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A Week Before The Meeting

A week after the wedding in Canterlot, Princess Celestia increased the Royal Guards at the castle. She worried about the Elements of Harmony, so she went to check to on them. To her horror, she found them gone from the safe room. Immediately she set out for Discord’s statue, only to find nothing out of the ordinary. She immediately went back to the throne room and wrote a letter to Twilight Sparkle urging her come to Canterlott alone to discuss important matters.

A Day And Two Months Before The Meeting

Today went like any other day on the Island of Sodor, trains making deliveries and pushing and pulling full and empty troublesome trucks and passenger coaches around the island. After a long day of work, everyone, including the engines, fell asleep, except for one person, who was staring at night sky through a telescope. Just as this person went inside for a drink of coffee there was a bright light that flashed outside. As this person got to the balcony the person saw six shiny thing fall around the island, after that scene the person wrote down what happened , what time it happened, and then went straight to bed, thinking ‘The next few months I’m going to have migraines.’
The next day, a very concerned Sir Topham Hatt was talking to one his engines, saying “Thomas is it alright if I perform some safety modifications on Annie and Clarabel?”
Thomas nodded. “It’s alright with me, but you’re going to have ask them about it.”
Sir Topham Hatt turned to the pair, who had been listening to the others conversation. “Is it alright with you?”
“If it will keep our passengers safe we’re up for it,” they replied in unison.
Thomas turned back head honcho “How long will it take, sir?”
Sir Topham Hatt puffed out his chest and let out a tired huff “It will take about a month before they’re completed. Until then, Thomas, you’ll have the month to relax and have some fun.”
“OH thank you sir I need some time.” Then the sky blue engine chugged off to the steam works to drop off Annie and Clarabel. Thomas had some My Little Pony: Friendships Is Magic episodes to catch up on. As he thought about that idea, Thomas started to thinking to himself ‘It sure be nice to meet the mane six in pony,’ quickly followed by ‘Who I’m kidding, it’s not like the mane six will fall out the sky anytime soon.’ Little did he know, he was about to be proven wrong very soon.

Five Days Before The Meeting

Twilight Sparkle’s number one assistant Spike along with Owlowiscious were watching over the library while she was with the princess. Twilight’s friends were starting to worry about their friend, not having seen her in two days. Sure, they knew she had all-nighters, but at least she would be out and about the next day. They decided to go to the library to see if she was alright, but when they got there they only saw Spike keeping the place clean.
“May I help you girls with anything?” Spike said as he turned to face them.
Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up, “Spike have you seen Twilight?”
“No.” Spike replied “She went to Canterlott to see Princess Celestia.”
“Now darling, why would she do something like that without telling us first about it?” questioned Rarity.
Spike replied “It a matter of importance that she alone go to Canterlott to discuss a dire situation that could threaten all of Equestria! At least, I think that’s what she was ranting about…”
“Umm…do you know when she’ll be back, Spike?” Fluttershy asked softly.
“She will be back either today or tomorrow.” Spike answered flatly.


The others waited for Twilight at the train station, hoping she would tell them what the hay was going on with the elements. When Twilight arrived at the station, she had a grim look on her face, spotting her five friends and her assistant on the platform waiting for her. She told them to meet her in the library in ten minutes so she could explain what was happening. They did as they were told and left her so she could unpack her things. Or so they thought. After ten minutes they found that their friend had her saddlebags full to the brim, ready to burst open.
“Now sugarcube, you wanna tell us what’s going on here? And why are yer bags are fuller than Pinkie Pie when she eats 500 cupcakes in one go?” asked Applejack in her southern drawl.
Twilight answered “Girls, I have some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?”
“The bad news first Twilight. We want to know why the princess wanted to see only you.” They said, except for Pinkie, who kept right on talking.
“All the readers already know about the missing elements!” she yelled.
“Wat yall talkin’ bout Pinkie?”
“Pinkie Pie, you are so… random.” sighed Rainbow Dash exasperatedly.
“I was afraid you’d say that. Well, as Pinkie just said, the elements are missing and it wasn’t Discord this time. He is still stuck in his stone prison, the princess made sure of that; it was the first place she looked.” said Twilight with a depressed look on her face.
“So darling, what’s the good news? ” Questioned Rarity.
“I was getting to that, Rarity. With our combined magic, we found the elements on an island called Sodor, in another dimension. Apparently, something sent them there and we have no idea how. It will take some time to perfect a spell to get us there and back. As of now, they’re spread across the island. But we also felt a big storm about to hit the island, so who knows where the elements will end up. So I want the five of you to pack your bags because we’re going on a trip.” Twilight finished, looking down worriedly.

A Month Before The Meeting

Thomas was chugging around the island, taking in the sights and sounds of the island which calmed him down aside from the thought of MLP: FIM. It always annoyed him that he had to wait another week for the new episodes of the show. Right now he was speeding along one of Sodor’s many coastlines when he looked out to sea to see a large storm front approaching the island very slowly. By his math, the storm would hit the island with in a week. It would be a mean one by the looks of it. Most likely Sir Topham Hatt already knew about the storm by now, which meant that he would have to do more work to prepare the island with sandbags, extra rails to replace the damaged ones, and remove fallen trees from the tracks. He was puffing along the tracks until a flash of red lighting blinded him, making him slam on his brakes and come to a screeching halt. He looked up at the sky to see nothing but blue skies, then looked around to find a rundown ship sitting on the beach. What was strange about it was on the top of it was a golden necklace with a red lighting- shaped gem, but he wasn’t quite sure . ‘Cause he was stuck on the track while the necklace in question was at least four or five feet away from him and being an engine, he couldn’t really turn to see it clearly unless there was a turntable available. When he the saw the necklace, he thought ’Now where have I seen something similar to that?’ As he started to move again he tried to remember where.
‘ Ah well, I’ll ask the other engines if they’ve seen anything similar as soon as I get back to the stationhouse.’ Just as he finished thinking that, he felt the first of the raindrops on top of his boiler. ‘Ether my math is wrong, or the storm is a lot faster than I expected it to be. Well, there goes tomorrows work schedule.’ He had a feeling that this mega storm would surely blow an engine off the track onto its side, so he hurried to the stationhouse.

Later That Evening

Thomas and five other engines were sitting in the stationhouse listening to the storm pounding on the roof. Thomas decided that now was as good a time as any to ask his fellow engines.
“Did any of you see a gold necklace with a gem in it while chugging around the island?”
To his surprise, all the other engines except one saw something similar to his description. He then proceeded to tell them that the necklace he saw had what he thought was a lightning bolt, but he wasn’t sure. A short, squat little green engine responded “Well the one I saw had an apple on it.”
A medium red engine spoke next, saying “The one I saw had a diamond gem on it.”
Then another older medium sized blue engine replied “The abnormality I experienced was a pink gem cut in the shape of an insect of the butterfly persuasion.”

“Well, Thomas what I saw was similar to yours, but it had a light blue balloon gem on it.” A big green engine responded. Then Thomas looked at biggest and strongest engine there (another blue one) and asked “Then what did you see?”

The engine simply said “I’m not sure, but from the glimpse I saw, it was not a necklace. However it was golden and it looked a bit like a tiara. The gem was shaped like sparkle and was a magenta color and maybe had white gem stars around it. But you all know how fast I go when I pull the express. And you should know how heavy the express coaches are, Thomas, even if they are empty.” Thomas knew the big blue engine was right as he would keep his eyes ahead of him to see if there any danger on the track to keep his passengers safe from harm. After Thomas’s friends told him what they saw, they decided to hit the hay, so to speak. But Thomas’s mind was fast at work trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. ‘What my friends described sounded like the Elements of Harmony from MLP: FIM. But if that is possible, then how on Celestia’s mane did they get to Sodor in the first place? And why are they here?’ Too tired to think, he yawned and decided to go to sleep because it does no good to solve a problem while being tried. He let the storm lull him into a deep sleep. All of the engines were in a deep sleep when two enormous trees came through the stationhouse’s roof.

The Morning After The Storm

In the morning, two of the engines awoke to see enormous trees blocking their way out of the stationhouse. Shocked, they yelled in unison “CINDER AND ASHES! WE’RE STUCK AND THERE’S NO WAY TO MOVE THEM!!!”

Awakened by the shout, the other engines looked around groggily, seeing what the two biggest engines were shouting about. About that time, Sir Topham Hatt was walking up to the stationhouse and saw the roof , groaning at what it meant. The last two biggest engines left on the island were now trapped in the stationhouse.

The storm did more damage than expected and took Harold the Helicopter out of commission. He just came from his shed at the Search and Rescue Center and his router blades were dented, pitted, twisted, and bent out of shape. What was worse is that none of the island cranes could reach high enough, well except Cranky the crane but he was stuck in Brendam Docks. Now the island clean up and repairs would take even longer without the two engines. Then he remembered about the freight train that was supposed to come today to resupply Sodor and Misty Island would be delayed until most of the track was replaced. The freight train would have to go back to the freight yard to pick up more building material to rebuild the damaged areas.

Two Days Before the Meeting

Two days later, the mane six met back at the library. Twilight was going through everypony’s saddlebags. Applejack’s bags were filled with enough food for about three months and few pairs of her overalls. Rainbow Dash had the same as Applejack food wise, but had an extra month worth of food. Fluttershy’s bags were filled with first aid kits and medical supplies for the six. Rarity’s bags had only material for making clothes. Pinkie Pie, on the other hoof, had Sugarcube Corner’s cupcakes in one of her bags and the other bag was filled to brim with train oil and brake pads. “Applejack, why did you bring eight of your overalls? Rarity, why did you fill your bags full of clothing materials? And Pinkie Pie- what the hay- why are you bringing train oil and brake pads ?!” Twilight asked her three friends with a curious look .
“Well sugarcube, I have a hunch that you, maself, Pinkie Pie and Rarity are going to need them before this adventure is over.”
“Well, I’ve got to be on the top of fashion dear, even if it’s in another dimension, mind you.”
“Well silly filly, there are going locomotives that need the oil and the brakes! Besides, my Pinkie Senses told me to bring them.” But before Pinkie could finish her answer; she was cut off by a sarcastic Rainbow Dash.
“Did your Pinkie Sense also tell you to bring the cupcakes?”
“Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes!!!” she chanted, bouncing slightly.
“O…Kay…” they all said, looking at her strangely.
“Okay, girls,” Twilight said, “Get a good night’s rest, because tomorrow we’re heading to Sodor.” And with that, the girls headed back home to rest, knowing that tomorrow, their adventure begins.

Twelve Days After the Strom, And Two Weeks Before the Meeting

The islander’s work was very slow with only four steam engines able to work on fixing the main line. If a piece of debris hadn’t hit the diesel fuel shed’s roof and if water hadn’t gotten in fuel cans, Sir Topham Hatt would’ve had them help the steam engines, but alas, he couldn’t change the past. By the end of the week ,the engines had started to fall apart on the rails, trying to do their share of work along with the work that the big engines were supposed to do. The main line was 50% fixed and they were running low on materials but had enough to finish the main line, after that, all work would stop. Sir Topham Hatt has a difficult decision to make: take the next week off to rest the engines and their firemen and drivers, or finish the repairs on the main line and risk the only operational engines he had left. He decided not to risk it and give them a week off. Instead of pulling and pushing heavy loads of freight cars, Sir Topham Hatt wanted them to scout the rest of the island to see what still needed to be worked on. In the middle of the week he’d received word from the steam works, which surprisingly had less damage than the rest of the island and had been up and running the day after the storm, saying that Annie and Clarabel were finish and fully upgraded and to send Thomas to get them on Sunday. Little did anybody know that Sunday will be a special day.

Sunday, Minutes Before The Meeting on Equestria

Today was the day the main six were to head to Sodor. To tell the truth, all were worried, but none was as worried as Rainbow Dash. She was voicing her worries to Twilight
“Twilight, are you sure you’re able to do a tans-dimensional teleportation spell?”

But before Twilight could correct her and before Rainbow Dash could voice any more of her worries, Pinkie Pie appeared in the middle of them with a tray of six glasses of milk. She hoofed Dash her drink first and then hoofed everypony else theirs.
“Cheers for a safe journey and adventure on the island of Sodor.” Said Pinkie as they all took a drink. Rainbow Dash, however, asked Pinkie in a lucid state “Pinkie, what did you put in my drink?”
“Simple Dashie, I put relaxing sedatives in yours so you will be relaxed during the spell.” Pinkie replied. As soon as she said that, Dash mumbled “I pity da fool!” and was out like a light.
“Uh…girls just so you know when we get there we might be a few stories in the air.” Twilight said sheepishly.
“Sugarcube, how high are we talking about?”
“About two or three stories.”
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing, sugarcube?”
“Maybe… not.” Twilight moaned “Alright girls, gather around Rainbow Dash so we can get this over with.”

Twilight asked them to tell her when a white light in circled them, which would mean it was working . As she started to gather up the required magic she thought to herself ‘Did the storm that Celestia and I sense hit the island or did it pass on by? If it did hit the island, how much damage did it do and where did it move the elements to?’

By this time she had enough magic and started to activate the spell and when her friends told her it was working, she finished the rest of the spell. And with a bright flash light and a loud pop the six were on their way to Sodor. The way there felt like a roller coaster with all the twists and turns. When the light faded away they were two stories in air and began to fall except for Fluttershy who immediately opened her wings and glided down to the ground. Fluttershy had to think fast to stop an unconscious Rainbow Dash from a two story freefall. But the rest of her friends weren’t as lucky they had the wind knocked right out of them and all were out cold. As Fluttershy placed Rainbow Dash down gently and landed herself sideways she heard a deafening screeching sound from her left as she turn her head to it she saw an engine with sparks coming from its wheels. The last thing she saw before she blacked out was a white face full of surprised fear.

Sunday, Minutes Before The Meeting on Sodor

The morning went off without a problem for Thomas the Tank Engine. After his driver and his fireman stoked his flame up and finished checking him to see if he needed any oil , they went to the coal yard, then stopped off to fill his tank full of water. Then they went to what was left of the forest to calm his mind for the day ahead of him. On the way back to the stationhouse, he started get a bad vibe and thought ‘Something not right here. I feel like any second something will happen right in front of me.’ And just as if the cosmos had heard him, there was this blinding bright flash in front of him and his driver reacted by shutting off steam and slamming the brake as hard as he could. Thomas, on the other hand, was trying to roll backwards to slow himself down to a stop. During the flash he could of swore he saw six animals falling, when he came to a complete stop he only saw five forms on the track when he looked down at the figure below him he saw a rainbow colored mane.

To be continued…