• Published 19th Sep 2011
  • 7,114 Views, 84 Comments

A Change of Heart - Big-Mac-115

Spike's 16th birthday began a turning point of not only his own life, but the one he loves most...

  • ...

Chapter Two: Revelations

“So you ARE coming to Spike’s birthday party, right?” Twilight asked as Rarity took another measurement around her waist, who was fitting Twilight for a new outfit that she was having made for her graduation party at the beginning of next year.

“Of COURSE I am! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Rarity exclaimed after writing down this new measurement on her clipboard. “Hmph! I’m actually slightly insulted that you would ask something like that! I mean why WOULDN’T I be there, I’ve been there every year!”

Twilight laughed. “Well, good point. I was just making sure.”

Rarity crossed the room to her closet where she stored her rolls of fabric, carefully selecting a piece of cloth of the right length and color to begin in the making of Twilight’s gown. “Although, I’m not ENTIRELY sure what to get him… Hmm, what sort of things does he like? Has he shown any interests of late?”

“Actually, I was wondering if you could give him a little something… Special! You know, something personal, from the bottom of your heart.”

“Oh? DO tell.” Rarity raised a brow as she pulled on a roll of lavender-colored cloth, putting it back as she saw that it was too close to the color of Twilight’s body, and wouldn’t look good on her.

“I was wondering if you could give him a little piece of yourself, IF you know what I mean…”

Rarity dropped the roll that she had just pulled off the shelf and turned to Twilight, her jaw nearly touching the floor. “WHAT!? YOU want me to…. GIVE MYSELF to SPIKE!? Are you out of your MIND? I mean what do you mistake me for, some sort of PROSTITUTE!?”

Twilight’s face turned bright red in embarrassment. “No! No no no, NOTHING like that! Okay clearly you don’t know what I meant... I was just suggesting that you, you know, spend some time alone with him, and talk to him, that’s all! Trust me; I would never want you to do something like what you were thinking!”

“Ohhhh… Okay, THAT’S much more do-able.” Rarity said, sighing with relief. She thought about what Twilight suggested as she picked up and re-rolled the fabric she had dropped. With another sigh, she said “Oh, alright… I SUPPOSE that would be fine, but hear me now Twilight Sparkle! If he tries anything, I’m coming for you!” laughing as she said this last sentence.

Rarity played these events from the previous week back in her mind as she walked home to Carousel Boutique at three in the morning, actually somewhat glad that they had happened, and that Twilight Sparkle had given her this opportunity to be alone with Spike. She realized that, before tonight, she had never truly had any sort of… Connection with him in any way. Sure, they had been friends for the last four years, but she had avoided any sort of “alone time” with him, because, once again, she was afraid that he would do nothing but flirt. And she was INCREDIBLY surprised that he didn’t, because even the rest of the stallions in Ponyville that didn’t take as much of a liking to her as Spike would usually do little more than flirt with her. And because of this, she found that she had enjoyed her time tonight greatly. Just two good friends, talking on a personal level, expressing their feelings, and laughing together, as it should be.

“So how’d it go?”

Rarity jumped nearly a full foot into the air as Pinkie Pie exploded out of a bush along the road next to her. “PINKAMENA DIANE PIE! What have I told you about jumping out at ponies like that!? ESPECIALLY me! You KNOW I hate it when you do that! And what on Earth are you doing out here this late at night?”

Pinkie giggled and began hopping around Rarity in a circle. “That's not important. Now, tell me how it went! What’d you guys do? Was it nice? Tell me!”

“Tell you WHAT? What in Equestria are you talking about?”

“Your DATE! Silly goose!”

“Date? I didn’t go on a da-…” Rarity’s eyes widened and she blushed. “Umm... Are you referring to Spike and I?”

“Mmhm!” The pink pony grinned. “How’d it go? Tell me! Tell me tell me tell me!”

Rarity laughed. “Oh, Pinkie it wasn’t a date! He and I simply sat under the stars for a few hours and talked, that’s all!”

“What’d you guys talk about?” Pinkie said excitedly.

“Ohh, everything really. We talked about how our lives were going, our hobbies and interests, told jokes and had a good laugh or two, told stories, talked about each other, that sort of thing.”

“You mean everything that you talk about when you go on a date with someone?” Pinkie said with a giggle.

Rarity opened her mouth to speak in her defense, but found that she had nothing to say. “Well… I suppose if you look at it that way…”

Pinkie began bouncing in the air again. “OHHHHH I’m so happy for you! So, was he nice? Did you guys flirt a lot? OH! When do you plan on going on a date again?”

Rarity blushed and put her hooves on the shoulders of Pinkie to get her to stop bouncing. “Alright, that’s quite enough… YES, he was nice, as Spike usually is, and I do SUPPOSE you could say we ‘flirted’ a little bit…” She glanced away with a sheepish smile. “However, quite frankly I’m not sure if I plan on going on another date with him.”

“Awww, why not?” Pinkie asked, her huge smile vanishing.

Once again, Rarity wanted to give a reason, but nothing came to her mind. Pinkie Pie had a point; Rarity DID indeed enjoy herself tonight, and the more she thought about it, the more she knew that there really wasn’t any valid reason why she wouldn’t go on another “date” with Spike…

“You want to know something? You’re right, Pinkie Pie. Why NOT?”

Pinkie’s smile came back almost twice as large as it was when it had left. “Aww! That’s sooo sweet! So, when DO you guys plan on going out again?”

“Soon, I hope.” Rarity replied… And she meant it.

With another giggle, Pinkie said “Sounds good! Well, I’ll see you tomorrow Rarity. I better go, it’s getting late!”

GETTING late? It’s nearly morning already! She laughed. “Okay, Pinkie Pie. Take care now, darling!” She turned and was about to start walking away, when…

Wait a minute…

“Pinkie Pie… How ever did you know about me and Spike toni-…” Rarity turned, but she had already vanished.

Rarity found herself laughing. That pony… I swear, she stalks everyone!

She began thinking about the point that Pinkie Pie had made. She had gone on a date with Spike. She... Had gone on a date... With Spike. Although the idea seemed completely and utterly ridiculous at first, the more she thought of it, the more she found the notion... Appealing. This was almost hysterical to her; never in her lifetime did she think that she would find herself engaging in any sort of relations with the dragon past being a friend, let alone ENJOYING such relations. And true, she hadn't a problem in the world with him, he just didn't seem like the type of guy that she would be into. YET, here she was, thinking about him, not necessarily in a "romantic" way, but not quite in JUST a friendly way, either.

Come to think of it, she wasn't sure WHAT to think of him. Before tonight, she had thought of him as little more than just another guy in Ponyville that had a crush on her (one of many). But, after tonight, she found that - while he was still an incredible friend to her - he was the only boy in the whole town that seemed to be able to hold a steady conversation and not constantly stare and flirt, which was a nice change. Although it WAS indeed nice to have guys drooling over the ground she walked on, none of them seemed to be able to talk to her without either completely freezing up in fear of embarrassing themselves in front of her, or say something along the lines of "Oh Rarity, you're the most beautiful, most charming, most incredible unicorn ever...". And Spike was the only male she knew that COULD talk to her normally, which automatically made him more special than most of them.

But, there was something else about him... Something else that made him different... Something that made him stand out to her more than the rest, though she couldn't quite place a hoof on what it was.

She continued walking home in the dark, further and further away from the Ponyville library, Spike, and the new feelings she had discovered in him…

And closer and closer to Carousel Boutique, where she was sure to spend yet another sleepless night in the agonizing pain of her nightmarish past.

* * *

Rarity whimpered as her eyes flew open, gripped with terror, panting and in a cold sweat. She lay there staring at the ceiling for several minutes gasping for air, attempting to reassure herself that it was all just dreams and that none of it was reality. However, this was pointless, and she knew it was, because as much as she wanted to, there was just no way to block it out; the terrible things that were the subject of her nightmares HAD indeed happened, and although Rarity did her best to avoid this fact, she could do little more but just accept it, letting it out in the form of tears.

The pathetic-looking unicorn lay there for about ten minutes more before she reluctantly got up, heading for the kitchen, in search of the only thing that seemed to lesser the pain. She pulled open the door of the pantry, where she used her magic to quietly retrieve a bottle of it from the wine rack, and also fetching a small glass from one of the cabinets, she poured some of the dark red liquid into the glass. Though she never drank more than a glass or two at a time, she found that the wine offered a sort of an escape, something to dull her mind and thoughts, which seemed to take the edge off the memories, for the most part.

Using her levitation spell to carry the small glass of consolation with her, she returned to her room, still sniffling, and retrieved her portable CD player from her dresser. Using the same spell, she levitated the headphones over her head and onto her ears, and laid down on her bed, also using her magic to press the small grey buttons on the front of the device and make her selection. She came across her favorite artist, a pony named Elena Siegman, and let the music play, laying her head back onto the pillow behind her, and letting the wine and the music do their work.

As she sipped at her glass, she listened to the lyrics of the song, absorbing their meaning, and confiding with the writer. Although the lyrics left something to be interpreted, she took them as almost a personal message directed at her; Elena seemed angry about something or someone, as was Rarity, and would often express it in the form of gory or dark metaphors, such as "death is magic, so say Abracadavre now", and "your good life, it makes me sick, while all the screaming sounds like music." Rarity noted that Elena often would begin shouting and screaming seemingly out of nowhere, which is something Rarity wished she could do to let out a bit of the stress. However, such acts were considered "unbecoming", so these tunes were about as close as she could get to being able to let off steam.

This had become a nightly routine for her; in the past few months, she had started having nightmares about her utterly dreadful and revolting fillyhood. About her father, mother, her “friends”… All of it was just terrible, and she didn’t want to think of it. However, as much as she didn’t want to, her half-asleep mind slowly drifted into these thoughts, and there was nothing she could do but let her mind torture itself……

* * *

Rarity awoke to the sound of her alarm about an hour later. Eyes slowly peeling open, she managed a glance out the window, where the first rays of light were beginning to peek over the horizon. Morning… Already? She thought with a loud sigh. But she then remembered that she had only been home for a few hours as it was, because she had been with…


She thought of him, and massive smile crossed her whole face. She had no idea why it took until now to see it, but she was glad that she finally did:

She had just realized what made him different all this time. She had just realized what she had discovered in him...

...She had just discovered why she was beginning to fall in love with Spike.

*End part two*