• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

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Chapter 29: No Rest for the Weary

I see...” Admiral Gibson looked at Seth contemplatively through the screen. “Show me,” he ordered.

After hearing everything that took place after they went silent upon entering hostile space, Admiral Gibson became very interested in both Xander and the others’ new magical aptitude.

“I'm not very good yet, but I'll do my best,” Seth said as he backed up a little, so the Admiral could see. He held out his hand toward a datapad and wrapped it in a green aura. He lifted it toward himself and hovered it so it could be easily seen.

Why are your eyes green?” the Admiral asked.

Twilight stepped into view of the senior officer. “That, sir, is a reflection of one's magic. The eyes take on the color of a mage's aura. Ponies' eyes retain the color because our magic is always flowing naturally, but if one were to cut the flow of magic...” Twilight closed her eyes and focused. After around twenty seconds, she opened her eyes to reveal light brown eyes, “Our eyes revert to a non-magical color.” She took a breath and the violet color returned.

I see. This is excellent news. This may just be the thing to turn this battle. You said the orb was destroyed. Is there a way to recreate it?” Asked Gibson.

“I don't know how it worked,” Twilight answered, “I would like to research it, but the Alliance doesn't exactly have many books on magic.”

That's alright,” said the admiral, “I'm sure the Dratali do. And seeing as I'm sending you to a Dratali research facility, you just might find some.

“Sir?” Seth turned to the screen again with a frown. “New orders already?”

Yes, unfortunately you are the best equipped to deal with it, even more so now. One of our spies has reported that Dratali researchers have suddenly become very interested in something they found. It's believed to be a weapon, but its nature is unknown. Whatever it is, the attention it's getting means it's dangerous and needs to be taken out.

The admiral let out a heavy sigh, “I'm sorry for sending you right back out again, but no other ship would get even close. The White Wolf's stealth systems aren't even enough. They have several visual sensors in place that would alert them to our presence.

“I understand, sir,” Curt responded professionally, “When do we head out?”

As soon as you resupply. I'm sending you a packet with every known detail. Gibson out.

“Well...” Twilight said in a sarcastically chipper voice, “This sucks a bucket of dicks.”

Seth raised an eyebrow, “Debby's a bad influence on you.”

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“I agree,” Celestia gave a disapproving glance to the half-Aviva.

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“Oh come on!” Debby shouted indignantly, “We haven't had a break in like...almost a year! What the hell!”

“And what about Twilight,” Curt added, “The poor girl's been run through hell ever since she got here! She suffered through an attack and maimed, got bare bones training from us, some mystery training from what I'm convinced is a Dratali defector...”

“Curt, that's retarded. No Dratali has ever defected before and they never will,” Debby recited as if she's done so before.

“Whatever, still. I promised to show her Earth when we got back.”

“You still can,” Twilight smiled at him, “We're just not quite back yet.”

“Ugh... let's just get this over with,” Curt complained one last time before leaving the room.

“We’ll be arriving at Blue Star in a few hours. Get ready to get whatever you need. We'll have four hours. Dismissed,” Seth finished briefing his crew and went to make his own preparations.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight was glad that was over. As much as she found the Alliance fascinating, she hated being stared at everywhere she went. It wasn't like anything interesting happened anyway, unless you count some drunk asking how much for a ride. That being said, Twilight was starting to notice herself getting more violent. Less than a year ago she would never have struck another pony, especially in that sensitive of an area. Regardless to what happened, it was behind her, and they were once again on their way into Dratali space.

About five days out, Twilight awoke as she did every day. She bathed, cleaned her teeth, brushed her mane and tail, and put on her uniform. It was funny how normal wearing clothes had become. She even got embarrassed when Seth walked in on her getting ready for a shower once, because he saw her naked. It was especially funny to her seeing as she was naked when they met. She guessed it was the knowledge that nudity is associated with sex that made her not want to be naked around them.

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“You seem to be fine without clothes now,” Rarity pointed out.

“I rarely wore anything here before, so I don't associate Equestria with wearing clothes. That and almost everypony else being naked makes it more natural.”

A blush spread across Curt's face. “I just noticed we're surrounded by a bunch of super cute naked chicks.”

“No sleeping with my friends, Curtis,” Twilight gave him a glare.

“Keeping him all to yourself, Twilight?” Celestia teased.

“No, I'm just reminded of your old nickname, Princess Molestia,” Twilight smirked at her teacher.

Celestia looked away from the purple unicorn, “I-I was going through a bad time in my life. I felt alone and tried to cope with my grief in the hooves of others.”

Twilight was mortified. She knew she must have crossed a line. “Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, Princess. I shouldn't have-”

“Gotcha,” Celestia turned back with a cheeky grin.

“Wha! Oh you evil...” Twilight started.

“You've come far, my student, but you have a long way to go before you can compete with me.” She was joined in her laughing by Rainbow, Pinkie, Debby, and Curt.

“Let's just move on...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight noticed something rather odd this morning. No one was in the mess hall. Every morning Seth and Debby would be in the corner discussing the plan for the day, and Curt, Aden and Raak would be playing cards on the other table waiting for her to join in.

“Where is everyone?” She asked herself.

Just as she was getting ready to leave, her leg computer beeped. She opened her leg mounted datapad and looked at the message. Come to the lounge was all it said. Her overactive imagination took off. Did she say something wrong to someone? Did she unwittingly break some law she knew nothing about? As she made her way to the lounge, she became more and more nervous. This had never happened before. She's never been in as much trouble as she convinced herself she was in. She just knew it was goin-

“Surprise!” Twilight panicked at the sudden sensory assault and fired off a bolt of magic at the nearest figure. Luckily, Raak's quick reflexes let him avoid the attack by millimeters.

“Oh, shit! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!” She quickly apologized.

“A bit jumpy, Twilight,” Seth looked at her with concern, “Everything alright?”

“I'm sorry. I was just lost in thought and you startled me. Are you okay, Raak?” Twilight gave a concerned look to the Korg.

“I'm fine,” He replied.

“What's this for anyway?” Twilight asked, “It's not my... wait...” she looked at her computer and laughed, “How did I forget my own birthday?”

“We've had a lot going on recently, Sparkle Butt,” Curt laughed and gave his friend a pat on the back, “I think it can be excused this time. Now, let's par-tay!”

“I don't think even Pinkie could have put it better.”

A crew of six didn't make for a very exciting party, but Twilight did get to try a thousand year old Earth tradition called a “beer bong”. A simple funnel used to put copious amounts of alcohol into one's system as quickly as possible. Needless to say, it didn't take long for Twilight to become quite tipsy. She wasn't quite drunk but very close. She knew her limit pretty well by now, and decided to stop.

“I feel old,” Twilight slurred from nowhere.

“Where the hell'd this come from?” Curt asked.

“I'm twenty nine!” Twilight said indignantly, “One year away from thirty!”

“What's wrong with thirty?” Debby asked, feigning insult, “I'm thirty one.”

“Well, you're still hot.” Okay, perhaps Twilight was a little drunk.

Curt almost choked on his drink. “Damn, Twi. That's a hell of a thing to say.”

“What?” Twilight looked confused, “Doesn't 'hot' mean sexually attractive?”

“Ha!” Debby laughed, “I think you might have turned Twilight lesbian, Curt.”

“Hey!” Twilight looked insulted, “I'm not lesbian. I like stallions, too.”

“See,” Curt stuck a triumphant finger in the half-Aviva's face, “I didn't turn her - what do you mean 'too'?”

“What? I'm not lesbian,” Twilight stated, “I'm good with both.”

“Holy shit, Twilight, are you Bi?” Curt was astonished.

Twilight looked at him confused, “You say that like you're surprised. I'm sure Debby is, too.”

“Uhh...” was all the other female could say.

Twilight gasped, “Are you lesbian?”

“What? No!” Debby recoiled, “I'm completely hetero, dude.”

“Like a stallion?” Twilight tilted her head in thought.

“Huh?” came the voices of both Debby, Seth, and Curt.

Twilight looked at them extremely confused, “I think I'm missing something important here.”

“I'm pretty sure we are, too,” Seth managed to find his voice, “Are all ponies bisexual?”

“No,” Twilight answered, “Most mares are though.”

“Humans, Aviva, and Korg are typically heterosexual,” Curt explained, “Homosexuality and bisexuality are accepted, but uncommon.”

Twilight's eyes widened, “Wow, there must be a lot of lonely men then.”

“Why do you say that?” Curt asked.

“Well, there are so many more men than women, so unless you practice polygamy...” Twilight trailed off at the others' laughter. Even Aden and Raak, who had stayed out of the conversation until then, were rolling. “What?”

“I'm sorry, Twi,” Curt managed to calm his laughter enough to speak, “I forgot you haven't really seen anything outside the military here. The military is predominantly male, but men and women are about equal in numbers everywhere else.”

“Oh, huh...” Twilight contemplated that for a moment, “On Avol, mares outnumber stallions about eight to one. It's actually more common to see two mares together than a mare and a stallion.”

“Interesting,” Curt said scratching his chin, “What if those couples want children? Do you have artificial insemination?”

“No, but I might have to introduce that to Avol,” Twilight explained, “When female couples want foals, they ask a friend with a stallion to, uh... 'borrow' him for a night when they're in heat.”

“Huh...” Curt thought about that for a bit, “Cool. Who wants cake?”

“Uh, sure,” Twilight raised an eyebrow at the abrupt subject change.

Curt levitated the celebratory baked good from the counter to the table. Twilight's mouth watered at the sight of the delicious looking black forest cake.

“Show off,” Debby mumbled.

“If you practiced as much as he did, you'd be almost that good,” Twilight reprimanded, “He uses magic for everything he can. In fact, to practice, everyone should eat their cake only using magic. Have you been practicing Raak?”

In response, the Korg picked up a fork and bent it in his fingers as if it were paper.

“Impressive. Alright Curt, you may cut the cake.”

“Let's try this...” He lifted the knife in his blue aura. He moved slowly and carefully, passing the blade through the delicate treat. After the last cut, he let out a breath and wiped the sweat from his brow.

“That was good,” Twilight praised her friend, “I'll take it from here.”

Twilight levitated six plates and six slices of cake onto each, as she placed one in front of each of her friends and herself. They tore into the cake without mercy. Table manners didn't exist in Dratali space. By the time it was finished, only Twilight and Raak didn't have cake smeared on their faces. Everyone else had varying degrees of mess, from Curt's two smudges to Debby's chocolate mask.

“Well, that was actually kind of fun,” Seth said with a smile, “From now on, we eat every meal like this. Unless we're doing something important, we use magic for it if we can. We need to be proficient enough for it to be combat practical.”

“Yes sir,” came the replies his subordinates.

“You want your presents now or later?” Seth asked the birthday pony.

“You guys got me presents?” Twilight asked with a smile.

“Of course. It's your birthday. Here you go,” Seth levitated a plain white box in front of her.

Twilight levitated the top from the box and revealed a lovely set of three casual dresses.

“I know you've kinda gotten use to wearing clothes, but I noticed that other than your uniform you didn't have any, so...”

“Thank you, they're beautiful!” Twilight admired them for a moment, “Wait here.” She quickly teleported to the berthing and put on one of them. It was a simple yellow dress, with pink trim that matched the stripe in her mane. She teleported back and gave a little twirl, “How does it look?”

“Damn, girl, you sexy!” Curt said with a cat call.

“Oh stop,” Twilight blushed a little at the compliment.

“Then open my gift,” Curt passed the mare his gift. This one was in a thick unmarked carrying case. Twilight opened the case and gasped. “I remember how much you loved the history of World War Two, so I modeled this after the pistol used by the Allies, the M-1911. It's still an M-443, but I put some of those spell channels in it, so you can use magic on the rounds to shoot through shields and stuff.”

“It's great, Curt, thanks,” Twilight set it aside as she caught Debby's gift that nearly slammed into the table.

“Sorry, I guess this is why Seth wants us to practice...” Debby apologized, “I couldn't think of anything better, so I just got you a gift card to Chocolate Empire.”

“Dear sweet Celestia,” Twilight looked at the sacred object with awe, tears forming in the corners of her eyes “This is the greatest gift ever!”

Raak stood up and moved over to where the others had their gifts. He grabbed a long narrow box and placed it in front of her. Twilight opened the box and levitated out a long knife. It had a nine inch slightly curved blade, with a handle that looked like it was molded to be held in her mouth.

“Thanks, Raak. It's great.” She looked in the box again, a flash of color drawing her eyes. She lifted the piece of paper and her eyes grew wide, “A-and a voucher for...for sex!”

“What!” Raak fell out of his chair, before fixing Debby with a glare as she struggled to hold back a laugh.

“Hey, that's a great gift, Raak,” Said the redhead, “You should use it tonight.” Her resistance shattered and she doubled over on the table in laughter, pounding her fist on the surface.

“That isn't funny, Debby.” Raak stated.

“I know,” Twilight agreed, “...I was hoping it was real! Unless you want to let me use it anyway?” Raak gave her a deadpanned stare, “Fine...I'm framing this anyway.”

Aden stood up and clapped his hands together, “I do have an amazing gift for you, but unfortunately I'm not finished with it.”

“Is that what you've been doing in the hangar?” Twilight asked.

“Yes it is,” Replied the pilot and engineer, “I'm hoping it'll be done by the time we get back from this mission. Are you okay with waiting?”

“Of course, take your time. Although I am intrigued...” Twilight scratched her chin in thought, “Oh well, I’ll find out soon enough. Right now, though, my buzz is wearing off. Who wants to learn a unicorn drinking game?”

Author's Note:

This chapter brought to you by the Roanoke Valley Public Library System. Still no interwebs at home. I'll let you know when I get it back.

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