• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 2,873 Views, 55 Comments

The Worst Hearts and Hooves Day Ever - super3rainbow1

Short Flutterdash story taking place a week before Hearts and Hooves Day

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The Week Before

Rainbow Dash was lying on the floor with her head rested on a hoof. She almost seemed to be perfectly relaxed and content with the conversation being held with her friends. However, inside her head she felt nervous and uncomfortable. She found herself asking why she was even here at the first place. Twilight and Rarity had the idea of inviting everypony to her tree house to talk about Hearts and Hooves Day and that was only seven days away. However, she was the type of pony that disliked talking about feelings and especially about relationships or crushes.

"So Twilight, this unicorn you've meet also fancies reading books almost as much as you?" Rarity inquired.

"Actually, yes he does," Twilight replied. "He visits the library in Canterlot almost every day," she added.

Rainbow Dash started snickering along with Pinkie Pie. Even Applejack couldn't hold back a smug grin. Fluttershy just meekly smiled at them. Both Twilight and Rarity gave Rainbow Dash an odd look.

"Sounds like you found the right egghead for yourself, Twilight," Rainbow Dash snickered. Twilight rolled her eyes at her and then Rarity spoke up to stop the snickering.

"Honestly Rainbow Dash, I don't see how can any of this could be funny"

"I don't see how it can't be!"

"All this time we have been talking about ourselves and you didn't even say one thing about a pony you were interested in spending Hearts and Hooves Day with."

Rainbow Dash grew nervous and blushed a little. "Uhh.. heh.. that's just because I'm not interested in anypony," she managed to get out of herself. "I mean, nopony has asked me yet," she quickly added.

Fluttershy perked up a little bit. "Umm... yeah, me too," she said, hoping that Rainbow Dash heard.

Pinkie Pie bounced up from lying on the floor and beamed at Rainbow Dash. "Wait Rainbow Dash, you're still looking for that super-duper-special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day?"

"I didn't say I was looking for somepony, Pinkie," she hastily replied.

Applejack finally spoke up. "How is that ya'll not interested in somepony at all?" she pressed.

"So maybe I am interested in somepony but it's none of your business," Rainbow Dash said at almost a yell. She tried her best not to make any glances at Fluttershy.

"But Rainbow Dash, you said-," Pinkie Pie started but was cut off by Rarity.

"Darling, there's no need to feel ashamed of liking somepony"

"You wouldn't even understand!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"What wouldn't I understand about love?"

Rainbow Dash lowered her voice and spoke up again. "Look, even if I told you, you probably would just laugh and make fun of me," she said with a hint of uneasiness.

"Try me," Rarity replied

"I'm not going to say it in front of everypony and embarrass myself"

Around the room everypony was silent. All of them had their eyes focused on Rainbow Dash including Fluttershy who was blushing ever so lightly. It was quiet for a minute until Twilight spoke up.

"Uhm girls, I think it would be best if we just call this off and leave Rainbow to talk with Rarity"

Everypony else nodded their heads and slowly made their way out of the tree house. Rainbow Dash just sat silently watching them leave. She had intended to admit to all of her friends that she had a crush on a mare but when she arrived late she didn't have any courage at all to do so. She wouldn't have told them that Fluttershy was the mare but she was going to do that later.

After Rarity heard the door close she walked over and sat opposite of Rainbow Dash. Twilight did the same thing, sitting right next to Rarity with a look of concern for Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash sighed and lowered her head a little.

"Ready to talk?" Twilight asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded at them but didn't speak.

"So why did you think I would laugh at you?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow Dashed sighed, avoiding eye contact. "Well, the pony I have crush on is..," she began

She stopped for a minute to build up the courage to continue on. "Is Fluttershy...," she finished.

She lowered her head all the way down in defeat. Her hooves were covering her face. She was prepared for a verbal beat down by her friends. A white hoof reached down to her chin and lifted her head up.

"Darling, why would you ever think I'd laugh at you for something like that," Rarity said in a soft voice.

"Rainbow, there was no need to get all upset over it," Twilight said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash looked up at both ponies, surprised that they both had nothing agaisn't her. "Really?" she said, feeling much more optimistic.

"Really Rainbow, there's no to feel ashamed of it. Ponies like you sometimes are just born that way," Twilight said.

"I sure wish everyone in Cloudsdale shared that opinion," Rainbow Dash remarked. "There were so many ponies agaisnt the idea of uhh.. two mares being together that I just had to hide my feelings from everypony."

"Well you won't have to do that here in Ponyville," Twilight said. "Most ponies, including our friends, will have nothing against you," she added.

"Yeah.. I guess," Rainbow Dash said.

"Now, about your crush on our friend Fluttershy," Rarity said.

"I just don't know how to ask her. I mean, I don't think I can do it in person."

"You can always just ask her in a letter," Twilight suggested.

The cyan pegasus leaped up in excitement flapping her wings in the air. "That's the best idea ever, Twilight," she proclaimed rather loudly. "Uh.. can you get me a quill and paper?"

"Sure thing, Rainbow."

Twilight made her way upstairs to search for the quill on her desk and grab a fresh piece of parchment. She came back levitating the necessary objects needed to write the letter.

"Ok, so what do you want to say," she said

"Just write, 'Do you want to be my special somepony'," Rainbow Dash replied.

"That's it?"

"Oh and put this with it in an envelope"

Rainbow landed on the floor with one of her wings spread out. Carefully, she pulled out a loose feather and dropped it on the middle of the letter. Twilight smiled and carefully folded the letter using her magic. She made sure the feather was intact and placed both objects in an envelope.

"It's good to see somepony has knowledge of proper dating," Rarity said

"Don't get your hopes up, Rarity. I would never take somepony out to some fancy restaurant."

"Darling, you're going to have to do it sometime in your life"

"Yeah, yeah.. I know. But um.. thanks for hearing me out guys. I really think I should give her the letter now. Maybe we can talk again some other time," Rainbow Dash said.

They both smiled at her and nodded. Rainbow Dash scooped up the envelope with her mouth and left the tree house. She made her way to Fluttershy's house. She carefully placed it front of the door and knocked. She took off and left in a blur. By the time she was back at her cloud house, Fluttershy had just opened the door only to see the envelope lying there.

When Rainbow Dash woke up late in the morning as usual the next day, she found the same envelope lying on the floor of her bedroom.

Author's Note:

I had to end the first chapter a little short. The other chapters will be longer.