• Published 13th Dec 2012
  • 3,469 Views, 111 Comments

Star-Crossed - Enter Madness

When Lady Rainbow Dash, a young Canterlot noble, meets Applejack, a poor apple farmer, can their love survive corrupt nobles, a dissenting populace, and the class struggle threatening to boil over in Equestria?

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Applejack’s first impression of Canterlot Castle was “wow.” Her second impression was also “wow.” When she had come to Canterlot for the Summer Sun Celebration, the castle had still been a ways off. As she approached it now, it seemed much bigger than it had from Canterlot Square, and it gleamed in the sunlight like a polished mirror. At noon, when the sun was highest in the sky, the angled spires caught the light and reflected brilliant colors across all of Canterlot. Applejack had arrived in the midst of this event.

“Wow,” she said under her breath.

“Halt,” the guard, a clay-red earth pony with two dice for a cutie mark, said as she approached the front gate. “What business have you in the castle?”

Applejack presented the letter from Twilight Sparkle recommending the farmpony for the servant position, which the guard eyed with disinterest. “Is this where I go in?” she asked.

“Depends,” the guard said with a discernible air of nonchalance. Applejack waited for him to continue, but his eyes stayed locked in a forward position.

“On what?” she finally asked.

“What you’re here for,” he said. Applejack eyed him. Was this pony dense? Applejack started slightly when the pony burst out into loud guffaws. “I’m only pulling your leg,” he said, wiping a tear from his eye. “You should’ve seen the look on your face! Don’t worry, Twilight told me you were coming. Name’s Gamble.” He stuck out a hoof, which Applejack shook with obvious reluctance. Gamble seemed not to notice. “Go on in,” he said as he pulled the gate open, still chuckling to himself.

Applejack made her way through the courtyard to find Twilight Sparkle waiting just inside the main doors of the castle. “Had to deal with Gamble, huh?” the unicorn asked, casting a glance past Applejack to the front gate.

“Is there somethin’ wrong with that pony?” Applejack responded.

Twilight laughed a little. “No, Gamble’s a good pony, just a little too fond of jokes. Or what he calls jokes, anyway. He’s been a huge help to Lady Dash and me, though.” Twilight started walking down the hall.

“How?” Applejack asked, following.

“My brother, Shining Armor, is captain of the Royal Guard,” Twilight explained, “and the Royal Guards are the ones assigned to protect the nobles, including Lady Dash. In fact, Shining should be guarding Lady Dash’s room right now.”

“So, you’re tellin’ me that since we know the guards, they’ll just let me see Rainbow whenever?” Applejack’s heart rate sped up. Would it really be that easy?

“Not exactly,” Twilight said. Applejack’s small glimpse of hope disappeared. “Don’t worry! You’ll still get to see her. We just have to careful. It wouldn’t be wise to let too many ponies know about this. The Duke has friends in many places.” She lowered her voice. “But if you go by Lady Dash’s room and either Gamble or my brother is guarding her door, you should be able to get in without a problem.”

“Thank you, Twilight,” Applejack said. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

Twilight beamed. “No need to thank me, Applejack. Anything for a friend! Now, though, we should probably go over your job details. As long as you’re here, you have to fit in as one of the serving staff. As a maid, you will receive duties every day for you to perform. These will range from cleaning specified areas to taking care of the nobles, and you have to do anything they ask of you.”

Applejack gulped. “Anything?”

“Within reason, of course,” Twilight responded.

Applejack leveled her gaze at Twilight. "Sounds like I'm a slave."

“Oh, it’s not that bad. Besides, you’ll get to see the Lady Dash, so I think it’s worth it.”

Applejack nodded. If it meant seeing Rainbow again, she would do whatever it took.

Twilight led Applejack through the twisting corridors of the castle, past surreal landscape paintings and expensive-looking trinkets. Applejack found herself examining each one, wondering how many bits had been sunken into each one.

"Oh, are you interested in art?" Twilight asked, following Applejack's gaze.

Applejack blushed, caught. "Uh, how much is this stuff worth?" She winced, knowing she sounded like a bumpkin.

Twilight approached the painting, not seeming to mind the question. "Actually, this one is an original Van Gogh, given to Princess Celestia as a gift, valued at twenty-six thousand bits at auction."

Applejack whistled and raised her eyebrows. "Twenty-six thousand? Ya'll could feed Ponyville fer a year with that much."

“Hm, yes,” Twilight said absentmindedly. “Well, we had better get going. I’ll show you around so you’ll know where you’re going when you start your duties.” She started off a little faster than before, with Applejack in tow.

Applejack tried to keep up with the winding corridors and twisting staircases, but trying to remember the directions while listening to Twilight ramble about the history of the palace was making her head spin. It didn’t help that everything they passed was gilded, made of marble, or worth more than Applejack had earned in her entire apple-selling career, and more often than not they were all three.

Twilight pointed out original paintings, goblets and chalices given as peace offerings to Equestria from far-off lands that Applejack wouldn’t attempt to pronounce the names of. There were alcoves containing extravagant sculptures and fountains resting on plush silk carpets.

Everything seemed to remind Applejack of Rainbow Dash. She found herself imagining Dash wearing the gem-encrusted bracelets and tiaras they passed. In certain paintings, her mind replaced the lovers depicted with images of herself and Rainbow, sharing a kiss in this one, an embrace in that one. She felt like she would burst if she didn’t get to see Rainbow Dash soon.

They passed some maids on their knees scrubbing the floors to a spotless shine. A few passing nobles cast curious glances at the two mares, but they just kept their heads down and the trip went largely without incident.

That is, until they passed through the west wing. A sound made both mares’ ears perk up, and it registered an instant later as shouting. It was indistinct at first, but it steadily grew louder as they got further down the hallway, and it became clear that it was emanating from a door on the right.

“...do you intend to do about this!?” came a stallion’s voice. The door burst open and Twilight and Applejack jumped back. A mare wearing a black and white maid’s outfit fell out of the room and tumbled to the floor, followed quickly by a stately unicorn with a dirty blonde mane, a tuxedo and bow tie, and an eight-pointed star adorning his flank. His eyes were flaming with indignation and he had his teeth bared in a wicked snarl.

“I’m sorry, Prince Blueblood, it won’t happen again, I swear it!” the mare said, scrambling backward until she ran out of room, her back bumping against the wall. Prince Blueblood kept advancing, step by step

“Damn right it won’t!” Step. “I should throw you in the dungeon for assaulting royalty, you filth.” Step.

“Assault? But sir, it was an accident, surely you can see that!” The mare looked absolutely terrified. As the stallion passed, Applejack could see that one of his legs had a fresh burn surrounded by brown coffee stains.

“Then you will just have to pay for it right here,” he said, closing the last little distance between himself and the servant. He raised his hoof and the maid shied away, closing her eyes and bracing for the blow.

Before she knew what was happening, Applejack had her hooves around Blueblood’s.

“What in Equestria do you think you’re doing?” he asked, trying to shake her off.

“You can’t just hit a defenseless mare like that!” Applejack exclaimed, not letting go. “What’s wrong with you?”

Blueblood pushed Applejack away and Twilight grabbed the farmpony with her magic before she could lunge at him again.

“Sincerest apologies, Prince Blueblood,” Twilight said. “This is a new servant, and she isn’t quite accustomed to the rules here yet. We beg your forgiveness.”

Applejack looked at Twilight like she was crazy. She was apologizing to this pony for trying to do what was right? It seemed so backwards.

Blueblood huffed and stuck his nose in the air. “Very well, seeing as how she didn’t know better, and I have more important things to do, I accept your apology.” He pointed a hoof at Twilight. “Just don’t let it happen again.” Twilight nodded. “And you,” he continued, turning to face the cowering mare, who flinched when his gaze fell on her. “I’m feeling generous today, so you get off with a warning. But I swear, by the might of Celestia, one more ‘accident’ and I’ll have you rotting in the dungeon for the rest of your days.”

Applejack shuddered. From the matter-of-fact way he spoke, she didn’t doubt that his words were a promise, not a threat. The mare nodded quickly before hurrying away. As she disappeared around the corner at the end of the hall, Applejack saw her turn back and mouth “thank you.” Applejack just nodded.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Blueblood said. “Go!”

Twilight grabbed Applejack’s hoof and pulled her down the hallway. Once they were out of sight of the prince’s room, she turned to Applejack.

“You’ve got to be more careful!” she said.

Applejack scoffed. “What was I supposed to do, just let him hit that mare?”

Twilight sighed. “I don’t know how things are in Ponyville, but here in Canterlot, the royalty rules. You can’t go around assaulting them, drawing attention to yourself. If you want to see Lady Dash, you have to be invisible.”

That shut Applejack up.

“When can I see her?” Applejack asked once they had started once again down the twisting corridors.

“Actually, Shining Armor is guarding her all day, so as soon as I get you into your uniform you can go see her.”

Applejack beamed. Finally, after all this time sending letters, corresponding with words and paper but not really with feelings, she would get to see Rainbow Dash again. The thought filled her with warmth and she followed Twilight. She would get to see Rainbow Dash’s beautiful eyes, her striking chromatic mane that sparkled when the light hit it, hear her voice once again.

Applejack was so consumed by her thoughts that she barely noticed when they descended one final staircase, coming to a long hallway lined with doors. Torches adorned the walls in their sconces, casting flickering light across the cold cobblestone walls and floor. If the upstairs was a palace, then this seemed like the dungeon.

“Applejack,” Twilight said, “welcome to the servant quarters.”

Twilight led Applejack down the hall to the very end, pushing open the last door on the left and ushering her companion inside.

The room was small and square, barely two full ponies across and twice that distance long, but that didn’t bother Applejack; she was used to having a small room. It was the bunk beds that caught her off guard.

“I have a roommate?” she asked.

Twilight nodded eagerly, a smile slowly forming on her lips until it consumed her entire face. Realization dawned on Applejack and a smile played at her own lips.

“You’re my roommate?”

“Yes!” Twilight said, bouncing around on her hooves as best she could in the small space provided, chanting “yes!” over and over again.

“But aren’t you a little, I don’t know, higher up than a servant?” Applejack asked.

“All members of the serving staff live down here,” Twilight explained when she had calmed down, “tutors included.” She squealed with delight. “Oh, this’ll be so much fun! I’ve never had a roommate before. Come to think of it, before you, Lady Dash and my brother were really the only other ponies I talked to.”

“Speaking of Rainbow Dash...” Applejack said.

“Oh, right, your uniform,” Twilight said. She pulled a flat box out from under the bed with her magic and levitated a maids uniform out of it. It was black and white, with frilly lace adorning the neck and waist and a sash that tied around the middle.

Applejack looked at the uniform, then at Twilight, then back at the uniform. “Do I really have to wear that?” she asked.

Twilight put on a plastic smile. “Sorry, Applejack, it’s required. But hey, anything to see Lady Dash, right?”

Applejack nodded. “Right.”

Applejack didn't like clothes. She didn't have anything against them specifically, as long as they served a purpose, like her hat, but too often she had fallen prey to Rarity's fashion sense and the pitfalls therein. Still, Rainbow Dash awaited, so she grit her teeth and pulled the outfit on.

"I look ridiculous," she said, examining her newly adorned body in the mirror. The outfit was tight around the waist and neck and breezy everywhere else, and it was more revealing than Applejack had expected. She frowned at her reflection and turned around to examine herself from every angle, craning her neck to look over her shoulder at the mirror. She wiggled her exposed flank and her reflection copied the motion, the white lace skirt that framed and emphasized her backside moving lazily with her.

“Do I have to look like such a harlot?” she asked, creasing her brow. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she caught Twilight staring fixedly at her posterior. She turned to face the unicorn and cracked a smile. “Enjoyin’ the show?”

Twilight started, like she had just been woken up from a deep slumber. A fiery blush consumed her face from the neck up. “I wasn’t—I mean, I was, but not in—I would never—”

She was cut off by Applejack’s loud laughter. “Relax, Twilight, I’m only pullin’ your leg,” she said, and Twilight relaxed a little. “It’s okay if’n ya’ll admire the view every once in a while, just make sure to keep your hooves off the merchandise; I’m taken.” She punctuated this point with another wiggle, causing Twilight’s blush to deepen.

“We should get going,” Twilight said, apparently eager to change the subject.

“Lead the way,” Applejack said.

Once they had climbed the stairs out of the servant quarters, Twilight said, “Make sure you pay attention to where we’re going so that you can get there on your own next time.” Applejack nodded.

They went down hallways and climbed stairs, Applejack focused on remembering the route they were taking. She occasionally pulled at the uniform, trying to make it comfortable, but the clothes, with their alien feel, wouldn’t cooperate. Twilight slapped her hoof after one particularly violent tug on the collar.

“Applejack, if you want to look like you fit in, you have to get used to the uniform,” she said.

Applejack huffed. “But does it have to be so doggone itchy?” she asked, scratching at her neck with her hoof. Twilight grabbed the hoof a moment later. “Yeah, yeah, I get it, no scratchin.’” Applejack planted her hooves on the floor, resisting the unbearable itching around her neck. “There, see? No scratchin.’”

Twilight eyed her, but soon turned around and continued down the hallway. As soon as she had her back turned, Applejack went back to furiously scratching and pulling at the outfit.

They ascended one final staircase and came to a long hallway nearly identical to the rest; long red carpet running the length of the hall, ornate chandeliers hanging overhead, and expensive decorations adorning everything in sight. The only difference was the guard stationed outside one of the doors on the left, the third door from where they were. He was a white unicorn stallion with a blue mane, a red and gold guard uniform, and a shield as a cutie mark.

The guard turned to Twilight and Applejack, his face placid as they approached. Applejack saw his eyes glance down the hall both ways then, seeing nopony, his demeanor broke and a smile erupted across his face.

“Twily!” he exclaimed, sweeping Twilight into a big hug.

“Hey, B.B.B.F.F.,” she said. Applejack started to say something, but Twilight cut her off before she could speak. “Big brother best friend forever,” she said. Applejack closed her mouth again.

Shining Armor let go of his sister and approached Applejack, his expression once again emotionless. “Are you the Applejack I’ve heard so much about?” he asked. Applejack gulped and nodded at the towering stallion. He leaned down in her face. “Then I only have one thing to say to you.” He stuck his hoof out and smiled again. Applejack let out a sigh of relief and took the hoof in hers and he shook it, hard. “Welcome to Canterlot!” he said.

Applejack smiled. “It’s mighty fine to be here,” she said. The hoofshake went on for an uncomfortably long time, until Twilight cleared her throat.

“Oh, right,” Shining Armor said, breaking the contact. “You want to see her now?”

“More than anything,” Applejack said.

Shining Armor nodded and fetched a key ring out of his uniform. The keys jingled and clacked together as he searched for the right one and, once he found it, he unlocked the door and pushed it open.

Applejack stepped through the threshold. She didn’t notice her surroundings, couldn’t focus on what the room looked like. She only had eyes for the mare sitting on the bed, reading a book, who in that moment looked to Applejack like the embodiment of perfection. Sunlight streamed through the window and fell across Rainbow Dash, making her mane and coat glow like her namesake. Applejack wished she could bottle the adorable expression on Rainbow’s face, a mixture of shock, confusion, and unbridled happiness.

Then the moment was over, and Applejack found herself with a face full of mane as she was tackled into a hug. She thought she heard the door shut behind her, but she was too far away to care. Rainbow Dash’s lips found hers, and soon their tongues were battling in a fierce dance for dominance, neither caring whether they won or lost, only that they were together. Applejack relished in the taste of her partner, basked in the feel of their hooves around each other, delighted in the softness of Rainbow’s lips on her own.

The kiss went on, fading in intensity until it was a waltz, both parties exchanging the lead and neither complaining. Rainbow Dash pulled Applejack backward until they fell onto the bed, knocking the book to the floor. It was Rainbow Dash who broke the facial contact first, although the couple remained entwined, snouts only inches away.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

Applejack explained all that had happened since the last letter, about how Twilight had gotten her the serving position, how she had come to Canterlot to be with Rainbow Dash, and how now she was staying in the castle.

“Wait, you’re staying in the castle!?” Rainbow Dash asked, jumping up from the bed.

“What’s wrong?” Applejack asked, shocked by the sudden change in demeanor. She stood up and cast her eyes down to the floor. “I thought you’d be happy.”

Rainbow Dash lifted Applejack’s chin with her hoof and kissed her, gently. “Of course I’m happy to see you,” she said, “but if my father were to return from his trip and find you here...” She trailed off. “I don’t think I could take it if he drove us apart again.”

Applejack hugged Rainbow. “I promise I won’t let that happen.”

“But you don’t know what he’s capable of,” Rainbow responded.

Applejack pulled away to look Rainbow Dash in the eyes. “Hey, I said I promise, didn’t I?”

“And you always keep your promises, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack nodded. “Right,” she said. Then she noticed the leather band around Rainbow Dash’s wings, securing the appendages in place.

“Did your father put that thing on you?” she asked, incredulous. How could the duke stand to do that to anypony, let alone his own daughter?

“Yes,” came the bitter reply.

Applejack examined the belt. The buckle was made to be easily operated by hooves, and she quickly slipped the rod out of the slot that was keeping it in place, the whole thing falling away a moment later. Applejack had to jump back as Rainbow Dash’s wings sprung open. Rainbow let out a small, relieved laugh.

“You have no idea how good this feels!” she exclaimed, stretching out her feathery appendages. Applejack smiled right along with her, happy as long as she was happy.

Applejack absentmindedly scratched at her neck, pulling at the fabric. “Here,” Rainbow Dash said, “let’s get you out of those clothes.” She advanced toward Applejack.

“Y’know, it’s rude to say that to a mare on the first date,” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash blushed, but she didn’t stop.

She reached past Applejack, their faces centimeters away, and undid the ribbon sash around the new maid’s waist. The black band fell away, Applejack letting out a sigh of relief. Then Rainbow Dash walked around to Applejack’s flank and, pausing just a moment to “admire the view” and blush even harder, she gripped the lace skirt in her teeth. She pulled the whole outfit up Applejack’s body with purposeful slowness, peeling inch by inch until it was completely off, and then she tossed it aside.

Both mares stood, drinking in the other’s body. Applejack’s figure had been built up by years of hard work, powerful leg and chest muscles rippling just below the surface of her skin, betraying the true stamina the mare possessed. Rainbow Dash had also exercised her body, but her frame was lithe, aerodynamic, built for speed and flight. Her wings were masses of muscle and tissue, strong, sturdy, and above all, beautiful.

What followed was another passionate bout of kissing. It started strong, but quickly became less intense than before, both mares moving to the bed and laying against the numerous pillows stacked there. The kiss was softer, gentler, but seemed to stretch on for eternity, neither Applejack nor Rainbow Dash willing to let the other go. They crossed inexperienced tongues and held each other in their hooves.

The two mares spent the rest of the day together in the room, talking and kissing and laying next to each other, content with long stretches of silence where they were simply together.

They watched the sun set, the celestial body slowly dipping below the horizon, transforming the sky from blue to a mixture of red, yellow, and orange hues that made it look like the clouds themselves were on fire. The colors and the light retreated off into the distance, inch by inch, mile by mile, until the sun had hidden itself completely and stars began twinkling in the night sky.

Voices sounded from outside the door. Both mares tensed up and cast worried glances at the other before they recognized it as Twilight. The door opened a moment later and the lavender tutor strode in, took one look at Lady Dash and Applejack lying so close to one another, and immediately started blushing.

“I, um, I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” she said, averting her gaze.

“Of course not, Twilight,” Rainbow said, extracting herself from her partner and standing to face the unicorn, with Applejack soon following her lead. “What do you need?”

“I hate to separate you two, but Applejack must return to the servant quarters with me. It would look suspicious if she stayed anywhere else.” Twilight looked apologetic.

“Of course,” Rainbow Dash said. Then, to Applejack, “When will I get to see you again?”

“I don’t know,” Applejack replied. “Twilight, do ya’ll know when I’ll be able to come back?”

“My brother said that Gamble is set to guard Lady Dash in three days, so once you finish your duties on that day, you’ll be free to visit.”

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash lingered in an awkward silence, neither knowing how to say goodbye.

“Well, until next time, I guess,” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash responded with a kiss.

“I can’t wait,” she said with a smile.

Applejack reluctantly pulled her outfit back on, much to Rainbow Dash’s amusement, and allowed Twilight to lead her out of the room. Nodding to Shining Armor on the way out, the two made their way through the castle.

“So, how was your visit?” Twilight asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

“It was wonderful, Twilight, more wonderful than I had dared to hope.” She put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and smiled with all the joy she had felt that day. “I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done for us.”

Twilight returned the expression. “You’re welcome, Applejack. Anything to help a friend.”

The rest of the journey was made in silence, and when they got back to the servant quarters, they found almost everypony to be asleep.

“The serving staff usually have pretty rough days,” Twilight explained, “so most of them go straight to sleep.”

When they reached their room, Applejack took the top bunk, with Twilight occupying the bottom.

“Good night, Applejack,” Twilight said before extinguishing the light.

“Good night, Twilight,” Applejack returned.

That night, Applejack drifted off into a restful slumber with thoughts of her mare on her mind.