• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 1,793 Views, 10 Comments

Scootaloo's Mining Mishap - Tails_155

When you're determined to get your cutie mark, nothing will get in your way. Maybe.

  • ...

Scootaloo's Mining Mishap

The scene opens on the (Ponyville) Cutie Mark Crusaders in a rocky area similar to where the Diamond Dogs were living.

"Really, Sweetie Belle? Are you sure this is what we will have as our cutie marks?" Scootaloo sighs as she drops a pickaxe.

"Of course! My sister got her mark for this, why can't we?" Sweetie Belle struggles to overcome her excitement at the thought of having a cutie mark just like her sister's. She visualizes having an amethyst version of Rarity's cutie mark, as they show them off together in the boutique to doting onlookers.

The crags that surround them appear to be bare as far as gemstones are concerned. "Well, Sweetie Belle? Where are the gems?"

"I-I don't know. Rarity said she can just feel when there's gems around" Sweetie Belle looks around at the very plain stone surroundings. She fights off a frown and attempts to raise morale. "Let's keep looking!"

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo exchange glances and shrug.

The scene cuts to a while later, with the trio picking at plain stone, finding nothing exciting.

"There's gotta be something here!" Sweetie Belle insists.

"Ah don't think there's anythin' other than a bunch a' stone here. Let's trah somethin' else."

"No! I... I just want to be like Rarity, okay? Can't we try for a little bit longer?" Sweetie Belle, poorly, hides her disappointment and self-doubt. A thought bubble imitating the thoughts from before pops into dust to the sound of broken glass.

"Look, Sweetie Belle, maybe you'll get your mark in something much cooler than Rarity's."

"Like what?" Sweetie Belle strikes a stone, frustratedly, and the pile rumbles.

"I don't know, we'll find something, though. Out here we have a better chance finding zombies or skeletons or something." Scootaloo drops her pick and takes a seat, wiping her brow. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle turn to each other and turn back to Scootaloo with a curious stare. "Oh, never mind."

They continue picking at the pile of rocks for a while, finding nothing but more rocks. "Ohhh. This is pointless!" Sweetie Belle groans and strikes the stones again, a louder rumble.

"Sweetie Belle, look out!" Scootaloo shouts and dives at Sweetie Belle, knocking her onto her back and out of the way, just as rocks barrel over the top of Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle screams.

"Scootaloo! Scootaloo? Are you okay? Apple Bloom! Go get help!" Apple Bloom overcomes her shock and bolts off toward Ponyville.

Sweetie Belle begins digging through the rubble in an attempt to get the stones off her friend. "Scootaloo?" She manages, fighting off tears.

After a couple minutes of digging, she uncovers a hoof, and eventually digs her friend up. Her limp body doesn't budge. "Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle shouts, clinging tightly to the unresponsive body. Sweetie Belle begins to cry into the rag doll that is her dear friend. She calls out again. Her crying makes the rest of her pleas mostly incoherent.

within minutes, Twilight and her friends, accompanied by Lucky Buck, Featherweight, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac rush onto the scene.

Twilight, in as calm a voice as she can muster, inquires, "What happened? Sweetie Belle, are you okay?"

A flood of questions all drown each other out and finally Rainbow Dash shouts "Everyone shut up! We need to get Scootaloo to the hospital. Standing around asking questions isn't helping anything." She swoops down and pries Scootaloo out of Sweetie Belle's arms. Sweetie Belle reaches in vain as Rainbow Dash bolts off the scene, followed quickly by Lucky Buck.

"Now, Rainbow Dash was probably right about that, but what happened here, Sweetie Belle?" Twilight looks at the young pony through worried, but confused eyes.

Sweetie Belle whimpers and struggles to fight off her hysteria. "W-we were... t-trying to get our cutie marks and..." She begins to sob again.

Apple Bloom continues the story, now fighting off panic of her own for her friend. "We were diggin' to try and find gems, y'know like Rarity, and... well... the rocks fell... and... Is Scootaloo gonna be okay?"

"We'll have to see. Try..." Twilight sighs.. "Try not to worry too much, they'll do what they can. The doctors will take care of her."

Her words of encouragement have no effect on the panicked ponies. Sweetie Belle runs toward town. "Sweetie Belle, come back!" Rarity shouts, "Oh dear, this is terrible. What will we do if... well..." Apple Bloom runs after Sweetie Belle, tearing up. Everypony glares at Rarity. Rarity blushes.

Twilight fills in the awkward, concerned silence. "We should head back to town and see what is going on." The crowd walks back to Ponyville.

In the hospital, Scootaloo is now wrapped in bandages in a few places, especially the head, hooked up to tubes and wires. Rainbow Dash is pacing while Lucky Buck talks to the doctor.

"Well, she's roughed up, but she should make a recovery. Her memory of the event may be gone, depending on how hard she was struck on the head. If she's a tough filly, she should be fine in a couple weeks." The doctor glances at a clipboard, adjusting his glasses with his hoof.

"She's pretty strong, for a filly her age." Lucky Buck sits on a chair beside the doorway and sighs.

"Well then, she should be fine pretty soon."

"Do you know how long she'll be out?"

"There's no real telling. She'll be bruised and sore for a bit, hopefully if she's out for a while, she won't have to deal with the worst of the aches." The bespectacled pony puts a hoof on the policepony's shoulder, attempting to reassure him.

"At least that."

Rainbow Dash turns to the pair and sighs. "She'll be okay, then?"

"In time, Rainbow Dash, in time." The doctor leaves. Two fillies rush into the room, blowing brochures on pony health off a table outside the doorway.

"I-is she okay?"
"What's wrong? Is she gonna be alrahght?"
"Oh, look at her. This is all my fault."
"What'd the doctors say?"
"Scootaloo, I'm so sorry!"
"Have the doctors even seen her yet?"
"I'm... so... sorry..." followed by tears.

"Will you two calm down? The doctor said she'd be okay. What were you even doing? She could have been seriously hurt! You two are lucky she's--" Sweetie Belle winces at the tone in Rainbow Dash's voice.

Lucky Buck cuts off Rainbow Dash's chastising rant. "She'll be okay, she just needs to stay here for a few days and recover. It was good you got help as quick as you did. And it was good somepony stayed with her. This is a terrible situation, but it looks like she'll be okay."

"W-we were looking to get our cutie marks in finding gemstones and... and..." Sweetie Belle fights off crying, yet again. "The rocks... they fell, and she... she pushed me out of the way... and... oh... this is all my fault!." She clings to Apple Bloom, and gives in to the tears once more.

Apple Bloom tries to calm her friend. "They said she's gonna be okay. Don't worry Sweetie Belle."

"It's all my fault..." She repeats to herself. Apple Bloom sighs.

Rainbow Dash scowls at the two of them, Lucky Buck glares at her, and she exchanges frustrated glances and sighs.

"Look, guys. She needs to stay here for a few days. You should--"

"Have you found anything out yet?" Twilight asks from the doorway.

"Oh good grief." Rainbow Dash facehoofs. "Yes, yes, yes. She'll be okay. Do we have to do this all again?" Lucky Buck prods her in the side, she ribs him.

"Rainbow Dash is pretty upset. Maybe it would be best if we talked about this, later? She'll be okay, that's all that--"

"Sweetie Belle? You never explained what happened." Rainbow Dash throws her front hooves into the air and groans as the rest of the ponies make their way into the room. A nurse calling from the back that they need visitor stickers. "How did the--"

"Everybody out!" Rainbow Dash and the nurse say in sync.

The nurse continues "If you want to visit somepony in the hospital you need to get a visitor's sticker and sign in, and only a few of you in at a time! We have procedures here for the safety of our patients!"

"Don't worry, Nurse Redcross, they were just leaving." Rainbow Dash insists, pointing a hoof to the doorway, fuming. Everypony exchanges glances and leaves the room. Lucky Buck follows them outside. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Rainbow Dash stay behind. The two fillies sign a clipboard and receive stickers as the crowd moves outside.

"Sorry about how she's acting, she's just worried."

"We understand." Twilight responds. "We were just worried, too. We just wanted to know what was going on."

"She should make a full recovery in a couple of weeks. The doctors said there's no permanent damage."

"Ohmigosh. So she's going to be okay? Poor poor Scootaloo! Rockslides can be dangerous. You know when I was on the rockfarmwehadtobecarefulaboutthemallthetime! Otherwisewoosh! Youcouldenduponthebottomofabigbigpileofrocks! AndwwhoKNOWSifyou'dbe--"

"Well that's good alrahght." Applejack interrupts, nodding.

"If I understand, correctly, to answer your question, Rarity." Lucky Buck turns his attention. "They were out digging to try and find gems and get a cutie mark like yours. While they were digging, rocks fell and Scootaloo knocked Sweetie Belle out of the way and got hit by the avalanche."

"Oh dear. Poor Sweetie Belle!" Everypony glances at her. "A-and Scootaloo." She blushes.

Fluttershy continues to stare into the doorway. "Poor, poor filly." She says in a small voice. "At least she'll be okay. I hope she isn't hurting."

"Yeah, at least everypony will be okay." Applejack responds, glancing through the window of the hospital to some other pony hooked up to wires.

"My big concern is that Scootaloo can't stand hospitals."

"Why not?" Twilight tilts her head.

"It's not my place to say, I'm just worried she'll be very anxious the whole time." He digs a small pock into the dirt. "We'll make sure Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom get home. I think they just want some time with their friend." He nods. "Thank you all."

"We weren't sure if we would need to help... you know... dig her out." Twilight grimaces. Lucky Buck nods.

"Thanks again, everypony." The crowd leaves, and Lucky Buck returns to the room.

Rainbow Dash is ranting out the window, when Lucky Buck returns, while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watch the bed, each with all the focus of a chessmaster.

"--something so dangerous without telling anypony. I can't believe they were so reckless to be--"

"Dashie, relax. She'll be okay."

"Still! It was reckless." She turns an accusing hoof to the two sullen fillies. "You two should be-"

"Shh-shh. They're just as upset as you, maybe even more. No reason to make them feel any worse."

"Why? In case you hadn't noticed, Scootaloo is hooked up to a bunch of machines, unconscious!"

"I see the situation, I understand. I also know that she's going to be okay. Now calm down." Rainbow Dash continues to grumble. "Are you two okay? Do either of you need to be checked while you're here?"

"No, Mister Lucky Buck." The two conscious fillies say in unison.

"It may be a couple of days before she wakes up." Lucky Buck looks to the duo. Sweetie Belle's lip quivers. "You should probably head home. I know you're worried, but everything will be fine." He forces a smile. "Head on home, now."

"On... second thought. I uh... I'm pretty sore." Sweetie Belle looks to the door and shivers.

"Sweetie Belle? Is something wrong?"


"Oh. Rarity." Sweetie Belle nods, nervously. "Don't worry. I'll go with you. She doesn't need to be questioning you, anyway. Everypony's fine. She's just worried. Apple Bloom? Do you need somepony to walk you home?"

"Nah, Ah'll be fahn. Let us know if anythin' happens alrahght?" Lucky Buck nods.

"Let's go, then, Sweetie Belle." They head out of the room, leaving Rainbow Dash gesticulating furiously.

The two ponies approach the Carousel Boutique and open the door. "-sure she'll be fine in a few days. She'll be happy to see you!"

"But what if she's mad at me?"

"Why would she be? You're friends. It was an accident."

"Sweetie Belle! There you are! Now, tell me everything that happened. I want to-- Hello Lucky Buck."

"I don't think it'll be necessary to interrogate her. She had a very rough day. She's fine. Her friend will be fine. Relax."

"But what happened?"

"Not to be too rude, but they explained it to you. I explained it to you. If you would stop fussing, you would've heard." Both Rarity and Lucky Buck raise an eyebrow.

"Well, then. Sweetie Belle, head to your room. You need to think about just how dangerous what you did was."

"Really?" Lucky Buck responds, flatly.

"I beg your pardon?"

"She just witnessed her friend in the hospital. I think she understands the dangers."

"With all due respect, Lucky Buck. Don't tell me how to raise my sister." Sweetie Belle cringes and backs up to her room.

"Fine, then. I just want you to realize that by prodding her and punishing her, while she's already pretty shaken up, you're doing nopony any good. Give her some time to deal with this. I think it'll be better for her."

"What did I say about telling me how to raise my sister?" She gestures to the door.

"Very well, then. Just don't be surprised if she ends up--" The door slams behind him. "Sneaking off..." Lucky Buck sighs.

Back at the hospital, Rainbow Dash is sitting in a chair with her hooves crossed, scowling at the machinery beside the small orange pegasus.

"I would hate to be Sweetie Belle right now..." Lucky Buck sighs and slumps into a different seat.

"I would, too." Rainbow Dash redirects her attention. "She's lucky Scootaloo is going to be alright."

"Rainbow Dash. Seriously."

"It was stupidly reckless."

"Like you've never done that. Remember how you got Tank?" Rainbow Dash's ears droop. "Or that time you got put in the hospital for showing off flying? Or what about that time--"

"Alright, alright, I get it!" Rainbow Dash sighs. "I am still trying to deal with this."

"We all are. You have to let it all work itself out. If you go scaring all Scootaloo's friends, then what? Her friends mean a lot to her. Just like yours. What if when she woke up her friends were afraid to visit her because you scared them so much? Just calm down."

"I gotta go, anyway. I have a feeling this rainstorm may end up being a thunderstorm."

"Watch out for the hospital, Dashie." She prods his shoulder on the way out. He fights off a chuckle.

Silence takes over the room, and Lucky Buck sighs and watches the still frame of his orange filly.

A couple of days pass, friends pop their heads in, waiting for news. Little happens, other than hours of silence, and the occasional onlooker, watching the still body, as if expecting it to do some sort of trick. Rarely is she left alone: Rainbow Dash or Lucky Buck spending the night and free daylight hours with the comatose filly. After a fourth day with no awakening, Miss Cheerilee made her way into the room alongside Featherweight and Sweetie Belle.

"Any word?" The taller of the trio asks to the patient father seated near the bed.

"None, so far. The doctors are beginning to discuss doing tests. They are wondering if they missed something. I am hoping it won't come to that. I told them to do what they needed to do."

"Well, the foals in class brought her a card. I felt like I should see how she was doing. Sweetie Belle and Featherweight said they wanted to deliver the card with me. I hope that you hear--" A groan interrupts the schoolteacher, the sound instantly freezing everyone in the room.

"Ugh... owww... H-huh? Wha? Sweetie Belle! Is Sweetie Belle okay?!" The young filly with the wires attached to monitors exclaims as soon as she recalls what happened. The smallest frame beside the bed turns deep red, and is simultaneously airborne, hopping onto the bed and clinging to her once-more-conscious friend. "Scootaloo! Scootaloo! I'm so so sorry! This is all my fault. I shouldn't have been so carelessandhitthatbigpileofrocks. Theyallfellandyousavedme! It'sallmyfault!" The young unicorn rambles faster and faster as the pegasus, still in some state of confusion groans at contact with some of her bruises.

"Sweetie Belle... Sweetie Belle! SWEETIE BELLE!" Lucky Buck says, finally using his magic to pull her off of his filly. "She is still all bruised up. Lay off the contact, for a bit."

"Oh... right... sorry." The small figure shrinks her frame even further, embarrassed.

"So... what happened, now?" Scootaloo asks, finally realizing her location, a chill running down her spine. "Why am I in here?"

"Well, you saved Sweetie Belle from the rockslide. You, however, were not so lucky." Lucky Buck replies.

After a brief recap for the young filly, her already discolored face turns redder. "So... I've been out for almost a week?"

"Indeed. We're all so happy that you woke up. We've been worried." The father nods.

"I actually came in just today for the first time since finding out. The class made you a get well soon card. We are all hoping you will be back to your peppy self very soon!" The teacher gives a pitying smile.

Featherweight finally lets go of his self-control and gives a far more ginger embrace than the shorter foal. "You had me scared. I've been here every day. I'm glad I was here to see you wake up." He chuckles and moves the well-worn Featherweight plushie Rarity made Scootaloo to the bed, passing it off to her. She clings to it. Featherweight keeps his seat on the bedside, doting eyes focused on the bandaged filly.

Scootaloo winces at the contact, allowing the painful embrace to continue, understanding its significance. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't let Sweetie Belle get hurt."

The lanky colt reluctantly lets go. "You're a great friend. You put yourself in the way of Sweetie Belle without a second thought. She's been worried sick, literally. She missed school a couple of days ago." The small unicorn nods, redfaced.

"Wow, I caused a bunch of trouble, didn't I?" Scootaloo surrenders embarrassment, herself.

"Noyoudidn't! ItwasmyfaultScootalooweshouldn'thavebeenoutthere! Whoknowswhatcouldhave..." The pink and purple maned unicorn unleashes an exhaustingly quick stream of guilty rambling.

"Sweetie Belle, you didn't do it on purpose. You got frustrated." Featherweight defends his friend.

"Butbutbut." Sweetie Belle fights off tears.

"Relax." The orange pegasus insists, looking overwhelmed at the stream of words coming into her ears.

"You're not mad at me are you, Scootaloo?" The filly's ears droop.

"Why would I be upset? You didn't throw me off a cliff, this was an accident!"

"Yeah, another accident, it's all I do." The filly backs herself into a corner, guilt winning out.

"It is not! Sweetie Belle, you really need to stop getting so upset over little mistakes. Granted, this was a big one, but even still, everything will be okay." Featherweight nearly yells in his frustration.

Sweetie Belle looks from Scootaloo to Featherweight and back.

"Really, Sweetie Belle, just calm down. Nopony is mad at you. In fact, you have no idea how happy I am to see you are okay. I would rather be battered and bruised than see you battered and bruised." Scootaloo gives as big a smile as she can manage with a sore body.

"Thanks, guys." Sweetie Belle gives a weak smile.

Miss Cheerilee pats the filly's back. "You are a bright, friendly, ambitious young filly, and you show that every day in class. Everypony makes mistakes. Mistakes help you learn!" The seasoned educator beams a smile.

Sweetie Belle cheers herself up. "I am really happy to see you are awake, Scootaloo. I don't know what we would have done."

Scootaloo chuckles. "A few rocks aren't going to stop me. I'll be out of here in no time." The filly grits her teeth a bit, flashing a smile.

Rainbow Dash bolts into the room with enough speed to blow everyone's manes around.

"Finally awake, are ya, Squirt? Did ya miss me?"

"Rainbow Dash! Yeah, I'm awake. Of course I missed you!" She jokes, having been basically unaware of anything during her unconsciousness.

"I really should get going." Miss Cheerilee says, backing out of the room to give the family time with their recently awakened filly. "I am delighted to see you are okay, Scootaloo. Please get well as soon as possible! We miss you in class!" She gives a bright smile as she heads out of the doorway.

"Bye Miss Cheerilee!" The three students say in unison.

"I will be back in just a moment." Featherweight says, walking out of the doorway with a grin. His winged frame drifts by the window as he heads toward the edge of town.

"We were starting to think you liked wherever it was you went in there." Rainbow Dash jests. "Ya sore?"

The orange filly nods. "I definitely feel like I was hit with a load of rocks."

"Well, that is what you should be feeling. At least you are feeling the right thing." Rainbow Dash nods, letting out a chuckle. It is met with a similar one from the punky filly hooked up to the machines.

"Is it really bad?" Sweetie Belle asks, dreading an affirmative answer.

"I can feel it, but I'll survive." Scootaloo responds in good humor. "I'll be flying circles around you in no time!" She smiles.

"We got here as soon as possible." Applejack's voice rings into the room, she, Featherweight, and Apple Bloom entering with gusto.

"Are ya okay, Scootaloo?" The yellow filly with the bow asks of her friend.

"Yeah, yeah, a bit sore, but I'll manage."

"Ah! Miss Scootaloo is awake! Fantastic news!" Nurse Redcross enters armed with a cheery, sing-song voice. "We will cancel those tests, then. If you're awake, you don't need them! I am going to need to ask everypony who isn't family to make their way out. Visiting hours are coming to a close."

"But we just got here!" Apple Bloom protests. She hops up onto the bed. "Aww! We'll see you later, then, Scootaloo." She hugs her friend tight enough to bring tears to Scootaloo's eyes. Scootaloo bites her lip.

The other guests all sigh and make their way out. Featherweight rests a hoof on Scootaloo's for a moment before walking out the door.

"What does this mean for Scootaloo?" Lucky Buck turns to the nurse.

"Well, once her bruises subside enough, and we know that all her cuts are kept safe long enough that we know she won't be right back in here, she'll be able to go. I imagine a day or two at the most." The nurse smiles. The body in the bed slumps underneath the blanket. The nurse gives a smile and makes her way out of the room.

"Do you have my diary?" Scootaloo asks, popping her head back out from under the covers. "I dropped it off at home before we left."

"Dashie can go get it." Lucky Buck smiles.

"First, Squirt, you and I need to talk." Rainbow Dash crosses her front hooves. "You don't go out and do dangerous stuff like that without letting somepony know where you're going to be! What if all three of you had been hit by the rocks?" Scootaloo hides under the blanket, again.

"She's right. We let you do a lot. We trust you to make good decisions. We know you can. You're pretty good about it. When you do something like this, it really worries us. You were lucky. You could have been hurt far worse, and that's in the better scenarios." Lucky Buck double-teams.

"You had us really worried. Next time you have an idea like this, let us know. We'll help you stay safe! Besides, do you really want a cutie mark like Rarity?" Rainbow Dash jabs.

"Sweetie Belle did. It was worth a try. Besides, if that was our talent, we had to know!"

"You can probably mark that on the "no" list." Lucky Buck nods with a voice of finality. "I'm going to stay the night, here." He continues. "Dashie, tomorrow is a storm day, you said?" Rainbow Dash nods. "You should probably rest in a proper bed, then. Would you be able to bring Scootaloo her diary?"

"Yeah, yeah. But Scootaloo. I mean it. If this happens again, you will be Granny Smith's age before I'll let you try to get your cutie mark again. You'll be the oldest pony alive without one. You need to stop being so reckless." With the final word leaving her lips, she bolts from the room.

"Says the princess of recklessness, herself." Lucky Buck chuckles, Scootaloo blushes and gives a nervous laugh. "She is right. I poke fun, but just because she makes silly choices doesn't mean you have to, too." The bruised filly nods.

Scootaloo lets her vulnerability show, with Rainbow Dash out of the room. "I... hate hospitals." A small voice manages.

"I know. I knew you wouldn't want to be alone here if there was any choice." The fatherly stallion smiles a gentle smile. In a flash, the black leather book slaps onto the end table, rocking it on its uneven feet. The impact creates a booming thud, causing a nurse to enter the room.

"Is everypony okay? What was that noise?" He notices Rainbow Dash. "Was that you?" He gives a judgmental frown. Rainbow Dash nods. "There are patients trying to sleep! Please don't do... whatever that was... again."

"Sorry, Nurse. I tossed that a lot harder than I thought I did." Rainbow Dash blushes. The nurse storms out of the room. "So you'll be out of here in a couple days. You think you'll be up to fly, or do you think you'll need a longer break?"

"I dunno." Scootaloo says, hopeful to be airborne as soon as possible. "We'll have to see." She frowns.

"It's up to you, Peewee. Let me know, and I'll see what the weather schedule is. If I can get the day off, I'll pick you up from school and we'll spend the whole day flying. I know after I got out of the hospital I just wanted to get back in the air."

"Didn't you get in trouble for stealing a book?" Lucky Buck fights back a laugh.

"I meant after that."

"Ohhhh! After you stole the book!"

"Shut up!" Rainbow Dash nearly spits. Lucky Buck laughs.

"Nothing wrong with reading. It's the theft that's the problem." He shines his badge, sitting on an unused chair, at her with his horn. Rainbow Dash blushes.

Scootaloo doesn't know whether to laugh or not. She knows Rainbow Dash isn't the type to take picking lightly. She can joke, and deal with the occasional prank, but when put on the defensive, she has a sharp tongue.

"I don't need this." Rainbow Dash huffs. "Besides, I have another cloud mover shift. I have to go. Again, Half Pint. Don't put yourself in a situation like this, again." A multicolor blur of manehair fades out of sight.

"She'll get over it." Lucky Buck shrugs. He turns his attention to the filly, nearly as stiff as a board, laying in the bed. "How are you doing?" Lucky Buck snaps her out of her trance.

"I'm... still... here." She looks at the machines beside her. Scootaloo curls herself up as much as her aching body will allow.

"Shh...shh... calm down. I'm here, too." The words do little to comfort the cowering filly.

"It's going to hurt, isn't it?"


"When they clean my cuts."

"They've already done it a couple of times. It might, though. Better than an infection. Don't worry about that."

"I am tough. I know, but I have enough problems with hospitals without having my whole body burn like when Mom puts that stuff on cuts." She cringes. "'It builds character' She says."

"She doesn't use that because it builds character. She uses it because it keeps you from getting infected. She says that to encourage you to be tough." Scootaloo whimpers.

"Is that what they're going to use?"

"I don't know. Hey. Did I ever tell you how I got my cutie mark?" The policepony changes the subject.

"Nuh-uh. How?" Attention completely redirected.

"Back when I was a colt in Maneapolis, I didn't really like to play on the playground like most of the ponies. I usually was on my own. I liked to look for fossils in the rocks or things like that. One day I was sitting in the grass, when I came across a four-leaf clover--a real one."

Scootaloo's eyes stay fixed on Lucky Buck, listening for some sort of surefire instructions on how to get a mark.

"I had always been a pretty lucky colt: nearly everypony in my class would get sick one week, somehow I wouldn't; or I would win the drawings for good attendance for a month two or three months in a row; or I would guess on a quiz and get a good grade. After I found that first four-leaf clover, I would find them all the time. They're not really rare, but I had a knack for it, and a good eye. I would sit at a clover patch and pick one right out. I realized one day that my luck usually steered me in the right direction. I became pretty comfortable with the fact that my luck was more than just trivial things. I had a very good family, and great friends. I decided that with the luck I had, determination, and the love of friends and family, I would be a pretty happy pony. That was the moment I got my cutie mark. It represents how lucky I am, but places something valuable, a horseshoe, with something fragile and inexpensive, a clover. In that way, it also represents my ability to find the value in the small things." Lucky Buck holds his head up in pride.

"Wow." Scootaloo's eyes widen. "You think I could get a cutie mark like that?"

"Uh... Well. I wouldn't flat out say no, but..." Scootaloo's ears droop. "You did get caught in a rock slide, trying to save your friend. You will find your cutie mark, one day, though. I know it. Just keep trying and--maybe look for less dangerous things. Don't try and get your mark based on other ponies."

"But what if I have the same talent?" Lucky Buck facehoofs.

"Look, just be careful. I wouldn't stop you from enjoying yourself, and you and your friends are still struggling to define who you are. I wouldn't stop you from trying, but at least let somepony know what is going on. We want to make sure if you do get hurt, we can take care of you. We care about you very much, and don't want something to happen that could leave you without anypony to help you." Scootaloo blushes.

"We just really want to get our cutie marks."

"But what good is it if you end up seriously hurt, possibly never able to use your talent again?" Scootaloo fights off tears. "Don't cry, I'm not mad, I'm just worried. The only thing you need to change is that you need to let somepony know what you're doing. We don't want you seriously hurt--" He looks at his bruised filly, "again."

Scootaloo sighs, and looks around the room. "I really hate this place." She groans.

"Well, you try and get some sleep. It may be tough, but at least try."

"Can you tell me a story, or something?" She turns to Lucky Buck with puppy-dog eyes.

"Hmm. I guess I could tell you a bit about when I was in Phillydelphia. You know, I spent most of my time by myself at school, because I had bullies like you do."


"Oh, yes. I didn't get my cutie mark until almost everypony else in class already had theirs. They called me 'blank flank' and 'talentless' and all kinds of other things. In some ways, having a cutie mark based on my luck makes me feel like I could still be talentless, just lucky. I've gotten over through time, but it was always a thing that bothered me when I was young. Part of why I became a policepony was because I wanted to help foals who were being bullied. I wanted them to know they weren't alone. I worked with a lot of bullied ponies over the years. It's always tough to see, but I can safely tell you that you're not alone." Lucky Buck smiles to Scootaloo, resting a hoof on the side of the bed. "Don't let bullies push you to do things you aren't ready for. Enjoy your time without your cutie mark. Some ponies really enjoyed getting to learn what they were good at. You seem to enjoy the time with your friends, which is good. Your cutie mark is nothing without the stories that go along with it. Remember those stories. That's what makes your special talent special."

Scootaloo nods through heavy eyes. "I... know. My friends are very special to me. I just hate that we're some of the last ponies in the class to have no cutie mark. I don't want to be called 'baby' and 'blank flank' and all of that."

"Some ponies are mean, that's just how it is. Don't let them cause you trouble. Get some rest." Lucky Buck insists, Scootaloo's eyes becoming too heavy.

The next morning, through the chirping of birds outside the open window, Scootaloo stretches, and immediately groans, having overstretched her bruised front legs. As her alertness returns, she realizes she is the only occupant of the otherwise empty room. "Hello?" She asks, hoping somepony she knows is just outside the door. She clings to her Featherweight plushie.

She sits there, listening to the ever-accelerating beeping from the machine beside her. She begins to sweat. "Anypony? Is anypony there?"

She begins marking in her diary, in an attempt to distract herself from the faster and faster 'beep, beep, beep.' All she ends up writing is her hatred for the hospital.

The scent of sterilizing agents wafts into her nose as a breeze enters through the window. Her heart begins to pound, the beeping building faster, still: 'beep, beep, beep."

"Anypony?" She yelps. 'Beep, beep, beep.' her breathing beginning to become heavy. Her lip begins to quiver. 'Beep, beep beep.' She forces a scowl as she internalizes thoughts of staying strong.

Her mind races, white walls. 'Beep, beep, beep.' Syringes behind glass. 'Beep, beep, beep.' Coughing down the hallway. 'Beep, beep, beep.' The out-of-place cheery chirp of the birds outside. 'Beep, beep, beep.' The total absence of friends, or family. 'Beep, beep, beep.' Alone, just like before. 'Beep, beep, beep.' Alone.

She yields to the pressure, letting out a sniffle. 'Beep, beep, beep.' "Hello-o-o?" She shouts, tears welling in her eyes. As she finally surrenders to a frightened cry. 'Beep, beep, beep.' Frantic and embarrassed, Nurse Redcross enters.

"Oh dear, sorry! So, so sorry! I was told you wouldn't want to be alone when you woke up. I had to help out down the hallway. Your father was called onto work. There was a break in at the jeweler's, and they needed his help. He said he would be back as soon as he could. He seemed pretty worried about you. I am so sorry."

Scootaloo's heartbeat idles at its fastest pace. "I-it's okay." She manages, looking out the window.

"So, uh, tell me about your friends." Nurse Redcross gives a comforting smile, desperate to relax the panicking filly.

"Oh, uh, well, I've been in town for about three or four years, now, and my first friend in town is the little filly, Sweetie Belle. The white unicorn with the pink and purple mane, you saw her yesterday. She's really, really nice. She's clumsy, but she's very, very smart."

"So, are you Lucky Buck's filly from out of town?"

"Oh, oh no. Lucky Buck and Rainbow Dash adopted me."


"Yeah... uh... I... my parents..." The small frame shrinks into a bit of a ball, she fights back tears once more.

"Oh, darling, oh, I'm so, so sorry."

"Can, uh, we talk about something else?" Scootaloo struggles.

"Sure! Sure! How about that tall skinny pegasus colt? He was in here every day. Who is he?"

"Oh! Featherweight!" Her cheeks reveal a honey glow. "He's my coltfriend. He's the nicest colt in Equestria. He's so sweet. He's very quiet, usually; only over the last year or so has he even said much. He's a great pony." A smile crossing her face.

"I'm back! I'm back! Is she still asleep?" Lucky Buck enters the room, visibly fatigued from running across town from the station, he's still dressed in his police vest, badge, and radio. He turns to the pony below the blanket. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Scootaloo. I tried to get here as quick as I could. They called me in for an investigation. I had to go. I'm so-"

"Dad, I'm fine. I was worried at first, but the nurse helped calm me down." She forced a smile. Nurse Redcross blushes.

"So, are you back for now?" The nurse asks.

"Yeah, yeah." Lucky Buck continues to catch his breath. The nurse gives a small bow and sees herself out.

Lucky Buck takes his seat once more, finally returning to a regular pace of breathing. "Yeah, I have work today, but I told Sergeant Redhoof that I would be at the hospital with you. He said he would only call me if everypony else was busy."

"Oh. Why didn't you tell me last night?"

"I was still so excited you woke up, it slipped my mind. I've been doing this the whole time you were out, so it didn't seem significant." The outside begins to cloud up, and rain begins to fall. Lucky Buck gets up and closes the window.

"I see. Hey, Dad. S-sorry I didn't tell you we were going out to the canyon to try and get our cutie marks." Scootaloo gives a small pout.

"It's alright. At least you're okay. You are looking better today. Are you still sore?" Scootaloo nods.

"Not as bad as yesterday, but I can still feel it."

"I did some crazy things trying to find my talent. One day, when a particularly annoying colt was picking on me, he said I should try 'something really cool' for my mark, that it would shut him up. He said I should try 'cart chicken.' It's where..." He turns and looks at his audience, and raises an eyebrow, "actually... no." Scootaloo gives a scowl, her ears drooping "Anyway, I got run over by a cart and broke my leg. I've done silly things, too. My dad was furious when he found out what I did. He said I could've been trampled and killed. He grounded me for two weeks."

"You're not gonna..." Scootaloo looks down at her blanket.

"No, no. I feel like being stuck in here is 'punishment' enough." He makes quotes with his hooves.

"I didn't want anypony worried. I didn't think anything was going to happen. It was just rocks, after all."

"You picked a place that has rock slides all the time. We could have at least told you safer places to try. And 'just rocks?' Not to rub it in, but 'just rocks' put you in the hospital."

A couple of seconds of awkward silence, broken only by a slight acceleration in the beeping machinery beside Scootaloo, overtakes the room.

"Look, as I said last night: just think about what you're doing, and be careful." The father lets out a sigh.

Time passes as the two continue to talk. Lucky Buck continues to try and distract Scootaloo from the fact she's in the hospital.

"The worst part about being in here... I keep thinking of Mama and Papa and Auntie Raincloud." Scootaloo curls up.

"I've been trying to keep your mind of that. I was afraid that would happen." Lucky Buck sighs, defeated. "It's never easy to lose somepony. It won't go away, no matter how old you get. When I was little, about a year younger than you, I had a friend, a unicorn, who was trying out magic, and he used a cloud walker spell. He didn't do a very good job and ended up falling from the sky. Nopony knew he was up there. Ever since then I have been afraid to try out such spells."

Scootaloo's eyes widen, tears in the corners. "Wow... I'm so sorry."

"Magic is very dangerous, especially without practice. He decided that it worked and went straight to climbing around on clouds over a big chasm. He didn't test it somewhere safe, or with somepony to catch him. The spell lasted about two minutes, and then he fell." Lucky Buck warned Scootaloo. "There's a reason I was so worried about you, besides, you know, you being in the hospital." Lucky Buck wipes a tear from his eye.

"Wow, so... I... wow." Scootaloo's ears droop.

"I know what it's like to lose somepony. He was a good friend. I knew he was reckless, but I didn't know he was that foolish. He told a couple of his other friends, but he didn't tell me. I wish I had known he was going to try that. We both had pegasus friends who could fly. We might have been able to help him." He lets out a deep sigh. His voice cracks when he continues, "But enough about that."

"How awful..."

"He did it on a dare. The colt who dared him was so freaked out. He ran away. I don't remember if anypony ever found him or not." Lucky Buck turns to Scootaloo, hoping his experiences were sinking in.

"Did Twilight know that colt?"

"I don't know. Possibly. It was hard to tell, she rarely talked with the other ponies, but it was big news in Canterlot. Princess Celestia even attended the service."


Hours pass with idle chitchat.

"How are you doing?" Featherweight enters the room. "Are you feeling better?"

"Featherweight!" Scootaloo lets out a cheerful shout.

"Hello Mister Lucky Buck, sir." Featherweight gives a polite bow.

"Featherweight, we've known each other for over a year now, I think it's alright to stop calling me 'sir.'"

"It's habit. Dad has always taught me to be polite to older ponies."

"He calls Miss Cheerilee ma'am, at school. Diamond Tiara has made fun of him about it."

"That little brat needs to learn respect, really." Lucky Buck groans. "I think half your stories are about her. Does she ever say anything nice?"

"Nope." The foals say in unison.

Featherweight flutters down onto the edge of the bed to sit. He holds hooves with Scootaloo. "You didn't answer me. How are you?"

"Yeah. I'm feeling better. I wasn't super sore yesterday, but I definitely was aching." Scootaloo shrugs. "I'm feeling a lot better, today!" She smiles. "Just sore when I move around a lot or bump my bruises."

"Good." Featherweight grins.

The colt continues to talk about the goings-on at school, and how much everypony misses her. Chat continues until it begins to darken outside.

"Hello, Miss Scootaloo!" A cheery doctor enters the room. "We're going to get you out of bed and see how you're moving around. If all is well, tomorrow afternoon, you should be able to get out of here." Scootaloo smiles wider than she has the whole time stuck in the room. "However, we need to do one final clean of all of your cuts, and wrap your forelegs to prevent infection." Scootaloo's smile fades. "Up, Miss Scootaloo. You can do it!"

Scootaloo creaks as she slides out of the bed. She grits her teeth as she first reaches the ground, but finds the pain isn't nearly as bad as she expected. She takes a few steps toward the doctor. "Now, just take a stroll down to the end of the hallway and back for me. Stop if you feel too much pain."

Scootaloo takes step after step, beginning cautiously, but quickly realizing that she will be fine. She heads down the hallway and back. "Good! Great!" The doctor cheers her on. She flutters into the air, happily, finding flight rather painless. "Yes, indeed. You should be fine for release by tomorrow." Scootaloo gives a sigh of relief, mixed with concern for the sanitizer she smelled, earlier.

"Let us just get your scratches and cuts cleaned and wrapped, and after a night's rest, and some final checks tomorrow, you should be good to go!" Scootaloo cringes.

The doctor opens a cabinet on the wall and pulls out a bottle. He begins to unwrap all of the bandages, Scootaloo's mane a complete mess from being wrapped down for a few days. "Now, back up on the bed." Scootaloo sits on the bed, looking with fear toward, first her father, then Featherweight. Both hold her hooves.

"Brace yourself, it may burn." The doctor begins applying the liquid, and sure enough, the chemical sears her sensitive cuts. She yelps. The doctor, unfazed, continues applying the fluid. "I'm sorry, Miss Scootaloo. It's a pain, I know, but it's the best way to protect you from worse things." She begins to groan as the application continues across her side and shoulders. She winces when the sanitizer touches a fading cut on her forehead. "You actually did quite well for a filly your age. We've had several ponies in just the past month screaming so loud that nurses were wearing earplugs. I do wish they had a better cleaner that didn't hurt. Nopony likes the burn. Why would you?"

The doctor begins wrapping the exposed scratches and cuts. After completing his task, he smiles. "There, much better. You should be ready to go after we do a few final checks, tomorrow. We should have you out of here by lunch at the latest."

Featherweight gives his aching fillyfriend a soft hug. "You are one tough filly." The doctor exits, cheerily. Featherweight continues, "It's probably a good thing Sweetie Belle didn't come today. I think she might have lost it when you let out that yelp. She is still so embarrassed by what happened."

"I wish she would be-lieve me when I say it's o-kay." Scootaloo grunts as she slides herself under the sheets once more.

The trio continue to chat until it is late. "I'm going to have to head home, now. See you at school, tomorrow!" Featherweight gives a friendly smile, patting Scootaloo's hoof once more, before leaving.

"Bye, Featherweight." Scootaloo says in a sad voice. Lucky Buck gives a farewell nod.

"Can you tell me a story, again?"

"Like what?"

"Well, you said you came to Ponyville because you didn't like how busy it was in Maneapolis, but why did you pick Ponyville?"

"I picked Ponyville because it was near where I went to school, but it's far too expensive to live in Canterlot. There's not much of a story, there. However, I am glad I came here. Rainbow Dash and you are the best things that ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade you for all of Equestria." Lucky Buck smiled. "When I found out about the rough times you had experienced, I was hoping I would be able to talk with you. Like I said, I knew the feeling, somewhat. Not nearly as close, nor as extreme, but I knew that you were hurting. I was honored when Rainbow Dash offered to take you in. She told me I would make a good dad. I was so excited to have you here. You're always so full of energy and so excited to try out new things. I have always enjoyed watching you grow up, except when you get hurt." He ribs.

"Hah, aww." She responds, red-faced, feeling the fatigue slowly overtake her.

"It's true! I love hearing about your successes, when you get to flying, when you do well in school. I'm always thrilled by the good things you tell me." Scootaloo's cheeks fade to a warm red. Her eyes feel heavy.

"I--think I'm..." She falls asleep.

Lucky Buck smiles, and quickly drifts off, himself. As Luna's beautiful night sky passes overhead.

Celestia's sun peeks over the side of Equestria, shedding light on Ponyville. A proper pony in a white lab coat pulls Lucky Buck aside once he awakens. They talk insurance and payment for the residence, and soon thereafter, Scootaloo's eyes open.

Lucky Buck comes back to the bedside as the doctor leaves, a second one coming in. "Hello, again, Miss Scootaloo! How are you feeling today? Tender I imagine, and better I hope!"

"Yeah, I feel pretty good." The orange quarter-mummy filly smiles.

"Good, good! Well, we're going to have you do one more test for mobility, and get you signed out of here! This test will be a bit longer. We need to take you to our rehabilitation room."

Scootaloo looks at her father. "Okay..." She says, looking puzzled.

"Oh, that's where we keep our treadmills, and we need to see about a mile walk. We should have you out here before lunch!" The doctor gives a big smile.

"Alright!" Scootaloo grins.

The small pegasus slides out of bed, onto the floor. Lucky Buck stands up and accompanies her down the hallway to the room the doctor points out. "In here, please. Now, you are of flying age, and capable, yes? If so, we must test your flight ability, as well."

After a long mile walk, a small flight test, and a lift test, the doctor takes notes on a clipboard and nods, walking out of the room for a few minutes. He returns with a smile. "Fantastic, Miss Scootaloo. You should be in tip-top shape within a week! Keep the horseplay light and you should be good as new! Just head to the counter and sign out, and we will get you to school!"

Scootaloo walks with a quick pace toward the hospital doors. The attendant beckons her back "Please, we need to finish our paperwork before you leave." Lucky Buck gestures her back with a head gesture, she inches to the counter, signs her name in all the necessary places, Lucky Buck filling out the rest of the information.

Lucky Buck and Scootaloo exit the hospital and make their way to the Ponyville Elementary School. "You did well for being stuck inside the hospital, awake for two days. I'm glad you didn't let fear get the best of you."

"Well, I did have somepony there for me most of the time."

"Even so, I know it was tough for you. Hopefully this won't happen again?" His voice takes on a bit more serious of a tone.

"Mhm. I'll be more careful, next time we try something out!"


"And... I'll let somepony know what we're doing, first."

"Good. Now have fun at school, today. I'll see you when you get home." Lucky Buck gives Scootaloo a full, but light hug.

"Okay! See ya, Dad."

Author's Note:

This is a third-person spinoff scene of another fic I am working on: Scootaloo's Personal Diary. I had to write it as a separate story, since it was in a different perspective from the diary, and seemed like it would have been out of place to shoehorn it in as its own segment in an otherwise first-person story.

ALSO: I haven't written much dialogue, lately. Do all the (established) characters seem in-character? Do they seem to speak the way they would?

Comments ( 10 )

You have my attention. :moustache: :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Shenanigans shall ensue.

'see's story' :rainbowhuh: 'starts reading' :trixieshiftleft: 'keeps reading' :trixieshiftright: 'complets story' :pinkiehappy:

I found this really good, would like to see more

1773232 It's a third person offshoot of my other fic. There IS more, but the "more" is from Scootaloo's perspective: Scootaloo's Personal Diary -- all 3 of my stories are tied together.

i didnt even realise that this was apart of scootaloos diaries until about half way reading

1780004 I intend to keep any events between my stories all in agreement with one another. This one, in particular, is a perspective shift that would have interrupted the flow of SPD, so I made it a different story.

"The scene opens" may be appropriate for a play, but not for a short story.

great story cant w8 for more

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