• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 2,936 Views, 31 Comments

Spitfire's secret - Blue Thunder

A Spitfire and ________ Ship.

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Spitfire walks into her office past the receptionist. Opening her door she notices Rainbow Dash standing in front of her desk. She shuts the door behind her while she walks around her desk and sits, staring into Rainbow's eyes.

"Do you know why i called you in here?" Rainbow shakes her head. "I called you in here because there is something important that must be said. I have been fighting feelings for you for awhile now but I can no longer hold them at bay. I love you."

Spitfire flinches as she says it, waiting for Rainbow's response. Rainbow stares at the wall behind Spitfire for half a minute before finally looking her in the eyes. What she says strikes deep into Spitfires heart. Rainbow Dash turns and leaves, slamming the door behind her leaving Spitfire shaking with sobs, tears staining the wooden desk. Spitfire crys harder as an emotion she hasn't felt in years boils up.......fear. She watches through her window as Rainbow Dash takes flight fading into the distance, her last words bouncing around in Spitfires head.


Spitfire slowly opens her eyes, scanning the room around her. The sun is poking through her window forcing her to close her eyes again. Rolling over, she reaches the edge of her bed and rolls onto her hooves. She opens her eyes once again, this time out of the suns glare, and heads for the bathroom. Upon reaching the sink she looks up and stares into her reflection. Her mane is flat against her head, her eyes are bloodshot, and her wings needed a lot of attention. Sighing, she jumps into the shower for a quick wash. Afterwords she grabs her mane brush and tackles her bed head, followed quickly by a quick preening of her wings. She looks at her reflection again, this time satisfied, then walks over to her closet to find a clean set of her coach outfit. After about five minutes of struggling she manages to pull her jacket on the right way, placing her hat and glasses in there rightful places on her head. "Here we go...."

Half an hour later Spitfires sitting at her desk signing autographs when there is a knock at her door. "Enter."

Rainbow Dash walks in and salutes Spitfire. "You asked to see me sir?"

Spitfire giver the pegasi at the door a stern look. "Leave us, make sure no pony disturbs us." They nod in unison and close the door behind them. Spitfire turns her attention to Rainbow. "At ease. I called you here to discuss the teams. I have decided to place you and Lightning Dust on the same team. I did this because I believe you will be unstoppable together, and because sticking either of you with another pony will only slow you down or push the other past their limits."

Rainbow Dash breaks into a huge smile. "Thanks sir, we wont disappoint you sir."

"Good. I have decided to make you wing pony."

Rainbow's smile vanishes immediatly, her eyes wide with shock. "Bu... what about my time on the dizzytron, I had the best time there. I was half a second faster then Lightning Dust."

Spitfire holds a hoof up to silence Rainbow. "I have already seen your incredible skill and speed. However, the Wonderbolts are a Team, and i have yet to see you work with others. Sure you and your friends work as a team often, but they are not a flying team. I need to know that, in your element, you can obey orders without a moments hesitation. I need to know that you are comfortable with someone bossing you around. But most of all, I need to know that you won't leave anybody behind, that you will restrain yourself. That is why Lightning Dust is lead pony."

Rainbow throws the idea around her head for a few moments before nodding. "I won't let you down sir, I'll show you that i can be relied on."

Spitfire smiles. "Good, because I would hate to see you fail because you don't work well with others. I like you Rainbow Dash, and I don't want to have to sign your fail papers. Your a great flyer and it would be tragic if we let you slip through our fingers, plus your a nice pony to be around." SpitfIre immediatly blushes after saying that, but luckily her sunglasses hid most of it.

Rainbow looks slightly confused at the last comment. "You think I'm nice to be around? Thanks, I guess. Your pretty cool to hang with too."

Spitfire senses an awkward silence approaching. "That is all, dismissed."

Rainbow Dash salutes and walks out the door, leaving Spitfire to facehood in private. 'Why did you say that you stupid filly. Now shes going to think your hitting on her.' She stops at that. 'Was I hitting on her?' She replays the encounter in her head. 'Dear Celestia, I was hitting on her. And she said I was cool. Great, now i sound like some filly with a crush, which probably isn't far from the truth.' Spitfire gets up and heads for the door. 'Time for training.'

Five hours later Spitfire finds herself back behind her desk. She had left the rookies with the job of clearing the sky of clouds. With nothing to do but finish signing photos, her mind wanders back to the conversation with Rainbow Dash. 'She seems to be taking orders well today. There were a few incident's but nothing to serious. If she keeps this up she'll be a wonderbolt in ten seconds flat. Hmmmm, why do i have the feeling that i just stole some pony's catch phrase?' She dwells on that thought for a moment before turning her thoughts back to Rainbow Dash. 'She seemed distracted today, like she was thinking about something. I wonder if our chat earlier had anything to do with that.' As is on cue, Rainbow Dash walks through the door of her office.

Spitfire notices the anger on her face. "This had better be good, your supposed to be clearing the skys."

Raimbow walks up to the desk. "We've finished with that. Lightning Dust decided to make a tornado to bust the rest of the clouds."

Spitfire looks at the clock on the wall. "Well, although that is a bit much for just busting clouds, I have to say it was inventive and very effective."

Rainbow Dash looks like she's ready to reach across the desk and smack her. "Inventive? She nearly killed my friends. Not to mention sending the other teams into spin outs earlier and dangerous flying that resulted in me bruising my wing. If this is how you treat pony's that place themselves before the safety of others, then i'm not sure I want to be a Wonderbolt." With that she tears her badge off, throwing it on the desk, and slams the door behind her.

Spitfire thought she heard a sniff from the other side of the door, but any further sounds fell on deaf ears. Spitfire was in shock. 'She quit. She just left the Wonderbolts. She just left me...' Spitfire jumps up. 'NO, I will not let her throw this away. I will not let her leave, not before she knows.' She runs for the door, shedding her jacket and hat, shehad left her sunglasses on the desk. Flying out the door she spots Rainbow Dash at the edge of the training camp. Flapping for speed Spitfire reaches her just before she straps her saddlebags on. She tackles the rainbow maned mare off the edge of the cloud.

Rainbow's eyes go wide in shock as Spitfire wraps her forelegs around her. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

Spitfire smiles. "This...." She closes her eyes and kisses her crush. Rainbow Dash is to stunned to open her wings. Somewhere in the back of her hear something is screaming at her to stop the fall, but she can't tear her gaze away from flame maned mare currently making out with her. Eventually she closes her eyes and returns the kiss, giving up every care in the world. She wraps her legs around the yellow mare, deepening the kiss.

Spitfire smiles inside when she feels the legs around her tighten. Opening her eyes, she sees just how close to the ground they were and opens her wings, flapping enough to slow their decent as they neared a cloud. Landing, she finally breaks the kiss, nuzzling the cyan mare. "I love you Rainbow." She looks into the mares eyes, waiting for a response. She seems to be toying with the idea. Finally she answers.

"I really like you, but I don't know if it's love."

Spitfire nods, crestfallen. Shes taken aback at the next words.

"But, I'm not afraid to find out."

Spitfire smiles and nuzzles the mare. "That's ok. We will discover that together." They sit next to each other and stare off into the distance, both perfectly content to just sit there with each other, not a worry in the world...

Author's Note:

This chapter was written in the same amount of time it took to write the previous two, which is partially due to the fact that it is midnight and my arm is killing me. I really hope you enjoyed this ship. I sure did. The above picture was my inspiration and original cover art, but to try to preserve the "secret" I opted for the current art and decided to add this at the end.

Comments ( 6 )

The last chapter is out. You may notice I have deleted several comments. I will not delete your comments. All the comments were mine and no longer needed, I was attempting to lesson the amount of comments i put in my own stories. I really enjoyed this last chapter, I hope you do/did as well.:yay:

I can now proudly click the completed button. I now pronounce this story a Rainfire.

getting lots of faves. Thanks all.

What a great ending! And only a single spelling mistake, rainbow instead of raimbow (at first i thought it said rambo). I WANT MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

this was legit a good story please continue on stories like this but longer yay:ajsmug:

Music for spitfire and rainbow dash:

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