• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 966 Views, 15 Comments

Forgotten Bookcases - Cynical

In the corner of the library, there lies a collection of stories entitles 'When We Were Young'.

  • ...

Ordinary Problems

Forgotten Bookcases
By M3lancholy

One island lies in the light
The other in the night
They lay bridges of wood and dust
Until the wood turns to ashes and the dust to dust

Ordinary Problems

One of the biggest influences on my live were my parents, just as they are in the majority of every foal’s life. They supported me through good and bad. They taught me the value of diligence and the meaning of family. They died as they lived, happily together.
I never even went to the funeral.

I remember when I got the letter, around a month after Celestia visited for the last time. I remember rising at seven in the morning to eat my breakfast and plan for the day’s activities. The mailbox clashed against the door, signalling the delivery of the mail. I got up from my chair, a piece of toast held within my magic as I walked over to the door and the letters. I picked them all up with my magic and started rifling through them, muttering "Bill, bill, bill, staff party, bill, Canterlot legal?"

I paused at the last one, slitting it open with my magic as I sorted the other letters into piles of bills, parties and other. Looking at the legal document I held was vexing on my tired brain, but I think I got the message. It effectively read:

Dear Miss Twilight Sparkle

We regret to inform you that your parents, Mr and Mrs Sparkle, passed away yesterday after an accident at work. The funeral is to be held a week hence in the Canterlot burial grounds. The will is also to be read at that moment in time.

Our Sincerest Condolences

Canterlot Solicitors

Funeral Div.

Which was a slight kick to the stomach.
And what did I do?

I waited until Sunday to cry my eyes dry once again, only to rise the next day at seven in the morning and make plans for a skydive the day after. A week later, a pony arrived at the door with a small box containing my inheritance. Inside were a few token trinkets from my parents, a box here or there, and resting on top was a letter addressed to me.
Five lines were written within it.

To our Daughter, Twilight Sparkle
Never forget us
As we'll never forget you
Live a good life
Love from Mum and Dad

No minced words or pointless phrases, just a letter that I clutched to my chest and wept to. I made a resolution to myself that day, that I would no-longer mope in the shadows of my life, that I’d make my parents proud, living the good life. It's funny, if that letter had never arrived, I'd still probably weep on Sundays. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if that other letter had never arrived…


It had been a few weeks since Rainbow said yes to me, we were going steadily along as a couple and hardly a hiccup had presented itself. Believe it or not though, I hadn't seen Pinkie since the gorge, she'd not presented herself to either one of us and seemed to be spending more and more time in the bakery, now almost always deserted. Not a single pony felt right if they ever approached an unhappy Pinkie Pie. Not that I could blame them, Pinkie always was a manic in every sense of the word.

It was the morning and I was preparing myself for reshelving day. It had become a much more onerous activity since Spike left. Sighing, I prepared to remove every single book from their existing shelves with my magic when there was an almighty thud from outside that saved me the job.

I sighed in annoyance, already knowing who would crash into the library at such speeds. It wasn't a matter of precognition, just experience. Sure enough, when I opened the door, I was met by an ecstatic Rainbow Dash on my doorstep, brandishing an envelope in her mouth, the seal still intact.
"Morning Rainbow. Wha- What's up?" I asked, a yawn breaking into my question before I could stop it.
Rainbow threw the letter at me; well she tried to in any case. I caught it in my magic as she asked "Can you read this for me Twi?"
I nodded, puzzled at why she would want me to open the letter. There was nothing that stood out on the front; it was simply addressed to Rainbow Dash, Ponyville. I flipped over the letter and froze. There was an insignia for the seal; it was a seal that both I and Rainbow knew.
It was a lightning bolt.

Rainbow had grown impatient already, turning this way and that in nervous anticipation, "Come on, what's taking so long Twi? Just tell me what it says."
I coughed, my magic making short work of the seal & withdrawing a folded piece of paper from inside. I unfolded the paper to see that there were only five lines on it. All hoofwritten.

"To Rainbow Dash
Well done, you made it
4th January, Cloud Stadium, 6:00 AM

I heard nothing from the pony in front of me, her speechlessness probably having a completely different reason from my own though. Not that that lasted for long though, she let out what I can only call a shriek of delight, before jumping forwards towards me, arms outstretched, and grabbing the letter for herself. I let her, a slightly bitter taste in my mouth from what this would do to our relationship.

After reading the letter twice over herself, Rainbow dropped it and shot towards me, drawing me up in a hug and starting a lap of honour around the ceiling of the library, laughing all the way. I think she stopped when she noticed that I wasn't sharing in her joy though. I remember she just stopped laughing at first, then she abruptly landed, putting me down gently before she alighted next to me.

"What's wrong Twi?" I was about to reply that nothing was wrong, that I was happy for her. Before she cut me off, "And don't say that nothing's wrong, I can see that something's eating you up there."
I let out a sigh; it would be hard, making Rainbow see just how much the decision would affect me. On the one hoof, it was her lifelong dream, to be part of the Wonderbolts and perform for crowds of thousands. Hard to say the same for me when she would be forced to partake in all that came with it.

"What now Rainbow?"
"Huh?" she asked, I can't really blame her, I was being quite vague until she prompted me.
"What happens to us now Rainbow, you don't honestly think you are going to stay in Ponyville all the time? What about us?"
I honestly didn't think that she'd thought about it, that was Rainbow Dash right there, putting something off until it directly threatened her, she certainly took her time thinking of the reply.
"I don't know. I mean, I'd be spending a lot of time on tour, so maybe you could drop in to see me then?"
It took her to just glance at me to see that that wasn't an option. "I have a library to run Rainbow, you can't exactly expect me to drop everything every time you perform a show near Ponyville, it just isn't practical for me."
Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively, "We'll figure it out later."

I sighed, relenting on that line of questioning, before continuing on another, "Do you even know what you're getting into?"
Rainbow tilted her head, smirking, "Well duh, Twi." she started, zipping beside me and gesturing to the library in general, "Performing with the greatest aerial stunt team Equestria has to offer, the fame and fortune, and fulfilling my lifelong dream!" she said, finishing with a flourish.
I waited for a moment, before pulling my head out from Rainbow's hoof. "And the publicity?"
Rainbow struck a pose, standing up straight with her chest puffed out and wings straight back. "Course, I bet the cameras won't be able to resist me

"And in the moments you want to keep private? I don't suppose the cameras will be able to resist you then?" I replied, keeping my voice level.
"They wouldn't intrude on someponies private life… would they?" she answered, her voice not so sure.
"Remember Gabby Gums?" I asked, deadpan. Seeing Rainbow pale, I continued, "Now imagine that those three were around thirty instead, all dying to get a look into your private life and see what you're up to when you're not on stage."
Rainbow baulked, before managing to respond "What if- What if I don't care what they say about me? What if I just try to inspire others to be great, like I was when I was young,?"

I humoured her, taking a seat for what I knew would be a long talk. "So you inspire someone else to best themselves, what happens when that pony starts rocking for your position? Fame changes you Rainbow, it certainly changed me…"
"You were famous?" Rainbow asked, gobsmacked. I shot her a look of resentment, causing her to rub her head with a hoof and apologise, sitting down opposite me and waiting for me to continue.
"Yes, being the student of Princess Celestia was a high honour. A famous one at that. Around a week after I'd completed the entrance exam, the press were already beating at my parent's door, anxious to get an interview from the student of Celestia herself. Needless to say that my parents turned them away from my door without letting them get a word in edgeways, but they weren't always there to protect me."

Memories that I'd rather have left buried bubbled up to the surface of my mind, but I'd relay them, for Rainbow's sake.
"I remember once, I was leaving my home for school when somepony bumped into me in the street, offering to buy me an ice cream as an apology. I said yes to him, he seemed like a nice pony and it was free ice cream." A slight smile found its way onto my mouth, "Turns out he was just a reporter looking for the latest scoop, not that I minded at the time. He started asking me a few simple questions, 'What was my name?', 'How old are you?' and that sort of thing… then the questions got nasty. He asked me if I'd cheated to get into the school, never believing me when I swore I'd got in under my own steam. It was around then that he started shouting at me, telling me to 'give up my secret'. I simply laid down and cried."

"An article appeared in the Canterlot Evening Post later that day. It was titled 'Celestia's Pity'… it wasn't a nice article to read. I think that's when I moved into the castle permanently, it made things easier." I chuckled slightly as another detail announced itself, "The Princess was livid though when the article appeared, I never did see that same reporter again… not that it mattered, the press grew smart. They were careful to keep everything in the paper detached and impartial, enabling them to keep watching me like hawks and evade the wrath of the Princess. Hardly the ideal life for a young filly…" I looked up to see Rainbow wince in sympathy to my plight, but there was still that steely resolve in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear that Twilight, really, I am..." Rainbow started, her voice cracking slightly, "But I really don't see how this is relevant to me."
I sighed in exasperation; sometimes it felt like talking to a brick wall would yield better results, I'd simply have to be blunter. "Rainbow, every move you make is going to be documented, analysed, and have connation's drawn from it. Every time you make a mistake, every time you botch a manoeuvre and every time you crash," My voice rose steadily, growing more passionate as I ranted, "There are going to be ponies there who will look at you, thinking that they are better than you, planning how to take your spot in the team and planning on how they can become Celestia's new Most Faithful student!" I stopped, panting slightly after my speech, my eyes damp.

Rainbow watched me, afraid. "Do you… want to talk about it?" she asked, I truly think she wanted to help me, but those memories were kept buried for good reason.
I shook my head resolutely, "No, I think it's better if we both forget that little Freudian slip. Anyway, I would have thought you'd have some experience with the press, they would have loved the story of you and Pinkie getting together…" I bit my lip, I knew I was walking on eggshells here and normally topics about Dash's previous love lives were Taboo.
It looked like Rainbow was having similar sentiments, fidgeting from hoof to hoof and not looking at me directly, preferring instead to look over my head slightly. "Yeah… about that… me and Pinkie never went public, you know that?" I nodded. "We took great pains in keeping everything secret. In all of five months, I don't think anyone ever guessed that we were an item."

Well that explained some things for me. I quickly changed the topic again, hoping to distract Rainbow from her own demons. "That's not the end of it though. Did you ever wonder why I came to Ponyville with not a friend to my name all those years ago?"
Rainbow shook her head slightly, clearing whatever thoughts she'd managed to dream up. "Now that you mention it… that was always something which bugged me. You were around seventeen when you came to Ponyville with no friends…" She trailed off, leaving me to provide an explanation.

"It's the same basic argument as before, you are always being watched when you're famous. Ponies watch who you talk to and how you talk to them. If they see you talking to a lowly commoner." I said those words with a shudder, "Then they judge you for placing their importance below that of a normal pony. And I can guess what you're thinking, that they can just keep their opinions and grudges to themselves, but ask yourself this, would you ever be able to have a normal conversation with Fluttershy again?"
"Of course I would, she's my oldest friend." Rainbow replied indignantly, failing completely to see where I was going with this.
"OK, bad example. You remember the Grand Galloping Gala ten years ago? When you tried to talk to the Wonderbolts, how would you have treated them?" I asked, watching Rainbow carefully.

"Like the legends they are." Rainbow scoffed, again completely missing the point.
"And if they just wanted to talk, pony to pony? Would you ever be able to take it seriously?" I gently probed, pointing Rainbow in the right direction. "Or would it have become a forced conversation?" I continued, watching as Rainbow's little grin faded to nothing. "You see what I mean? Being famous imposes a sort of social cut-off onto you, ponied can never treat you normally again for fear of looking bad."
"Oh." Came the response from Rainbow, "How bad was it for you?" she asked, deflating slightly as her dreams were tarred by my experiences.

"Bad." I admitted with a grimace, "You’ve never heard my full title have you?"
Rainbow shook her head.
I drew myself up slightly, my voice becoming slightly more nasal as I intoned, "Ehh- Introducing the student of Her Royal Highness, the Princess of the Sun, the Moon and the head of State, Princess Celestia, Lady Twilight Sparkle."
Dash had been fighting the giggles since I'd started, letting them loose as I finished and snorting into her hoof.
I think I managed to keep my snooty pose for another moment or two, before joining her in chuckling, albeit with slightly more restraint.

Rainbow stopped laughing into her hoof suddenly, her expression thoughtful, "Hang on, wouldn't that have meant you'd be introduced to all sorts of ponies and creatures?"
I stopped laughing just as quickly, a slightly whimsical look across my features, "I suppose I was, yes. But what do you think they saw? A filly who needed a friend, or the student of a Princess who was not to be crossed lightly?" I asked, not giving her any time to answer, "They all walked on eggshells around me, afraid that if they made a wrong move, I'd report them to the Princess and untold horrors would befall them. I can't say I blame them though… the incident with the reporter from my first week was widely publicised and I suppose rumours were exaggerated and exaggerated again. No, being Celestia's student granted me no favours in finding a friend in court."

"So that's all my dream is now? An isolated position under twenty-four hour surveillance?" Rainbow asked, her voice rising as her emotions looked for a way out, the reality of the situation catching up with her. Sadly for me, it seemed like they'd found anger to be a prudent exit.
"My lifelong dream of becoming a Wonderbolt, and all it's going to bring me is more regrets?" She asked the library.
"Rainbow, please…" I started, my voice small as I realised I'd just made things worse.
"I spent fifteen Bucking years of my life for a position which won't allow me a break?" Rainbow continued, ignoring me.
"Rainbow, please sto-"
"No Twilight, I'm not going to stop." she cut across me, her voice hysterical. "You've just told me that I've been dreaming a pipe dream for most of my life, I don't think I'm going to- mphhh mph mm."

I pressed my muzzle against hers, holding her tight to me so she couldn't escape. I kept my eyes open, watching as Rainbow's flickered in surprise and closed as she automatically returned the kiss. I stayed like that for a moment before drawing back, giving her no chance to speak.
"I may have been slightly biased Rainbow, there are still the good times to look forwards to. You still get to perform your favourite stunts to crowds of thousands; you still get to live your dream of flying with the Wonderbolts. Just… be careful alright, fame changes ponies. Promise me you won't change, please." I begged of my marefriend, still hugging her tightly to myself.
"I… I promise Twi." she replied, before I leant forwards to kiss her again, finally thankful that something was going right today.

We broke the kiss when our air reserves ran out, separating from each other and moving to sit side-by-side, Rainbow's wing laid across my back, pulling us closer together. "So what do we do while you're on tour?" I asked, still worried about what would become of our relationship.
Rainbow shrugged her shoulders, "We'll figure something out." she said, and I believed her, content to lie in silence while we enjoyed each others company.

"Why can't we have ordinary problems?" I asked rhetorically, not that Rainbow noticed.
She laughed, leaning her head on my shoulder again.
"Where'd be the fun in that?"

Author's Note:

Let's do the Time Warp again!
Yes, it's an update, and soon has been re-redefined.
Hopefully this will fill in some of the blanks for people and hopefully it hasn't opened up any plot holes of it's own… That would be annoying.

Anyway, this chapter and the next chapter are both skipping forwards in time slightly, this one by about a week, and the next one by [Insert interrupting and annoying noise here].

For those of you beginning to doubt the sad tag in the story… well, hang on for one more week, we'll see who's crying then!

Anyway, I suspect that I've missed some corrections somewhere due to the curse of proofreading my own document. If anyone spots any mistakes that have gone under my radar, point them out and I'll go hit them with a fixing hammer. Comments on what you think of the story so far are also appreciated.


P.S: Shamelessly borrowing a concept from my other fic, Eggheads Anonymous.
P.P.S: Shameless advertising too? Vonderbar!