• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 17,011 Views, 893 Comments

Running from Twilight - Brony-Sibling

Twilight is best pony. It's just... she can be really scary when she's convinced that your kidnapping will be the salvation of Equestria.

  • ...

In the Kitchen.

A days later...

How has it only been a day you wonder to yourself… You feel like every minute has felt like an hour long. Not because it is boring, instead rather the exact opposite because to you. Well. Life here… is crazy. There is no other way to describe it.

As you begin the day you reflect upon the chaos that has now become your reality. As all days begin… it started with the accursed morning and it just HAD to be a Monday. You didn’t know if it really was… but it just HAD to be. There was no other explanation for today. I mean, sure! You had been kidnapped, and generally had a horrible time before this, but this.. this was YOUR OWN FAULT.

You mumble bits and pieces of sentences as you slowly open your eyes to the adorable face of a mint pony. Namely the mint-green face of Lyra. You see, while these ponies have been willing enough to save you from a pony-eske doom, they've rather taken advantage of a very ill-thought out deal you made.

Because of this deal, last night Lyra used YOU as her personal human sized teddy bear. It wouldn't have been so bad if she hadn't wanted to always be touching your hands or arms. Unfortunately her… appreciation... of your hands seems to have expanded to your whole body during the night. You know this because her hooves are now roaming further, and further, down your arms…

You start to feel a hoof slowing tracing circles on your chest.
“Heyy… there ‘hand’-some.” You hear a voice huskily say.
Your eyes wearily open, to… yup. You kinda expected as such.


You had hoped that your bed was empty, or even that there would be a different... less... grabby another pony there. Because Lyra... just wouldn’t leave you ALONE! Pretty much all she has been doing has been nothing but CLING to you. You groan and slowly place your feet on the ground, turning away from Lyra.

Food. You needed food. Breakfast at least will be there for you. Breakfast always has been there for you! Breakfast will be your salvation. Breakfast, your fortress. Breakfast, the-

Ugh. You need to shut up and just get something to eat. You slowly stumble into the kitchen and open the fridge. Eggs. Yes. Why do ponies even eat eggs? I mean-

Screw it. Food first.

You start frying up some scrambled eggs when you feel it. Two hooves reaching under your arms and gently caressing your palms as you TRY to fry the eggs.

Guess you are having scrambled eggs now...

You feel her body press up against your back and feel her inhale your sent as-

“LYRA!” You yell. “SPACE PLEASE”. You feel her hooves let go. “Oh come-on..” Lyra purred, “Don’t you NEED some strong mare’s hooves to help you out in the kitchen?”


“Psh. You’re no fun.” Lyra pouts. She trots over to the breakfast table swishing her tail happily.

"America? Would you be a dear and fry me up some eggs while you are at it?"

"Fine." You grumble, adding a few extra eggs.

Colgate sticks her head out from the bathroom and groggles, "Mafe mef som toofh!" She sticks her head back inside the bathroom and you hear the sound of vigorous brushing.

"Really? Brushing before breakfast?" You mutter out loud while frying up even more eggs. "Won't the taste-"

"She likes it that way." Lyra interrupts. "I've never understood it either."

You walk over to the table and serve up the eggs. You begin to eat when you suddenly feel... Out of place...

You look up, fork in mouth to see Lyra and Colgate staring at you. "Whut."

"You didn't let a mare take the first bite?" Colgate asks in shock."I mean... Wow."

"What?" You ask, "Did I do something?"

"You.. You took the first bite." Lyra says, clearly slightly shocked. "That means you don't accept your place?"

You stare suspiciously at Lyra. "What do you mean... 'My place.'"

Lyra begins to say something when Colgate SMACKS her with her hoof.

"ha-HA-Ha-Ha..." Colgate laughs unconvincingly, "Good one Lyra..."

You decide to ignore that. Food, you need- wait. What is Lyra sliding under the table? You quickly look underneath and GRAB it away from Lyra when she tries to hide it.

"A apron? Why would you want to hide this from... Oh.."

It hits you. The cuddling, the "help" with breakfast, making the food for both mares.


You throw the apron on the ground and furiously turn towards Lyra. "You were going to ask me to wear this frilly apron! And... My place?" Your eyes narrow dangerously.

"You were going to say something about a... 'Kitchen' weren't you..."

"Um..." Lyra said as she gulped nervously. "Maybe?"

"Ugh!" You grunt in frustration. "It's as if you ponies are all just..." Your mental train of thought crashed..

No way.


That explains so much! How on the show there were so few stallions around, how the government positions all were being occupied by mares, how stallions were taking care of mostly menial tasks, how academics were run almost solely by mares, how Mr. Cake was always cooking and taking care of the kids while Mrs. Cake runs the business...

It all makes SENSE!

Ponyville... Neigh, EQUESTRIA is SEXIST! Even their GODS are solely mares, and in fact... The other "God", the only EVIL “God” (if you can call Discord that) is male!

Oh... This isn't good.

As you are taking all of this in, Lyra carefully walks up to you and [RED ALERT] picks up up with magic and levitates you straight into your room, (her room?) plopping you down on the bed.

Lyra sweetly smiles and says, "America,You look exhausted! Why don't you just rest your handsome sweet little head... I mean... After all we do need to take care of our stallion right Colgate!" Colgate smiles and nods from the kitchen.

You jump off the bed and storm around the room, swatting Lyra's hooves away from you.

"Our? Stallion? I am not... Some prize to be won!" You storm back and forth, refusing to let either mare touch you or calm you down. "That's it! I'm taking a shower! I need time to think!!"

You quickly grab a towel and rush into the bathroom, shouting “SHOWERING ALONE!”. You quickly locking the door before either mare could stop you.You turn on the water and quickly disrobe as the water heats up.

You step into the shower and begin to enjoy the relaxing feeling of a relaxing hot shower. Just... letting all the stress flow away from your body with the water.After a few minutes you hear a whispered "Lyra! What are you-" followed by a shushing sound.

You hear a metallic clicking from the door. That sneaky...

You hear something snap, and Lyra mutter, "Stupid lockpicking skill..."

No way. Lock picking? Really?

You yell through the door, "Lyra! Don't you even THINK about it! I just need to be left alone! Just leave me alone!"

You hear Lyra slowly trotting away as Colgate gently whispered through the door, "Alright, America... Just... Remember to brush your teeth ok?" She kindly reminds you.

Irritated, grumpy, and still suffering from morning grump you rebelliously mumble, "I'm not going to brush my teeth."

Suddenly... Everything goes silent. Things are still moving, but... It's like the very air is trying to hide in fear.

Suddenly the bathroom door BLASTS past you and falls to the ground, smoking and charred. Startled you look up and see Colgate standing in the doorway, a toothbrush clenched in her bared teeth, and horn lit up with magic. Grabbing the shower curtain you cover yourself and hear her growl out.

"Brush. Your. Teeth..."

Cowering behind the shower curtain you open your mouth to say something when,


Twilight sparkle had just teleported literally into your shower, and is now hugging your naked, soaking wet back.

Three mares scream. One in shock, one in delight, and the other in confusion. You wonder which scream belonged to who...

Lyra screams and points a accusing hoof at Twilight. “PERVERT! TWILIGHT SPARKLE IS A PERVERT!!!!”

This is going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

Hey everybody! Sorry this took so long. I have a new job in DC, and I'm pretty much always busy. Plus I've made some awesome friends and honestly we do hang out a lot. The result? Less time, or energy to write ponies.

I WILL continue this story, and I am still seriously enjoying writing it. Just... don't expect daily updates. :)

Oh, and if you liked this? Make sure to comment, like, and to let me know! (I feed off of positive energy, much like Chrysalis!)