost crying.

"Don’t worry about it too much son, your young but you are shaping up to be a fine colt." interjected his father.

Pip's father’s last comment made a feeling of pride rush into his chest. His father never complemented ANYPONY, not even Pipsqueak or his mother, or even his workers; it was primarily criticism on how they could do better next time. Pip couldn't help but cry.

"Stop your crying. It isn't like you already knew, I mean a princess invited you out, that alone says everything about your character." pips father said gruffly, the grey pony shaking his head to hide his emotion on having to leave so soon.


It was four hours later when Princess Luna woke up, clearly not an afternoon person it took her half an hour to get ready. Within the hour they were all going down to the train station to say their temporary goodbyes. Pips mother holding him and crying ecstatically while his father tried his best to look indifferent. Then, the train left, with pips mother and father both waving goodbye. Both princess Celestia and her sister Luna went over to pip and comforted him.

It was a mildly quiet ride back to the castle, pip was sniffling and Princess Luna was trying her best to cheer Pip up with some rather bad jokes.

"It won’t be a thousand years before you see them again," and "never fear, we can just give them a good scare when they show up, ha-ha" being some of the personal favorite bad jokes that princess Celestia had ever heard.

When Pipsqueak and the princess' got back to the castle Celestia asked pip "we will have your things brought from ponyvile and have you a permanent room by the end of the week, the guest room seems a bit lonely so we need to find you someone to room with until that happens, do you have any idea who you would like to share a room with?"

Pip had no idea; the only ponies he really knew at the castle were Princess Luna, princess Celestia, and that royal guard who had spoken so highly of Princess Luna's work.

After a few minutes of thinking without finding a clear answer, one guard interjected "I apologize for this intrusion into your conversation, but I have overheard Princess Luna complaining about how her room was much too big for only one pony, maybe Pip could stay with her?"

After thinking about it Princess Celestia asked “any objections?"

Princess Luna shyly replied "not really"

Pip hopped with a "nope"


Pip put his temporary things in what he assumed was his own little spot in Princess Luna's chambers. He had his favorite blanket, his soft pajama hat, and his stuffed animal that had somehow earned the affectionate name of "Fummffy." The guard had supplied Pip with a small bed but it was definitely comfortable, if not too soft. He arranged his blanket on the bed and gently positioned Fummffy on his pillow, nodding and smiling at his tidiness.

Princess Luna walked in, followed by a pair of guards who seemed to be carrying a bag of some sort.

"Greetings young Pip, I have come with a welcome present," Princess Luna said and nodded to the guards who slowly sat down the bag and left the room.

"Oh what is it princess?" Pip said trying to hop into the bag to see his surprise only to be lifted up by Princess Luna's magic and sat on his bed.

Princess Luna used her magic to open the bag and she levitated a set of pajamas in the colours of violet, dark purple, and white. "These are for you, I had them custom made by my sisters favorite designer, we had them made before you came and if you had not accepted staying here… would have been a going away present," said Princess Luna as she laid them in front of Pip who immediately started to try them on.

"I love them, they are so soft!" Pip said as he got his head through the top, hugging Luna before he even finished the sentence.

Luna blushed and walked over to the window; staring at her night sky she looked away from pip where he couldn't see her face. "I'm glad," said the princess, her voice wavering, had Pip paid more attention he would have saw the princess smiling lightly and crying.

"The stars are so bright tonight, they are beautiful," said Pip absentmindedly.

"Yes, I wanted even the sky to greet you to your new home." then the princess quickly interjected, "now, you should get some sleep, and you have had a long and busy day."

"Awh, whyyyyyyyyyy? i want to stay up with you!" replied Pip.

"Nonsense, young ponies need their rest, there will be plenty of time for that when you are more settled."

Pip groaned and crawled his way into his new bed. Luna used her magic to tuck him in, which surprised Pip who hasn't been tucked in for ages. As pip slowly surrendered to the realm of dreams in his new pajamas and with Fummffy at his side, he could have sworn he heard Princess Luna singing.


The castle garden was beautiful that night. The birds were up later singing softly so they didn't wake any sleepers, the moonflowers were in bloom, dew glistening on their petals, and the apple tree was in season, ripe fruit hanging from its branches. Pip stared at the starry sky while taking a bite from a freshly picked apple, Sirius was shining brightly and then Pip starred at the moon, unmarred by Luna's banishment so long ago.

Princess Luna came up behind him and draped a Blanket around his shoulders; "you should be careful, you might catch a chill." she sat down next to him and starred up at the night sky with him.

"Are you done working on the stars for tonight? I noticed your work with Sirius, it was beautiful." Pip said.

"You know the constellations?" asked Princess Luna, with surprise obvious on her face.

"Yeah, after you left on nightmare night I admired you a lot... so I asked Ms. Cherilee to teach me about them," returned Pip and then he looked away blushing, trying to keep his admiration a secret but letting it slip out.

"I'm glad that someone as young as you would take an interest in what I do, I get a few "thank you" letters every now and then from sailors or scholarly ponies, but I didn't expect you," said Princess Luna

"Mhm," is all Pip could muster and he smiled at Luna, and the two of them watched the stars and the moon all night until dawn. The young foal, and the Returned Princess, both confused by this world, both finding solace in the other.


Pipsqueak woke up in his bed, remembering what had just happened perfectly, and as confused as he had ever been. He saw that the Princess was in bed, softly dozing, and that the sun was out. Stretching, he got out of bed and went down to the dining hall.

Once he got down there he learned he was just on time for breakfast, being a mere ten minutes early. When breakfast was beginning to be served, Princess Celestia walked through the door and sat down at her usual spot at the table. She then began to eat her toast.

"How was your first night as a resident of the castle?" the princess asked politely using her magic to wipe some jelly from her mouth.

"To be honest, I don't even remember sleeping, but i woke up in the bed rested" Pip said confused.

The princess only smiled and the two finished eating, it was a light breakfast today. Pip overheard a guard saying that later that afternoon there would be cooking contest in Canterlot square.

Hearing this, Pip got an idea and ran his way back to his and Princess Luna's room.

Author's Note:

I am back after a short hiatus, and plan to put more work and make this as good as i possibly can