• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Comments ( 112 )

Yeah, so this is a thing. All the stories I could have written and this is the one that ends up being stuck in my head. I ain't even sorry.

The thought of Kefka, a man obsessed with magic in a world without, suddenly dumped in a world that treats magic like it's not a big deal made me laugh more than it had any right to.

That and Kefka is probably my favorite villain ever. Handsome Jack runs a close second, but I've already seen a few Borderlands crossovers on here.

I don't know, I don't see how this could any way, but well.

I don't know the first thing about Final Fantasy. All I know is that clowns, trees, and other assorted beings perform magic in it, and sometimes they have swords (with guns on them).

But this look pretty gat damn interesting.

A story about Kefka ending up in Equestria to harness the powers of the Elements?

Colour me excited!

EDIT: Tracked and liked because psychotic mage clowns are the best!
EDIT: Found pony Kefka!

And off screen no less! The dastardly fiend!

Interestingly enough, Final Fantasy VI is one of the only games in the series (maybe the only one actually, don't quote me on that) where magic is considered an unnatural oddity, making Kefka's nearly unrivaled powers that much more terrifying. Makes for a bit of a shock when he's in a place where he's not quite so special anymore.

I know right? That's my favorite kind of clown!

If Kefka becomes the god of magic in Equestria I will be very happy. Looking forward to more murderous Kefka fun. :rainbowwild:

You glorious, glorious man. One of my favorite video game clown villains from my favorite Final Fantasy game is now in Equestria. You are totally AWESOME!

I myself have written a story with a famous clown villain in it. The Joker! If you want to check it out, here's the link Just Joking. Continue this story so I may read more of its gloriousness! :pinkiehappy:

In everything I've read or seen, Rainbow Dash is almost ALWAYS the first to die. Why does everyone enjoy killing her so much? (Maybe it has something/everything to do with her loyalty being manipulated)

That aside, this is fantastic. I absolutely love Kefka as a villain, almost as much as Discord himself, and FFVI was the only Final Fantasy game I was ever able to beat. I'm surprised nobody else did this before you.

I can't wait to see how this turns out.

I was actually surprised as well that I was unable to find any stories with Kefka. I figured, of all villains, Kefka must have landed in Equestria at some point. I knew I had to remedy the situation.

As for Rainbow Dash, she just seemed to fit this situation best. I didn't see anyone other than her or maybe Fluttershy hanging out in the middle of nowhere alone, and I didn't think Fluttershy would ever approach a mystery clown by herself. I guess Rainbow drew the short straw there. :rainbowderp:

1759496 Yeah, but he probably wouldn't have been able to kill her if her loyalty to one of her old friends didn't get the best of her.

1759405 The first to die is usually somebody even more expendable than the rest of the cast. Someone who is not likable enough to keep around. The comedic relief is usually one of the last to die if at all. Or at least that is the rule of horror movies. So it would go Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, then Twilight.

Kefka + Joker + Discord would be the most unstoppable trio ever!

If Kefka doesn't genocide all of ponykind then I will have to complain about Kefka being written out of character.
If Kefka is written in character then I have to complain about the genocide of all of ponykind.

All I'll say is you're going to have some complaining to do.

It just wouldn't feel right if it wasn't. :rainbowwild:

Yay, update!
Kefka making friends? This can only end well.

i can already predict his antics with pinkie :pinkiehappy:


And by making friends, he means BURN ERRYTHING

Predictable? Kefka? I not sure that anything Kefka does can be predicted.

Great chapter. Looking forward to everybody dying horrible painful deaths! :pinkiesmile:

As always kefka is still the greatest villain ever.:pinkiehappy:

In the word of M. Bison:
This is delicious!

Oh, this story is delightfully dark and enjoyable!

Oh no, not Bon Bon :fluttercry:

Just kidding, I couldn't give a fuck. Burn the town to the ground!

Glad you're enjoying it. I gotta say, Kefka is a fun character to write.

Damn man, that's harsh. I can't imagine Kefka doing anything that heartless. :trollestia:

1898968 More than words can describe. It's just so spectacular to see Kefka in complete character.
Speaking of; Kefka poisoned an entire city - just for laughs. Burning Ponyville to the ground would only be considered half bad by Kefka standards.

Its not mean at all! this is kefka were talking about:ajsmug: have a like

Oh yes you show kefka's true side good going.:pinkiehappy:

I'm kind of hoping he'll get to talk to Twilight (I was actually thinking she was the one he would choose as his slave). Anyway, more murder to come, Kefka style!
(credits to artist Evanatt on DA)

Twilight will show up, but I'm trying to keep her part a little less prominent in the early chapters. I debated having her be the slave, but I felt like her friends would catch on way too quickly, not to mention Celestia. She's just too influential a figure in the community. She'll get hers though, one way or another. :twilightangry2:

Now get some filthy worms to feed to the filthy worms! :pinkiesick:

Glad you are enjoying it. More Kefka shenanigans for everyone!

I saw this on the update list and absolutely loved the character and setting of this! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:
This is perfect and I can't tell (and can't wait for) what could happen next. :twilightsmile:

It's funny... I left off reading this for a while for one reason.

It would either be VERY GOOD, or it would be VERY BAD.

It's the first:raritywink:

1905553 I never thought of that. Yeah, that makes sense when you put it that way.

It's gonna be Doma all over again.:pinkiecrazy:

Oh poison... classic Kefka move.

I really like this story. It's really a realistic portrayal of what Kefka would do. I just love how IN CHARACTER he is.

I mean, no pony would see Kefka as a threat, as most ponies tend to believe in the best of character, and he quite honestly doesn't look dangerous. However, that's all Kefka needs to kill you. He's a schemer and manipulator, able to perfectly assess situations and characters. He's like a nihilistic Rarity in that regard. And once Kefka has your trust... he has his way with you.

Oh Kefka... you evil bastard... I love you. The ponies are just too trusting, and Kefka knows this. Except for Twilight, who questions everything. Ooooohhhh. Twilight vs Kefka. Interesting matchup.

And here he slips up!

Now, I suggest that you run, or you'll be well done.

She's gonna tell everyone now D:

I get it the Magicite that Applejack touched has Rainbow's Essence inside it


She turned to escape, but instead came face to face with Lyra. The air around her suddenly became unseasonably warm.

Now that's assuming Kefka would actually let her run :ajsmug:

"You've been a big help, though it wasn't enough. Unfortunately, your judge of character is not up to snuff. We've had our fun, but in the end I have won. Now, I suggest that you run, or you'll be well done."


1927513 1927624
Yeah, FS hit the nail on the head here. Kefka loves to have fun with his kills, but showing mercy just isn't in his nature. Taunting them certainly is, though. :trollestia:

1927606 1927859
That line at the end is one of my favorite Kefka lines, and I knew I had to throw it in someone's face at some point. An encounter with Zecora just seemed too perfect.

We should get to see a clash between those two very soon. Hopefully, it doesn't disappoint. :twilightsmile:

Do you think I hammered that point a little too hard? I wanted AJ to explain it to Twilight, but I suppose I could have summarized it better if it seemed like it was getting too repetitive. It seemed like a natural place for the conversation to go.

1929667 Indeed. It's one of my favourite lines too. I'm rooting for his "Die, die, DIE!!!", "I hate (x17) you!", "self-help booklet" and "*voices screaming in pain" lines. And there are so much more to choose from!
"Wait he says! Do I look like a waiter?"

My stomach is sore from gleeful and unrelenting joy! Oh Kefka, you dastardly villain, you!

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