• Published 5th Dec 2012
  • 1,051 Views, 31 Comments

Warpony 40k - Luckythebrony

In the grim dark future there is only... Harmony? A twisted ride through the 40k universe pony style

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Empress' Grace

Chapter X
The Empress’ Grace

Segmentum Celest Pegusian Gate

“The Spire” formerly Kasr’ Salvation

0010 Imperial Standard

He was alive again, of that much he was sure. He was finally alive again, thank the Empress he got to feel this rush one more time. He realized it could be his last time and it made him smile not a manic smile of one who has lost his mind. Rather it was the content smile of an old colt ready to die. He could die happy just being in a life or death situation again… He was an Assassin of the Equinsition again, he was freed by those fools from Imperial shackles and now they unleashed him on this hell hole that holds some significance to them… It matters not the reasons he was free to hunt… To kill… He stopped and watched a hurried mass of ponies pass under him as he perched high in the rafter of the old sanctuary proper, now converted into a makeshift torture chamber. He was high enough they could not see him, not that they seemed to care. He analyzed the situation quickly, several Guardponies most likely Kasrcolts, escorting former prisoners. None of them his target… No! His prey… he smiled again that same smile again but this time it had the twinge of a predator on the hunt. His time was growing short his prey may flee the premises. Worse if he failed he'd end up back in that cage. He paused his expression soured at the thought, no he could not permit that not again. He leapt from rafter to rafter till he reached the door below him he dropped down silent as a shadow and slipped through back on his hunt. He caught the attention of the brown colt only for a second, he did not care, and nothing mattered but his hunt…


Doc stopped and turned for a moment to stare at a doorway on the other side of the torture chamber he squinted and tried to make out the form of that shadow he barely caught slipping through there…

'DOC!' Beatrice yelled out and he turned to face her, she signaled to move out with a nod of his head. He looked back at the door for a moment the specter was gone with no sign all he could see was the lights in the hallway beyond. He scowled slightly and moved on with the rest of the group. They hadn’t encountered any real resistance up to this point, but the evidence of Lightning and Octavia was everywhere. Doc rejoined the group and began to assess them all, many of the group where slowing now though, fatigue from years of imprisonment, malnutrition and torture was taking their toll on the pony’s bodies. He worried that they may not make it to the landing site in time. Beatrice must have feared this too has she began to herd the prisoners more enthusiastically and with a little more determination. A chirp came over the comm bead and Octavia’s voice spoke out

'Bird in bound, eta 5 mikes!' She sounded panicked and it sounded as if there was gunfire in the background.

'Octavia is the LZ still secured?' He asked, he waited for a long moment until finally,

‘It is now haha, we had a minor incident with a random patrol…. Heh like I said though it was minor.’ Lightning responded.

‘Ok we are on the way.’ Beatrice nodded to him as he looked back to make sure the group was still following. They were all but crawling now but they weren't far now they had covered a lot of ground but they needed just a little more to get them there safely. 'If we don’t get them soon more patrols and guards will begin to move toward the explosion…' He thought this as he scanned ahead down the hallway leading to the platform exit. He had to get them on their feet many had to sit now mostly the badly beaten and the elderly. ‘Ponies,’ he shouted out and many looked down the hall at him even Collen who was pulling rear guard looked over her shoulder, ‘We must press on! The landing zone is close which mean your freedom is nigh!’ He looked out at their faces many were sunken and many looked defeated. ‘You are all close to being rid of this place and soon we will destroy it,’ Their eyes lit up with a new fire and many started to get to their feet, ‘now then citizens of the Imperium, the Empress will see your courage and pass her blessings down upon you! We shall prevail today and so shall you!’ With a cheer they rose to their feet and started down the hall some needed help and leaned on a few of the Guardponies but still hobbled quickly to their freedom. As she passed Collen patted Doc on the shoulder, he wasn't sure if he believed what he said about the Empress, but the prisoners did and as they moved through the doorway to the outdoor landing pad the Valkyrie lander began to make it’s decent. Landing gear kicked out and the ramp began to drop finally Doc believed he could breathe a sigh of relief. ‘Maybe the Empress is watching, maybe there is some justice in this universe,’ he thought all these things as the civilians loaded on the back of the aircraft. He smiled as the Valkyrie took off slowly and the ramp closed. ‘Maybe I was wrong about a lot of things.’ This was his last thought as he turned head back inside, the Valkyrie exploded in a hellish fire ball in the sky the wreckage of which came plummeting down on top of Bulk and himself.

Colleen, Octavia, Lightning and Beatrice turned to look at the terror unfolding before them. From the other side of the walk way leading to the platform a barrage of Lasfire, and a rocket, came at them from the door. The rocket exploded some cargo in front of Lightning and knocked her back the remaining members of the rescue team hunkered down and returned fire.

Author's Note:

Yep... there it is....