• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 993 Views, 18 Comments

The Mirror Pool - Magicolt808

How does Pinkie know of the Mirror Pool?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Nana Pie stood at the edge of her sweet’s counter. Her chin rested against the hardwood as she slowly closed her eyes while letting her soft tears roll down her cheeks. Her quiet sobs echoed throughout the empty shop and went unheard by all the sleeping ponies in town.

“I’m so sorry Pinkie. So, so sorry...” she sobbed. Her soft moans resonated in the dark, lulling her slowly to sleep.


“Oh Nana, I’m so happy to see you! We can play games and go swimming and bake cakes and make cupcakes and play hide and go seek and tag and pin the tail on the donkey! Isn’t this exciting?” Pinkie bounced, still showing off her recently attained cutiemark.

“Slow down Pinkie,” Nana giggled, “you’ll be tired before we even eat lunch!” They giggled together and played the whole day. They planned a picnic for the afternoon and decided to bake cupcakes after dinner.

While on their picnic, the birds in the trees and butterflies flew around them as they ate, singing and keeping the two ponies company.Pinkie laughed as one of the butterflies landed on Nana’s snout and made her sneeze.

Unfortunately, the heat got to them and they walked inside, covered in sweat and laughing the whole way there. Pinkie bounced around the small house and looked at Nana.

“Can we make cupcakes now?” Pinkie made her eyes huge and watery.

Nana giggled and said, “How about you wash up and eat supper? Then we can make as many cupcakes as you want.

Pinkie pouted a little but did as she was told. As she did so, her father eyed his mother suspiciously. There was something off about her but he couldn’t place it.

“Hey Ma,” he called, “how about ya sit down. Dinner’s almost ready.” She nodded at him and took her seat between Inkie and Blinkie as Pinkie sat across from her.

They sat talking about the days events and how when Pinkie and Nana were out, they saw a deer on the edge of the forest. Pinkie was so thrilled that she tried running up to it but it took off back into the trees before she could get close.

Just then, Pinkie’s mother came into the room with a pot full of hay soup, filled with carrots and apple rhines. The soup was delicious so they all took from the pot and poured themselves bowls upon bowls of it until the pot itself was empty.

Pinkie ate hers the fastest and stared at her nana in anticipation as she finished her own bowl. As soon as she did, Pinkie jumped down from her seat and grabbed Nana by her hoof and led her into the kitchen.

“C’mon Nana! Let’s bake cupcakes!”

Nana chuckled softly and followed pinkie into the kitchen. She watched as Pinkie zipped around the cabinets, grabbing all of the necessary tools for making cupcakes. She grabbed the cupcake pan out and took the mixer from the pantry. Nana started by grabbing all of the ingredients from the fridge and put them on the table.

“Sing the song Nana!” Pinkie yelled, getting giddy.

Nana blinked “Uhh...Pinkie? Why don’t you sing it this time? I’m t-too tired.” she stuttered.

Pinkie only laughed and said, “Ok!” before putting the ingredients into the bowl like the song instructed. She then threw them into the oven and let them bake until they were a golden color and soft enough to be used as a pillow.

Nana marveled at how well they were baked and sensed Pinkie could really go far with that kind of talent. She smiled and beamed at Pinkie. “Good job, Pinkie! I’m so proud of you!” she exclaimed.

“Thank you Nana! I made them for you! I’ve been practicing.” Pinkie said, hugging Nana.

Nana stood emotionless first but then, started to cry a little. She turned away from Pinkie so that she would not see the tears.

“What’s wrong, Nana?” Pinkie asked, concerned.

“N-nothing Pinkie. I’m just so happy you did this for me.” she lied.

“I’m happy you like them! Now all it needs is some frosting.” she said, getting the icing tube from the cabinet.

She iced the cupcakes in a pink frosting much the same as her coat and laced it with edible, white doilies around the edges. They looked beautiful and very skillfully done. Pinkie handed one to Nana, who took a bite.

They were delicious. They tasted of vanilla and creme. The sweet taste just melted in her mouth as she took another bite, and another until it was all gone. “These are great, Pinkie!”

Pinkie blushed and hugged Nana hard. “I’m so happy you like them.” she said in a quiet tone.

The rest of the night went on and they told stories into the night. Songs of knights and kings before Celestia’s rule. They even made stories up, changing fate as they went along. They had fun, until Nana mentioned the Mirror Pool.

As soon as she said it, she covered her mouth.

“What’s the Mirror Pool, Nana?” Pinkie asked, confused.

“Uhh...well...it’s a place where you can copy yourself.”

“Like a reflection?”

“Almost, except you can bring them to life.”

Pinkies expression changed from one of curiosity to one of amazement. “Where is it Nana? Is it real? Is it far? Have you used it before? How do you-” she was cut off when Nana put her hoof over her mouth.

“I’ll tell you how to get there with a nursery rhyme my Nana taught me:

"Where the brambles are thickest, There you will find

A pond beyond the most twisted of vines.

And into her own reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared,

and solemnly sweared not to be scared, at the prospect of being doubly mared!"

Pinkie opened her mouth to ask more questions but once again, Nana put her hoof over it. “ It’s getting late Pinkie and I need to leave soon. Sleep tight and maybe next time, I’ll tell you more.” Pinkie slowly closed her mouth into a grin and nodded sweetly. She hugged Nana goodnight, and fell asleep.

“Are ya sure ya don’t want ta stay the night, Ma?” asked Pinkies father.

“No Clyde. I best be getting home. I have a big order that’s being finished for a big wedding.”

“Being finished? I thought you didn’t hire any of the ponies that applied.”

“Oh...well... I, uh, hired a nice young colt. I need ta check on him. Next time we’ll chat some more.” And with that, she walked out of the farm. As soon as she was out of sight, she galloped full speed, all the way home. Wheezing and gasping for air, she knocked on the bakery door. There to open it, was a mare draped in a black, hooded cloak.

“You’re late. Did everything go ok?”

“Yes it did, but I almost lost it.”

“It’s okay, we just need to get you home.”

The two mares walked through the dark forest and found the hole that dig deep into the ground. The trotted down the spiraling trail up to the glowing water.

“Are you ready?” the hooded mare asked.

“One last thing.”


“She really loves you.”

The hooded mare looked down and a single tear dropped down, rippling the water. “I know.” She then looked into the water and began to say the words.

“And now that the time we spent is done,

There can now only be one.”

With that, Nana disappeared with a look of peace on her face. The hooded mare took her hood off and stared at her reflection. Her Pink mane and coat looked pale and worn. “Maybe next time...” she whispered before leaving the Mirror Pool.

Author's Note:

I know this is a tad rushed and not written well, but I enjoyed writing this so please feel free to comment or just enjoy it!

Comments ( 18 )

Wow, a nice concept.

The ending confuses me... :twilightsheepish:

Totally love the pacman reference:pinkiehappy:

It should be rinds, not rhines. Other than that, it's a cute story.

1782931 Well actually Inkie and Blinkie are fan names that were given to the Pie sisters. Although I like the reference myself :rainbowlaugh:

1782743 I think that was the grim reaper ponyfied but I could be mistaken. :applejackunsure:

1783227 The hooded mare is Nana, the one throughout the story is a clone.

“Are ya sure ya don’t want ta stay the night, Ma?” asked Pinkies father.

'Pinkies' is supposed to be Pinkie's

1783315 The real Nana was at the bakery making the order. She couldn't make the clone do it because it would take her too long to teach her how to bake. That's why she is crying and is sad she can't be with her own granddaughter.

mind explaining the ending to me more?:ajbemused:

Nice story :twilightsmile: I really love the idea behind it :pinkiehappy:

1790080 The real Nana (hooded mare) is returning her clone back to the Mirro Pool. She is depressed and crying she can't be with her own Granddaughter and is forced to make a clone in order to finish the baking for a wedding as well as be with Pinkie.

Awesome work, brony. Have a mustache and a yay. :yay::moustache:

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