• Published 7th Dec 2012
  • 7,649 Views, 320 Comments

No Less Than Perfect - Sparx

Sappy, lovey dovey, Sparity Romance story

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A Sale for the Pies

After they saw their friends leave, Spike and Rarity made their way into town. The two had been invited to eat out yet again tonight, by none other than Princess Celestia herself. Originally it was going to be a simple meet up with the royal sisters and the happy couple, though apparently somepony had overheard of the engagement and now the dinner date was going to be involving some other high class ponies including: Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, Sapphire Shores, and Hoity Toity. As soon as this came to the princesses' attention, they had offered to change the date so it could remain as the two on two it was originally intended to be. Spike didn't care either way so long as he was with Rarity, and he had left the decision to her. As all of said ponies had become good friends and business partners of hers over the years, Rarity said she would love to have them join the dinner.

Of course with as many high class ponies at this dinner as there would be, Rarity was going to make sure that she and her Dragon looked the part. She had been planning and measuring out the most dashing tuxedo she could possibly think of for Spike. She only needed a few more pieces, and it would be perfect.

Their first stop was by a small shop that not many a pony was familiar with. Rarity had made a special order months back. "Now Spike, dearest, please resist 'sampling' the merchandise without paying first." Spike nodded as Rarity stepped through the door. Inside, Spikes eyes lit up and his jaw dropped, drool flowing down his chin. Jewels, jewelry, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, gems, opals, topaz, amethyst, and so many others lined the walls and glass cases inside the shop. The dragon felt a primal desire to grab absolutely everything he saw and toss it in a pile. Rarity saw this and cleared her throat, returning the dragon's attention to her.

From the back of the shop, a curtain moved aside to reveal two gray colored mares. "Welcome back Rarity!" They announced in unison.

"Hello girls!" Rarity smiled. "I was wondering if my order had finally come in today."

"But of course it has!" The mare with the darker gray mane replied. "Blinkie, could you go and get Ms. Rarity's order?"

"Absolutely Inkie!" The lighter maned mare returned behind the curtain.

"Wait, Inkie and Blinkie?" Spike asked.

"Yes Spike, Pinkies sisters moved here to Ponyville about a year ago and set up this lovely shop. Whenever I can't seem to find a specific jewel when we go out hunting, they always seem to have it, or know where to find it." Rarity explained.

"Yeah, you pick up a lot from being a rock farmer all your life. It really pays off in the long run." Inkie replied with a smile.

"I'll say!" Spike looked around the room admiringly.

"One fire ruby, custom design and aged to perfection!" Blinkie called out as she reentered the room. Spike caught a look at the large gem. It looked exactly like the fire ruby that Spike had given Rarity so many years ago.

"H-how is that possible?" Spike cried out in amazement. "It fits every detail!" He walked over to the counter, bringing his face as close to the ruby as he could without touching it. After a few moments he pulled away. "Every angle and corner, it's perfect."

Blinkie smiled, placing the gem down on the counter. "Rarity wasn't lying when she said you could memorize a stone perfectly. Just another one of those great mysteries of the dragon race I guess."

Inkie chimed in after her sister. "My sister and I take our job very seriously. We can cut any diamond, sapphire, emerald or ruby in excruciating detail with relative ease."

Blinkie picked up right where her sister left off. "It takes a looooooooong time to learn, a great deal of patience, and as close to a photographic memory as you can get, or an actual one like me. Yeah it can be kinda boring at first, but so is everything on a rock farm. Once you get good at it though, it really pays off to see how happy it can make everypony." She chuckled. "Besides, who else can say that they've convinced a dragon it was his own?"

"Indeed. Pinkie's sisters truly are the best of their craft. That's why I came to them." Rarity finished as she took her spot by Spike's side. "They have a stunning combination of earth pony magic, practice, and skill that allows them to find, mine, and cut a gem to perfect detail. Truly remarkable!"

Spike kept his eyes on the gem, blinking and rubbing his eyes. He was sure that this level of skill was impossible, but then again, these two were related to Pinkie Pie, and he'd seen her pull of feats that he believed were impossible as well. "We were even able to find the exact vein your original ruby was mined from." Inkie chimed happily.

"But... why would you bother to make a jewel that's the exact same as the one you have Rarity?" Spike inquired.

"Well, of course I remember how very important this gem was to you Spikey darling, and how long you had held onto it, waiting for the perfect moment." Rarity brought a hoof up to her necklace and smiled warmly. "And I also remember how unbelievably kind you were for offering it to me as a gift. So... I decided that I would return you the favor, and hired the girls here to fashion you a gift as beautiful as the one you gave me." Returning her gaze up to Spike with a smile, her eyes sparkled brighter than any of the baubles in the room. "Happy birthday Spike." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I love you."

Spike blushed as he heard a simultaneous "Awwww" come from the Pie sisters, and felt his heart melt. He leaned down and gave the unicorn a very close, loving hug. He then smiled and grabbed the gem with his left hand, licked his lips, opened his maw and.... stopped. "Is something wrong?" Rarity asked.

Spike slowly brought his mouth to a close. He closed his eyes and shook his head, lips curling into a smile. "No." A tear slipped down his cheek. "It's perfect. And that's why I can't eat it." He looked back to Rarity, his eyes were watering slightly. "Do you think it's possible we could get it fastened into something similar to Rarity's necklace?" Spike asked the sisters.

"But of course we can." Inkie piped up.

Blinkie gave a light sniffle. She had a smile on her face, obviously adoring the lovely scene before her. "And we'll do it free of charge. Won't we Inkie?"

"Absolutely Blinkie. It's the least we could do for our sister's friends who are so deeply in love. Besides, Rariy has already paid more than enough to cover the cost for that and the fire ruby." Inkie dived, and disappeared behind the counter before hopping up only a moment later with a large golden chain in her mouth. She set the chain down on the counter. She then grabbed up the ruby and chain and headed to the back.

"She'll be just a moment." Blinkie smiled. "Um...If you don't mind... may I ask how you two came to fall for one another?" She blushed slightly. "I mean, I already know from Pinkie, that Spike had pretty much always liked you Rarity, but when did you know that you liked him in return?"

It was Rarity's turn to blush. "Well, my Spikey Wikey has always been adorable. But it wasn't just one moment that made me realize how truly spectacular he was. Rather Spike had sort of taken it upon himself to prove himself to me. At first I had thought it was just a silly crush... but... I soon realized that Spike's feelings were quite genuine." She looked up into Spike's eyes, and he looked back. "The first time he proved himself was when he had fought so hard to save me from a gang of diamond dogs, and then bravely arrived to rescue me, even though I had already found a way out of that filthy mess." Rarity lifted her forehooves into Spikes claws, where he held them lovingly, caressing them with his thumbs. "Of course, rescuing me once wasn't enough for my dearest Spike." A slight giggle escaped the snowy pony. "Not long after he had given me this lovely fire ruby, he had gone through a dreadful transformation due to dragon greed. The poor thing lost control of himself and tore up the town." Spike frowned at the memory. "But against all odds, my little Spikey Wikey went against his very nature, and brought himself back from the edge of savagery." The smile returned to Spike's face and Rarity's eyes started to water. "For me. From the way he tells it, he saw the ruby he gave me and remembered how much he cared for me." She closed her eyes and rested her head against the dragon's chest. Blinkie leaned towards the couble, head in her forehooves, soaking up the entire scene as the story was told. "When Spike turned back to his normal self, we fell, and he tried to let me know how he felt." Another giggle. "I already knew, and I think it was then that I truly realized that he really meant it as well, and my own feelings began to start for him. So, yes I can comfortably say that I indeed, 'fell' for him, as it were." Rarity giggled once more, lovingly as she went in for a full blown hug, Spike holding her head and shoulders close. "And I don't believe I could have been luckier."

Blinkie had tears streaming down her face. "That's such a lovely and adorable story." She wiped her face with a hoof. "Oh if only I could find somepony like that. Someone as brave and strong and generous." Spike gave a chuckle. When he was that age, he had never really thought of himself as brave and strong, rather that was what he wanted to be, much like the knights in the books he read. To hear himself referred to as such felt good, really good.

"Well, it's all done!" Inkie called out as she emerged from the curtain. She held up a golden necklace that looked almost identical to Rarity's, but a little bit bigger. Spike and Rarity reluctantly broke their embrace as the reptile reached a claw out and grabbed the necklace and put it around his neck. He turned to his love and threw his arms out. "Whadya think?"

Rarity chuckled in a girly tone. "You look smashing love."

After thanking the sisters and leaving the shop, the dragon and unicorn went about and finished their shopping rather quickly before returning to the Carousel Boutique. Sweetie Belle had only recently woken up as it was a weekend. Spike and Rarity bid her a good afternoon before she ran off to go and meet up with Applebloom and Scootaloo.

As Rarity put together the final touches on Spike's tuxedo, Spike had taken it upon himself to do some of the chores required around the boutique. Just as he was sweeping up the kitchen, Rarity called for him. Spike stepped into Rarity's room and felt something slip over his back and arms. "Oh, Spike. It looks lovely on you." Spike lifted his arms and looked down at himself to give it a look over and gave a slight tug at the jacket with a grin, knowing he looked amazing in anything Rarity made. "Come to the mirror and give it a look darling."

"Of course." Spike walked over next to Rarity and spent a moment to admire himself in the mirror. Now, he'd always admired Rarity's creations, but this... this had to be the finest work he'd ever seen her do. The jacket was golden with a silvery shirt that manage to sparkle in the light. The weight of the suit implied that it was in fact made with the materials it took it's colors from, but it was thin and comfortable enough not to get in the way.

"The cloth is actually made from real gold and silver silks, spun by expert unicorns from straw. It's as much the metals as the metals themselves are, but much softer, and a tad lighter, though admittedly not much. The buttons on your jacket are pure ruby, and the ones on the shirt are of course sapphires, your favorite. If you'll turn around you'll see there are two more buttons on the tails of the jacket, again, rubies. Bringing your attention up just a bit higher, I've put in something I'm very proud of." There was a large purple 'S' taking up most of the back, with little green gemstones lining the top like small spikes. "Amethyst and emerald. I can't tell you how difficult it is to get a gemstone that large to remain in one piece and still remain flexible and comfortable, but it was never to large a project if it was for my dear Spikey Wikey." Rarity smiled in pride, her eyes positively aglow behind her glasses.

"Rarity, it's... it's... I can't even describe it! I love it!" Spike bent over and picked up the pony in his arms, cradling her and causing her to let out a giggle. They exchanged a kiss, and the dragon put her back down. "But don't you think it's a little flashy for a simple dinner?"

"Well Spike, it's dinner with royalty after all, you'll have to look your best, as I plan on doing as well."

"I know, it just seems like this is the kind of thing I'd wear to like a disco or something." The dragon chuckled. "And I don't think Vinyl was invited."

"Even if she were I know for a fact she wouldn't play disco, Spike. And did you not know?" Rarity explained as she began to put her things away.

"Know what?" Spike followed her around the room, holding things she would place in his arms until she retrieved them again.

"Honestly love, you really should read those letters more carefully. I know I would if they were coming from my mouth. Celestia mentioned that with the extended guest list, she'd make it into a bit of a soiree, with a light waltz after dinner. Even so..." She shot him a gaze that made his insides melt like butter. "I made that tuxedo so I could admire you in it, and momma likes what she sees!" She gave a little wink, and Spike had to catch himself as he felt his knees get weak. A giggle once again escaped the unicorn. "Oh, Spike."