• Published 11th Dec 2012
  • 1,994 Views, 60 Comments

A Hearth's Warming Wassailing - Airstream

When the winter is at its coldest, all you really need is the fire of friends, new and old.

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The Celebration of Harmony

A new day dawned over the Regia as Twilight Sparkle stood over a field of new snow, fallen during the night. Tonight was the night, the one they had all been waiting for. She watched ponies talking and laughing as a truly massive tree was hauled from the Everfree Forest, to be decorated and used in the ceremony once darkness fell. It was escaping the fate of similar of its brethren, who had been stripped and gathered into a truly massive pile in the middle of the courtyard, where the bonfire for that night would be. Still others were putting the finishing touches on the feast below. The smell of spiced fruit and roasting nuts filled the air, even permeating the walls, and Twilight could smell it from her tower. A few of the more artistic types had set about hewing giant blocks of snow into different shapes, among the sculptures being a dragon, the castle, and a unicorn that was beginning to look suspiciously like Twilight herself.

“We might want to get down there, Twilight.” Tarantella called, as she climbed out of bed. “They will begin decorating the tree soon, and you would not want to miss out.”

Twilight nodded, the pom-pom on her head bobbing along with her. “You’re right. That’s something I’ve been looking forward too.”

Tarantella rolled her eyes. “Will you not remove that ridiculous hat? You look to be insane. And it hardly befits a rebel Lady such as yourself.”

“No.” Twilight replied mulishly. “I like it.”

The Pegasus growled. “Twilight Sparkle, you are not going out in that hat. You have proved your point, remove it.”
Twilight stomped one hoof. “It’s my hat, and I will do what I like with it, thank you very much.”

“What if we are attacked? Your enemies will hardly fear you in that.”

“Should they somehow manage to slip through the Forest in numbers great enough to harm us, then I shall meet them, wearing this hat. And they will learn to fear it as they do me.”

Tarantella’s wings flared. “Twilight Sparkle, give me that hat!”

“If you want it, you’ll have to come and get it.”

The two guards stationed outside of the door could hear the whole exchange. So, they were naturally able to hear the sounds of truly mighty combat emanating from the door itself, combined with laughter and epithets from Twilight Sparkle and Tarantella Allegretta respectively. One of the Lunar Guards, newer than his compatriot, arched one ear towards the sound. A stern rap of the veteran pony’s spear instilled discipline in him once more, and both of them faced forward again, waiting patiently for the two lovers to finish their quarrel.

The ponies gathering around the tree in the courtyard, kept well away from the bonfire, were hard at work. Each holly bush for a mile in either direction had been stripped of berries, which had been strung into colorful strings so that they could be hung upon the tree. Colored paper had been linked into chains of red and white and green and gold, and a few of the more industrious fillies and colts had been hard at work making paper snowflakes to be hung alongside as ornaments. Well wishes hung on strips of paper, which had been strung on ribbon and were ready to hang on the mighty evergreen as well. The only thing missing was the ponies who had made this possible. And soon, to mighty applause, they walked out of the tower, surrounded by guards, to begin the festivities.

Twilight Sparkle looked a bit disgruntled, her mane covered with a simple white stocking cap that matched her scarf, and both she and the Condottiero Tarantella were limping a bit. Upon seeing her subjects, though, Twilight Sparkle’s face lit up, and her hooves picked up, kicking small clouds of white powder into the air as she smiled and returned greetings, mixing and mingling with the crowd. A dais of snow and ice had been constructed for her, and it was from this perch that she allowed her voice to ring over the courtyard.

“My fellow ponies! This winter is one of the hardest any one of us has faced. The weather is bitter cold, and we miss our homes and comfortable lives. You have sacrificed much to remain by my side, and for that I am eternally grateful. Know that so long as I live, I will never forget what has been done here. You mean so very, very much to me, words cannot describe, though I have done my best. Instead, I merely wish to say that I consider you all my very best companions. And, in a way, I consider you family.

So, here we stand, one family, to celebrate each other. I believe we can take a lot from those ponies, long ago, who managed to unite their kingdoms against hardship. Even before Celestia and Luna led us all, we showed ourselves capable of living in Harmony. And from what I have seen over the past days, we can do so still. Today and tonight and tomorrow, we celebrate our friends, and family, and we give thanks for what we have. Because when winter comes, and our fields lie fallow, all we truly have are the ponies that care about us.” She broke off, realizing that ponies below her were shuffling uneasily. Allowing a smile to break across her face, she continued. “I thank you all for being here, each and every one of you. Now, I see we have a tree to decorate, and a beautiful tree it is too! I declare this Hearth’s Warming Eve celebration to be underway!”

With a mighty cheer, the crowd erupted into activity. Strings of bright berries crossed with paper chains, enchanted to resist the snow and wet, as an entire squadron of Lunar Guards enchanted the very air, creating icicles that complemented the paper snowflakes being hung perfectly. Ponies laughed and chatted as the tree was transformed from a stately monarch of the forest into a gaily dressed Lord of Winter. Higher and higher the decorations rose, helped along by Pegasi as Earth ponies and unicorns bickered good-naturedly over how the decorations should be arranged. A spare case of candy canes was brought out, and the minty candy was used to provide an extra bit of cheer to the massive pine.

At last, the tree stood fully dressed and ready, save for one decoration. Traditionally, the tree was to be topped with a glass or crystal representation of Princess Celestia herself, who was tied to the new year and the beginning of growth. This year, however, it did not feel right to have done so. Though it was a beautiful tree, it lacked completion. Twilight could sense that ponies felt the absence of such a staple, and she gazed at the bare tip of the tree, mind racing for a solution. At last, she found one. Stepping forward and concentrating, she channeled magic through her. What she was attempting was a basic impossibility, and so she would be using Luna’s Breaking magic as opposed to Celestia’s Binding. Reaching deep inside of herself, she chose to focus on the love and care she felt for those around her, and the love they surely felt for her. Seizing these warm, wonderful feelings, she let her control slip away, providing a basic set of instructions and then trusting the powerful magic to do the rest.

The assembled ponies gasped as Twilight Sparkle’s horn flashed purple, then white, before turning a poisonous black. The unicorn’s face screwed up in concentration as she focused herself even harder, and the black faded away, to be replaced with a shade of silver that was intimately familiar to anypony who knew the witch Radiant Zenith. At last, it changed color once more, becoming a warm and rich gold that brought heat and light to all around it. With a small grunt of effort, Twilight Sparkle cast the fire to the top of the tree, where it came to rest, as if a brilliant star had descended from the heavens and lit on the ancient wood itself. The crowd cheered, as Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes to survey her work.

As they watched, the fire seemed to consume the entire tree, and ponies began to murmur worriedly as Twilight Sparkle began to chant. Surely she would not burn down the tree they had worked so hard on? The light flickered among the branches, a hundred little fires that nestled in the boughs and settled in the icicles dangling from the branches. As Twilight Sparkle ceased her chant, the fire in the boughs began to shift colors, turning every shade of the rainbow, flickering from red and blue to shimmering turquoise and vivid green, as the steady golden flame at the head of the tree seemed to watch over its smaller brothers proudly. With a roar of approval that seemed to shake the very walls, the ponies bowed to their Lady. Had there ever been such a tree as this? Had you ever seen such beauty? Twilight Sparkle bowed in return, and then the day began in earnest.

The rules of the game were simple, though the game itself was anything but. An old Condottieri game, apparently borrowed from the Minotaurs to the north, was underway. One swift and agile pony was presented with a set of antlers, to represent a deer, specifically one of the deer pulling the sled of the Minotaur god Thraznik the Hoary. The other contestants, mostly Pegasi with a smattering of Earth ponies and one or two adventurous unicorns, would be working together to herd and corral the deer, who was unable to fly or use magic. The same rules applied to the hunters. The one who brought the deer down, however, would be the victor. So, the teamwork would only last so long. The prize would normally be some extravagant treasure, but in this case, the victor would be proclaimed “Great Khan”, and have a seat of honor at the head table during the evening’s feast.

Tarantella grinned at Twilight, who was standing on the hunt’s sidelines, as she adjusted the antlers on her head, ready to bolt for the wide open field at the first opportunity. Her wings were lightly bound, but even without them she would prove formidable enough. The horn sounded, and almost immediately she shot off into the distance, pursued by a group of eager ponies, all of whom were whooping and hollering as they gave chase through the snow and ice. The young Pegasus spun and danced among her pursuers, getting tantalizingly close before deftly escaping one hold or another. One daring young Earth pony managed to grab her flank, earning a solid cuff over the head for his troubles. Another mare, a cagy looking Pegasus with a sly grin, almost had her, leaping on her from behind. A quick twist and a shove later, she too was sprawled on the ground, wind knocked from her as she tried to laugh. And sure, the play was a bit rough, but not a single face, on the field or in the stands, was without a smile. Ponies cheered for their favorites or loved ones, and Twilight Sparkle could see what paltry coin they had being swapped good-naturedly as bets were made, won and lost. She cheered just as loudly for Tarantella, who winked at her as she led a pack of ponies by the stands before peeling off into the distance once more.

The match lasted for the better part of half an hour, before a Pegasus from the Lunar Stallions was able to subdue her long enough to wrestle the horns from her head, holding them aloft as a trophy while the horn blew once more to signal his victory. The lucky stallion, hardly more than a colt, was hoisted onto the shoulders of his companions, who carried him all the way back across the field while Tarantella dusted herself off and took to the skies. The colt was lowered to the ground, placing the antlers on the ground in front of Twilight Sparkle and bowing low.

Twilight spoke. “Well done, brave hunter. Today you have caught a wily foe, and we shall celebrate your victory with wine and song.” she said, imitating the epic speech of the north. “I name you Great Khan, and I look forward to thy company at my table tonight.”

With a rush of snow, Tarantella landed by her captor, shaking his hoof and drawing him in closely as she whispered congratulations in his ear. He bowed his head respectfully before Twilight continued speaking. “And, brave hunted, you have acquitted yourself well. Truly, you were marvelous sport to watch, and I thank thee for thy swiftness and speed. Truly, a great contest. Be proud, and hold thy head high. Thou wert a marvel to watch.”

The assembled crowd, mostly stallions, cheered for Tarantella, while a few whistled and made catcalls. Tarantella’s eyes glinted mischievously, and her voice, brazen and defiant even in defeat, rang out over the frozen field. “I thank thee, milady. It pleases me that thou didst find my performance pleasing to watch. I exerted myself to the utmost. But I cannot help but think that one such as yourself, a mage of great skill but little physical prowess, would be unable to catch one such as I, were I bound as before. Respectfully, milady, I think that thou rely on thy magic alone, and without it, you cannot seize what you wish.”

There was a gasp from the crowd at the insolence from this Pegasus. Condottiero or no, she could not speak in such a way to their leader! Twilight chuckled, rising from her throne. “You doubt me, Pegasus? Then perhaps I shall teach you what I am truly capable of, magic or no.”

Tarantella bowed, spreading her wings. To the rest of the audience, it would appear a gesture of defiance, but to Twilight Sparkle it was a sign of excitement, and one of a…physical…nature at that. She spoke, voice low. “I welcome the chase, Milady.”

Twilight gave the command, playing along. “Guards! Seize this insolent whelp and bind her wings. I wish to test her.”
Twilight strode onto the field as Tarantella’s bonds were tightened once more, preventing her from flight. The two met in the center of the field as the guards beat a hasty retreat, in order to allow the contest to commence. Twilight bent over, muttering in Tarantella’s ear.

“Tara, what are you doing? What purpose does this serve?”

Tarantella could hardly contain her glee. “It serves three purposes, Cara Mia. The first, it further proves you right to rule if you manage to subdue me, as well as giving the stallions in the stands a bit of the show. Or haven’t you noticed the way they look at you? The second, it brings our relationship into the light. As you have said, we are a private couple. I wish the world to know that you are mine, and I am yours.”

Twilight was confused. “You know, you could have consulted me on this. There are less flamboyant ways to handle the situation than this.”

Tarantella’s eyes sparkled. “But it will be so much more fun this way, Twilight.”

The unicorn sighed. “Fine, we’ll do this your way. What was the third reason?”

Tarantella poked Twilight’s belly. “You are a bit soft, Twilight Sparkle. Not that I mind your curves, but you are supposed to be leading a rebellion. It’s no good if you do so with a gut.”

Twilight growled. “You’ll pay for that.”

Tarantella backed up. “Catch me first!” she called, and then the horn blew, low and deep.

Twilight lunged forward as Tarantella wheeled and took off towards the sidelines, avoiding any corners that she could be trapped in. Twilight began to think and plan, analyzing patterns of attack. All she needed to do was catch and subdue Tarantella. This sounded easy enough, but then again, Tarantella had been doing this sort of thing for years. Twilight realized that she would not be able to outrun or outfight Tarantella, especially in this sort of contest, made to feature a large group of ponies. So, she would simply have to outthink her.

Picking up the pace, she considered her advantages. The first was that Tarantella would likely be tired from her previous match, whereas she was fresh and ready to outrun her. The second was that she knew Tarantella better than most other ponies, and the third advantage she had was the endurance she possessed from her running habits.

Of course, Tara would likely anticipate her knowing these weaknesses, and adjust herself accordingly. She would plan around Twilight’s plans, so the unicorn would therefore have to plan around the plan that Tarantella was planning around her plans. She saw the mare in front of her moving as if in slow motion, as her brilliant mind began planning.

Tarantella was favoring her right back hoof slightly, producing a limp that could potentially slow her by eight percent of her normal top speed. Combined with the extra effort she was expending forcing her wings down, compounded by the exhaustion she was no doubt beginning to feel from her earlier exertion, Twilight estimated that she would be slowed to a grand total of eighty six percent of her normal speed. Pegasi were naturally light, so she would have a bit of trouble changing directions on ice, whereas Twilight’s hooves would be able to dig in, giving her the advantage on slick surfaces. Twilight recalled a part of the field that was covered in ice, and the beginnings of a plan took shape in her head.

She picked up her speed, forcing herself in between Tarantella’s right side and the boundary line, threatening her slightly injured right side. The Pegasus naturally shied away from the contact, heading towards the center of the field, and the patch of ice. Twilight moved in closer, gently herding Tarantella towards the slick surface. With fifty meters to go, she fell back, moving directly behind Tarantella. The Pegasus, occupied with looking for Twilight, wasn’t paying attention to where her hooves were headed.

As soon as Twilight heard the scrape of hooves on ice, she made her move, charging in along her right side once more, applying a shoulder that caused Tarantella to stumble. Twilight dug her hooves in, feeling Tarantella do the same. She was able to stop herself. The Condottiero was not. Tarantella hit the ground hard, skidding into a small pile of snow. Desperately, she twisted, trying to get her hooves under her, but it was too late. Twilight sailed through the air with a mighty leap, landing square on top of the Pegasus, pinning her hooves to the ground and cutting off all avenues of escape.

“Pinned you.” Twilight whispered gently.

Tarantella’s eyes sparkled. “So you have, Cara Mia. So you have.”

And right there, in the cold and wet, in front of a thousand screaming ponies, they kissed warmly. And at that, the cheers grew even louder, and several hundred stallions felt their hopes and dreams die.

The day dragged on and on, one eternal day of happiness and good health, as ponies engaged in sorts and celebrations with one another. Ice sculptures and snow ponies dotted the landscape, and near dinner, near every pony free in the castle split into two teams, pelting one another with snow across the empty fields as they laughed and hooted. At the last light of the afternoon, nearly all of the ponies were cold, wet, exhausted, and smiling. The feast was set to begin one hour after sunset, and so each family was preparing themselves for dinner, bathing and combing dirt and ice out of their coats and manes.

Twilight Sparkle especially needed to look good. Directly after the feat, she would be lighting her lantern, leading any pony who wished to follow and her journey to the orchard, to spill cider among the still trees and give thanks for what bounty they had given. And so, after a quick bath, she had been hurried onto her pedestal, her coat brushed with astounding attention to detail, her mane bound into a simple braid among which were woven vines and small white flowers, a variety that Radiant Zenith said only grew in sheltered places during the winter. Gently, to avoid tearing the fabric, she stepped into the white shift, fastening it carefully as Tarantella helped her straighten it so that it fell properly. The simple crown of holly was the final piece, and Twilight stood ready to lead her procession.

Laughing and chatting, the duo descended the stairs towards the dining hall, pleased to spend a holiday together as a couple. All the transgressions of the earlier day had been forgotten, and dinner was going to be a wonderful opportunity to bond along with the ponies Twilight led. As they approached an olden wooden door, Twilight and Tarantella came to a halt. A steward stationed by the door gave a discrete knock, and a voice boomed out into the dining hall on the other side.

“Now arriving to the High Table, the Lady Twilight, and her Consort, Tarantella Allegretta!”

The door opened widely to admit them both, and the two ponies, one Pegasus and one Unicorn, stepped through the portal to thunderous applause. Each bowed low, taking in the hall before them. It was a grand affair, the Great Hall, a massive and long room, tiled in black and white. Long tables ran down its length, and a bank of doors on one side ensured the proper and plentiful flow of food. The rafters had been hung with boughs of evergreen and holly, and the sconces on the walls burned with bright torches of that same aromatic wood, so that the heady scent of pine lay under the smell of the food in the hall. White candles had been placed at each table, though they were as yet unlit. But that was not what had the ponies in the hall so excited.

The tables fairly groaned under the weight of food. And such food, too! Soups and stews, towers of perfectly cooked and carved vegetables, every sweet and pastry that could be imagined, all of this and more stood on the tables, glistening in the firelight. The feast had not yet begun, though every stomach howled with hunger. Each pony, on the brink of starvation, had waited on their Lady. At that moment, Twilight realized that she had gained a following of ponies that would gladly follow her, through thick and thin. A warmth filled her heart, and she strode to her place at the head of the High Table. She could hear ponies murmuring and whispering as the light of the hall shimmered on her gown, and she was uncomfortably reminded of another feast, in another hall, long ago. A statue of Celestia, gleaming in the firelight, caught her eye, and she swallowed. Tarantella nudged her.

“They are here for you, Cara Mia. Not her. You are mistress here, not she.”

At this Twilight held her head higher, and she was at last able to breathe. At her place finally, she inhaled, and spoke briefly to the hall.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, all. Dig in!”

And with that, she sat down, reaching for a basket of rolls as the ponies in the hall laughed amongst themselves, tucking into the food. A group of ponies in the corner stage brought out instruments, and began to play a simple carol, the lively melody filling the air of the hall, as a thousand conversations bubbled underneath that. Stories were swapped as jokes were told, and the air in the hall became noticeably warmer as ponies laughed and bonded with one another. Families felt themselves become closer, friendships were formed, and a celebration of bounty, of the body and soul, was well underway.
As the meal progressed, Twilight Sparkle felt the air growing progressively warmer. This was unusual for the Great Hall, namely because the old stone was prone to drafts. But instead of the normal feeling, that of cold being barely kept at bay by fire, the hall was instead filled with warmth, a sweltering heat that was strangely comfortable. Twilight turned to Radiant Zenith, who was watching her from a short way down the table.

“Do you feel that?” she asked the witch, turning out over the hall. “That warmth?"

Radiant Zenith nodded. “It’s unusual. Not just a physical warmth, although that is a factor.”

Golden Radiance, who was merely sitting to one side, enjoying the company, cut in. “It’s a magical disturbance as well. Something is building up.”

Tarantella nodded, surveying the ponies below. “Should we have them evacuated?”

“No.” all three of the unicorns replied in unison, before glancing at one another and smiling. Twilight continued the conversation. “It’s definitely benign. Just big. Let’s not interrupt the feast. If something should go wrong, we can handle it.”

And that was the end of that, the air in the hall getting noticeably warmer. The ponies talking below seemed not to notice or even to care, save for a few of the more sensitive unicorns down below. As laughter and love filled the hall, the air began to hum with low magic. The flames on the torches began to burn higher, and then a little higher. Twilight felt her horn begin to spark without her direction, followed closely by Golden Radiance and Radiant Zenith. The agreement was silently reached to step in and do something. Before any of them could do more than stand, however, the assembled population of unicorns felt their horns glow, and without warning, torrents of purple fire began to stream from their horns, pooling in the air. Twilight felt her hooves rise into the air as the magical inferno raged higher and higher, seeping out through the windows and cracks in the ancient stone.

As the spell, for that was what it was, came to an end, the feast came to a halt. Twilight glanced out of a nearby window, seeing the outside lit as if by a second sun. Ponies began to stream out of the hall, heading outside, where they gathered close, making exclamations of delight. Twilight’s horn flashed, and she and Tarantella appeared on the snow outside, where they were able to appreciate exactly what had happened. There, above the highest tower of the Regia, was a hovering amaranthine flame, in the shape of a heart. Even from the ground, Twilight could feel the wonderful heat coming from it. She smiled, realizing that her ponies truly had found their own Harmony, regardless of how well off they were. If they had been able to do such a thing on their own, even without Celestia, then Twilight had hope for them all. Ponies capable of such love for one another could hardly fail in whatever they set their minds to. Snow began to fall gently as Twilight and Tarantella huddled close, staring in awe at what had been wrought over the Regia.

As ponies gathered near to one another, a lone voice rose from the crowd, leading the ponies of the Regia in a carol older than Equestria itself.