• Published 1st Dec 2012
  • 7,910 Views, 36 Comments

On Hindsight - Lulzies

Anonymous and the blind purplesmart

  • ...

On Hindsight

The cool autumn air flowed through the window, teasing your hair, and then moving onto the stack of paper you were holding. If what you felt on your hair was a simple touch, then the effect on the paper was orgasmic. Yellowing sheets fluttered everywhere, covering the room.

You sigh. Looks like the Running of the Leaves are coming sooner this year.

You drop the stack on a nearby stool, with it replying with a resounding ‘thud’. You bend over and begin to pick up the pieces. More wind enters the room, and you find yourself speeding up in your paper-collection. Once both the stack and your own self is gathered, you slowly make your way towards the wooden exit of the room. You nudge the door open with your foot, and shuffle into the library. The cursed paper stack kept swaying to one side and next, which had you grooving your spine in a similar fashion.

You spot a table over the yellow hill, and immediately rush towards it. Your sudden jerk forwards tilts the weight slightly backwards. But when you slow down to drop the pile, its momentum catches on. You notice the imbalance of weight on your hands, and you take a stride to even it out. You manage to slide the pages on the table, with your legs spread apart.
That was a close one.

After tapping around the rectangular structure to make sure it is secure, you right yourself up. You wipe the cold sweat of your forehead, and draw a breath of relief.

“Twilight, the notes are on the table!” You call out.

”Okay, thanks Anon!” You hear a distant reply from the basement door.

She must be up to her usual slew of experiments again. Without another word, you turn your heels to leave the tree-house. The warm and blinding sunlight greets your face, which you embrace happily. For once, the light did not sting your skin.

Autumn was a lovely season, many things to be enjoyed.

”Anon, there you are!” You catch a scratchy voice.

Rainbow Dash.

“What were you up to?” She asks.

“Oh you know, just helping out Twilight and all.” You reply.

”She got you to move things again?”

You nod.

Noticing the shadow drawn upon you, you look up to face the cobalt Pegasus. Her wings beat slowly, just enough to keep the light body hovering. Her seven-color mane waved in the soft breeze, its unkempt shape mirroring her voice.
Funny how you associated things like that.

Dash slowly lowered herself to your eye level, looking bored as always.

“What brings you here?” You ask, breaking the short lived silence.

”Twi wanted me to do some experiments of her own. I’m here to help, obviously.” She rolls her eyes in minor annoyance.

You shrug; no help for your blue buddy now. You wave at her, as she sighs and enters the library. What horrors might await her in form of literacy, you will never know.

You whistle a short tune as you make your way to your place of occupation, the Sugarcube Corner. The ponies can deny all they want, they are still horses. Sugarcube? Come on. You whistle out some more tunes, often ending with a flat tone. Eh, noting like practice would help. Your mind drifts away as you watch the green leaves.

Soon, you thought.

They will age, go brown, and go crippled. (You always knew you were the ‘glass is half-empty’ person.) Before you know it, you are right by the doorsteps of the shop. A familiar ring of the shop comes to your ears, as you push through the door. The more familiar, bored pink pony perks up immediately, up in her counter.

”You’re here, Anon!” She exclaims.

“Yeah, yeah…” You wave her off, as you take her place on the counter.
Without another word, the pony happily skips into the kitchen, and before you know it, you hear the chimes of cooking. You take Pinkie’s place as the bored cashier, eyeing the never-moving door. You rest your head on a hand, and tap your fingers impatiently. The glass under you reveals the scrumptious foodstuffs, ranging from muffins to cakes. You lick your teeth- you’re not really interested.

Too much sugar made you sick.

Time ticked on as you began to drone about with Pinkie. A few customers came in and out, nothing too exciting. After what felt like a year, your lunch break comes. Taking a bagel from Pinkie, you promptly leave the Sugarcube Corner, and head towards Twilight’s library again. You usually met Rainbow before entering your break, so you are automatically assuming she is pre-occupied.

What else than Twilight’s tests?

Her door gives no resistance, opening just the way you left it. You begin to head towards the basement door, and open it slowly. The door is aged; it creaks loudly as it opens.
As you absent-mindedly descend, you are faced with a miniature purple dragon.

“Hey, Spike.” You greet the tiny helper

”Hey.” He responds rather dully.

“What’s up?” You try to start a conversation.

”Just getting some materials for Twilight, you?”

“Coming to look for Rainbow. She still here?”

”Nah, she flew off a while ago. I’d ask Twilight about that.”

“Thanks, little guy.”

Spike taps your leg once, and passes you by. He goes on to his monotonous job, mumbling something about eye-protection. The lab soon comes into view, just after a few steps. You see Twilight with her hair tied to a bun, looking sternly over a few chemicals.

“Uhm, hey, Twi.” You say, as you make your way down.

Her concentration breaks for a second, the facial muscles easing as she spots you.

”Oh, hey, Anon.” She waves you off.

“What’cha working on?” You feign interest.

Honestly, you want to ask where your friend is, so you can book it.

Hehe, ‘book it’.

”Oh, just working on back up plans if I run out of oil.” Twilight looks over a few flasks of chemicals, and gives some a quick shake.

This pulls on the strings of your mind.

“Oh? What would they be?”

”I think I remember you mentioning ‘flashlights’ before?”


”Well, I was thinking of making something similar.”

“You mean electricity?”

Twilight goes deadpan for a second.

”What’s that?”

Your lips straighten, you are disapproving this.

”Anyway, I was fixing up some chemicals to create light.” Twilight finally turns to see you.

She seems awfully enthusiastic about this.

“Yeah, yeah, magnesium and stuff, right?” You try to recall your studies.

Twilight gives another stare.

”Are you making up words, Anon?” She asks.

You give up.

The entire thought is foreign to her.

”ANYWAY, the book says if I do this mix right, I can make a powerful illumination!” Twilight shows you a book.

Sounds boring to such a… ‘feat’.

”Am I boring you?” Twilight snaps.

You shake yourself up.

“What? Naw, it is interesting Twilight, but wouldn’t you hurt your eyes?”

”That’s why I got Spike to bring some eye-protection!” She beams.

Right by cue, Spike comes running into the lab, carrying a box obviously too large for him. He puffs and pants, and drops the box with a soft thud. You open it gingerly, to spot several wielding goggles.

“Say, Twilight?”

”Yeah?” She begins to mix the chemicals.

“Why do you have so many of these?”

Twilight freezes.

”Because…” She begins to wander off.


”Yeah, just because.”

You raise an eyebrow.

“Say, you won’t go around slashing people with scalpels, wouldn’t you?”

Twilight pouts, before ignoring your comment and resuming her work. You take one for yourself, one for Twilight. Spike crawls over the box and puts his own on.

“Here you go.” You pass the goggle over her head.

”Thanks. Now, get back.” Twilight orders, before doing the same.

You put your goggle on, and wait for the fireworks. You can barely make anything out, but you manage to catch hint of Twilight’s magical aura lowering something into a filled flask.

”Now to wait for the reaction…” Twilight says.

A few seconds pass, and nothing.

“You sure you got the combo right?” You ask.

”Yeah! … Maybe I need to add more…”

Before you can object, more items are falling into the flask.

“Twi, I don’t think this is a great idea…” You try to stop her.

”You don’t get odd jobs for me for thinking, Anon.” Twilight sounds irked.

You decide the best move now is to clam up. She waits again, tapping her hoof impatiently. She groans audibly, before going over to the mixture again.


You spot a purple glow around her face, lifting something up. She must be taking off her goggles.

“Twilight, that is a baaad idea…” You immediately warn her.

”Darn it, why won’t it-“

A sudden flash of light fills the room. Even behind your protective layer, the room lights up like Christmas.

Twilight, taking the full blow, stumbles awkwardly. One hoof is covering her face, as she slumps to the ground. The light goes on about a few seconds, before it goes away. You flip the goggle off, and you rush to Twilight. She groans once more, her eyes sealed shut.

“You alright, Twilight?” You ask.

Spike is next to you, watching worriedly.

”I’m alright guys, I just-“ Twilight suddenly freezes.

She opens her eyes, her purple iris staring at you. She blinks once, and then again.

”Did you get the light, Spike?” She asks hesitantly.

The two of you stare at each other in confusion.

“Uhhh, Twilight?” You ask for her again.

A horrible realization draws on her, as her usual expression suddenly drops.

”Anon?” Her voice begins to rattle.

You come to the realization as well, slowly standing up. She stands up, her legs shaking all the way.

”What’s wrong, Twilight?” Spike asks, still naïve to the situation.

”I can’t see.” She says under her breath.

”What’s that? I didn’t quite catch that.” Spike cups a hand over his ear-hole.

”I can’t see. I can’t see. I CAN’T SEE!” Twilight screams.

”Don’t worry, Anon, she’ll be fine. As for her eyes, however…” The doctor wanders off.

You blink.


”There might be some… Difficulties. We’re working our best, Anon.” He tries to reassure you.

The doctor taps you on your shoulder once, before walking away, shaking his head.

You open the hospital door, ducking as you went through the doorway. The thick smell of disinfectant fills your nose, as you see the purple pony lying on her bed.

White cloth covers her eyes, matching the bleak room and the bed she is on. She smiles lightly, her friends flanking her every available side, consoling her. You walk in gently, taking the entire scene slowly. Twilight lay silently on her bed, just nodding to her friends’ words.

You sit on the side of her bed, looking down sadly.

”Hello, who’s there?” Twilight asks.

She must have felt the shift in weight.

“Just me Twilight. How’s it hanging?”

”Well, I’m still having problems eating and walking and- pretty much everything, actually.” She tries to force a smile.

You sigh.

”Should’ve listened to you back there, Anon.” She reluctantly admits.

“Eh, you don’t give me jobs to talk back too, don’t ya, Twilight?” You joke.

She gives a weak laugh, as the rest of the room follows her suit.

”Heh, yeah…”

She drifts off somewhere, falling into her thoughts.

”Well, Twilight, it was great seeing you coping.” Rarity speaks, her usual mood broken.

There is an air of dread hanging in the room- everyone knows what is going on.

No one wants to admit it, however.

You frown, but quickly cover it up with a smile. Not that she could see it, anyway.

One by one, her friends leave, having their own errands to run. Even Spike, her faithful assistant, leaves, to take care of the library. Only you remain, for some heart-retching reason. You can’t help but to feel somewhat responsible. You look down on the newly-blinded pony, so much taken from her life.

You realize you sound like a drama queen.

It isn’t so bad, she could get used to it.

But still…

”Anyone still there? Twilight calls out, breaking the silence.

“Y-yeah, I’m here, Twi.” You respond quickly.

”The rest?”

“All gone, they have things to do.”

She nods.

”I suppose they’ll be busy.” She mutters.

“How are you coping, Twilight?” You blurt out the question.

”Well…” She scratches the back of her head, trying to come up with an answer. “It’s only been a few hours, so…” She gives her a little shake, shrugging.

“Heh.” You try to force a laugh at the gesture.

The silence fills the room again, Twilight lying motionless.

“Need anything?”

Twilight silently shakes her head, not wanting to speak. Her ears are constantly moving, trying to catch any form of sound. You stand from the bed, and begin to make your way towards the door.

”Leaving, Anon?”

“Yeah. Need company?”

Twilight shakes her head again.

You give one last glance and open the door.

That night, you have trouble sleeping. A life in the darkness… You can only imagine what Twilight is going through.
Maybe you’ll visit her again tomorrow.

Wrapping up your work quickly, you rush towards the hospital. Twilight is on her bed like before, her mane slightly ruffled. You see some dark spots on her pillow, which she quickly hides away.

“Hey, Twilight.” You greet her.

Her mood improves a little, only slightly.

”Anon, is that you?” She tries to reach out with her fore hooves.

You nod.

You slap yourself mentally, she can’t see that.

“Yeah, I’m here.”

”What brings you here?” She asks.

“Just saying hi.”

”Hello to you too, then.”

There’s that awkward silence again.

Twilight seems welcoming, but something about her voice puts you off on getting close. But you approach her anyway. You sit on the side of her bed again.

“Need anything?” You ask, summoning up all possible generosity.

”A glass of water would be nice.”

“That’s it?”

”…Yes. That’s it.”

You head towards the door, feeling the chasm between you and Twilight. But before you step out, you hear a call.

”Uhm, Anon?” Twilight looks unsure.


”Could you… Get a book too?”

After a few directions, you manage to find the hospital library. Scrambling into the bookracks, you try to find a volume Twilight might like. Of course, this meant you trying to find what is unfamiliar to Twilight. Bringing up hazy memory of the book covers in her library, you begin to browse. Running your fingertips through the rough hard covers, you finally find a book you never seen before. Pulling out the dusty tome, you see the aged and slightly crippled edges of the book.
The sea green cover with golden font gleams in the sunlight. Blowing off the dust, you read its title.

’On Hindsight’

Sounds like a decent story. Tucking the moderately heavy book on a hand, you go to fetch Twilight a glass of water.
She slowly and gently empties the cup, her throat slowly moving up and down. You watch wordlessly, letting her finish the job. Once her thirst has been quenched, she hands you the glass. Setting it on the bed stand, you pull a chair next to her bed.

“Well, here you go.” You fumble with the book, as you try to put it in reach of Twilight.

She takes it with outstretched hooves, but you can see the surprise as she takes the book. The weight catches her off guard, her hoof bouncing up and down as she tries to balance the book.

”It’s… heavy.” She exclaims.


She gingerly sets it on her chest, close to reach. A moment of silence goes on, before she opens her mouth again.

”Uhm Anon?”


”Could you… Read it to me?” She asks, slightly shrinking.

“Uhm, sure thing, Twi.” You reply, taking the book back.

You spread it over your lap, and look over the first page. Quite a load of words there.

”What’s the title?” Twilight asks, slightly agitated.

“On Hindsight.” You reply.

”Go on.”

You clear your throat, and begin to read.

“Chapter 1… My name is Sparkling Star, and I am a scholar. The reason I am writing is because… of things I see in hindsight.”

”Sounds interesting. Is it fiction?”

“No clue.”

”Go on, I don’t think I ever read this one before.” Twilight relaxes on her bed.

You smile, good thing you found a new book for her to read.

The story goes on for a while; you only stop when the nurse comes over to say visiting hours are over. You bid Twilight farewell, and leave the book on her bed. It wasn’t that intriguing, just about a scholar who got into an experiment gone wrong and how she made new spells to cope. The formulas and the techniques fell on a blind eye to you, but to Twilight, it was a gold mine. The black ones are the words, and the white is the paper, you thought. Maybe it seeded some hope for Twilight, even though the writer had a completely different condition.

Fast forward back to Twilight’s room.

She quickly bid her friends goodbye, and cocks her head to you expectantly. It was somewhat disturbing, expecting her to see when she clearly can’t.

”Anon, you’re there, right?” Twilight makes sure.

You manage to fish out an answer, taking your seat.

“Want me to read again?” You reach for the book.

She nods excitedly.

You flip open to the page you left off, and begin to read.

Reading with Twilight has been a daily thing now.

You’re not sure what drove you back to her, could be anything. Guilt, obligation, and…


The sight of her left in such state tugged at your heart strings. You just had to help her. The small amount of bits she insisted to pay you was just an incentive.

You make your way through the clean corridor, heading towards Twilight’s room, 302. Your usual path is blocked by the doctor, looking grim as always.

”Hello, Anon.” He greets you with a grimace.

“Yo, what’s up, doc?” You respond cheerily.

”We noticed you’ve been spending a lot of time with Twilight lately.”

“Nothing going on there, just reading her a book.” You immediately try to wipe off any thoughts.

He smiles for once, but it quickly subsides as it rose.

”I might be implicating that- but since you are her friend, maybe you can be the one to tell her.”

Your heart begins to race.

“Wait, tell her what?”

He shakes his head.

”Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. The nurses and I thought your friend had to get some fresh air and all, you know.”

You nod.

“Got it, anything else, doc?”

”Nothing else, thank you, Anon. Also, stop calling me that.” He frowns.

The two of you share an understanding smile, and return to each of your own duties.

Twilight greets you warmly as you enter her room.

”Come on Anon, the physics of telekinesis awaits!” She waves you in with energy.

You can’t help but to crack another smile. That mare really loved reading, doesn’t she?

“Say, Twi.”


“The doctor says you might want some fresh air. So I was thinking we could go for a walk.”

She frowns once, then back to her usual outlook.

”Fine. But…”


”After a few paragraphs?” She smiles innocently.


The leaves rustle under the wheelchair’s movements. Soft wind caresses Twilight’s face, teasing with her mane. You decided to use a wheelchair after Twilight ran into one too many walls.

”I suppose I missed the Running of the Leaves?” Twilight starts the conversation.

“Yeah…” You drift away, not wanting to address the things she has missed.

It was actually surprising that she did not leave her room for the past few days. She smiles contently, enjoying the wind.

”You know, the princess always told me she loved Autumn, but I never realized it until now.”

“Really, and what is so enticing about it?” You inquire.

”The wind, the sound, the feeling of it… I just wish I could see it.” She rises from the wheelchair slightly.

“I wish you could see it too.” You add.

Her smile drops slightly, as she sighs and lies on the back of the wheelchair.

”Say Anon?”


”Why don’t they visit anymore?”

“W-what do you mean?”

”I mean Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and the others, why don’t they visit anymore?”

You are silent for a while, trying to come up with a diplomatic answer.

“Well… they have their own lives too, Twilight. They can’t visit you forever.”

”Even if I’m stuck in the hospital forever?”

“Don’t say that.”

She goes silent again. Twilight takes a deep breath, and rests her head on the wheelchair.

… Right where your hand is.

You tense up, but Twilight seems alright with it. The two of you stay put for a while, silently appreciating the season.

”Why didn’t you stop visiting?” She finally asks.

And so the stalemate goes on.

“Well…” You fish for an appropriate answer.

”Are you planning to leave me too?” She asks again.

“I- no! Don’t say that Twilight.” You blurt out your response, caught in surprise.

”Well what then?” Twilight demands an answer.

“Well, I have a job reading for you, and I’m not planning to stop abruptly, just like that.” You snap your fingers, emphasizing your point.

”Just that?” She seems disappointed for a second.

“I also love seeing your cute little smile.” You joke, lightly pinching her cheek.

She giggles, slightly improving her mood. She then sighs again, before rubbing her other cheek to your fingers, making herself more comfortable.

”Don’t leave me like the others, alright?” She says.

“Don’t fret, I got you.”

She smiles gently, once again back to listening to the sound of the season.

”And then what happened?” Twilight is quick to ask- just as you finish the sentence.

You look over the window, seeing the full moon.

“I think it’s late, Twilight- you should sleep.”

”But I want to know!” She squirms in her blanket.

You can’t but help to smile. You glance around the room, glad that you are back to familiar surroundings.

Twilight was finally allowed to leave the hospital.

Pinkie remembered to throw her a party, all of Twilight’s friends invited. The entire event helped to renew Twilight’s friendship, which had significantly degraded during Twilight’s stay in the hospital. You were glad she could still call them friends; you did not want the friendship that literally kept the world stable break apart.

Pinkie often visited, along with occasional drops from Rainbow and Fluttershy. The other two made time rarely, reasons everyone can imagine. Nevertheless, the six were back as buddies, and that mattered.

As for you and Twilight…

Well, who wants to know?

You jump into her bed, lying next to her as you read the book for her.
Nothing was going on, just plain old friend-to-friend contact. If the reading business had one good thing, it would be the fact it brought you and Twilight together.

Twilight snuggled under an arm.

You simply thought it was her attempt to ‘read’ the book. You supposed it made more sense if she could feel the book in front of her. Silently and subtly, she began to rest her head on your chest, listening carefully as you continued to read.
Once you ended chapter 4, she put up a hoof to stop your reading.

“Something wrong, Twi?”

You lowered the book from your view.

She then slowly turned to you, only an inch between your faces. The hoof you saw earlier begins to shakily reach for your face, touching your nose.

“Twilight?” You ask nervously.

She ignores you, and begins to trace your facial details. From your bridge, then to your cheekbones, down to your cheek and so on. She stops on your chin. She looks at your eyes, her life-less iris on yours.

“Twilight?” You ask again.

Twilight smiles softly, and comes closer.

”Hey Anon?” She finally opens her mouth.

You can feel her breath on your face now.


”Thanks for staying with me.”

“No problem, Twi, can we-“

”And for that…”

She leans in, and pushes her lips to yours. You are stunned, both by shock of being cut off and the sensation dancing along your lips. Your mind goes blank for a second.

The feeling of another creature’s warmth against yours… You feel comfort, calamity and- caution. All these thoughts rush through your mind, as Twilight pulls away from you.

”I wanted to say thanks.” Twilight backs away.

Your cheeks blossom into a full blush, even you can feel the heat radiating from your face. Your fingers unconsciously trail your lips, wanting to relive the feeling.

“We… Kissed…” You mumble.

Twilight blushes too, wrapping her blanket close to her. She then giggles with her hooves covering her mouth. She quickly slips under your arm again, and snuggle against you.

”I think we can continue reading tomorrow.” She whispers.

But before you can stand up, Twilight pushes you back on her bed.

”Can’t you stay?” She pouts.

“Well, I-“

”Pleaseee?” She begs, her wide eyes gleaming.

You sigh and plop on the bed again. Twilight smiles and hugs you close.

”Never leave me, Anon…” She whispers.

“You better give me a raise for this.”

The two of you then let sleep overcome the two of you, drifting into dreams of each other.

Well, this really has been an odd week.

You got into a relationship. With a pony, to add. You honestly had nothing against it, you lived with ponies so long- you’re practically one of them. Heck, the rest of the town didn’t seem to mind. You knew most of the populace by their first name; you shared your drink with many of them. They were quite accepting; even if it was somewhat startling that everyone treated you as if you simply existed here.

Actually, many thought it was sweet. The crippled pony being taken care of her new lover… It was almost… Story book.
You hug Twilight goodbye, and head off to work. You wish you could stay with her longer, but you need to eat too. Twilight tries to assure you that she can take care of herself quite well, but you aren’t that convinced.

”I say again, Anon, I’ll be fine! Just go on ahead, you’ll be late.”

“Oh, you don’t even know the time!”

She frowns once, not liking your unintended jab.


”It’s alright, besides-“ Her horn glows once. “I got magic. I’ll be back in running the library in no time!”

“Y-you sure?” You ask again, worried.

”Yeah, I told you, stop worrying about me! Go!” She tries to push you away.

You finally cave in, and give Twilight a goodbye hug.

“I’ll be back in a few hours. Don’t get into anymore experiments now.”

She giggles, before giving you a peck on the cheek.

”Have fun.” She whispers.

You turn to leave, and go face to face with Rarity. Well, more of a stomach-to-face with Rarity.

”Well, hello darling! Off to work?” She greets you with her sing-song voice.

“Yep. Coming to visit Twilight?”

She nods happily.

”Of course! I would always be there for my friends.” Rarity exclaims.

You smile and go off on your path.

”Twilight, darling! How are you today?” Rarity greets her friend, as she closes the door behind her.

”Rarity?” Twilight turned to the source of the voice.

”Who else, dear? Come, how about I make both of us some tea?” Rarity goes over.

Twilight perks up, and begins to head off into the direction of her kitchen.

”Yeah! I’ve been practicing with Anon for a while on navigating-“ Twilight crashes face first on the wall next to the doorway. “- I’m still learning.” She says, rubbing her nose.

Spike sighs and helps her with her way, correcting her path.

”So, anything I’ve missed, Rarity?” Twilight tries to make small talk.

”Oh, you know, the usual borefest. How are you holding up?”

Rarity puts on an almost apologetic expression, not realizing Twilight couldn’t see it.

”Oh you know. Reading with Anon, cooking with Anon, chatting with Anon-“ She gasps in delight. “It’s like we do everything together!”

Rarity puts on a weak smile.

”Haha, yes, Anonymous…”

”He’s a dear.” Twilight accidentally hits the wall of her cup with the spoon, with a resonating ring.

”I’m sure he is…” Rarity trails off, her expression slowly falling.

”Anything else, Rarity?” Twilight ushers out the two filled cups to her desk.

The two mares awkwardly take a seat by the reading table, sipping their drinks.

”Well, if there is anything our friends and I could do, anything-“

”I said I’m fine Rarity, no need to keep asking me. After all, I got Anon.” Twilight smiles.

”I know, I just feel so bad and guilty over your problem and-“

”Wait.” Twilight cuts her off. “You’re visiting me because you feel bad?”

”What, no! I just feel more obligated- I mean-“ Rarity begins to stammer.

Twilight’s smile falters, her face going darker.

”I think I heard enough.” Twilight declares.

”No! I worded it wrong dear, I just-“ Rarity struggles to answer.

”Spike, can you show Rarity out?” Twilight orders her assistant.

Rarity lowers her head in guilt, unable to go on. Spike worriedly tugs on her hoof, making her follow.

”I’m sorry, Twilight.” Rarity whispers, before going out.

Spike closes the door behind the white pony, only to be faced with another order.

”Spike, could you leave me alone for a while? Take the day off.” Twilight fakes a weak smile.

Spike leaves without a word, knowing not to clash with Twilight in her current state.

You come home after the sun has set, only to find Spike fumbling around the entrance of the library.

“Spike, buddy, something wrong?” You tap his shoulder.

”Yeah, Twilight is all… moody.” He whimpers.

This can’t be good.

“Alright, I’ll get Twilight. Why don’t you go off to the Sugarcube Corner? Buy anything. It’s on me.”

Spike brightens up a little, before scurrying his way.

”Good luck, Anon!” He shouts as he makes his way.

You push the door of the library slowly, only seeing pitch black.

”Go away!” You hear a shriek from the darkness.

“Twilight? It’s me.”

”A-anon?” You hear Twilight’s brittle voice.

Sounds like she was crying. She immediately rushes towards you, which you receive with a hug. She sobs into your shoulders. You hug her tighter, waiting till she is completely drained. What did Rarity say to her?

You lay the tired pony on the bed, and go downstairs to make some more tea. You mix a simple and sweet jasmine tea, not knowing how Twilight would like anything else. When you reach her bedroom again, you see Twilight, much more composed and calm. She turns to you with absolute silence, just like when you first saw her in the hospital.

You sit beside her, and hand her the teacup. She takes it shakily, even with her magic. She takes a small sip, before handing back to you. You set it on the bed stand, and touch her cheek.

“Will you tell me why are you crying?”



”Why did you come visit me? Back in the hospital, why did you bother showing up?”


”You always say that!” She shouts. “Well this, well that! Answer me, darnit!”
A part of you want to call out on her problem, but you don’t want to make this situation worse.

“I felt bad for you, Twilight, when I was with you in the lab…” Yes, Anon, good move, stick with sympathies. “I just had to see you.”

Twilight’s expression hardens.

”So you are just like them…” Twilight drifts away, going silent.

You may be sitting right next to her, but she feels so far away.

“I’m like whom?” You ask.


Her tears flow freely again, as she gets off the bed and walks towards the stairs.

”Just like them…” She whispers, before she runs downstairs.

By reaction, you run after her, managing to catch up to her right before she is exiting the library.

“Twilight!” You shout, trying to stop her.

Your words fall deaf on her, and she keeps moving. Having no other possible moves, you grab Twilight, and hug her close.

”Let me go!” She struggles on your grasp.

“Twilight! What is wrong with you?”

”What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?!” She retorts violently.

She fights your grasp more, holding back tears. You are on your knees on the floor, holding the squirming pony. After a while, she stops resisting, and falls silent. You soon hear her crying again, tears wetting your arms.

“Twilight, I don’t know why you are so hurt… Is it because everyone felt sorry?”

”They only cared because I was hurt… They only cared because they pitied me…”

“And what is wrong with that?”

”I-“ Twilight opens her mouth to respond, but you don’t let her continue.

“It’s okay to have people giving you attention while you’re hurt, that just means they care, right? And I might have not cared about you before, but look at us now. They say everyone has their own way of making people care; some get loud, some go silent, and some just try. But if your problem brought us together, what is there to complain about? Aren’t you happy?”

Twilight is dumbstruck, her tears practically stopping in their tracks.

”I-I’m happy…” She stutters.

You kiss her on the forehead.

“Then I am too.”

She digs her face into your chest again, finding comfort. And then, she starts to cry again.

”I-I-I’m so sorry Anon!” She sobs. ”I just thought no one cared and-“
She cries even louder than last time. You coo and pat her, trying to calm her. You run your fingers through her mane, reveling in its soft texture. The two of you remain on the cold floor for a while, just enjoying each others’ company. You sigh, that is one crisis averted.

You supposed you have to see the world through her eyes.

On hindsight, that was a terrible remark.


Comments ( 36 )

These feels, man. Seriously. I don't know if I should feel happy or sad right now.
Very fucking nice.

Woah woah woah! You have walls of text! That needs some fixing.

Tried to fix it, how's it now?

1720520 I guess that's better. But you really should space out the sentences too and most people usually use *** or --- to symbolize a change in time or setting instead of just a space.

that was great.

”Yeah! I’ve been practicing with Anon for a while on navigating-“ Twilight crashes face first on the wall next to the doorway. “- I’m still learning.” She says, rubbing her nose.


Love it man, Imma fav just to keep it in my own records ^^

Thanks for the reads and favorites, guys!
If you want, you can browse through my AiE Pastebin (In the profile) and tell me which story I should convert next.
Or you can throw in requests!

(This is all an elaborate plan to get you people reading my other shite.)

That ending sentence, I just had to laugh... After such a sad story too... Just who would do that...

Pretty nice story, the only thing that really bugs me was that RD's coat was described as cobalt, a fairly dark blue, as opposed to something lighter like cyan.

I was hooked onto this until I read that the other mane five stopped visiting for long enough for their friendship to erode. That killed my suspension of disbelief.

I'll stay neutral about this one.

EDIT: I'm dumb. Wrong fic.

5424524 Have you ever had a friend in the hospital for a long time. Visiting regularly while trying to maintain life can be a pain to near impossible and anyway Anon was there for her and the story is mostly about Twilight and Anon. So you could try reading it to the end and get over the fact the rest of the mane 6 are slightly ooc.

5468707 Twilight an Anon me arse, this is all about Anon and Rainbow. Twilight's just a supporting character and plot exposition a few times.

And don't come to me saying that these girls couldn't go visit at least once a week. Considering canon pony schedules, this is downright absurd.

EDIT: I'm dumb. Wrong fic.

5468776 What? Did you even read it its not about Rainbow in any way shape or form. TRY FUCKING READING IT. Oh cannon cannon cannon get over your self its not about the mane 6 its about Anon and Twilight. As far as I can tell you haven't actually read this story at all .

5470900 Oh damn it. Nevermind, me being dim. I mistook this for Downed.

That's all I'm gonna say on the matter.

Liked and favourited.

Huh. Seems I forgot to comment before. No matter -- I'm doing it now.

This is a wonderful little story and one that holds up in every way on a second reading. Definitely earned its position on my special shelf.

another good story. the feels were perceived as genuine. the characters were not too ooc. you write good stories about the characters when theyre in a crisis.

This gave me a lot of warm and fuzzies!:twilightsmile:
Aside from you getting Dash's coat color wrong (as in cobalt is a dark blue), you did a great job with descriptions.:twilightsmile:
Great story!:twilightsmile:

That was beautiful! Keep up the good work!

very very amazing man i love this story :pinkiehappy::pinkiesad2:
the feel...

this needs a sequel!:twilightsmile:

Not everything needs a sequel.

yeah it does~!:flutterrage:

7906042 It really does. Blind Twilight x anon has so much cute romance potential, Its a shame the author hasn't logged in in nearly 2 years :fluttercry:

I was going to ignore you, but I can't rule out that you're the single person to dislike my comment.
When I said it doesn't need a sequel, I'm not necessarily saying it is bad. It's merely that you shouldn't take everything for granted. Look at video games. People rave over classic games because of how they felt playing them for the first time. Now look at Call of Duty, Battlefield, Star Wars, Halo, etc etc. Then look to the movie industry: Transformers, Saw, Fast and the Furious, Shrek, Lethal Weapon, Land Before Time, and Star Wars again. Airbuddies and Godzilla, too. We can get an infinite number of sequels for any form of media and literature, but absolutely none of them will capture the feel of the original piece. Besides, as the number of sequels grow the likelihood of someone new trying the original for themselves drops off.

8145538 Wow you put far too much effort into typing that up. I just want to see more Anon x blind twilight because its cute. There really is nothing more to it than that.

While I haven't found many stories involving blind people, has anyone ever found a story where a blind HUMAN shows up in Equestria? Be it romance or anything really

Lovely story! :twilightsmile:

There was one where a human was blinded during his trip from Earth to Equestria and Pinkie had to look after him. It was a romance I think.

Can you see the world as she does?

Is that a Lily reference? :D


Is that an upvote from someone who got the Lily reference? :D

I fucking love this!😭😭😭

Love the story but can u but like time skips or notifications of time skips like.... I confused the hell out of me a few times. Like the jump from anons POV to Twi's

Its really not confusing at all. Also the person that wrote this hasn't logged in since 2015 so that's not happening.

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