• Published 18th Dec 2012
  • 1,039 Views, 12 Comments

Double Date - OleGrayMane

Cousin Jay Orange from Manehatten comes to Ponyville for business and pleasure. After arranging a deal with Filthy Rich, he sets up a date for himself and Big Macintosh with the spa ponies, Lotus and Aloe, but nothing seems to go as planned.

  • ...

Chapter 2—Best Laid Plans

So much for ten o'clock, Jay thought. Rich politely greeted him, told him something had come up and left him sitting there. Ninety minutes passed—ninety minutes alone in the waiting room with Rich doing something or other in his office. Well, at least he had been 'kind enough', as he said, to leave the contract to look over.

Jay didn't have to spend too much time to form an opinion of the contract. This reeks worse than the stalls at halftime at a Manehatten-Fillydelphia hoofball match. It is like the old hay bag doesn't want the deal. He has nothing to lose, so why propose this unpalatable mess?

He had finished reading the contract, and there was nothing but his own apprehension to keep him from drifting off to sleep. The ticking of the clock began to mesmerize him, then Rich finally emerged from his office.

“Sorry to keep you waiting so long,” Rich said as he stood by the door, gesturing for Jay to enter, “but you understand how things come up.”

“Ah, yes,” Jay commiserated, “there is always a development that we don't expect, isn't there. I hope that everything is resolved now?”

“Yes, lets get down to our business.” Rich closed the door behind them and hurriedly took a seat behind his desk. “You've read the contract?”

“Several times now.” Jay successfully resisted being more sarcastic.

“Oh! Excellent, then I'll get a pen and—” Rich's hoof hadn't made it to the desk drawer before Jay interrupted him.

“If only it were that easy,” he began. “I am afraid there are a few things we will need to go over.”

Rich retreated and stared coolly at Jay. “And those would be?”

“First I'd like to discuss your labeling requirements. Orange Imports is used to private labeling requirements, but yours poses some problems.”

“How so?” Rich brought his hooves together in front of his face and nervously smiled.

“Well, by having your picture on the labels we are going to have to use a rather expensive four-color printing process, and your contract states that we are to bear all the additional costs. If we could remove your picture we could use our standard procedures and there would be no issue.”

“But Jay,” Rich chortled, “it was your idea after all, wasn't it? Didn't you say these would 'fly off the shelves' if they had my personal endorsement? What better endorsement could there be than my picture on the label?”

“Hmmm, I guess you could say that.” Jay flipped the pages of the contract slowly, and deliberately. emphasizing his displeasure. “And the requested promotional material for your ad campaign—we are to produce them for you and again pay all the costs?”

“Your costs in Manehatten would be trivial compared to what I would incur here in Ponyville, and having your printer do both the labels and the ads will ensure that they are a perfect match, won't it? I'm sure they will look splendid.”

“Of course, our printers always do excellent work,” Jay uttered unemotionally. He stared deadpan at Rich until he flashed back a nervous smile. Jay continued leafing through the contract.

“I think we can figure out how to do the labeling and printing, but now on, um, page six, you require that we reduce the size of the cans by twenty-five percent. You do realize these oranges are canned overseas don't you? We don't own the canning factory and I don't even know if they can make such a size.”

“Well you will just have to work that out with them won't you?” Rich crossed his forelegs in front of his chest as he scowled.

“We will check,” Jay replied pleasantly. “But may I ask why they need to be twenty-five percent smaller?”

“So I can sell them for twenty percent less—we specialize in bargains after all,” Rich replied.

Unable to resist the urge for sarcasm Jay quipped, “Such a deal for your customers.”

Rich's glare became decidedly icy but he remained silent.

“Finally, we come to a rather strange request here on page nine, in the—” Jay paused as he counted down the instruction on the page. “—fifth paragraph. Let me quote it so that I get it right: 'All items, materials, collateral et cetera shall be free of all marks, imprints, designs, logos, et cetera of the party of the second part', where Orange Imports is said party.”

Rich began to seethe.

“We appreciate your desire to private label, but I'm sure you can see why Orange Imports could not completely disassociate itself from one of our signature products—” Jay's words were cut short by Filthy Rich's explosion.

“You fancy Manehattens think you can wheedle your way in here and take over my family business don't you! Well, I have news for you, it's not going to happen, not now, not ever!” Rich slammed his hooves down on the desk rattling the contents of its drawers. “My family has worked hard to create this business and our way of life in Ponyville, long before any of you, you, big city corporations even knew we existed! I'll be damned if I will let you or anypony else, come in here and make me a night-shift manager in a business my grandfather founded!”

So the old fool is scared of us just by this measly contract? Jay suppressed a laugh. At least now he had the information so he could deal with the problem, but first he let Rich's panting abate.

“Mr. Rich, I don't know what you have heard about us, but Orange Imports isn't that sort of company. We succeed when you succeed—we want to work together. The reason we came to see you is because we know how successful Rich's Barnyard Bargains has been and we know that you know how to succeed in Ponyville.”

With the bulk of his anger spent, Rich went back to the crossed forelegs position behind his desk, while Jay continued to salve the businesspony's fears.

“Even in a hundred years, Orange Imports wouldn't know half as much about doing business in Ponyville as you do.” Jay mustered as much earnest as he had ever done in a pitch before. He leaned forward towards the proprietor and said, “Mr. Rich, Orange Imports wants you—needs you—to be our partner in Ponyville. That's why, I promise you I will do everything in my power to get my manager to see this contract your way.”

Rich avoided looking at Jay by staring at his hooves silently.

“And to help me do that I only ask one thing of you Mr. Rich—”

Rich looked up stone faced at the salespony.

“If we could just increase the size of the order to, let's say, three gross, I'm sure it would be much easier to have him see it your way, wouldn't it?”

Rich continued to sit silently fuming.

“Could you do that, for me—please?” Jay pleaded.

Silence reigned.

“All right,” Rich agreed reluctantly. “Three gross, but no more,” he grumbled.

A wave of relief poured over Jay. “Thank you, you won't be sorry,” he promised as he took the pages of the contract and shoved them in his bag. “I will write up a letter to the home office today explaining your position, and get it off in the evening mail.”

“Mrgrmph,” was Rich's reply.

Jay extended a hoof to the recalcitrant Filthy Rich. It hung awkwardly in the air for several seconds before Rich could bring himself to be civil and return the gesture.

“Thank you so much Mr. Rich,” Jay piped with mock enthusiasm as they shook hooves, “I'll get on this right away.”

“Uhmmrmp,” Rich mumbled, unwilling to budge from behind his desk.

Jay quickly, and unceremoniously, saw himself out.


Three gross! All this for three gross! What I won't do for this company, Jay thought as he shuffled down the street. If Rich hadn't such a grip on Ponyville's retail, I'd tell the conniving, paranoid, old fool to cram it!

He thought about what he was going to tell the home office, what he would recommend, and how to spin it so he didn't look bad. What he really wanted to tell them was to make Rich's nightmare come true. He fantasized about Rich standing behind the counter working the late shift in some bad section of Fillydelphia, and grinned evilly.

Soon enough Jay found himself standing outside his next appointment, and looking at it he could have no evil thoughts. Sugarcube Corner and the smells emanating from within lifted his heart and he could only be filled with joy.

It was just as he remembered it from years ago, the absurd gingerbread building with its cupcake tower, and he thought wryly, Only in Ponyville. Despite the building's over-the-top architecture, its delicious treats held a special place in his heart.

When he was sent to his obligatory two-weeks in the country as a colt this place would be the final destination of the weekly shopping trips. Granny would take Mac and himself to make the rounds on market day. The two colts would run amok expending their youthful energy much to Granny Smith's dismay, but as long as they didn't get into too much trouble, they would stop here for some delight before the trip back to the farm.

It was so simple then... he waxed nostalgically. He pulled himself back to the present, and prepared to enter the bakery. Well, the Cakes should certainly be much easier to work with than Filthy Rich.

Jay stepped into the chaos that was Sugarcube Corner's storefront. The Cakes were running back and forth between the kitchen carrying boxes and yelling at each other. Clattering and clanging rang forth from the kitchen while white smoke crept out over the top of the door frame.

He stood in the middle of the fray, apparently invisible, until Mrs. Cake slid to a stop in front of him on one of her hurried trips.

She looked at Jay in a wide eyed panic and asked, “And you are?”

“Im Jay Orange—”

She closed her eyes and bellowed, “Pinkie!”

“Uh, yeah?” came the reply from the baker in the kitchen.


“I thought you said the frosting was supposed to be blue.” The response was followed by the sound of crashing bakeware.

The small blue mare put her hoof to her forehead and yelled back, “No, not that—”

“Mrs. Cake...” Jay interjected unsuccessfully.

“Orange, the Orange order!” she barked back.

In the kitchen a piece of glassware met its end. “It will be in on Friday with everything else.”

Jay tried again. “Mrs. Cake...”

“No, the Orange order, he's here right now!

“Tell him to put it by the back door I'll get to it later,” came the shout from kitchen.

“MRS. CAKE!” Jay finally had her attention as well as that of her husband. Suddenly the establishment was quiet, until there was a loud poof and a cloud of flour poured from beneath the swinging doors to the kitchen.

The proprietress looked dumbfounded, obviously stressed, and thoroughly confused.

“I'm Jay Orange,” he said deliberately.

Mrs. Cake had only a perplexed look in response.

“Jay Orange, of Orange Imports, I had an appointment today.”

Her face collapsed in realization. “Oh dearie, dear, dear!” Stress and embarrassment brought her to the edge of tears.

“But I see this is not a good time, is it, hmm?” he suggested while smiling charmingly.

“I'm so sorry Mr. Orange. No, it isn't. Somepony forgot about an order for a rather large party this afternoon.” She scowled over her shoulder at Mr. Cake who resumed his scurrying about.

“Yes, well, we will reschedule. I'll still be in Ponyville for another day or so.”

“Thank you Mr. Orange, I'm so sorry...”

“Thats quite all right, how about tomorrow morning about ten o'clock?”

“Yes, that would be fine,” she said, “as long as somepony hasn't forgotten anything else.”

“No sugar plum, I haven't,” came Mr. Cake's cheery reply.

“Excellent,” Jay pronounced, “I will see you then.”

As he headed for the door the chaos resumed and Mrs. Cake dashed back to the kitchen. Jay chuckled as he started back to Sweet Apple Acres. What nice ponies, and great bakers, but they really need to learn how to plan better.


Granny Smith was sitting on the porch, enjoying a small break after lunch, when she spotted Jay walking up to the Apple homestead.

“Yur here awfully early, nephew. Business not so good today?”

“No, business has not been good at all.” He threw his saddlebags on the porch in disgust. “I think I got bit by that snake you call Filthy Rich,” he sighed as he sat next to the old mare.

“He's a tricky one, ain't he?” she chuckled. “But his family ain't outwitted us Apples yet, and Ah 'spect you Oranges will do all right too.”

“I'm not sure of that, but thanks for the vote of confidence Granny.”

“Yur welcome. Now, how 'bout yur business with the Cakes?”

“Postponed till tomorrow—seems they forgot about an order and didn't have time to see me.”

She cackled and slapped her thigh. “Oh, those two! Fine bakers, but they'd forget their manes if they weren't attached!”

Jay smirked. “Say Granny, when does the mailmare stop by here?”

“Not for another two or three hours I reckon. You expecting sumptin'?”

“No, I have to write up something on this Rich deal and get it back to the home office.”

“Well get it writ and Ah'll make sure she get's your mail posted.”

“Thanks Granny.” Jay stretched. “After that, I think I might just go take a nap.”

“Restin' up for yur an' Mac's big date, eh?” She jostled him in the ribs. “Well, I find the porch is a fine place for a nap, and you might too, if'n ya can stand my snorin'.”


Granny's snoring was not unlike the sounds of street repair in Manehatten. How such a tiny old mare could make so much noise escaped Jay. He thought about going inside to rest, but eventually the afternoon sun coaxed him asleep despite the racket. When the approach of Applejack and Big Macintosh woke him the old mare was nowhere to be seen.

“Well, he looks like the real industrious sort don't he Mac?” Applejack taunted.

“Uh, huh, huh, eeyup,” his cousin chortled.

“Ha, ha, you two,” Jay's sing-song reply went out. “I'll have you know my work was done hours ago.”

“Good for you,” Applejack snarked.

“So, Mac, you ready for our night out?” Jay asked as his cousins joined him on the porch.

“Jus' give me some time to warsh-up and Ah'll be ready to go,” Mac said as he ambled into the house.

“No hurry, we've got plenty of time.”

Applejack sat across from Jay and crossed her forelegs. There she sat, coldly staring, giving Jay the silent treatment.

Finally, Jay threw up his hooves questioningly as if to ask What did I do?

“Don't you look at me like that Jay Orange,” she snapped back. “You get in trouble every time you come here. Yur a troublemaker, and you've been gettin' mah brother in trouble ever since you two were colts. Ah won't have it happen agin'!”

“I have not!” he protested loudly. “When did I ever cause trouble?”

“Let me see...” Applejack cocked her head and uncrossed one leg so she could tap her chin. “How 'bout the time you and Mac ran off from Granny on market day and she couldn't find you two for hours.”

“Pffft! That was more than twenty years ago! And how do you know about that, you weren't even born!”

“Maybe not, but Ah've been told. Ah am old enough to distinctly remember an incident up in the hay loft with a certain 'picture book' you brought from the city...”

“Oh come on! This is all ancient history—we were just colts!”

“An' finally, Ah can remember cleaning-up the mess you two made with a little after hours party a few years ago.” She shuddered remembering the scene.

“All right, I'll give you that one—we were old enough to have known better,” he replied sheepishly. “Things just got out of hand, you know how that is.”

“No Ah don't, cause Ah don't ever act that way!” Applejack insisted. “An' neither does Mac, at least not when you ain't here.”

“All right, all right, so I've been a bad influence. What is the point of all this? Do I need to go to Canterlot Cathedral and repent to make you happy?”

“No,” she said seriously. “Ah just want you to promise me you ain't gonna do nothin' to get you or Mac in trouble tonight. Cause if you do, Ah promise you, Ah won't never forgive you. You understand me?”

Jay tried to look as angelic as he could. “I promise AJ, we'll stay out of trouble, both of us will.”

“Good,” she stated emphatically as she rose to go inside. “Cause unlike certain ponies Ah keeps my promises.”


Jay waited anxiously on the porch with Applejack and Granny Smith for Mac to come down. Neither of the mares spoke to him and for that he was grateful. It was better to have awkward silence than to have yet another verbal battle with his cousin, who watched him like a hawk. Finally, Macintosh presented himself, cleaned and brushed.

“Oh, there's my handsome young stallion!” Granny bubbled as she clapped her hooves together. “Don't yur brother look fine, Applejack?”

“Yeah, just—peachy.”

Mac blushed as he walked over to join Jay.

“Whoa, Mac! How much of that cologne did you use?” Jay's eyes were burning.

“Just-a bit. Ah told ya it was strong stuff.”

“You weren't kidding. No bother, it will wear off on the walk to town.”

Applejack gave her cousin a steely glare and reminded him, “You remember what you promised.”

“Don't worry,” Jay reassured her, “everything is going to be fine.”

“It's getting late, you two better head out,” Granny said. “You boys have a nice time now!”

“We will!” Jay hollered back as the two began their walk towards the main gate of Sweet Apple Acres.

Applejack and her grandmother sat on the porch watching the two young stallions start off on the road to Ponyville.

“Ah'm worried Granny.”

“Now why is that, dearie.”

Applejack hesitated. “Well, Ah know Mac is, uh,” she began uneasily, “he's big, and strong and growed up and all. But inside, he's still like a little colt, ya know what Ah mean?”

“Hmmm,” Granny replied noncommittally.

“He can be such a nice fella, Ah'm worried folks might take advantage of him—maybe even his own cousin. Ah just don't want to see nobody hurt him Granny, that's all.”

“Now dearie,” Granny started her homespun wisdom, “yur brother's got a pure heart and a sound mind, and well, if he needs to do more gowin' up, well he will have to do it himself. Growin' up means makin' mistakes, and no pony can tell ya what's right and what's wrong sometimes, ya got to learn yurself. The best we can do is to be there, if'n and when, he needs us, ya understand?”

“Ah guess so Granny.” Applejack looked at her hooves, a bit ashamed for being protective. “But Ah can still worry cain't Ah?”

“Yes dear, ya can,” Granny Smith chortled, “and it's sweet that ya do.” She reached out and put a reassuring hoof on her granddaughter’s shoulder. “But Mac and yur cousin are big ponies now, and they will have to take care of themselves. An' Ah'm sure they will be all right, even if they are goin' out with them two sluts from the spa.”

Applejack's face froze as she slowly rotated her head to stare at the old mare beside her. “Uh—did you just...”

“Now, let's get inside and get dinner ready, yur sister will be hungry.”


Well at least something is going according to plan today, Jay thought. He and Mac picked-up the two spa ponies after the mares had closed up shop for the day. Jay hooked up with Lotus and Mac with Aloe, and the foursome began their way to the little restaurant at the end of town.

Jay made idle chit-chat with his date to pass the time. How long had they been in Ponyville? Did they have any hobbies? Who was their favorite princess? All the usual questions.

Mac didn't seem to need to converse as Aloe was already rather attached to him—physically. After Jay had provided the introductions—the mares already new Mac from seeing him in town as well as from talking to his sister—Aloe immediately starting nuzzling up to Mac. As they trotted briskly through the street, the attention he was receiving from his date sent the big pony's head to the clouds. With his head held high and chest puffed out, he let the small pink mare brush her cheek against his neck as they made their way to dinner.

Jay was delighted to see his cousin's disposition improve so dramatically from the other night. Seeing the pessimistic 'ole workhorse' replaced by the spry stallion made Jay feel that he could work miracles. But Jay's miracle seemed to fade as they reached the restaurant and Mac began to fidget. As the waiter began to guide them to their table, Mac got his cousin's attention.

“Uh, Jay, can Ah talk to you?” he asked hesitantly.

“Sure... Ladies go ahead, we'll join you in a bit.” Jay looked at the waiter and asked, “Could we have a bottle of dandelion wine, if that's all right with you ladies?”

The spa ponies smiled pleasantly and the waiter scurried off to fetch the bottle. Mac lead Jay back to the restaurant's entrance.

“So what's up Mac?”

“This is an expensive place right? Ah didn't know we were gonna go here.”

Jay rolled his eyes in frustration. “Weren't you listening when we were talking about this back at the spa when we picked the mares up?”

“Uh, no, not really.”

“Oh, right—no you weren't.” Jay smiled as his cousin blushed. Aloe's affections made him quite oblivious to the conversation. “So, its expensive—“

“Ah, don't have enough bits to pay for my own dinner at a place like this, let alone somepony else's,” Mac whispered to avoid embarrassment.

“Don't worry old fellow,” Jay chuckled, “I'm paying for everything tonight, well I should say the company is going to pay for it. I'm going to expense the whole thing.”

“Wha? So exactly how is takin' two mares and me out to dinner a business expense?” Mac looked at his cousin skeptically.

“That is for me to worry about, not you, okay? They are business mares, so we'll talk some business—I'll figure something out.” Then Jay added righteously, “And accounting better not complain! Your dinner is only partial compensation for the Apple family putting me up the whole time.”

Macintosh conceded to his cousin's logic. “Okay, as long as ya think it'll be all right.”

“Of course, it's going to be all right. Now let's get to the table before they drink all of that wine.” Jay nudged Mac's side and lead him off to where the two mares were seated.

Both of the mares ordered dainty meals that befitted their nature. Jay followed suit with his entrée, and Macintosh was, well, Big Macintosh. And, of course, Jay ordered more wine.

Aloe's attraction to Mac continued as the evening progressed. She was much more interested in cuddling up to him than she was in eating her meal. Mac was enjoying every minute of it, as long as it didn't interfere with his eating.

In contrast to the amorous activity across the table, Jay felt like he was not making much progress with Lotus. He started with his typical play, talking about his travels, big deals he had made or would make. That sort of bravado had never failed to impress the wide-eyed, small town fillies, but tonight his stories were falling flat. Although she remained attentive and polite, she was definitely cool.

Somewhere between a story about a big deal in Fillydelphia and one about the lost shipment of goods going to Las Pegasus, Jay began to notice things getting a bit strange across the table. Aloe's cuddling had transformed into sniffing. At first it was just sticking her nose into Mac's fur and mane while she breathed in deeply.

Is she a bit tipsy already? Jay wondered.

Then came the snort—heard by everypony in the restaurant.

Macintosh looked down at his date with an uneasy smile, then quickly looked over at Jay for reassurance. Jay, like everypony else in the establishment, was staring wide-eyed at Aloe.

Lotus crinkled her face and adroitly delivered a blow to Aloe's foreleg under the table, eliciting a yip. The injured mare returned to reality.

“Excuse me,” Aloe said demurely as she returned to paying superficial attention to her meal.

The interruption was as good a time as any for Jay to decide his next move. He considered how to proceed since his previous conversation didn't seem to be working on Lotus. Well I've done enough talking for the night, he thought, let's see what she has to say.

“Well, it must be very hard for two mares like you and your sister to run a business all by yourselves,” he fawned.

“Well, not too hard, but we do have difficulties, like last week—” she began.

Jay reached for his glass of wine to help tune out her talk. He didn't ignore her; he just made sure he nodded at all the right places, made sympathetic sounds, or added polite laughs. But in two minutes he wouldn't remember a thing she had said. He preferred it that way.

The one thing he was paying attention to was Mac. The snort had him edgy, and Aloe had resumed her sniffing. He kept one eye on the pair while feigning attention to his date. He filled his glass with the last of the wine and then dropped back into her conversation.

“So it has always interested me, exactly what types of things do you do at a day spa?” he asked.

She looked perturbed at the question. “Well, as I said, we offer the usual services: facial masks, body wraps, mud treatments, and we have our very popular hot tubs.”

“Hot tubs, eh? You know I've never actually been in one, can you image that?” He rested his head in his hoof and grinned invitingly.

“Well, Mr. Orange, don't you think it would be wonderful treat for you and Mr. Apple to come to our spa and try out our very relaxing hot tubs, eh?”

“What do you think, Mac, would you like to go try out the hot tub?”

Mac stiffly shook his head as he stared nervously at his cousin. “Gee, Ah don't know—Ah all ready had a bath this week.”

Lotus giggled as if he had made a witty remark. “Oh no, Mr. Apple, it is not for bathing but relaxing. Isn't that right sister?” She had to deliver another well placed kick to get her sister's response.

Aloe quickly popped to attention. “Yes, yes, very relaxing. I promise you will enjoy it very much,” she said as she began to stroke Macintosh's chest.

“Come on Mac, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.” Then he silently mouthed, You promised.

Mac looked down at Aloe. Her sweet smile was hard to resist, plus he had promised Jay he wouldn't back out, and an Apple never broke a promise. “Uh, all right, if ya think it's a good idea.”

Lotus clicked her hooves together in satisfaction and declared, “Then its agreed. My sister and I will prepare the hot tub—”

“And Mac and I will settle up here and meet you at the spa,” Jay announced.

“Excellent—Aloe let us go.”

Aloe gave Mac a quick peck on the cheek and went to off to join her sister by the restaurant entrance. As she joined her, Lotus began a hushed argument in a language that Jay could not quite place.

Jay turned to watch the two depart for the spa and, once they were out of sight, he turned his attention of his cousin.

“Mac, what's the matter with you? Can't you see how much that filly likes you?”

“Ah know, but, uh,” he said as he anxiously rubbed his mane, “she's getting kinda weird don't ya think?”

“So she's a little weird—look at her—she's gorgeous!” Mac bowed his head. “Don't blow this Mac, both for your and my sake, don’t blow this.”

“But she was startin' ta lick my mane, Jay,” he insisted. “That's more than a little odd.”

“Ah, Mac,” an exasperated Jay sighed, “what I am going to do with you? I understand you are nervous, but trust me, things are going to work out great. You just need to trust me, okay?”

Macintosh looked away from his cousin.

“Remember, you promised,” Jay pleaded.

Mac looked down silently. Finally, he agreed, “Okay, if you say so.”

“There you go!” a triumphant Jay stated emphatically. “Let me go take care of the tab, and then we'll go try out those beautiful mares's hot tub, deal?”

Mac put on a stoic face and nodded. “Deal.”


This was the way life was meant to be lived, Jay though as he sank a bit deeper into the tub. Fine wine, beautiful mares, and luxurious living had him forgetting the day's disappointments. I'll definitely have to get one of these when I make it. Oh, and a hot tub too. He pulled Lotus a bit closer to celebrate his inner satisfaction.

The lovely blue mare had finally seemed to warm up to him—he smiled at his ability to charm her. Maybe it was the relaxation of the tub that did the trick, or possibly the bottle of wine he had brought back from the restaurant. Either way, he really didn't care, as long as the result was the same. He turned and watched her resting her head on his shoulder. Just perfect. He gave her a gentle kiss and pulled her tighter in his embrace.

As he and Lotus continued to enjoy each others amorous company, Jay would occasionally catch a of glimpse of his cousin and Aloe on the other side of the tub. He peaked around his date's flowing pink mane to see if his cousin was making as much progress as he was.

It was hard to tell exactly how Mac was doing—he looked a bit wooden and detached—but Aloe seemed to be doing just fine. She was rubbing Mac's wide, muscled chest, her nose buried deep in his mane, nostrils flared in olfactory ecstasy.

If only he'd relax more, Jay thought, he could really have some fun in this town.

Lotus caught him glancing at the pair on the other side of the tub. She pushed back from their embrace and looked at Jay. With a few quick shakes of her head she asked him if she should send them on their way. Jay's pulse quickened as he eagerly nodded back.

Lotus turned about and sat next to Jay and began to hang on his shoulder. Jay stroked her cheek.

“Sister,” she began while looking at the other couple, “Mr. Apple still looks a bit tense. Would not a nice massage be good to help him relax? He has had a hard workday, a massage would help his tired muscles, don't you think?”

Aloe withdrew her face from Mac's mane and smiled wryly. “Yes, a very good idea.” She expertly flipped herself out of the tub and instructed, “Come with me, Mr. Apple, we will get you dried off and have a nice massage.”

“Uh, Jay?” came the red pony's plaintive question.

“You need to relax Mac. Go ahead, get a massage.”

“Come now,” Aloe commanded him, “out now—this way.” She gestured in the direction he was to take.

Mac stepped awkwardly out of the tub taking a large volume of water with him. Jay and Lotus giggled as he straightened up and shook himself off.

“Very good now, follow me.” Aloe directed him down from the tub and towards the hallway. He bit his lip and gave one last glance back at his cousin.

Jay held on tightly to Lotus's wet, slippery frame as he waved Mac onward.

Once the other couple was out of sight Lotus deftly spun about and planted herself on Jay's lap.

My she is direct! he thought. This was not a shy small town filly who needed persuading, she was more like some of the fillies he'd know in Manehatten. No wonder his stories had failed to impress her. He had underestimated her simply because she lived in Ponyville, and he thought it might have been the most pleasant mistake of the day.

He smiled and reached out to pull her closer, but before his hooves could reach her shoulders, his progress was halted by a hoof planted firmly between his eyes.

“Ah, ah, ah, Mr. Orange,” Lotus scolded as she waggled her other hoof in front of him. “Do not be so bold. You are in my establishment, and here I am in charge, yes?” With a forceful shove, she pushed him backward till his head gave a resounding thunk on the rim of the tub. She put her hooves on her hips and smiled deviously.

His uneasy grin only served to delight her more. Maybe, he thought to himself, this mistake isn't so pleasant after all.