• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 1,478 Views, 32 Comments

Jeweled Sun - Brony2893

Rarity moves to Canterlot, leaving a grown Sweetie Belle in charge of Carousel Boutiue. Not long after arriving at her new home, a certain alicorn wishes to express her feelings to the unicorn.

  • ...

1. New Beginnings

“I’m going to miss you so much Rares!” The pink, fluffy pony exclaimed as she squeezed all the air out of the poor unicorn.

“Yes, I’ll… I’ll miss you too, Pinkie…” Rarity strained, still being hugged to near unconsciousness by the party pony.

“Oops, sorry Rarity,” Pinkie apologized as she released her hold. “I’m just going to miss you so much!”

“Dear, you said that eighteen times at the party, and this is the fourth time at the train station,” Rarity remarked with a teasing smile.

“You… you will be coming back, right?” The shy pegasus of the group managed to squeak out behind her veil of sadness.

“Why of course, darling!” Rarity took her friend in a warm embrace before eventually letting go, tears threatening their way out behind her eyes. “I could never forget my spa-buddy.” Fluttershy seemed to brighten up at the reassurance offered by her friend.

Rarity turned towards her younger sister, who certainly wasn’t such a little filly anymore. Sweetie Belle had grown into a beautiful young mare, a light blue double-note adorned her flank. Her special talent may have been singing, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t as much of a prodigy in the fashion world like her older sibling.

“Sweetie Belle? Are you absolutely sure you can manage the shop on your own?” Rarity asked the younger unicorn who was just as tall as herself now. Rarity still couldn’t believe her little sister had grown so fast.

“For the last time, I’ll be just fine.” Sweetie Belle smiled as she rolled her eyes. She jumped a step forward and took her BSBFF in a powerful hug. “Besides, Spike comes by almost every day to help. Don’t worry so much. I’m not gonna burn it to the ground, almost like the kitchen that one time.” Sweetie giggled as she lightly boop’d Rarity’s nose.

“Just be sure to write, and don’t be afraid to ask somepony for help if you need it,” Rarity countered as she looked around at all her friends saying their farewells. “It’s a shame Twilight and Rainbow Dash couldn’t make it this morning…”

“Ah’m sure they’re both still hung-over from Pinkie’s party las’ night.” Applejack reassured, taking a step towards her unicorn friend. She rubbed the back of her neck before speaking again. The farm pony always hated these kinds of send-offs; even if she knew she would still see Rarity again one day. “Y’all be careful in that big city, ya hear?” Applejack threw her forelegs around her departing friend.

“Why is everypony so worried about me? I’ll be fine darling.” Rarity returned the gesture to her farming friend, barely holding back tears. She knew it would be hard moving to Canterlot, but you’re never really prepared to move away from your friends. They could easily stay in touch and visit each other at least. She secretly thought she might even return to Ponyville in a few years, after hiring an adequate staff of course, but that was too far in the future to worry about.

A loud, whistling roar broke the hug as the train signaled it was almost time to leave.

“Y’all better get goin! Ya don’t wanna be late.” Applejack reluctantly nudged her friend towards the waiting train-car. Rarity grabbed her carry-on bag and gave one last, quick hug to her sister before giving another hasty goodbye. She turned and galloped into her appropriate carriage just before the doors shut.

“An’ don’t worry about Sweetie Belle, the gals will check on her from time to time!” Applejack’s reassuring words were the last thing Rarity heard before the train began its journey to the capital city.

Lush, green hills swept past the window in a vibrant, beautifully flowing scheme of colors. It’d been a few hours and Rarity still felt a bit bad inside for leaving.

“Am I really doing the right thing?” She sighed to herself. “It’s not like I’ll never see them again, and this could mean a colossal amount of growth for my business… what do you think?” Rarity asked, turning to the lightly snoozing body in the seat next to her.

The only reply she got was an eye opening ever so slightly before a low hiss escaped her traveling companion’s mouth.

“Oh Opal, you always say that.” Rarity teased as she gently stroked the one spot her cat didn’t mind being pet. “At least Fluttershy showed me that spot behind the ears you like so much.” She smiled as her hoof rubbed the aforementioned area, eliciting an almost inaudible, low purring sound from the normally cranky feline. The train staff had agreed to let Opalescence out of her carrier so long as she stayed in their cabin. It was a long trip and Rarity didn’t want her poor ‘Opal-Wopal’ in that crate for so long.

“Now…” The marshmallow mare began, still stroking her feline friend. “…When we get to our new home, I’ll let you out as soon as I can. I want you as comfortable as possible while I get things unpacked and situated. Does that sound good to you?” Rarity could’ve sworn she saw her cat genuinely smile for the first time ever.

Rarity had heard about a property for sale a few months ago and immediately pounced on the offer. The placement couldn’t be better; it was practically right next to Canterlot castle itself! She took a short trip to see the building for herself and was stunned… it was perfect. Large windows covered the entire front side, a wide studio-designed interior with lots of open space, and a nicely-sized apartment on the second floor, all to herself.

Rarity squealed in delight at the thought. She was really going to be moving up in the world.

Your business better take off quickly, or else you won’t be able to afford the rent there… A rogue, evil thought surfaced in the unicorn’s mind. Sure, she was worried about the naturally high cost of living in such a luxurious part of the fanciest city in Equestria… but she was confident everything would be all right. Rarity decided to pursue a less stressful train of thoughts as she continued to stroke the somewhat volatile feline she called her pet.

Odd that Twilight and Rainbow Dash were too hung-over this morning, normally those two can drink the rest of us under the table. Wait… Her eyes darted back and forth as a few dots were connected in her mind.

They didn’t really talk to anypony else besides each other last night, and they were smiling an awful lot too. They even left together… could they be…? Rarity shook her head at the thought.

They aren’t together, what a ridiculously humorous thought, the librarian and the athlete! Rarity giggled to herself before glancing down to Opalescence. Noticing the normally furious fur ball fast asleep, she slowly withdrew her hoof.

I wonder about Sweetie Belle and Spike though, those two have gotten awful close since my sister took over the business... Not that Rarity had anything wrong with that. In fact, Spike had grown into an admittedly handsome young man; his eyes were now level with most ponies. … and he has the cutest little wings. Rarity smiled to herself as the scenery continued to roll by, drawing the pair ever closer to their destination.

“I do hope the rest of the girls won’t miss me too much,” She whispered to herself, letting out a long sigh. She averted her attention to her bags, and quickly and quietly pulled a small object out of one of the side pockets. It was the key to her new home and business, and it was probably the fifteenth time she checked to see if it was still there on the train ride alone.

Rarity noticed they were coming up to a familiar tunnel entrance, meaning they were close. “Come now, Opalescence, you should wake up and get ready,” She gently whispered to her sleeping friend and gently stroked her as softly as possible so as to avoid an unwanted swipe. Opalescence opened her eyes halfway and groaned at her owner.

“Oh, don’t give me that. You agreed to be good this trip.” Opalescence complied and slowly made her way across their cabin and laid back down in her carrier, with her toy mouse in tow. “Don’t worry, Opal-Wopal, we’ll be there soon,” Rarity remarked as the train’s carriage entered the tunnel, plunging them into darkness.

A loud whistle echoed throughout the station, signaling the train’s departure behind the white unicorn. Rarity double-checked that Opal’s carrier was securely locked, and her own bags were shut before setting off towards her new home.

It was late-afternoon by the time they got there, and the city was still bustling with life everywhere she looked. She loved everything about Canterlot; the castle, the shops, the ponies, the restaurants. Rarity took in a large breath; savoring it as it passed through her nose… she even loved the smells of the city.

“Rarity? Hey Rarity!” A heavy, male voice called out to her from behind. “Over here!”

Oh Celestia, please don’t let it be… The unicorn bit her lip as she hesitantly turned around.

“Oh! Pony Joe!” Rarity surprisingly greeted the stallion as he trotted over from the other side of the street. “Whatever are you doing out here, darling? Don’t you have your bakery to tend to?” she asked the earth pony just as he got within comfortable talking distance.

“Nah, not today. I’m getting the booths remodeled today, so I decided to take the day off,” He proudly stated, not noticing his chest slightly puff out at the sight of the white mare. “What are you doing here though? Canterlot isn't under attack again, is it?”

“Of course not, dear. I’ve just moved here to open another branch of my fashion business and was on the way there now.” Rarity waved a hoof in the air in the rough direction of her destination.

“Really? Where is it?” Asked the shocked earth pony.

“It’s in the main plaza directly in front of the castle,” Rarity nonchalantly replied, eliciting an impressed whistle from the stallion.

“Not bad, you’re really moving up in the world, huh?” He commented before a blush graced his cheeks in preparation for his next question. “Do you, uh… you need help moving stuff?”

Such a chivalrous stallion…

“That won’t be needed, dear, my boxes were delivered yesterday, but I appreciate the offer,” Rarity replied with an honest smile.

“Oh, yeah, anytime,” Pony Joe blushed even harder and started to rub the back of his neck. “I’d better go see how the renovations are going, yep,” He managed to choke out before trotting off in the opposite direction, calling out a farewell as he went; “I’ll be sure to stop by sometime, bye!”

Opalescence meowed from inside her carrier a few times, having watched the whole conversation, and deciding it a decent time to comment in the language the unicorn and the cat seemed to share.

“I agree, dear. ‘Tis always a shame when a stallion is too shy to stay around,” Rarity mused. “Come on…” She gripped the carrier in her magical blue aura before proceeding. “…Let’s get you to our new home.” A satisfied, if somewhat impatient meow was her only answer.

The rest of the walk didn’t take much longer for the pair; even if Rarity did slow down to admire the many fancy and alluring products lying just behind the many storefront windows. The two eventually caught site of the building that would be their home for the next Celestia-knows how many years. It was simple, and yet elegant all at the same time.

It was a pearly white that seemed to shine in the sunlight, while the various gold accents traced beautiful symmetrical designs into the walls. They all came together and formed the border for the large empty space above the doorway where her eventual sign would go.

Whatever name she decided on, the letters would be a metallic purple that would instantly catch the attention of any passerby she immediately decided.

But it still needs a name... “Rarity’s Boutique”? No, too plain. “The Princess’s.... something?” Maybe. How about— Rarity’s musings were interrupted by a long yawn, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with her. I’ll work on the name later. For now...

Rarity took the key from her sabblebag and nearly waltzed inside out of pure glee, despite being tired. She set Opalescence’s carrier down and let her have free reign of the property. Rarity went over to the counter at the front of the store’s interior and noticed a business card along with a hoof-written note lying on the expensive marble surface.

Dear Miss Rarity,

The boxes have been delivered to the rooms they were labeled with, and the basic furniture like the bed and kitchen appliances have also been set up. As per your request, the litter box and cat food have been set in the laundry room. The spare key is taped under the counter where you found this note.

Thank you for choosing Flying Ace’s Moving Company Inc. “The fastest, most reliable movers in Equestria!”

Rarity smiled to herself, this day had been going marvelously so far. She left the note where it was and decided to worry about the key and other things at a later time. Now? Now all the fashionista wanted to do was rest. Waking up early in the morning with a minor hangover and spending the majority of the day on The Canterlot Express did not do well on her stamina reserves.

Rarity tried making her way to the stairs but kept stopping along the way, picturing where she would place all the various items for her shop’s ground floor.

Let’s see... I’ll put the dress-forms here, and the sewing machines over there. Perhaps I’ll put the bolts of fabric by the... Another yawn interrupted her thoughts, reminding her of her original plan to get some sleep. Oh fine then, some rest would certainly do me well anyways.

She walked towards the back of the shop and ascended the spiraling staircase that led to the spacious loft. The unicorn walked past the laundry room and noticed her feline friend happily devouring her already-set food. She decided to leave the animal be, and strode across the hall into the master bedroom.

The room was pretty bare and had a very light coating of dust on the floor, but considering she’d quite literally just moved in and was exhausted, she didn’t much care for once. Rarity pulled the curtains on the window that faced over the busy plaza, shutting out most of the light. She walked over to the princess-sized bed and in a not so lady-like manner, flopped down on top of the covers, letting a contented sigh escape as the comfort of her silk blankets graced her coat.

Rarity could quickly feel herself drifting off to her long-awaited afternoon nap and momentarily forgetting how much unpacking there still was. The mare closed her eyes as sleep’s comforting embrace was only moments away…

A series of quick and heavy knocks echoed through the floor beneath her as somepony waited at the front door.

”What now!” Rarity whined. Who in the name of Celestia could be here?

She reluctantly made her way down the stairs and to the front of the store, her eyes threatening to close any moment. Her hoof reached for the solid wood door and she put on her best, though obviously strained smile.

“Yes? May I help you…” Her words drifted off as she noticed who’d been knocking on her door. It was a large Solar Guard, his powerful wings resting at his side and the golden armor giving him an alluring, though intimidating appearance.

“Miss Rarity? Your presence has been requested by her majesty, Princess Celestia. Are you able to go to the castle?” The guards deep, heavily trained voice asked while his serious eyes seemed to stare into her very soul.

Princess Celestia wants to see me? Whatever for?

“Umm… why does she need to see me, kind sir?”

“I was not told, ma’am. Will you attend?” He blinked at her, his voice still holding the same tone of seriousness.

I’m dreadfully tired and in no state to see somepony of such importance. Then again… nopony denies a personal audience with royalty.

“I’ll… I’ll be there after I freshen up a bit,” Rarity sighed, her mouth making the decision before her brain could stop it.

“Very well, I shall tell her right away. Good day, ma’am.” And with that, the Solar Guard turned and took to the sky with a single, mighty beat of his wings and headed directly to the nearby castle.

Rarity shut the door with a frown and turned around to see Opalescence looking at her from across the room with a curious look.


“I’m going out for a bit, dear. I hopefully won’t be gone long. Will you be alright here, darling?” Rarity asked her curious companion. She got a nod in return. Rarity let out a long sigh and slowly made her way up to the bathroom and prepared to take a quick bath.

Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any longer…

“Thank you for stopping by, ambassador. Tell your superiors I shall meet them for the festival this year, and give the king and queen my best regards. ” Celestia smiled and nodded to the Saddle-Arabian native standing below the short flight of steps.

“Yes your highness, I shall report back to them at once,” The tan coated ambassador bowed and turned to leave, the guards opening the door for him as he exited the throne room. A silence befell the royal sisters as their final duties for the surprisingly non-busy day ended.

“Tia? What was all that about?” Luna asked, deciding to break the silence and satisfy her curious mind. “I’ve never heard of this ‘Sun and Sand Festival’ before...”

“It is only held once every few years, and it commemorates the peace treaty Equestria and the Saddle Arabians agreed upon.” Celestia answered quite matter of factually. “It was during your absence when it happened actually.”

“I see...” The younger alicorn trailed off as a few thoughts finished formulating. “Do I have to go as well? You know I do not appreciate warm climates as much as yourself, Tia,” She deadpanned to her sister.

“Don’t worry, Luna. I planned on you staying and watching over the kingdom during my trip anyways,” Celestia flashed a comforting smile. “I know you’ll do just fine.”

“Thank you, dear sister. It is most appreciated,” Luna earnestly smiled in return. A few knocks were heard from the large doors across the throne room. Celestia nodded to the guard ponies and opened the doors, revealing yet another Solar Guard. He nodded to his companions by the entrance and bowed as he approached the princesses.

“Your highness, I have returned and brought news for you,” The pegasus simply stated to the elder alicorn, before assuming a stiff, trained pose.

“Yes?” Celestia arched an eyebrow, anxious.

“I have delivered the message as you have requested. Lady Rarity will be here soon.” He quickly nodded and waited for a reply as he continued to stand at perfect attention.

Celestia allowed a thin smile to play across her muzzle.

“Thank you, you may resume your duties,” The sun goddess nodded to the guard as he bowed once more and quickly marched back to his post.

“Tia? Might I ask what it is you intend to accomplish?” Luna curiously asked from her adjacent throne.

“I am merely extending a generous offer to an Equestrian hero, and giving her a warm welcome to Canterlot, nothing more, dear sister.” Celestia innocently replied. Luna eyed her for a few moments as the gears turned in her head before standing up from her throne.

“I am going to get something to eat, we shall talk later.” Luna said dryly as she walked away. Just before exiting the massive throne room she turned back to Celestia. “Do not forget, We can view the dreams of anypony whilst they sleep, Anypony. Your intentions are not so easily hidden, dear sister,” Luna snickered.

“I will keep that in mind. Enjoy your meal, Luna.”

Celestia smiled as the dark blue alicorn left. Allowing a held breath to escape, she slowly walked up to a nearby stained-glass window, depicting the Elements of Harmony. Her gaze drifted to one pony in particular, a thin smile playing across her lips.

“It will be good to see you again, dear friend. It has been quite some time.”

With her plans in motion, the royal alicorn sister turned away, leisurely walking off to attend to her other duties.

Comments ( 32 )
Comment posted by Brony2893 deleted Dec 20th, 2012

Yep, it's a Rarilestia ship-fic//dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Octavia2.png
In the back of my mind, I've always wanted to do this shipping, but it was the motivational teasing by my editor that really got my creative juices flowing. Surprisingly, there's only one other Rarilestia ship-fic I could find on the internet, and that was the final nail in the coffin per-say. I wanted to have something "new" and as original as possible with this one:moustache:

I love comments, be them good or bad. Any and all are welcomei.imgur.com/eAjva.png

Don't forget to rate and favorite if you liked iti.imgur.com/OzWNB.png

Once again, a big thank you to Azu, Darastrix, and Sinrar for their helpi.imgur.com/CGBhB.png
And yes, you too, Inferno demon Dash:twilightsmile:

An unique combination. Let us see if you can pull it off.

Just wait till you see my next story:raritywink:
Thans for the favorite, btw:yay:


You know what's rare? The elusive Snowflake(Roid Rage) X anything ship. I want to see someone write that.

I debated Rarluna... but even my overactive imagination coudln't really get it to work without really forcing it.:applejackunsure:

Roid Rage shipping?
Challenge accepted:moustache:


Sweet, PM me if you need any help.

I came cross the cove art a few days ago so I have been wondering when it will be posted. This is in my read it later pile.

Well I've read it... yep certainly an off the wall paring that we don't see too often. Can't say much right now but I do look forward to seeing how this will play out... and how you will characterize Celestia.


and so it begins. Though for some reason I see these 2 being quite possible.

Your welcome brother, seriously loved everything about it and the title Lady Rairty is impressive though I'm not a fan of Rarity herself and I really dislike Twilight/Rainbow Dash pairings but as long as they are seriously not the main focus then I can deal...for once.:rainbowlaugh:

I'm sorry, was that the dark, whispered voice of Avarice: Element of Wealth, dark half of Rarity and one of six members of the Elements of Disharmony I spotted? If so....:yay::pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::ajsmug:

If not then maybe next time:twilightsheepish:

To deny a Goddess, I would to see that happen to Luna or Celestia from a mortal pony one day:rainbowlaugh: They would DIE!!!

My second favorite pairing ever: SpikeBelle!!!!:yay::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

And can't wait to see Derpy Hooves, even if it is only minor in this story:moustache:

Luna is best Princess/Goddess:pinkiesmile:

This is going to be good....wonder what other pairings you'll have in this, even if they are only minor.:twilightsmile:

1835364 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to do a Snowflake/Derpy, Rainbow Dash or even Spitfire one-shot, but you stole my chance, MAY THE GODS CURSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah, I'm just playing, impressive ideas though, I like them:derpytongue2:

I never said Derpy would be in this:rainbowhuh:

Rarity/Celestia fic... don't see many of those haha. I like this though... I'll keep an eye on it :twilightsmile:

And reading this I am both intrigued and annoyed. I want to see where this goes and I'm annoyed that your work feels so natural where mine just comes across as forced... Any tips you can divulge?

Oh, well first off, thanks for the compliment:twilightsmile:

As for the rushed feeling a lot of people just like you have? It is not an easy thing to fix, if you read my first fic I ever posted (Please don't:fluttercry:) You'll see it is utter crap compared to my newer stuff. When I'm doing dialogue or a scene I stop literally every couple line and think to myself: "What would real people's ponies reactions be? Would they really be so quick to go about things? How might I add details to this part? How can I refine the wording so everything is smoother?"

tl;dr If the cider episode with AJ and the Flim Flam brothers had a moral, it was quality before quantity:moustache:

I'm sure I mucked up what I was really trying to say somewhere along the way:twilightblush:
But the point is to take your time:raritywink: Thomas Edison didn't get anywhere rushing things, it took him 2000 tries to get it right:moustache:
I really love the hell out of both your SpikeShy fics and I'd love to help you out if you want it. I could pre-read for you if you like?:scootangel:

1919584 Actually would you mind terribly going over the first few chapters of Spike' s out of his Depth. The story I want is there but rereading it it feels almost mechanical, any suggested improvements are welcome, I may send you the fourth (unreleased) chapter to preread if I am not happy with it. Thanks in advance!

You should update this soon.:pinkiecrazy:

Oh. Oh, this is new. This is going straight into my brain.

And that's a good thing, right?:applejackunsure:

2271301 Pfffft No! :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright: Yes, but shhhh.... I don't want people thinking I like new stuff. Still gotta rage about the layout change.

I wonder about Sweetie Belle and Spike though, those two have gotten awful close since my sister took over the business... Not that Rarity had anything wrong with that. In fact, Spike had grown into an admittedly handsome young man; his eyes were now level with most ponies. … and he has the cutest little wings.

As long as this doesn't continue, I'll have no issue with, and genuinely enjoy, reading this fic all the way through~.

Did see at least one error in there:

caught site of the


May be more but speed reads don't do well for catching shit :rainbowlaugh:

This shall definitely be interesting, though.

Ok. following this for now. I really want to know how it continues before I make any in depth judgements.

1835364>>1835629 I haven't read this one yet, but I will do later. (Got an aircraft instruments class to go to!) Anyway, a Snowflake/roid Rage shipping? Don;t see it much, but FanaticGeekBrony's Mane six shipping stories have Snowflake x Fluttershy in them!


Rarity,You are Best pony/changeling(Three sister)/protoss

I like keep you that way


it joke cause Rarity use gems in work all the time like Protoss

It there was fanfic name for the Three sister,where in rarity was changeling

Iiiiiiiiiinteresting. More please. :twilightsmile:

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